Blackblood Bear (A Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (The Agency Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Blackblood Bear (A Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (The Agency Book 2)
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Justin sensed that in her look and his hands swept under her legs once more, lifting her ass up off the bed as he sat back on his knees. Only her shoulders were on the bed now as he effortlessly held her aloft and began to thrust into her.

“Holy fucking shit,” she said, eyes wide as he slid deep inside of her with every movement, the angle brushing perfectly against her insides. “Yes, just like that,” she managed to get out as he sped up, the words barely escaping through the cascading sensations that once again threatened to overwhelm her brain.

Without warning, Justin picked her up and roughly pushed her into the wall, holding her aloft. This time, however, they were naked and his cock was thrusting deep inside of her as they kissed.

liked this version better.

Justin’s grunts and groans mixed with her louder moans and cries, filling the small hotel room with the noises of their coupling. After a while on the wall he put her down, bending her over the bed as he stepped up behind her, his cock pushing inside of her again.

How is it he almost came when I was sucking his dick, but now he’s like Superman?
The thought came in several disjointed pieces as his hands pulled her hips back into him, ramming his cock deep into her with every stroke. By this point Shay had lost count of how many times she had climaxed.

“I want your cum all over my tits,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him as she said it.

As if that was all the sign he needed, Justin’s eyes bulged slightly at the same time she felt his cock swell.

Swinging around, she dropped to her knees and pressed her arms together, giving the big shifter an impressive eyeful of cleavage as he exploded on them, huge globs of white-hot cum splattering across her. One wayward stream splashed along her cheek, but she didn’t care at that point, lost in the moment as she watched Justin’s face reflect the pleasure of his climax.

Fuck, he’s hot.

The thought echoed through her mind over and over again as he shuddered to a halt and collapsed next to her on the bed, leaving her covered in his sticky load.

Shay just smiled and reached for the champagne bottle.

What fun was sex if it wasn’t a little messy?




Chapter Ten


“Does this place have a breakfast included with it?” he asked as they emerged from the shower, steam billowing out after them.

“Yeah, and it’s a good one,” she said, following him out, naked except for the towel she was using to dry her hair.

Justin eyed her up and down for the hundredth time that morning, still enjoying the view. He’d seen it all through the night, but in the fresh morning light, well, he felt he needed to do it again.

“Stop ogling me you pervert,” she teased, flicking the towel in the direction of his exposed privates.

“Whoa!” he shouted, jumping back, the empty champagne bottle going spinning across the floor as he accidentally kicked it. “Foul play!” he cried, using one hand to cover himself and the other to ward off her further “attacks.”

Shay giggled and dropped the towel, pressing herself close to him as they shared yet another kiss. She was—he had discovered—a very passionate and expressive person.

He had also discovered that he loved that. He held her in his arms, a wondrous expression at the change in their relationship over the past twenty-four hours emblazoned upon his face. Justin had come to the hotel expecting to tell her everything, and then leave.

Instead, Shay had surprised him—again, he really needed to stop underestimating her—and had shown a surprising resolve and understanding about what it was he did, and who he was. It was almost unbelievable.

Justin knew he lived in a dark world. His unique skills ensured that he lived a life in shadows. The shifter world was one of extreme brutality and excessive death.

But damn did it make the spots like love burn all the brighter around him.

“Can I meet your team, your crew?” she asked as she crossed to the four-drawer dresser at the foot of the bed, pulling open the top one and selecting a pair of underwear and a bra seemingly at random. Justin was sure there was a lot of thought that went into it, but to him, she just jammed a hand in there.

He shook his head and focused on her question. “Absolutely!” he said.

Something that she’d said came back to him.

“It’s been a while now since you last raced, right?” he asked her, a small idea forming in his mind.

“Unfortunately,” she said sadly. “My street-legal car wasn’t where I spent any money. It’s pretty damn slow.”

“Did you wanna go for a ride today?’ he asked, a grin splitting his face.

“On your bike?” she asked, brightening immediately.

He nodded.

Shay’s eyebrows furrowed. “You aren’t going to crash again are you?”

Justin felt his jaw drop open in surprise. “Oh my God. You did not just say that, did you?” he asked, feeling heat bloom on his cheeks and assuming they had flushed a dark red at the reminder of the way the two of them had met.

Clad now only in underwear, which he was positive made her even more attractive, Shay grinned broadly. “Maybe you should let me drive,” she suggested.

He grabbed at his heart, feigning injury. “Oh, ow. My dignity,” he said in mock-pain.

“Shouldn’t have wrecked your bike trying to impress me,” she teased, giving his butt a spank as she dug through their mess of clothes before coming up with her pants.

“I was just trying to stay alive,” he muttered, pulling on his pants. As he did, her socks from the day before fell from them, having somehow gotten tangled up.

“Well, I’m glad you did,” she said, turning away.

Justin stood up. “Hey,” he said, waiting until she turned to face him before launching the dirty socks at her.

“Did you just do that?’ she asked in disgust over the howls of laughter coming from him.

“Damn straight I did,” he admitted without shame, sidling up to her and kissing her neck and earlobe gently, until she swatted him away. “Later,” she said with a wink.

“I’m going to take you up on that,” he said slyly, going in search of his shirt.

“Well, we’d better not crash then,” she said, ducking out of the way as he sent a pillow flying her way in response.

“I’m never going to live that down, am I?” he complained.

,” she said evilly, finishing dressing and heading for the door. “Now let’s go get some food, shall we?”

He smiled and followed.

Life was looking up.


