Black Lipstick Kisses (12 page)

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Authors: Monica Belle

BOOK: Black Lipstick Kisses
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‘I must go. Lilitu needs feeding, and I've been having problems with writers.'

‘Problems with writers?'

‘Graffiti artists, taggers. They call themselves writers.'

‘Oh. I used to do a bit of that as a kid.'

‘So did I, well, as a teenager.'

‘I found it too crude a medium, but some of it can genuinely be called art.'

‘Sure, but not in my graveyard.'


I moved close to kiss him, then made for the bathroom. No way was I going back in my dress and boots and tourmalines without my face right, so I took a
while making up. It was gone noon when I left, the sky leaden with clouds, the air warm and sticky. I took a bus back, not really feeling up to the walk in my heels with my body still tired from the night's sex.

Michael had fixed me toast, but I was still starving, and got off a couple of blocks from the church, just as soon as I'd seen that Snaz's top was still safely in place. I bought milk, dog food and a packet of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, just right to see Lilitu and myself through the day, and set off alongside the railway arches. I hadn't gone fifty metres when I saw it, a huge double piece, painted on the old dark brick of the railway – Snaz and Biggy.

I couldn't help but smile. They were still up, out but not down as it were, painting for all they were worth but not in All Angels. That was just fine by me, British Transport Police can take care of themselves, and while it was desecration to bomb the church, on the drab arches it was a definite improvement. It was a great piece too, far beyond anything I could have done.

The letters were taller than me, and had real style, both pieces. Biggy's were balloon fat, as if each were about to burst, in brilliant purple with silver highlights fading in through mauve and black low lights through indigo. The background was silver, and ended in a dead straight diagonal where the roof of some long vanished building had once been cemented to the bricks, creating a perfect boundary for the vivid pink background of Snaz's piece. His letters were a riot of colour, crazy interlocking snakes of violent electric blue, sky blue, his trademark green and a rich leaf green, each picked out with darker lowlights to bring the whole thing into relief.

To do it they had had to climb onto the roof of a
garage and in some cases up on the big hooks supporting the cables for the railway, risky stuff, and I knew. Even when I'd taken in the letters I was still trying to figure out how they'd reached some parts. It was signed ‘
', obviously their crew name but not something they'd ever used at All Angels.

I only walked on when my arms started to tire from the weight of my shopping. At the end of the alley I put it down briefly to rest and glanced back for one more look at the piece, knowing it might well not last long. It looked even better from a distance, the blend of colours finer, and with a train on the railway above. I wasn't the only admirer either. There was a girl taking a photograph. I'd have done the same if I'd had a camera, but it made me pause for thought.

She was my age or a bit less, pink hair, crop top, bare midriff, low-rise jeans, Timberland's. As she turned to get a different angle I saw that the top of a pink thong showed over the waistband of her jeans, cutesy, very cutesy. She might have been an art student, someone wanting to be a photographer or a reporter, just someone who got a kick out of graff, except for the Timberland's. Everything else she had on was made for showing out, the boots were not.

I watched her, wondering if she could just possibly be Snaz. There was something girlie about the style, and while one of the people I'd heard in the graveyard had undoubtedly been male, the other had just hissed. I hadn't seen anything more than the outline of a hoodie, but her height seemed right, her build reasonable. She was certainly taking an interest in the piece, photographing it repeatedly, and she seemed well pleased with herself.

She hadn't seen me, I was sure, a thick overhang of
sycamore on the railway plunging the turn of the alley into deep shadow. So I watched for a while, wondering if I should pass her and see if she recognised me. If she did, she had to be Snaz, but she was hardly likely to be friendly. I was going to do it anyway when the question was answered.

A man stepped out from the café at the far end of the alley – young, black, pushing six foot and hefty, a sandwich in one hand. He came towards the girl, grinning, turned to look up at the piece, slapped hands with her and walked on. She slipped the camera into her pocket and quickly caught up with him. He had to be Biggy, and that made her Snaz. I melted into the shadows.

