Black and Blue (33 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: Black and Blue
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Yeah. He liked the idea. “What’s your next question?”

She thought for a moment. “What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a woman?”

He reached through the water and latched onto her foot, lifting it to massage her arch. As she moaned in pleasure, he said, “I’m doing it right now.”

“That’s sad.”

“Want me to stop?”

“Stop and I’ll poison you with the shampoo, stuff your body in a garbage bag, and set you out on the curb for trash day.”

Won’t laugh.
“That’s quite a detailed murder plan.”

“Well, I don’t want to be caught, now, do I?”

He rolled his eyes and claimed her other foot. “All right, baby boo-boo. Getting serious now,” he said, and she gulped. “You’ve been attracted to me since the moment you met me, haven’t you? You’ve been carrying a torch for me all these years.”

“Ha! I’m being completely serious when I tell you it was hate at first sight. After a double shot of lust.”

He grinned. “Well,
was attracted to

“You were?” she squeaked.

He nodded. “Then you opened your mouth. ‘Hate’ is too mild a word for what I felt then.”

She threw a handful of bubbles at him. “We’ve talked a bit about this, I know, but it hasn’t changed. I’m not even close to your type. Look at these,” she said, arching her back to cause her breasts to thrust up. “They’re so small.”

“I’m looking, and I’m thinking they’re perfect.”

“You’re going to throw out your first lie? Over these?” She cupped them. “Maybe I’ll get implants.”

He went still. “I’m not lying, and you won’t get implants.”


“If you do, I’ll give the doctor who performs the surgery an implant of his own—my fist inside his chest. I will rip out his heart and drink his blood from his boots.”

“You’re serious,” she said, gaping.


Grinning slowly, seductively, she crawled to him and straddled his waist. “That’s a very sweet thing to say.”

“Just being honest. And if you tell me you’re okay with me getting a penile implant, I think I’ll finally put you over my knee and spank you
so hard

She nipped his ear, her breath warm on his skin. “Darling, if you were any bigger, you’d tear me in two.”

The endearment he loved. The compliment he savored.

The woman he adored.

He ran his hands over the perfect lobes of her ass. “Don’t think I didn’t notice the fact that you failed to protest the spanking.”

“Sure, you can spank me . . . if I can spank you.”

His own smile was slow. “Deal.”

She arched a brow. “Not going to try one of your famous bargains?”

“Why would I? I’m getting what I want.”

She laughed.

He loved when she laughed. “Okay, I have one more question before I forget I can use my mouth for talking.” His fingers slid forward and wrapped around her inner thighs, closing in on her sex. “What do you think about tattoos? For or against?”

Shivering, she rasped, “Some are good, some are bad. Why?”

“I used to have a few, but the fire destroyed them, and I’d like to get new ones—but only if my snuggle doodle likes the idea.” Two fingers inched higher. . . .

She licked her lips. “I remember now. You had those strange symbols around your navel.”

Among other things. “And how did you know that, hmm? Did you use to stare at me, princess?”

She slid her hand down his stomach and curled her fingers around his shaft, drawing a moan from him. “One thing has never changed, Mr. Blue. You like to walk around without your shirt. But to answer your question, I’m now one hundred percent
new tattoos. On one condition.”

He reached her center and drew his hands through her slick heat. “Yes?”

Her moan blended with his. “I get to pick one out.”

At the moment, as her grip tightened on him, he would have let her do anything she wanted. “You want me to get a unicorn or a rainbow, don’t you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I want you to get ‘Property of E.B.’ right here.” She ran her thumb from his base to his tip.

“Possessive, are we?”

Her eyelids drooped with carnal hunger. “Very much so.”

He took her by the wrists and folded her arms behind her back. Holding her with one hand, he positioned himself at her core with the other. “Gonna make you so glad you said that, princess.”

And he did.

*  *  *

Forty minutes before everyone was set to arrive, Evie thought. Another forty minutes with Blue.

She looked at the food she’d placed on the kitchen counter, thinking to cook breakfast, then looked at Blue. He sat at the table, watching her, fire crackling in his eyes.

Food—or Blue? There wasn’t time for both. And there definitely wasn’t time to eat the food off each other, as planned.

Blue, she thought a second later. Absolutely. She couldn’t get enough of him, and she wasn’t sure whether the rush of adrenaline just hadn’t dissipated, or if she really was addicted to him and needed a fix—or, hell, if his earlier confession had permanently revved her to all systems go.

Maybe she needed him so much because she feared she would lose him all too soon. He’d said he wanted to be with her. Not just now, but later. He said he was falling for her and he didn’t care what anyone else thought, and she was certain he meant it. At the time. It was easy not to care when there were no consequences.

If Michael fired him, he would lose his agency job as
well as his place on the football team. She could convince Michael to hire him back, no probs, but the damage would have already been done. Resentment would have its claws in both men.

Or maybe her fear was unfounded. Michael objected in the beginning, but once he knew Blue was committed to her, he might just give them his blessing.

Still. Maybe they should forget their bargain and wait until they knew beyond any doubt whether they did or did not love each other. That way they’d know if the potential consequences would be worth the risk.

Could a man in the process of falling in love fall out of love before the actual emotion was achieved?

Probably. Men in love fell out of it all the time. Right?

And what about her? She had never felt this way about any other male. The thought of losing Blue nearly destroyed her.

“What are you thinking about, baby?”

She blinked and discovered he was no longer in his chair. She turned, meeting his gaze. He crowded her against the counter, his body heat enveloping her, his power stroking over her, causing goose bumps to rise.

“You were giving me a come-hither look,” he said, cupping her cheeks, “and then you were frowning.”