The smile was still on his face hours later as he jogged into the command center, long after he had dropped her off to resume her search for her dad.
No. Her father, not her dad. She was very specific about that. They’re family, but she’s never been extremely close to him.
It explained why Shay wasn’t out desperately searching for him every minute of the day. All she had were a few photographs, and a three-month-old trail at best. It seemed to him like she’d already given up hope, and was just going through the paces.

Justin wished he could help her, but his team needed him.

They had a mission.

He stuffed the second picture Shay had given him of her father into his wallet. This time it was a more clean-cut looking fellow compared to the beard and shaggy-hair sporting man in the first one. Brown eyes, a crooked nose, and a gap-toothed smile complemented the black hair. The nose, smile, and a mole on his left cheek made him rather identifiable in a crowd, if Justin ever did happen to see him. He’d promised to keep his eyes open for her, but the vague description of what her father did wasn’t exactly much of a help. It sounded like he was a security guard of some sort, but he didn’t know.

With a helpless shrug he filed all that information away, opening his brain up to what he was about to be told. For the moment, the mission was his priority.

“Okay, now that you’re all here,” Madison said without preamble. “Extraction mission.”

Justin nodded. Those were the bread and butter of his team.

“Location?” Jared asked.

“The warehouse you located the other day,” she said without hesitation.

The entire Sentinel team sat up straight in their chairs. This was not the standard evacuation mission.

“This is a rescue mission,” Justin said after a split second as his mind processed everything.

“Correct,” Madison said. “You were going to extract them later this week, but it appears the Agency got wind of them first. One of our trackers spotted them moving in and departing with the shifter. He tracked them to the same warehouse.”

Justin frowned. The spotters were human elements of the Underground, people who volunteered to go out in the field to do nothing but reconnaissance. It was a hugely risky job, and he respected all four of them currently working for Madison.

“This is a trap,” he said bluntly before Madison could go any further. “It has to be.”

To his surprise, Madison didn’t argue. “I agree.”

Justin blinked in surprise, fumbling for a different set of words compared to his first.

“So why are we going then?” Jared asked.

“Because it’s a good time to turn the tables on the Agency,” Madison said simply.

He frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense. Us going in there after this guy is exactly what J and Baldy are going to want. This is going to be a trap, designed to ensure we don’t get out. Why would we willingly walk right into that?”

The smile that played across Madison’s face chilled his stomach. “Because we’re going to turn their trap into an ambush of our own.”

Justin exchanged glances with the rest of the Sentinels. “How, exactly, are we going to do that, ma’am?” he said as respectfully as possible, hoping his formality would get through to her. “He’s going to have more than enough men there to overwhelm the four of us. We’re good, but even we have limits in the end,” he stated firmly.

He felt his stomach begin to roil. An ambush meant fighting. Fighting meant killing.

Madison nodded. “That’s why there won’t be four of you,” she said.

Jared growled. “What is your plan? Simple and concise please,” he said firmly, taking over the conversation.

“We’re going to assault that warehouse, and burn it to the ground,” she said, standing upright.

“We?” Jared said carefully.

“Yes. Your team will go in first, the four of you. Ajax’s team will come in second to turn the trap into an ambush favorable to us.”

Justin frowned as he listened to them talk. Ajax’s team? He knew the big shifter was still in town, but who else was here with him?

“Who is composing this second team?” Jared inquired, his thoughts running parallel to Justin’s it would seem.

“Ajax, Milos, Andre, Arianna, and myself,” Madison said coolly, leveling her eyes at Jared in challenge.

“No,” the big shifter said. “Absolutely not.”

“Yes,” the leader said bluntly. “It’s happening.”

“Ajax has training. Hell, even Andre and Milos have some training now after spending several months with us. But the two of you have no combat training at all!” Jared fired back, still shaking his head.

Justin bit his lip, letting his Alpha do the talking, even if he agreed completely.

“We’ve been training,” Madison said ferociously, “And if you encounter any of the enhanced versions of their Agents, then you may very well need me.”

Beside her, Arianna also nodded strongly. Although she couldn’t shift, she was still as strong and as fast as a shifter, thanks to the Extremis serum coursing through her blood.

Justin had to give her a point there. With the dual nature of the serums Madison had injected herself with, one bonding to her human DNA and one to her shifter DNA, she was the strongest shifter Justin had ever met that wasn’t a dragon. He himself hadn’t fought against one of them, but Connor had, and he swore up and down that Madison was a match for them in sheer strength.

But again, she didn’t have any training.

It didn’t take Justin long to realize that no matter what he or Jared said, this was going to happen. Not long after that, his Alpha came to the same conclusion.

“You do not lead. Ajax leads, and you obey his orders in the field. And he obeys mine. In here, you are the boss, and I am okay with that. But not out there,” the Alpha said. “Out there, I am the one with the training. My team are. All of them have more specific training for this than your entire team put together. So you will obey them, or this is a no-go.”

Madison looked triumphant for just a split second, then nodded seriously. “I have no issues with that, and I don’t think anyone will argue against your team’s expertise. If Ajax and Arianna weren’t in town to bolster our numbers, I wouldn’t recommend us going anyway. But we can do this,” she said strongly. “It will be a big blow to the Agency, one that we’ve needed to strike for a while now.”

Justin just sat back, wondering if he’d be able to do what was expected of him. This mission was going to result in a lot of killing. He still hadn’t quite come to terms with that, and truthfully, he had been hoping to have a little more time to make a decision on the question bouncing around in his head.

Around him, people got to their feet, preparing to head out.

Could he continue to do this?

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