Black Lipstick Kisses (27 page)

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Authors: Monica Belle

BOOK: Black Lipstick Kisses
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‘Put it here, Stephen, darling, and make yourself comfortable. Snaz and I are going to give you a little show.'

I'd pulled the old chair up to the edge of the circle of candlelight as I spoke. With the mattress in place among the candles, Stephen sat down. Snaz threw herself on the mattress, her eyes glittering in the light, her mouth a little open, drunk and aroused, ready for sex. I poured a brandy, half a coffee mug full, and passed it to Stephen, bobbing him a curtsey as he took it. He replied with a cool, superior smile, and adjusted his cock in his trousers as I skipped away.

‘Come on, Snaz, let's give him a good perve over us.'

She was ready, opening her arms to take me in without the slightest hesitation. I kissed her mouth, cuddling into her, her body warm against mine, her
breasts pressing to my chest. Folded in each others arms, our mouths came open together, kissing with real passion. I let my hand stray to her bottom, feeling the full softness of her cheeks and thinking of how she'd been spanked, her bottom bare in a lonely wood, and mine, side by side together. She responded, inching my dress up my legs, and higher. I paused, kneeling to pull it off, my sudden nakedness sending a new thrill through me. Snaz pulled me down, to kiss my face, my neck, my breasts, taking my nipples into her mouth.

I was lost, my passion beyond the point at which I could think of anything but my friend's soft, yielding flesh, and the fact that we were being watched. It was real, no show, and as I began to tug Snaz's dress up it was because I wanted her more than to show her to Stephen. She let me, giggling as the dress was pulled up over her head and away. Her hands went straight behind her back, to snip her bra catch and let her breasts free, straight into my waiting hands, full and heavy. I took a nipple into my mouth, sucking as she had done to me, even as my hand fumbled for her panties.

They came down, pushed roughly off her hips and kicked away. We were bare, our bodies together, warm and urgent. I'd meant to hold back, but I couldn't, twisting around and pulling her on top of me, head to toe. Her thighs came open above my face, her pussy right in front of me, moist and ready, her scent strong in my head, and James O'Donnell, urging me to lick, to stick my tongue right in, to kiss her bottom, to make her come . . .

I didn't need the encouragement. I buried my face in her even as my thighs came up to pull her head into my own pussy, and we were licking. Her full bottom
was in my hands, her cheeks and thighs spread wide, my mouth open on her pussy, feeding on her, clumsy and urgent in my passion. She slid fingers into me and I returned the favour, up her pussy hole, and her bottom too, making her shudder as she was penetrated. I felt my pussy tighten and suddenly I was going to come. She sensed it, dabbing at my clit, and I was there, licking frantically at her pussy, my fingers jammed deep in her body, my thighs tight around her head, a long moment of blinding ecstasy, rising to burst in my head, falling, only to rise again, and again burst.

It left me panting and dizzy, my head back, gasping for breath. Snaz was having none of it, and sat up even as I pulled my fingers out, giggling as my face was smothered beneath her bottom. Stephen gave an ecstatic groan as I once more began to lick, tonguing Snaz's pussy as she wiggled into my face and laughed in sheer delight at what she was doing. I could barely breathe, but busied myself with helping her to the same exquisite pleasure she had given me, lapping at her clit. She moaned, I felt her bottom tighten in my face, and she was there, crying out as she came and squirming herself hard into me. I took it, licking until she'd finished and dismounted, to break into fresh giggles as she saw the state of my face.

I slapped her bottom for her and rolled over, propping myself on one elbow to see what Stephen was up to. His eyes were glued to us, his erect cock sticking up from the fly, the head purple and glossy with pressure, the shaft squeezed tight in his hand. I smiled and beckoned. He stood, starting towards us, but I immediately wagged a finger at him.

‘Uh, uh, not so fast. If you want to join us you strip too. All the way, and you only do as I say. OK?'

He nodded immediately, as if his head was on a spring, and I was in charge, simple as that. I lay back as he began to strip, naked and content, warm with drink and sex, full of joy and wickedness. Snaz snuggled into the crook of my arm, also watching as Stephen peeled off. He did have a good body, and the state his cock was in made me want to open my mouth for it, and my legs.

