KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

BOOK: KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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Copyright © 2013 Erica Chilson

First Edition April 2013



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Publisher Notice:

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





This is a work of erotic fiction. The author does not endorse nor condone any of the behavior enclosed within. The subject matter is not appropriate for minors. Please note this novel may contain explicit sexual situations that include but are not limited to, dubious consent, BDSM activities, bisexual acts, ménage, and multiple partners. If any of the above mentioned acts offend, please do not read. Readers, please play safely, responsibly, and consensually.


















Titles by Erica Chilson


Mistress and Master of Restraint
series order






Queen Omnibus*






The Hunter (coming July 2013)


The Playroom

Good Girl


Wayward (coming July


Coming soon:
Shattered (Atticus Fox)



Chrysalis (The Lilies
Coming 2013


A huge thank you to my Beta readers and my Readers. Your thoughts and observations are invaluable. ((Hugs)) Kris D, Amber D, Sass A, & Cassie H.


The Mistress and Master of Restraint series is about finding self-enlightenment without self-judgment. You should never feel shame for seeking what fulfills your needs, and never allow your self-doubts to cloud your path to happiness.

KING has strong homosexual and bisexual themes. My wish is for a world filled with acceptance and awareness. No two people are alike, so therefore
, we do not think or feel emotions alike. I hope that my stories inspire readers to broaden their views to encompass lifestyles beyond the norm.

Let your freak flag fly!


I love h
earing from readers.

Please contact me via email:
[email protected]

Table of Contents:

Copyright Page

Titles by Erica Chilson


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven



About the Author          



~Chapter One~

The excitement i
s palpable and completely choking me- suffocating me with anxiety. Dalton’s fingers turn white under the onslaught of my nervous, sweaty grip.

“Shh…” he tenderly whispers to even me out. “This is the right thing to do.”

I want to scream,
but right for whom?

Reading me as only a lover could, he says in Eng
lish that is heavily accented with French, “You. You’re doing the right thing for you. This isn’t just about your family. This is the event that has culminated from the very beginning of your life.”

suck in a fortifying breath and close my eyes. I want to scream. The excited murmurs and sharp conversation around me, drill into my skull. As we sit, crammed on the bus, I question every decision I’ve ever made in life- every choice, every crossroads I’ve come to pass. I’m only twenty-four as of this morning. Am I old enough to head a family? Do I have the ability to take on the responsibility for all these people? How will my Grandfather react? What of my aunt and father? Should I let them into our family home, when it’s better if they stay where they are?

The only person I know that
can take on responsibility with the tenacity of a marching general finds my eyes and gives me a sad half-smile. That smile and look of encouragement fills me with confidence that only she can infuse me with.

I can do this
I repeat to myself for the billionth time today.

I can’t look away from my wife.
Regina’s emerald gaze captivates me. Her hold over me is stronger than the delicate fingers entwined with mine.

Regina, our Queen, is the ultimate mother.
An unexpected surprise for those who don’t know her as well as I do. She is engulfed in the loving embrace of children- hers and those she’s adopted in the depths of her heart. Children, and adults alike, instinctually know she is a safe haven that harbors you from the violent nature of life’s storm.

A tiny Ezra cradled
to her chest, a breathtaking woman-child is fused to her left side, while my soft daughter is leaning on her right shoulder. My son, his girlfriend, and my dainty cousin sit in the seat in front of her. Turned around, like flowers drawn towards the sun, they face Regina. Even Azriel, the miniature boss, crawls from her sister’s arms, wanting to cuddle with her twin against Regina’s chest.

I hadn’t even known that the girls were back from staying with their parents in Albany.
No doubt Regina pulled them back here, never wanting to be away from the girls after years of tortuous separation. As an only child with no living relations except for her own children, her vision of the future is filled with her children’s family being well-bonded. She wants all the kids raised as siblings, and Regina always gets what she wants- eventually.

I find Whitney with a scowl on her face, glaring at Ava. I nod to the small space on our seat, not wanting my blood to sit with strangers. Strangers to her, not me- Kayla is one
of the nicest women I know. Whitney’s next to us in a flash, leaving a scant inch between Dalton and herself. She only cuddles with her mom, Grammy, and Regina. She’ll be all over Adelaide when she sees her again. But the rest of us, she holds herself apart from.