As on the nights before, All Angels was untouched, Lilitu undisturbed. I double-checked, walking her right round the outside wall, even under the sycamores that were rapidly forming a copse at the bottom. There was nothing, not so much as a beer can or a fag end, and I went in certain that I really had succeeded. Snaz and Biggy had moved onto other things, the others likewise. I was secure in All Angels, and if I had to confess to a faint sense of disappointment as I lay thinking on the roof that afternoon, it was a minor thing.

The major thing was Michael Merrick. I had to go back for my modelling session later, once he'd caught up on sleep. We'd fuck, and I wanted to, but our conversation that morning had spoilt something of the intimacy I'd felt for him. In telling him about communion I had revealed my most private secret, and while he had accepted it, he hadn't believed. I wanted to prove it to him, to make him just a little less certain, just a little less smug. Only then would I be able to let myself go completely the way I had the night before.
Just a suspicion, right at the back of my mind, suggested he'd done it on purpose, to make me more determined. If it was true, then he'd succeeded.

How to go about it was a very different matter. First I needed to prove it to myself, because Michael had sowed the seeds of doubt in my mind, which was not good. When I had the time, and was a little less sore, I was going to have to select an important tomb, probably in another cemetery, indulge in communion, see what happened and then find out about the person. Ideally I would be led there blindfolded, but that raised the complication of having someone else to help me, someone I could trust. It could hardly be Michael, and Stephen only if he was then prepared to go away and leave me in peace. He could hardly be expected to be happy about that.

The situation with Stephen was another problem. After the way Michael and I had been it was impossible to tell him about Stephen. We were lovers, but we hadn't set out the dos and don'ts of our relationship. Generally I don't bother, and it puts me off when men do, as it might well put Michael off if I did. Stephen was a different matter. I was sure he was only waiting his moment to make it clear that he was only in it for the sex. That was fine, and would give me an excuse to tell him about Michael. If he didn't like it that was just too bad.

Had it not been for Michael's condescension I would have been ready to drop Stephen. As it was I didn't see why I shouldn't have both, at least for the time being. In bed Michael had been uninhibited but very male. Everything centred on his cock and where he could stick it. That was great, so far as it went, and he had licked and kissed plenty, but not in the way Stephen
did it. With Michael it was raw passion, with Stephen it was . . . almost worship.

I climbed down from the roof with the sun already turning the lead dull gold. Michael would be waiting, I knew, but I felt only a little of the urgency I had the night before. Not that he seemed to notice one way or the other, greeting me with a friendly kiss that quickly turned into an open-mouthed snog. He was hard to resist, and I'd have gone for it if he'd pushed, but he broke away, turning back to the art desk.

‘OK, I need some expression here. This is the second spread. You're with the cabal, you're talking, discussing the import of the ritual deflowering and why it didn't work.'

‘It didn't?'

‘No. The idea is that an act of extreme debauchery will draw in the spirit of the Goat of Mendes, the Regency cabal leader, yeah?'


‘It didn't happen and you're taking it over. Most of the cabal are just background, but there's the founder, Albrecht Dawes.'

He pointed to the page, where he'd drawn a face that radiated confidence and strength, also evil. It took me a moment to realise he'd modelled it on his brother Chris.

‘He's been something of a Svengali figure to you, Bernadette . . .'

‘Why Bernadette?'

‘A strong name but a pretty one, I thought. It's hard with female names. You don't want to be too corny, or too soft, or too harsh. Not only that, but Bernadette's a name I can use equally well for both the British version and the French one.'


‘So think Bernadette. You started out much as you really are, and you've been drawn into Albrecht Dawes's cabal. You're no innocent though. In fact you're already starting to break away from his influence. He thinks the details of the summoning were wrong. You think sodomising Dave simply wasn't debauched enough. It's getting quite heated.'

‘I'm with you.'