I held back, twisting round as he knelt down on the bed. He was looking eager, but a little uncertain, holding himself and eyeing our naked bodies. Snaz saw, and cupped her breasts in a gesture at once insolent and inviting. He gave me a single glance, I nodded, and he had taken them in his hands, his face set in rapture as he felt them, sending her into fresh giggling. I let them get on with it, extracting the dildo and harness from its bag, faced away as I pushed one leg in, and the other. It was Snaz who noticed.

‘What is . . . oh fuck! Dusk, what are you like!'

I grinned down at her, flourishing the huge rubber cock. Stephen's mouth had come open, and he was staring, his hands still on Snaz's breasts. She was staring too, and biting her lip.

‘What . . . where do you think you're going to put that thing, Dusk?'

Just the tone of her voice filled me with cruel glee, and at that instant I realised why men are always talking about shagging girls and never shagging

‘Shut up and bend over. I'm going to fuck you.'

She swallowed, but she went up on all fours to present me with her bottom, her cheeks wide, her pussy ready, her bottom hole showing, all of it pink and moist, an open invitation to fucking. As I knelt
down she looked back, her pretty face full of lust but so uncertain. I put the cock head to her pussy hole, her mouth came wide in a gasp as I pushed, and in it went, stretching her wide, filling her. She was moaning and grunting as I began to fuck her, and I was laughing, watching the thick black shaft slide in and out of her pussy, the way her flesh moved to the pushes, and the way her bottom hole twitched in her pleasure.

Stephen gave me another of his guilty, uncertain glances, and as I nodded my permission he offered his cock to her mouth. She took it immediately, and she was being rocked back and forth between us, a cock in each end, a fantasy I'd had so many times, and often hoped to indulge, but never taking the place of one of the men. Again I was laughing, cackling, in evil, gleeful lust, fucking my friend as she sucked cock, in and out as she moaned in pleasure, rude and wanton, too high to care for anything but pleasure. I was watching her flesh move, admiring her beautiful, open bottom, her tight waist, the swell of her breasts as they swing beneath her, the movement of her hair as she sucked on my man's erection, revelling in every detail. It would have been easy to come, just rubbing myself on the base of the dildo, which had a little bump for just that purpose. I was going to as well, but later. I pulled out.

‘Up you come, Snaz.'

She immediately came off Stephen's cock, rocking back on her heels. Her eyes were half-focussed, her chin wet with spit. Her mouth curved up into a dopey smile as she turned to me.

‘That was nice, Dusk.'

She came close, to kiss me, and for a moment I tasted Stephen's cock in her mouth, before I had pulled
her gently back. Stephen was waiting patiently, nursing his erection and drinking in the sight of our bodies. I beckoned him.

‘Your turn now, Stevie baby.'

He shuffled forward.

‘Perhaps like you were . . . sixty-nine, and I can go in you, Angel? Would that be all right?'

I wagged my finger at him.

‘Uh, uh, nothing like that. Not yet anyway. When I said it was your turn, I didn't mean you got to fuck me, or Snaz. I meant I got to fuck you.'

Snaz immediately burst into uncontrollable giggles. Stephen went beetroot, his jaw dropping, along with his eyes, to leave him staring at the huge black phallus protruding from my crotch. I smiled sweetly.

‘Over you go, just like Snaz.'

‘But . . . Angel, I . . .'

‘Uh, uh, no nonsense. You want to play with me and my friend you do as you're told. Behave, and you might get all sorts of goodies. Misbehave, and . . .'

He nodded vigorously. I leant into the bag again, to pull out a tin of the chrism oil. Snaz was still giggling, and had moved to the side, chewing on one finger in delighted anticipation of seeing Stephen buggered. He got down, slowly, never taking his eyes off the dildo as he turned his back. I opened the oil, stuck my finger in, making a deliberate show of greasing the fat black head of the dildo. Stephen went down, his buttocks spread to me, his erect cock sticking down, the skin so taut it seemed about to break. I took the dildo in hand, pressed it to his bottom.

