Read Black Lies White Lies Online

Authors: Dranda Laster

Black Lies White Lies (7 page)

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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I would have to find the right store for that. I went into the Shoe Palace. They had my favorite Louis Vuitton’s. I purchased a pink pair, with six inch heels that were perfect.

I sure was going through a lot to impress Lance. I just wanted this night to be in his memory always.

After I was through with my shopping I headed back to Aunt Sally’s. As I drove the hour home, I thought about my sisters and how things between us were strained. That was life.

When I pulled up in front of Aunt Sally’s, Uncle Tee’s truck was parked out front instead of the garage so I parked behind it. Odd.

“Is everything ok, Aunt Sally?”

“Yeah, Baby. Tee must have been tired when he left work, that’s why his truck is out front.”

“I was just making sure things were ok.”

“Candice, you worry too much, things are going fine. Just get ready for your date with Lance.” She smiled at that. How did she know I was meeting Lance tonight?

“I’m going to take a bath and get ready.”

“I know you won’t be eating dinner with us, but I left some in the oven in case you decide to eat later.”

“Ok, Aunt Sally. Thanks.”

Lance is in for a treat, I thought as I started my bath. I’m going to be looking fabulous.


At exactly 8:00 Lance walked up on the porch. He was always prompt. I could see his car from the window. I didn’t want to seem too anxious even though I was. I heard Aunt Sally tell him to sit and I would be out in a minute. I looked in the mirror one last time. The outfit I had purchased looked fabulous. Here goes nothing.

I walked in and Lance’s mouth dropped open. Aunt Sally burst into laughter, “Son, you going to be ok?”

“Yes, it's just that she looks so stunning.”

“Yes, she does, Son, so pick your lip up off the floor,” and she laughed a little harder.

“Are you ready to go?” He gathered himself as we walked out the door. “Candice, you look fantastic. Is all of that for me?”

“Well, Lance, I wanted to look nice.”

“I hope I picked a place to your liking.”

“It doesn’t matter the place as long as we have a terrific time.” Lance opened the door of his black Dodge Charger. “Fast car,” I commented.

“I have the need for speed,” he laughed. “I made dinner reservations at the Peabody hotel in Memphis. I hear it’s unbelievable.”

“You didn’t have to go to so much trouble. It would have been ok with me to eat somewhere here.”

“I don’t think so. A classy lady like you deserves the best and I’m willing to give it to you.”

“That’s nice, Lance. You have always treated me like a lady. Except for when you made me touch worms.” We laughed at the memory as we cruised down the highway. Traffic slowed when we reached the city limits of downtown Memphis. We pulled in front of the Peabody Hotel. Lance handed his keys to the valet as we headed into the restaurant.

The hotel was beautiful, so rich with color and detail. We walked in to the Maitre’d, “The reservations are under the name Jackson,” Lance informed him.

“Right this way, Mr. Jackson.”

The table was magnificent, with candles and the most beautiful white orchids I had ever seen. “Lance, you didn’t have to go through all this.”

“I understand, Candice, but for you I would do anything.”

“What on the menu looks appealing to you, Lance?” I asked after he’d ordered champagne.

“I think I will have the lobster and asparagus tips.”

“That’s sounds yummy, but after eating at Aunt Sally’s these last couple of days, I think I will have the crab salad. Her cooking will put the weight on you.” We sipped champagne and made small talk. “Lance, what are you doing in Atlanta?”

“I own a trucking company. I’m thinking of expanding. It keeps me busy.”

“Really, where to?”

“Maybe further East. Maybe New York.”

I hoped he couldn’t see the shock on my face. “That would be super if that’s what you wanted.”

“The South is an excellent place to live and I do well in Atlanta but maybe, if things go well tonight, we will see more of each other.”

“Well, Lance, we will just see how things go.”

“Candice, is this wishful thinking? Me wanting things to go beyond this? My feelings are still the same. I never stopped loving you.”

“As you know we have been living different lives.” I couldn’t tell him about Ashton.

“Is there someone else that you’re serious about?”

“No,” I lied.

“Maybe I could be that exceptional someone.”

I was saved by the waiter as he placed the food on the table. “Everything looks fantastic, Lance. Why haven’t you married or had a serious relationship?”

“I’m always on the go doing one thing or the other. Before my business got off the ground, I had to stay focused. My hands were also full taking care of Mom and Dad. They did take care of me all my life.”

“Why don’t you just move your parents to Atlanta?”

“They could live with me, but they won’t leave Brownsville. Their life is there and that wouldn’t be in their best interest.”

“You are such a selfless person to see after your folks that way.”

“No, I just love my parents.”

I kind of forked over my salad, thinking. I wished my parents and I had the kind of relationship that Lance seemed to have with his.

“Is everything ok with your salad?”

“Yes, I was just thinking about Daddy.”

“Your father’s going to be ok, Candice, he’s always taken care of himself.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

“You know what? I’ll check on him from time to time to ease your mind.”

“Thank you. The more people checking on Daddy the better.”

We finished dinner and left the restaurant. “Candice, would you like to go down to Mud Island and take in the view? The night is still young.”

“Why not? I haven’t been there in years.” As we headed down toward the river I thought maybe I could have a life with Lance. Now that was wishful thinking.

We parked the car and got out. The moon was shining over the water turning it to black glass. You could smell the muddy water. It reminded me of the times we’d go fishing in the muddy Mississippi when I was a kid. My grandmother would say, I love the taste of mud catfish. It was an acquired taste that most of the people in the South seemed to have. Sometimes I missed the things of home.