I sat down on a chair he'd set out in the middle of the floor and waited while he set up a big spotlight just a few feet from my face. The bulb was deep yellow, and not all that powerful, but I could feel the heat. I tried to think of myself as Bernadette, myself but older, with more knowledge. Could I have lulled a young man into a false sense of security with the promise of sex and then sodomised him on an altar?

The answer had to be yes. He'd wanted sex, and he'd got it, perhaps not quite the way he'd expected, but then who does? Perhaps he'd been pushy, cocksure, laddish, the sort of man who thinks it's funny to come in a girl's face. I'd met them, like Johnnie Moore, ‘RJ', who I'd been on a date with shortly after I'd left school. He'd been the best-looking boy around, the dream date for just about every girl I knew, and a complete bastard. Yes, I could have buggered him as he writhed on an altar, happily . . .

Michael broke into my thoughts.

‘Perfect, that look I have to capture.'

He'd already done it, penning the expression on my face as I had considered how RJ would have looked with eight inches of rubber dildo stuck up his bottom. I looked evil.

Michael continued.

‘Now you're talking to Albrecht Dawes. You know the ritual of summoning was right. You went over every detail yourself. You don't like to be doubted.'

I focussed on being Bernadette, skilled and methodical. Like me she would read avidly, taking in every detail to feed her craving for knowledge, my craving. I would know I'd surpassed my mentor, and that he knew it too, his doubt driven more by envy than anything rational. I'd have said from the first that it was no good merely sodomising Dave. Dave needed to be corrupted, to be brought to the point where he revelled in the act, crawling naked on the floor with his anus lubricated, on my chain, begging me to have him, whip him and fuck him . . .

‘Great, beautiful. Now you're trying to persuade him that it would be better to corrupt Dave.'

‘That's exactly what I was thinking.'

‘We think alike, you and I, Dusk, we really do. Go for it.'

It was right. Debauchery needs compliance. Albrecht could see it only as something to be imposed on another individual, a typically male view, and wrong. Dave had to be shown how to take full pleasure in his body, to throw off everything society had taught him, to delight in the penetration of his anus, in licking my pussy and bottom, in sucking other men's cocks, their balls, defiling himself on the floor for my amusement.

‘Wrong frame, but good. More aggression, less lust.'

He'd filled in the last frame, showing my face in gleeful triumph and not a little lust. It made me laugh, and he was grinning as I once more tried to focus, this time without getting carried away.

I, Bernadette, understood the concept of debauchery. I had more flexibility than Albrecht Dawes, taking in
broad ideas from the full width of human experience while he concentrated on the handful of men he respected as Masters, all long dead, all dedicated to Satan. The most he could ever hope for was to equal them, never to move on, and it was his hidebound view that was holding us back, fiddling with symbols and arcane detail instead of celebrating his Master with lewd acts . . .

‘Perfection, so intense, so determined. I couldn't do this with a professional model, not ever. Registering is all very well, but you understand what I need in a way they never could.'

‘You use models a lot then?'

‘Only recently, now that there's some cash coming in.'

He was amazingly fast, sketching three ovals to create an approximate head shape and adding lines in sudden, precise strokes, so that even as I watched my face grew from the page, rough but recognisable, with the expression he wanted painted clear. Even as he spoke he still drew, filling in details apparently at random, shapes, shade, borders, always gently. The heat from the lamp was beginning to become uncomfortable and my muscles were starting to stiffen, so I was glad when he finally stopped and declared himself satisfied.

‘Enough for now, I think. That's coming on nicely.'


I gave him my most wicked smile and stretched, wincing as the blood flowed back into my limbs. We'd been at it for an hour, although other than my aches and pains it felt less, and I was in need of coffee, and more.



‘Why bother with the bed?'

‘Suits me. I don't suppose you've invested in one of those strap-on things?'

It was a shame he hadn't had a strap-on, or he would have got it where it did the most good. After that I wouldn't have felt he was being condescending to me, whatever he'd said. We went to bed anyway, for another night of unbridled passion, although not quite so unbridled as the first. Again I rose late and took the bus back to All Angels, with the promise of seeing more of him during the week and another modelling session at the weekend.

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