Blackmailed For Vengeance

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Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #adult, #sex, #love story, #revenge, #vengeance, #sexual, #greek, #lovers, #blackmail, #romance and love, #greece, #adult romance erotica love story

BOOK: Blackmailed For Vengeance
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Blackmailed For




Marie Kelly



This book is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is
entirely coincidental.


Blackmailed For Vengeance

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Blackmailed For The
Billionaire’s Pleasure


Kidnapped The Wrong Sister

My Son


The Wedding Deal

The Unwilling Mistress




In memory of Helen. Will always
love and miss you





Lee sat on the hospital chair,
gently holding the hand of the man who lay so still on the bed
beside her. As she spoke soothingly to him his eyes remained closed
as the many pieces of equipment around his bed had blinked and
beeped in a manner which both fascinated and frightened her.

Jim Donovan was a good friend
of Lee’s, and news of his accident had shocked her, particularly
when she had found that he lay in a comma, lucky to be alive after
his car had swerved off the road and hit a tree. The nurse she had
spoken to had been comforting, telling her that his injuries were
not life threatening, but adding that it was too early to tell what
damage might have been done to his brain until he came out of the
comma, quickly adding as she had seen how the young woman’s eyes
had opened in shock that initial indications where positive,
smiling as she told her they would just have to be patient.

That had been two days ago and
she had each day after work made the hour journey to the hospital,
to just sit there talking to him, holding his hand and telling him
in as upbeat a voice as she could manage, about their friends,
hoping that somehow he would hear her, nobody really knowing when
or even if he would ever come out of it. As she had sat there on
the second day, her chin resting on the hand which held his, Lee
had shivered, suddenly feeling the prickly sensation of being
watched, and looking up, she had been surprised to see the man
standing at the door.

Tall, incredibly handsome and
exuding a raw masculine power she had held her breath as their eyes
had met, the sight of him sending an instant bolt of lightning
through her tired body, which was both unexpected and instant, her
stomach flipping in a most disconcerting manner , making her
quickly drop her gaze shocked and confused by her own reactions. He
too had stopped a look of surprise in his, almost black eyes also,
as he had watched her, those inscrutable eyes flicking over Lee,
before flashing her one of the most dazzling smiles she had ever

“Hello, I am sorry I did not
realise Jim had a visitor” he said gently his voice tinged with an
accent which ran down her spin so pleasantly like warm trickling

Lee had slowly placed Jim’s
hand back down onto the white starched hospital sheet, half

“No…please” she said as the man
had turned to leave

“I really have to go anyway….
I’m sure he would like the company” she said looking softly back
down on him, before bending down and kissing her friend’s

“Wake up soon Jim” she murmured
before moving towards the door

As the large man had moved
aside allowing her to pass, she had thanked him with a small shy
smile, enjoying the smell of his aftershave which enveloped her,
its intoxicating aroma so pleasurable, as she had fought to stop
her eyes closing with that pleasure, aware of how she had shivered
softly as an awareness of him had once more shot through her. As
she stepped out of the room he had followed her, his deep voice

“I am sorry, are you Jim’s

Lee had turned around in
surprise her large soft hazel eyes looking back politely at

“No….just a friend, we work
together….I just try to look in on him that’s all” she said

The man had once again smiled
at her

“Well that is very kind of
you…I’m sure that he would appreciate it”

Lee, suddenly felt strangely
awkward and flustered at his words, for no real reason smiling
back, her eyes dropping away from him

“It was nice to meet you” she
said “I’ll pop back tomorrow and see him”

The man before her had watched
Lee silently for a moment with a sensual expression in those dark
eyes before giving her a boyish grin, his voice full of warmth and
an all too easy charm

“I’m sure he would like that,
perhaps if you are here at the same time tomorrow I could take you
for a coffee” he had said softly, his almost hypnotic gaze holding
hers as she had once more raised her eyes to look at him, her
expression polite but firm

“That’s very kind of you” she
said gently “But, I really don’t have the time”

The man had raised a quizzical
eyebrow but was stopped from continuing as a nurse had moved over
to talk with him. However, as she had turned to leave his eyes had
continued to watch her, her whole body tingling feeling his look
still on her.

Leaving the hospital Lee had
scolded herself. “Grow up Lee, he’s only a fantastically gorgeous
man” she had said to herself, chuckling gently before running to
catch the bus which was approaching her stop.