To tell or not to tell? “Just thinking about . . . feelings,” she said, then cringed. “How mortifying. That was such a girl thing to say.”

“Well, you’re a girl.” He hefted her onto the counter. “Wrap your legs around me.”

She obeyed.

“Arms, too.”

Again she obeyed. “Feeling bossy, Mr. Hammer?”

“Just tit for tat, snookums. And maybe I’m a girl, too, because I’m one hundred percent invested in this feelings conversation. So, what kind are we talking about? Confusion? Anger?” A pause. “Love?”

“Yes, Evangeline. What kind of feelings?”

Michael’s cold voice echoed through the kitchen, and she gasped. Her father must have come in through the back door. He was clearly programmed into the security system; no alerts had sounded.

Blue stiffened.

Horrified, Evie jumped to her feet and gave him a little push to the side, hoping to urge him out of the room to save him from a confrontation. At least until she’d calmed things down. Because one thing became very clear as she met her father’s gaze. Blue was right. Michael would not be giving them his blessing anytime soon. His eyes were narrowed, his color high. His hands were balled into fists.

Blue remained in place, shoulders back, legs braced apart.

A battle stance.

“Let me explain,” she rushed out.

“Do you really think an explanation is needed?” Michael, who was dressed as a factory worker to disguise his true identity, looked at Blue. “I gave you everything, taught you everything you know, and only asked one thing in return.”

“I realize that,” Blue replied.

His tone . . .

He sounded miserable.

Sickness churned in her stomach.

“It’s my fault,” she said. “I came on to him. He was helpless against my potent seduction.”

Blue scowled at her. “Don’t lie. You’re better than that. But yes, I was helpless.”

“Don’t talk to her like that,” Michael growled, and took a menacing step forward.

As skilled a fighter as he was, he was still recovering from the blast. And Blue, with his Arcadian abilities, would always be stronger. Evie moved between them and held out her arms.

“Let’s take a moment to talk about this,” she said. “I’m an adult. Blue is an adult. What we do with each other affects no one but us. You never should have told him to stay away from me.”

affect me. It affects your life and my ability to—”

He pressed his lips together.

But she could guess what he was going to say. “You’re more upset that you’re losing your resident slut than about the fact that he might break my heart. Do you know how lousy that is?”

“I’m concerned about the loss of those particular talents, yes, but not more than I’m concerned about your heart.”

In a show of comfort and support, Blue draped his arm over her shoulders. She was grateful, and it must have showed. Michael cursed under his breath.

She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Daddy, why are you here so early?”

Like Blue, he planted his feet. “I wanted to see you, to spend some time with you before we got to business.” He held up a paper bag. “I brought you breakfast.”

“Oh,” she said guiltily. “I’m . . . sorry.”

“How long has this been going on?” he demanded.

“Since I broke things off with Pagan,” Blue said.

“Another woman scorned.” Michael frowned at Evie. “Is that what you want for yourself? To be one in a line? Sunbeam, I hoped you would have so much more.”

First, outrage hit her.

Then more outrage.

“Hold on a sec. You gave Blue those assignments, Daddy. You acted as his pimp. You didn’t care that he had a girlfriend when you did it, either. You gave him orders and expected them to be obeyed. And he wanted your approval. Of course he obeyed.”

“I had a choice, Evie,” Blue said, resolute. “Always.”

There was shame in his voice, and she didn’t like it. “It’s not what you did yesterday, darling. It’s what you do today.” She pointed a finger at Michael. “Did you tell all agents to stay away from me, or just Blue?”

A pause. A muscle ticking in his jaw. “Just Blue.”

At her side, Blue stiffened all over again.

He’d just taken a major blow. Had just realized Michael judged him as harshly as Evie once had.

Oh, Blue . . .

He once told her that he
to be faithful. She realized now he wanted it more than anything. He grew up without the love of a family. He had John and Solo, but only during training and missions. He never really belonged to anyone.

She, at least, had Claire and Eden.

“Well,” she said, “that’s probably one of the stupidest things you’ve ever done, Daddy, and as I’m learning, you’ve done some pretty stupid things!”

He opened his mouth to reply.

“Shut up. Just shut up.” She placed her hand on Blue’s chest. “I could play this the way you’d like best. I could dump Blue and tell him it’s because I don’t want to stand in the way of his friendship with you, especially since we aren’t even sure where this thing between us is going. But you know what? You don’t deserve him. Neither do I, but I want him with every fiber of my being. Therefore, I’m keeping him.”


“No. You and the rest of the world might find this foolish, but I trust Blue. He’s not going to take those kinds of mission anymore. Are you?” she demanded of Blue, glaring up at him.

Though there was still hurt in his eyes, there was also a glow of amusement. He shook his head. “No, ma’am.”

“You and you alone have permission to call me anything you want—except ‘ma’am.’ The word makes me think of mom jeans, and I’d rather die.” She turned to her father. “And you aren’t going to offer those kinds of missions to him. You aren’t going to be mad at him for disobeying your stupid order to stay away from me, either.”


“No!” She stomped her foot. “You’re like a father to him. Act like it.”

Michael’s shoulders slumped.

“Now, then. Blue, put the food back in the fridge. Michael, sit down and give me my breakfast. Neither one of you is to say another word until I’ve decided what your punishments are.”

“Our punishments?” they demanded in unison.

She raised her chin. “That’s right. You’ve both put me in a terrible position. One of you was going to make a horrible mistake and ask me to choose. Isn’t that right, Daddy? I was then going to have to murder you both in cold blood. Now, get silent and do what you were told.”

“That still doesn’t explain what I did,” Blue said—
getting silent.

She kissed him without any hesitation. “You are making me fall deeper and deeper in love with you, and I’m furious about it, poppet, I really am.”


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