Read Black Lies White Lies Online

Authors: Dranda Laster

Black Lies White Lies (3 page)

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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My throat was dry from all the crying and praying. I had walked about a block to where the old corner store had been when I was a child. I started thinking about Lance. I slipped my hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone, scrolling through the numbers. I didn’t know if I should call him now or not. He was most likely in bed with the other early birds. Oh well. Here went nothing.

“Hello?” He picked up on the first ring. “
o? Candice? Is this you?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“What's wrong?”

I paused for a moment as the tears started to flow again. “Nothing. Just wanted to call and confirm our date.”

“Is that the real reason you called?”

“Well, I was just walking.”

“Walking? Where are you?”

“I’m standing here at the corner store.”

“There’s not a store there, Candice.”

“Right, I know.”

“Wait for me right there. I’m coming right down. Just let me throw on some clothes.”

“Ok.” I pushed end on my phone. I stood there waiting in the dark, not even knowing what I was going to say when he got there.

Seems like he got there so fast, I didn’t have time to think. I just stood there, with the tears drying on my face. “Candice, what’s wrong?”

I just stood there, wanting him to hold me. I finally got the words out, “Just hold me, Lance.”

We stood there in the street, holding each other for what seemed like hours. I smelled the sweetness of his cologne I remembered from earlier. He finally broke the silence between us. “Talk to me, Candice.”

All I could do was stand there, looking inside my head, wondering if he too could see through the walls I had built around myself. Lance held my face in his strong hands, looking into my eyes and through to my soul. As he pulled my mouth closer to his I could feel the warmth of his lips. His tongue touched my lips ever so slightly. He parted my lips with his tongue, kissing me with such passion I thought my heart would stop. My mind needed him to stop, but my body refused to listen. “Candice, I’m in love with you” is all I heard through the passion and the fire now burning inside.

What the hell was I doing? “Lance, stop. I can’t do this.”

“Candice, you know I have loved you most of my life.”

He reached for me again and I pulled away. “My mind is in turmoil right now. My mother just died and my father is ill. I just needed to see you.”

“Baby, I’m sorry, I know things are terrible right now but ever since I saw you this afternoon, I knew I had to tell you how I felt, how I’ve missed you, even after all these years. I know we were meant to be together. When I kissed you just now, well, I now know the feelings I have for you have never left.”

“Lance, I can’t do this.”

“Is there someone else?”

“I don’t want to talk about this with you right now.”

“This friend you spoke of earlier, is it more than just friendship? Is that the reason you’re pushing me away?”

“I don’t want to talk about it now, please.”

“Ok, just let me walk you back to your aunt’s.” We walked back to Aunt Sally’s saying almost nothing. “Candice, if you ever want to talk, I’m always here.”

“I know, but…”

“Candice,” he placed his fingers to my lips. “I’m here if you ever need me.”

I could hear Aunt Sally reaching for the door knob, “Candice is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me. I’m saying goodnight to Lance.”

“You’re out awful late tonight, Son.”

“Yes, Ma’am, just talking to Candice for a minute.”

“How’s your folks? Hear your Momma’s been sick.”

“Yes she has been, but she’s better now.”

“Lance, I better go in before she comes out here.”

“Are we still on for tomorrow?”

“Let’s just let tomorrow take care of tomorrow, ok?” I kissed him on the cheek and went inside. I felt so tired at that moment I just wanted to get in bed and dream sweet dreams.


What the hell? A rooster? I had to be dreaming.

I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings and felt calm lying on goose down feathers, which felt like heaven. It had to be 5:00 in the morning. I hadn’t been up this early since college.

I could hear Uncle Tee starting up his truck, getting ready to go to work at the plant. He should be ready to retire soon. He’d been there about twenty five years. Aunt Sally always got up to see him off to work. Twenty five years. That’s dedication. That had to be love.

I rolled to the other side of the bed and thought of Lance and his confession. Not now Candice, you must think of what’s waiting for you in New York. I did not come down here for this. Even though I liked Lance I didn’t see a future for us. I couldn’t stay here. This is the life I hadn’t even wanted not that long ago.

I checked my messages to see what was going on at home. The first message was from my assistant, Brenda. She was both my assistant and my best friend. We had gotten to know each other when I first moved to New York. She was the all-natural Sista.’ Everything was all about back to the roots. She was tiny, about a size two, and loved to dress. She was the fashion expert on vintage clothing.

She was one way at work and another at home. Scents of jasmine always filled her home. She was the first girl I had ever met that used Shea butter on her hair. She always said there is nothing a little Shea Butter can’t cure. But at work she was a powerhouse. She could handle her business as well as any man in that cut throat corporate world. She would always tell me I was too nice. I had better toughen up or I would get nowhere fast.

At first I had thought she was a little rough around the edges but I learned quickly she was right. She was a real city girl, right out of the projects, who had worked her way up, going to City College and keeping her eye on the prize. You could never tell what was going to come out of her mouth. She would say, I’ve got street knowledge and you can’t get that from a book. Good when I need to be and a bitch when I have to be.

“Candice, I know you’re with your family now, but you need to text me so I can give you the scoop on what’s going on here. The Marketing Director is handing out pink slips left and right and everyone’s sitting around biting their nails hoping they aren’t next. Something serious is going on here and your man is at the head of it. Things started going haywire when Mr. Williams’ arrived on the scene. Try and get back to me soon. Love you. Bye.” I wondered what was actually going on.