‘Snaz, be a sweetie and attend to his cock while I bugger him.'

She shuffled close, still giggling as she reached under
his belly to take his cock in hand. I pushed. Stephen gasped as his bottom hole spread and I was filled with savage glee as the head of the dildo went in. Again I pushed, and he was whimpering and grunting, his whole body trembling as the dildo slid slowly up, bit by bit, until the full length was immersed in his body.

I was laughing again, more gleeful than ever, full of truly wicked delight, which grew quickly stronger as his moans and whimpers became more passionate. Snaz caught it too, giggling insanely as she stroked and teased his cock and balls, hugely enjoying herself. Suddenly she had begun to spank him, crowing with delight as her hand slapped down on his flesh.

‘This will teach you to perve on us, Mister!'

He gasped, and then he was babbling.

‘Yes . . . please . . . tell me . . . like that . . . and make me come!'

‘He likes it! The dirty pig!'

‘Yes, I do. Say more . . . please, Snaz . . . please, Angel.'

She began to spank harder, and so did I, a cheek each, quickly reddening his flesh, the dildo still moving in his bottom. He was really trembling, his muscles tight, his head hung low and shaking, whimpering with pleasure between gasps as we slapped at him. Snaz grinned at me, her eyes bright with the same cruel lust that was coursing through me. She spoke, her voice rich and thick, heavy with mockery.

‘Oh, he is a dirty pig, isn't he? Imagine taking it up the bottom, the little tart! What should we do with you next, Stephen. Maybe we should put you in a dress?'

‘Yes, please, yes . . . do that.'

‘Yeah, and panties and bra!'

‘Please . . . oh, please.'

I had to go for it.

‘Yes, all pink and frilly, and make him suck another man off!'

Snaz exploded into drunken laughter. Stephen gave a long, hollow groan and then he was babbling once more.

‘Oh God, yes. Do it . . . do it to me . . . make me suck your boyfriends off. Oh please . . . yes, please. I'd do it . . . I would.'

‘Would you? Would you take their big dirty cocks in your mouth and suck them 'til they came, would you?'

‘Yes . . . I would. I would.'

‘I wonder if he'd spit or swallow?'

‘I'd swallow . . . swallow. No, you'd make them do it in my face. Oh yes, please . . . do it to me!'

I was going to come, just listening to him babbling in his debauched ecstasy and rubbing my pussy on the dildo embedded so deep up his bottom. It was so dirty, so funny, so exciting, and as something stirred beyond the circle of candle flames I was shouting.

‘Now, Snaz, make him come! Tug hard! Go on, Stephen, do it, take my boyfriend's cock in your mouth . . . suck him while you come . . . go on!'

Stephen gasped in shock and tried to lurch away as Michael stepped from behind the pile of debris, naked, erect cock in hand. But I had him, and he was too close to orgasm to stop himself, giving one last moan of utter despair before he took the erect penis into his mouth and began to suck on it. As I saw it, I began to come myself, my pleasure rising higher and higher, my eyes glued to the junction of cock and mouth. Snaz gave a squeal of disgust and delight as Stephen spunked in her hand and I was there, screaming out my ecstasy as my head went back, to meet the gaze of the
goat, full on, and I was gone, no longer me, no longer with Snaz or Stephen.

I was in the same crypt, a demented she demon, horned and fanged, my body scarlet, a grotesque phallus sprouting from above my hungry cunt, mounted on one man, in another, their bodies jerking as I ravished them. Men were screaming, scrabbling to get away from me, men in cowled robes, terrified, all but the man inside me, who was cackling in insane glee as he watched his colleague buggered. It was James O'Donnell, I knew, and there was one other, behind me, one for whom I held no fear, one who was about to push his great burning cock up my bottom, my Lord – Michael.

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Epub ISBN: 9780753523438

Version 1.0

Black Lace books contain sexual fantasies.

In real life always practise safe sex.

First published in 2004 by

Black Lace

Copyright © Monica Belle, 2004

The right of Monica Belle to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

ISBN 9780352338853

All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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