Black Conley (12 page)

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Authors: Shari Dare

BOOK: Black Conley
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She reached up to touch the part of his body that she knew would give her great pleasure. “I'm more than ready."

Before he entered her, he again massaged her clit, while putting his fingers into her cunt. She had never been this wet before and wished he wouldn't prolong her agony any longer.

While he played with her, she explored the entire length of him with her hand. During her exploration, she accidentally touched his balls. He moaned with delight, prompting her to glide her fingers over the velvety sack. Before she had kept her eyes closed when Ronald fucked her, and her dildo didn't have anything this delightful to play with.

"What are you doing to me, woman?” He removed his fingers and proceeded to slide his entire length into her body.

With him inside of her, she couldn't even begin to answer his question. He was riding her as though she was an unbroken mustang, and she loved every minute of it.

Their lovemaking lasted much longer than she remembered it lasting with Ronald. Time after time Black brought her to the brink of orgasm, only to pull back to prolong the delightful agony. Finally it seemed as though he could no longer deny himself release. They came at the same time, her internal juices mingling with his cum. She could feel it coursing into her body, warming her very being.

It was no wonder that Kate had said he tickled her tonsils. He had tickled far more than that in the time they had spent joined as God had meant.

* * * *

Black lay for several moments, his cock still within her cunt. As it shriveled to its normal size, he realized he had never had sex this good. Maybe it was because she wasn't a paid companion. Perhaps it had been so good because he knew she was relatively inexperienced. The way she touched his balls attested to the fact that the only good fuck she'd ever had had come from the wooden dildo. Reluctantly he rolled off her. “Are you sorry?” he asked, pulling a smoke from the pocket of his discarded shirt.

"Sorry?” she purred. “How could I ever be sorry about making love to you? That is what we did, isn't it? It wasn't just a good fuck like the girls get paid for having, was it?"

He looked down at her. The look on her face was one of pure excitement. The innocence that had been there earlier had been stripped away over the past hour that they'd melded their bodies into one.

"It was far from just a ‘good fuck', as you call it. I thought maybe you were a virgin. That's one thing I won't do is take a woman's virginity. That's something best left for her husband to ... hell, I wouldn't have cared if you were a virgin. I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on you."

"Then you weren't disappointed about my lost virginity?"

Black laughed and pulled her into his arms. “I'm not at all disappointed. The truth be told, I rather enjoyed the way your body responded. Do you want to tell me about the first man to enjoy you?"

"Only if you tell me about the first woman you took to your bed. Was she one of your mother's whores?"

Black smiled. “That was the plan, but my mother was killed and all of the plans were suddenly changed. I never got to enjoy Salina, but I'm certain she could have taught me more than one of her tricks. My first woman was a girl of fourteen. We lost our virginity together and after that, I realized that I didn't want to do that to another woman. Teresa thought that I would stay on my grandfather's ranchero and marry her, but I had other ideas. For all I know she could have my child, but when I left Mexico, I cut all ties with my family. I knew my grandfather would never approve of the life that I decided I wanted to live. He certainly would have approved of the man I killed to avenge my mother's death, though."

He was surprised to see tears running down her cheeks and brushed them away with his forefinger. “It's nothing to cry over. At thirteen, I wouldn't have been a good husband to Teresa. I had too much hate in my heart to even consider loving a woman."

"And now? Do you still have too much hate to love?"

"The hate burned out a long time ago, but I never found anyone worth loving, until now. Since that one time, I've never been with a woman I haven't paid. I always thought it was better that way. It was different with you. I can't explain it."

She reached up and stroked his cheek, making him painfully aware of the fact he hadn't taken the time to shave before bringing the cattle back to the Diamond A. He had wanted everything to be perfect when he made love to her, and he had taken her as though he was a bull servicing a cow in heat.

"I think I know what you mean,” she replied. “I never wanted anything to do with men, not after what happened in Ohio. Then you came along and, well, everything changed. I don't understand it, but I've wanted you so badly. I know it's only been a couple of days, but it seems like a lifetime."