“Candice, you seem to be in deep thought.”

“Yeah. I guess I was thinking of the good old times.”

“I know what you mean. Things seem to have changed over the years.”

“Sometimes, Lance, I wish I could go back to simpler times when all seemed right with the world.”

“I know.” Lance put his hands around my waist and pulled me close. “Candice, I could make you happy if you let me.”

I looked into his eyes, brown and warm. “I know you could, Lance, but things are so different now.” He put his lips to mine and kissed me until my head began to spin.

“I love you so much, Candice. Would you please let me love you?”

The sweetness of his mouth stirred something in me and my defenses began to fall. “Lance...” I tried to pull away from his embrace. I knew I couldn’t keep up my resistance for long. My body wanted Lance like it always had. “Stop. I can’t do this.”

Lance heard me. “Stop? You can’t be serious right now. Why won’t you let me love you?”

“This just won’t work, Lance. It can’t work. Things are just so complicated right now. Let’s go, Lance, before thing go too far.”

We walked back to the car in silence. I knew he had to be frustrated with the way I was acting. I just couldn’t tell Lance that I loved someone else. For the first time, I admitted to myself I had feelings for Ashton.

As we drove the highway to Brownsville I didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Let’s just get home. We were about 30 miles from Brownsville when Lance spoke. “Candice, I’m sorry if I took things too far. I didn’t intend to force things. I just have all these feelings for you and I don’t know what to do with them. I won’t let it happen again unless you want it to.”

“Lance, don’t be sorry. Things are just happening too fast.” I sat there thinking of all that had happened in the past few days. Momma dying, Daddy being sick. It was too much to take. I wanted this day to end on a good note. “Lance, I didn’t want you to get wrapped up in all my stuff, and for that I’m sorry.” We pulled up in front of Aunt Sally’s and I started to get out.

“I hope things are OK with us, Candice.”

“Of course they are. No harm done.” I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” As I got out of the car and walked in the house I couldn’t help but feel things were unsettled with Lance and me. I would have to think about that tomorrow.

I walked into the house and saw Aunt Sally sitting in her favorite spot on the couch. “How did things go tonight with you and Lance?”

“They went OK I guess.”

“You guess? You and Lance have known each other for a lifetime. Don’t let anything come between the friendship you and Lance have. They are hard to come by.”

“I know, Aunt Sally, and I won’t. I’m tired. I think I will just go to bed.”

“Ok, Baby. I will talk to you in the morning. By the way, are you leaving tomorrow?”

“Yes. I need to get back to work.”

“Well let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

I walked down the hall thinking about Lance. I wondered if Lance and I would still be together if things had been different. I guess things turned out just as they should have.

I turned the covers back as my mind wandered to Ashton. I didn’t know Ashton the way I did Lance. Lance was my childhood sweetheart and the kindest person I had known. Ashton was the man I loved, or so I thought.

Morning came quickly and I planned to go back to New York today. The morning was going to be a hot one. I could smell cooking from the kitchen. It didn’t matter how hot the day, Aunt Sally was going to cook.

I began packing for the long trip back wishing I would have flown instead of driving. I picked up my phone to check my messages. I hadn’t gotten any from Ashton since I’d been here. I had four messages, all from Brenda.

I listened as I continued packing. “Candice, I hope things are going well there because things are going haywire here. Anyway get back to me soon.” Brenda always made things seem a little over the top. I was sure everything would be ok. I did need to get back though. I actually missed the city and Ashton.

I took a bath and dressed in my traveling clothes. Aunt Sally had made pancakes. I had to get away from all this homemade food or I wouldn’t be able to get through the door. As Aunt Sally and I sat down to eat, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it Aunt Sally.”

I opened the door and there stood Lance. “Can I come in?”

“Sure, we were just having breakfast. Would you like some?”

“No thanks, but I would like to talk to you.”

“Have a seat and I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“Who was that at the door Candice?”

“Lance. He wants to talk”

“Well why are you in here?”

“I want to finish my food.”

“Candice. If you don’t get in there and talk.... You are just stalling, Candice.”

“Your right, but I don’t want to hurt him.”

“Then don’t.”

Here goes nothing, I thought, and walked into the living room where Lance was waiting. “So you wanted to talk to me?”

“Yes, Candice, I do. I wanted you to know that nothing has changed. Things aren’t the way I want them, but we can still be friends I hope.”

“Lance, we will always be friends. Nothing will ever change that.”

“Maybe I could come to New York and spend some time with you?”

“I have to think about that one.”

“Sure. You can just let me know when’s a good time. Candice. I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, Lance.” We held each other for a minute and then he kissed me lightly on my lips. I wanted to be with Lance for the way he always made me feel. I hoped I wasn’t making a mistake.

“Stay in touch, Candice.” I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I watched him walk out the door and wondered why. I knew that there would always be a place in my heart for Lance.

I walked back in the kitchen where Aunt Sally was busying herself doing the breakfast dishes. “Well I guess Lance is gone? That is one of the good guys. He takes care of his folks. I just hope he finds the right girl one day.”

“He will, Aunt Sally. If anyone deserves it, Lance does.”

“I guess.”

“I have a long drive so I need to get up this highway.”

“Yeah, you have a long trip ahead of you. Have you packed everything?”

“Yes I have, I just need to put it in my trunk.”

“We will miss you around here. Tee is always at work or in that garage tinkering around.”

“I’ll miss you too, Aunt Sally.” We walked out on the porch together. I hugged her close. I didn’t know when I would see her again.

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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