At home Lee had thrown off her
shoes sinking down into the couch exhausted. After spending 8 hours
at the PR office she worked, organising for a charitable event
which seemed to be growing bigger and bigger problems as each day
passed, she had visited Jim and then taken in her neighbours
shopping for her. Her neighbour Mrs Green who was in her 70’s had
nobody else and Lee always made sure that the woman had food and
somebody to talk to, spending time with her most days, knowing how
very important she had become in her life.

Lee had stayed for her usual
cup of tea and listened while the older woman had told her more
stories of her younger years. She enjoyed listening to Mrs Green
and would usually sit contentedly for an hour or more listening as
the older woman had spoken. However, that day she had been
exhausted, and as she had tried to hide the yawn behind her hand,
Mrs Green had laughed, a soft tinkling sound which made her eyes
twinkle before insisting that she leave early when hearing the
story of Lee’s day.

Lee had groaned, feeling
guilty, knowing that the older woman had nobody else, and always
looked forward to her visits and Lee had made a mental note to
visit her first the next day. Deep down, however, she wondered if
this was more due to her desire not to run into the man with the
darkest eyes she had ever seen whose face was so familiar to her.
Pulling herself from the comfortable chair Lee had ran herself a
bath while making a small supper of tea and toast eating it with
relish not having realised just how hungry she was.

Moving back to the small
bathroom, she had pulled off her clothes to move into the warm
water with a soft groan on her lovely lips, looking at herself in
the mirror, as she had sighed at what she saw. At 24, Lee was of
average height about 5.5 with a slim curvaceous figure and firm
breasts which looking bigger due to her small slender waist which
flared to wider hips, a perfect bottom and long shapely legs. She
pulled her long almost black layered hair from the band which held
it away from her face, to allow it to fall around her shoulders and
down her back seeing how it framed her tired face. Almond in shape,
her large hazel eyes, fringed with long black lashes gave her an
innocent look, which made men’s pulses race, although she seemed
unaware of the reaction she had on them. Seeing how tired she
looked, her normally glowing skin a little lack lustre she had
stuck out her tongue at herself, causing her beautiful mouth to
curve into a large warm smile which showed the two small dimples on
her cheeks and lit up her whole features. As she had made to sink
down into the beckoning water, her door bell had rung, causing her
to once more groan softly.

With a small sigh Lee had
pulled on her thin bath robe, before moving to the door cautiously
opening it to peer out to see who would be calling at that late

With a gasp of surprise she had
recognised the man from the hospital, her eyes wide at seeing him
there. He was looking back at her with equal surprise before
looking behind her as though expecting somebody else

“Are you Lee Andrews” he asked,
a small frown on his face

“Yes” she had replied, suddenly
feeling panic rising within her

“Has something happened ….. Is
Jim OK” she asked her large eyes suddenly wide with fear, as she
had dreaded hearing the worst, remembering how she had left her
details with the hospital

The man before her had frowned
even deeper shaking his head

“Jim’s condition hasn’t
changed. May I please come in” he asked as one of her neighbours
had appeared at their door

Lee had opened the door wider
to let him in, confused as to why he was there

“My name is Yanis..” the man
had started to say before she had cut across him.

“I know who you are Mr Demitri”
she said softly, seeing how his frown had deepened even further.
Lee had instantly recognised Yanis Demitri when she had first seen
him in the hospital, having heard so much about him over the years
and read so many of the news clips shown to her by Jim, who seemed
almost in awe of his friend

“It’s nice to meet you Mr
Demitri”, she said extending her hand “Although I wish it were
under different circumstances” she had said sadly “Jim speaks about
you often”.

Briefly it crossed her mind
that the man before her was even more attractive in person, than in
the many pictures she had seen of him, as no picture could truly
capture the sheer animal magnetism of the man

To her surprise he had ignored
her outstretched hand and was looking around the room with an
unpleasant expression on his face.

Having walked into her small
flat, Yanis Demitri had stood sideways on to her as though deep in
thought before looking around himself, his eyes taking in her
comfortable yet modest home.

“Yes, Jim” he said, finally
turning to look on her, with eyes which seemed to flick down her
with no attempt to conceal the contempt in them, as she had dropped
her still outstretched arm in confusion

“So can I assume Miss Andrews”
he said his voice icy “That your conscience is bothering you”

Lee had frowned back at him,
not understanding what he was saying

“I..I don’t know what you mean”
she said her face genuinely surprised

“I am talking about Jim’s
suicide attempt” he replied glaring at her with such hostility in
those deep dark eyes

“Suicide?” she stammered “Jim
isn’t suicidal…there must be some kind of mistake” she

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