Her comment piqued his interest. “Do you want to talk about Ohio?” He played with her breasts.

She bit her lip and nodded, but only slightly. “It was eleven years ago,” she began. “I was just a kid, really, but I thought I was a woman. The preacher's son, Ronald, came calling quite often. Aunt Mable thought he was a real catch and was already planning the wedding. Ronald said that because we were going to be getting married, we should experiment with sex. He said no one would buy a pair of shoes without trying them on, so why would we not try and see if we fit well together? I was so in love with the idea of being a wife, I agreed. The first time hurt, but he assured me it wouldn't hurt again."

"He used you?"

She nodded. “He most certainly did. It was all about his pleasure, and to hell with mine. When I told him I was carrying his child, he denied that it was his and accused me of being with every boy in the county. I was branded a whore, and my aunt took me to a convent. While I was there, I spent many hours on my knees on the stone floor praying for the redemption of my soul. When the baby was finally born, she was ripped from my arms. I only got to see her briefly. They told me she would go to a good home and that I should forget that I ever had her."

Sobs cut off her words, prompting Black to hold her while she cried. “Does anyone out here know about the baby?” he finally asked.

He could feel her shake her head no. “Everyone thinks I'm a virgin, everyone but Kate, that is. She's the only one I ever told about what happened. She insisted that I buy the dildo. She understood that I didn't want anything to do with the men who came on the stage, but she said I needed some kind of release. It really did help, but it couldn't compare to what we just did."

"We have a long winter ahead of us,” he whispered. “I promise, I'll teach you everything I know about lovemaking."

"And come spring, you'll leave me."

He didn't like the sorrow he detected in her voice. “Yes, I'll leave, but it won't be because I don't want you. I'll leave because I have a job to do and when I've finished here, there will be another assignment waiting for me. Ed keeps me busy."

"I can understand that. I promise I won't make you stay when there's work to be done. I'll be thankful for whatever time we have together and there will be nothing to bind you to me when it's time to leave."

"I hope not, but I also want you to know what it's like to be with a man. The life you're living isn't right. There should be someone to make you complete. I don't want you to ever have to use that dildo again. It's downright unnatural."

They lay in each other's arms and surprisingly fell into a deep sleep. Black was the first to awaken. A cold wind had started to blow, promising a storm in the making.

She stirred in his arms. “We must have fallen asleep,” she said, stretching.

"We did, but there's a storm brewing. We'd best get dressed and get out of here.” He got up and pulled on his clothes. While she dressed, he mended the break in the fence. With the job completed, he turned to see her watching him intently.

"Did you mean what you said before we went to sleep?” she asked.

"Every word and more,” he replied, pulling her into his embrace. “I've never wanted a woman the way I want you. I always thought it was best if I paid for the release I needed. Now I know I was only fooling myself. Paying for something that should come naturally isn't nearly as fulfilling as what we just shared. I know that's how the girls at your place make their living and I don't fault them for that, but I doubt I'll ever pay for it again."

She took two steps forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I was hoping you'd feel that way. I don't expect marriage, but I also want you in my bed for as long as you want to stay."

"What if you find yourself in the situation that you did in Ohio?"

"I won't. The girls told me about a tea that prevents such things. I make it for them every night. Even though I wasn't having sex with anyone, I've been drinking it as well. It's actually quite good, and very relaxing."

Black pulled her into a tight embrace. He wondered if she was pleased that she wouldn't find herself in a family way or if he was disappointed that she wouldn't be carrying his child. The thought was a sobering one. For the first time in the past fifteen years, he wanted to be part of a family. He wanted Belle to be his, not just for the winter but for always, but in his line of work, he couldn't ask her to wait while he went on his assignments. He would be content with what he was allowed to experience for the few months he would be at the Double Bar B. He might even write to his grandfather and let him know that no man's bullet had taken his life.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Seven

By the time they returned to the house, both Black and Belle were soaked to the skin.