My man? I honestly wouldn’t call him that. Ashton Williams was head of the Legal Department. He hadn’t been with the company long. The story was he had been brought in to turn the Maxwell Inc. around, a company which handled most of New York’s Imports and Exports. It had been one of the fortune five hundred companies and the chief executives wanted it to be top again. Ashton was one of the ones to bring it back. I remembered the first time we had met.

Tall and handsome, a JFK junior look alike. Smart and attractive. Two things a girl desires in a man but hard to find. To me the dream of this one seemed a thousand miles from reality. But it just so happened that one day a meeting was called in my marketing department, and who was sitting there? Mr. Williams, looking some kind of sensational.


Mr. Maxwell, our boss, was giving the whole introduction spiel on who he was and his entire contribution to the company. Afterwards, as part of the meet and greet, champagne and finger food had been served. He was working the room, smiling like he was everyone's friend, when in reality he was their enemy. “Are you enjoying yourself? I’m Miss Robinson in Marketing.”

“Well, Miss Robinson in Marketing, do you have a first name?”

“Yes, Candice.”

“Candice is such a beautiful name.”

“Thank you, Mr. Williams.”

“When you say Mr. Williams you sound like you’re speaking of my father. Call me Ashton. I’m not that much older than you. Can I ask you a personal question? That accent, you’re not from New York are you? You’re southern. You can always leave a place, but something does remain intact.”

“That’s true, but we can always try. Well, it’s been nice to make your acquaintance.”

“I want to see more of you… in the office, I mean,” he corrected with a smile that showed perfectly straight white teeth. “I must meet some of the other personnel or people will begin to wonder why I’m spending so much time over here.”

“No, that’s perfectly ok.” I was stumbling over my words. I was glad he was leaving. I was starting to sweat. My God. He smelled so wonderful and looked even better in that black Armani suit. His hair black and curly, his skin slightly tanned, as if he’d just gone on vacation for a few days in some place sunny. The smell of him seemed to linger. I have always been a sucker for a man that smells fab.

As we were leaving the meeting, Brenda said, “I saw Mr. Legal Eagle eyeing you. Baby, that tall glass of water is nothing but trouble. You can mark my word on it. I know his kind, black or white, it doesn’t make any difference. Girl, you better watch out for that one. Smooth as that silk suit he’s wearing.”

“I will, Brenda.”

“I just bet you will.”

“I get the message, Brenda. Why don’t we get some work done? I want to get out of here early tonight. What are you doing after work tonight?”

“Going to this jazz club up in Harlem called Fancies. Calvin is taking me. Want to come?”

“No, not tonight. I think I’ll stay here and get a jump on tomorrow. Order some takeout from the Chinese place on the corner.”

“Girl, you know you’re welcome to come if you want. It’s just Calvin.”

“I know, but still I need to stay here just for a while. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Alright. See you then.”

I took some papers from my desk and got started. I picked up the phone to order that carry out and in walked Ashton. “You're working late, Candice?”

“Yes I am. Can I help you with something, Mr. Williams?”

“Like I said, Mr. Williams is my father. Just call me Ashton. Would you like to get some dinner? My treat.”

“I was just going to order take out.”

“What’s better than a sit down dinner? I can’t think of anyone I would rather share a glass of wine with more than you.” His words seem to slide off his tongue. He was so irresistible at that moment, or maybe I just needed a gorgeous man’s attention.

“Why not? This could be fascinating, don’t you think?”

“I know this little Italian place in Manhattan I think you will just love. I’ll call my driver.”

“Let me grab my purse and I’ll meet you at the elevators.”

There he stood, looking fabulous. We got on. “So tell me, Candice, are you always a slave to the job or do you have a personal life?”

“I would like to think I do. I just needed to get a few last minute things done. Why are you here so late?”

“Candice,” he smiled down at me, “I was just asking.”

“The same as you mainly. Just needed to put some things in order.” The elevator doors opened.

It seemed awkward, having dinner with one of my bosses, but I knew I wanted to get to know him better after meeting him at the office function.

“I had hoped asking you out wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. I know we
met this afternoon.”

“I want you to know I don’t make a habit of having dinner with strangers.”

He smiled. “So you do consider me a night stalker.” I had to laugh at that. He directed the driver to take us to Giorgio’s in Manhattan.

As we pulled up at the restaurant he said, “You know, this is one of my favorite places in New York. I hope you like it.”

The first thing I noticed was the authentic Italian music playing through the speakers. It was quite romantic. As we were being seated at the table, Ashton turned to me smiling “I didn’t ask if you liked Italian or not.”

“You should have asked me sooner, don’t you think?” We both started laughing. “I like it fine. Thanks for asking.” The conversation was mostly about work, how I liked working for the company, if I liked the way it was run, what I thought needed improving.

“Well, since you’re asking, I think we need to think about the people and how to make them happy. At least take into consideration the ones that have been with the company the longest. Their loyalty should be rewarded.”

“That’s a terrific idea, happy people make for a pleasant work environment, but there are other things to consider.”

“Yes, but that should be a top priority.”

“Yes, that’s true, but to stay competitive in this business you have to make changes where they are needed.”

“You’ve just arrived Ashton. I’m sure you know the business side, but it takes more than numbers to run a successful company.”

“Enough about business, let’s talk about you for a while, shall we Candice? What brings you to New York?”

“Well, being from a small town, I always wanted to live in the city, and you?”

“My family is from Stamford, Connecticut. I went to school there but I always wanted to broaden my horizons. I’ve always loved it here in New York, with its diverse culture. I lived in Europe for the past few years but longed to be back in the states. So you say you’re from a small town? Where might that be?”

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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