“I just ask one thing of you, Whitt,” Whitney implores me, leaning around my boyfriend so
that she can look me dead-on. She reminds me of the Adelaide I knew before she went off the deep end- completely self-contained and sure.

Whitney’s light blonde
hair is in a perfect ponytail. Her feminine business suit makes her look way beyond her years, not the girl who hasn’t even reached eighteen yet. Dalton’s vivid green eyes quizzically inspect the girl. Seeing the two of them so closely packed together brings a smile to my lips. My effeminate, Emo boyfriend next to my Harvard-bound cousin, is amusing in the extreme.

“What’s your request, doll?”

“Just hear him out, okay?” I give a slight tilt to my head in ascent. No need to ask who she’s asking about. “I’m sure he has his reasons.”

“I’m not sure I want to know what they are, though,”
I murmur in the din of the bus. My voice washes out as the occupants’ combined voices overpower mine.

“Whitt,” she shrilly hisses. “He’s your father,” she states, not knowing the truth of my parentage yet. “Grandfather loves us. We’re all he has now that Grammy left him and is living with Mommy and Daddy. Whitt, don’t do this to us- to him,” she stresses. “I agree that you should be our patriarch, but don’t take his fami
ly away along with his home and business. He needs us more than we need him, and we need him a lot!”

“Whitney, have I ever been the vindictive sort?” I think back to how nasty I’ve been to my birth father, the man I miss more than anyone, and feel a pang of agony. “Do you think that I don’t have reservations and doubts plaguing me?”

“Just go easy on him,” she murmurs and sits back against the seat, effectively cutting off the conversation. Whitney uses Dalton to hide from my view.

Regina catches my eye agai
n and I know she’d eavesdropped on our conversation. She holds no judgment on anyone- she’s a forgiver. Once a week for years, she sat with her enemies and found a common ground. If she can forgive my grandfather for the heinous acts he perpetrated against her, maybe I can- forgive what he’s done to me, but I’ll never forgive what he’s done to her- never. No matter what, a point of contention in our relationship is the one I refuse to forgive, the one she defends even when her heart bleeds bitter blood. He is the one I refuse to forgive. We’ll see about my nameless sire’s sire…

“I’ll try,” I answer Whitney, but it’s for my wi
fe’s ears. She brilliantly smiles back at me, rubbing her cheek on the fiery hair on Azriel’s head. She just wants us happy and together, to hell with the past. But if someone disrespects her by betraying her second chances, she’ll be the first to cut them from our lives.

Once we pass the first of three gates to my familial estate, the excitement ratchets up several degrees. Everyone is excited
, save me. The anxiety hits me out of nowhere. Sweat beads on my spine, bumps well up on my skin. My heart rate accelerates to the point that I can feel my blood rushing through my veins. My chest rapidly rises and falls, pulling me towards hyperventilation. I rub moisture-slicked palms on my pant legs, the charcoal gray fabric darkening.

I close my eyes and draw in a breath that I release when I
finally open my eyes. I watch the scenery of my home flash by me. The vividly green, heavily wooded landscape that the three mile drive winds through, entrances me. I’ve always felt a sense of pride overwhelm me when I gazed over the land that is mine, and eventually that pride would transform into guilt as the entitlement hit me.

As is the way of my kind- the elite- the land, home, and businesses that my great-grandfather built, passes from eldest son to eldest son. I’ve always felt as if this was mine, but knew that it wasn’t my legacy. I was raised thinking it was Grant’s, and in his absence, Niel’s.

Now I look over the landscape and know without a shadow of a doubt that this property is mine. I feel it to the core of my soul- the rightness of it. My father took himself out of the legacy, leaving me the opportunity to lead my family as the eldest male. One day I will step down and pass the responsibility to my adopted son, my blooded brother, Niel. At seventeen he isn’t ready, but twenty or thirty years from now, he might be. If he isn’t, I will break the line, I will pass it to whomever is most capable- male or female, my child- adopted or birthed, grandchild, cousin- anyone with Whittenhower blood running through their veins. It’s time to start a new generation of Whittenhowers- a new legacy built on honor and respect.

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