"You go on in the house,” Black shouted over the howl of the wind. “I'll take care of your horse."

Belle nodded. She was so chilled, it was all she could do to dismount and make her way to the porch. Once she stepped into the warmth of the kitchen, she began to shake from the chills that overtook her body. “Get her upstairs and out of those wet clothes,” Annie ordered. “I've got water on, heating, so you can have a hot bath."

Kate came to Belle's side and guided her toward the stairs. It didn't matter that water dripped from her hair and clothes all over the clean floors that Annie prided herself on. All Belle wanted was to be shed of the wet garments and warm again.

"What took you two so long?’ Kate asked, once she had helped Belle get undressed and into a warm robe. “We were getting worried about you."

"We had to mend the fence again,” Belle explained. “Before we did, we had the lunch that Annie packed for us and then fell asleep."

Kate looked directly into Belle's eyes, and then picked up the discarded bloomers. “You let him take you, didn't you?"

"I wouldn't say he actually took me. It was more like mutual consent."

"How could you consider such a thing? You hardly know him."

"You're a fine one to talk. Just last night you were saying that I should try it. Well, I tried it, and I liked it. I know him as well as I need to. Besides, you don't know the men who come to your bed."

"That's different."

Belle nodded. “It certainly is. Oh, Kate, I feel alive for the first time since I've come to the Double Bar B. I thought I could take care of my own needs, but there is nothing I can do for myself that can begin to match what Black did this afternoon."

"It was a foolish thing to do. What if he gets you in the same condition that Ronald did? What will you do then, especially when he leaves for the next assignment, wherever that might take him?"

"I won't get with child. I drink the same tea that you and the girls do. What I need from you—from all of you—is to learn what to do to keep him interested."

"You want us to teach you the tricks of the trade? Do you think that's wise?"

"Yes, I do. This might be the only time I get to experience anything like this. I want to learn what to do with the feathers that Janna uses, how to use the whip that Lacy has and what it's like to be tied to the bed and taken without being able to struggle. I also want to know how to do what you do."

"You want to learn how to suck a man's cock and his balls. Belle Barton, I didn't think you'd ever do anything like that."

"You do it, so why not me? I only have until Black gets enough evidence to arrest Clayte. Grant me this one thing. I doubt there will ever be a man who is as receptive as Black seems to be. He was actually concerned with my feelings, not just his own."

"Are you decent?” Roy called from beyond the closed door.

"Yes, I'm decent,” Belle replied.

"Good, ‘cause I got two big buckets of hot water out here for your bath. If someone doesn't open the door soon, I think my arms will fall off."

Kate opened the door to give Roy entrance into the room. Behind him, Black stood, looking like a drowned rat.

"I figured the two of you could share the same water. Just by looking at you, Annie figured out what took you so long. There's no use in filling the tub twice in one day."

He winked slyly and poured the buckets into the tub, then stepped aside so that Black could pour in two more.

"The two of you have about an hour before the eastbound stage is due to pull in."

Belle and Kate stared at the two men in surprise, until Roy took Kate's arm. “I don't think it would be proper for the two of us to stay and watch these two take their baths. Besides, you have to get all prettied up for the eastbound. There's bound to be some gents on there who will need your attentions and you want to look your best. Annie already sent the other girls up to change."

Once they closed the door, Belle began to laugh. “Can't put anything over on Annie, can we?"

"Seems not,” Black said, taking off his hat and starting to unbutton his shirt. “Was a bit unsettling when she first suggested I come up here and share your bath. She told me it was plain as the nose on your face what had happened, and she couldn't be happier. That old woman is going to turn you into a whore if you don't watch out."

"I doubt it.” She stepped forward and peeled the wet shirt and long johns from his body. “There have been a lot of men come to this ranch, but never one that has had the effect on me that you have. I've had more than my share of offers, but I've never taken anyone up on them. You're the first, and will probably be the last. Ronald doesn't count. Even though he gave me a child that I couldn't keep, he didn't awaken my womanhood the way you did this afternoon."

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