Blackmailed For Vengeance (6 page)

Read Blackmailed For Vengeance Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #adult, #sex, #love story, #revenge, #vengeance, #sexual, #greek, #lovers, #blackmail, #romance and love, #greece, #adult romance erotica love story

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Yanis had held her close to
him, as she met his many colleagues, all surprised and delighted as
he introduced her as his fiancée. She had smiled and gently
answered the many questions asked of her from the many different
faces she had met, her whole being on auto pilot, as he worked his
way around the room, towing her with him.

Lee had stood by his side as
the many gorgeous women had looked at her in stunned surprise, many
still giving him looks which promised much. He had smiled
mischievously at her

, perhaps you
should hold my hand before I am swept into one of these tempting
oceans” he had chuckled

Lee had looked sweetly up at

“Sorry, Yanis – I don’t do
jealousy” she said softly “and besides I get the impression that
you’ve already swam in most of these oceans”

He had laughed at her clever
come back, pulling her closer to him to drop a kiss onto her lips,
causing her heart to once again start beating so wildly in her

“Mmmm, never hurts to
advertise” he said as many around them had looked on smiling at the
young couple.

As the night ended they had
once more returned to the house in the sumptuous comfort of the

“Yanis” she said softly her
eyes troubled, as he had looked quickly over at her

“I need to call my brother - He
doesn’t deserve to find out about this when he opens his paper in
the morning” she had said softly as it had finally dawned on Lee
just what a big news story his engagement would be, becoming
worried that her brother would be upset by not finding out first
hand from her

With a small nod he had
thoughtfully looked at her

“Why not invite him over
tomorrow, it would be strange if my future wife had not introduced
me to her family” he said softly

Lee bit her lip gently “OK” she
had nodded, before sitting back to watch the town disappear behind
them, unaware of how he watched her.

Back at the house, despite the
lateness of the time, Lee had placed a call to her brother, who had
answered, his voice sleepy. On hearing her he had awoken

“Lee, is everything OK” he had
asked with worry in his voice, concerned that his sister never
called at that time of morning

“Everything’s fine Peter” she
said with a small laugh

Yanis watched as her face had
softened talking to her brother

“I just wanted to let you know
something before you found out about it in the papers she said”

He could hear the sound of a
voice unable to make out the words, before she had laughed

“No, I’m not in any
trouble….why would you think that” she added in a sisterly annoyed
voice which made him smile.

“I want to let you know that I
just got engaged….. well you might know him” he heard her add in
answer to a question from the other person on the line

“Yanis Demitri” she had said,
followed by “no I’m not kidding…” Yanis had to stifle the urge to
laugh as she had continued with an irritated sigh

“Peter, I’m not kidding….and we
want you to come over here tomorrow for lunch” she had looked over
at him for confirmation that lunch would be fine, which he had
nodded at.

As she had rang of, informing
her brother that a car would collect him the following day, Lee had
looked over at Yanis

“Well Peter is very happy for
us, however, I am sure he will be just as happy when we split up”
she added “at least he will be when he actually meets you”

“Wow, aren’t you the prickly
one” Yanis had said with a small grin, which she had frowned at not
enjoying knowing that he was playing with her again

“I don’t like lying to my
brother Mr Demitri” she said stiffly as she had moved towards the

He had chuckled behind her “If
it is any consolation, Miss Andrews” he said in mimicry of her

“You did well tonight, and you
look beautiful”

Lee had raised an eyebrow
pausing on the first step

“Oh… I thought I just looked
fine” she said haughtily throwing his earlier words back at him

He laughed gently

“What is it with you Lee…why is
it so hard for you to take a compliment?”

“Because” she said icily “You
are so bad at giving them”

She had gritted her teeth once
more as he had laughed softly behind her

“Are we always going to be at
each other like this” he asked softly

Lee had looked stonily back at

“I guess you should have put it
in your contract that I was expected to agree with everything you
say and not argue back”

He had chuckled seeming to
almost be enjoying the exchange between them

“I’ll bear that in mind for the
next time” he said before moving up to join her on the stairs

“Let me take you to your room
madam” he said mockingly

“I can find my own way thank
you” she said before storming up the stairs and moving into her
room without as much as a backwards glance

Yanis Demitri had watched the
young woman, with a strange look on his face as she had disappeared
into her room before he moved into his, pulling the tie from around
his neck as he went.

The next morning, as she had
once again woken up early, Lee had showered before dressing and
moving down the stairs. As the previous day Yanis was finishing his
breakfast and on seeing her he had smiled

“Good morning,
” he
said his tone sarcastic “sleep well, or are you feeling lonely

Lee had scowled at him, before
once again sitting down opposite him and helping herself to a cup
of tea.

He had laughed even more before
becoming suddenly serious, holding her gaze.

“You might find today that you
will start to receive phone calls from different organisations. I
have made up a list of those you are free to commit time to, any
others refer them to my office, the number is on the sheet. Be
nice, Lee, but don’t get too involved. At 12.30 I will be back to
meet with your brother”

Lee had lifted the sheet,
reading carefully through the names and information on it.

“Ok” she said her brow knitted
together in concentration.

He had then risen

“Try not to spend too long in
the boutiques.” He said as he threw down several credit cards in
front of her.

“If they need topped up, let me

Lee had looked at the cards,
her face showing her uneasiness as she had not wanted to touch

Seeing her discomfort, he had
smiled, his lips curling unpleasantly

“Please don’t even try to
pretend” he said softly before leaving the room to the waiting

As he had gone Maria had once
more appeared in the room carrying the toast as she had done the
previous day. As they had done the before, the two women had then
sat and ate together chatting pleasantly

“You know Maria, it might be
easier, if when Yanis left I just come down to the kitchen” the
young woman had chuckled making Maria laugh with her

“Sounds good” she said
approvingly, before moving back out to get on with her work.

If Lee has worried that there
would be nothing to do then she was mistaken, as for the rest of
the morning the phone had rung off the hook. People and
organisations all wishing to congratulate her and Yanis on their
engagement, while inviting her to join different committees. As she
had been directed to do, Lee had stuck to Yanis list, for once
thankful that he had taken the time to prepare the document for

Those not on the list were
referred to Yanis’s assistant and soon Lee had found that her whole
week seemed packed with meetings and events, and she had sighed for
the first time realising that perhaps the idle rich were not so
idle after all. Being an organised person, she had always carried a
diary with her, and was thankful for having it by the time mid day
had come around, as she had efficiently organised each and every
phone call. At mid-day the phone had been put to voice and she was
able to escape upstairs to change for the arrival of her

At 12.45 Yanis had walked into
her room, much to her surprise

“Please knock next time” she
said stiffly at the way he had just entered unannounced.

He had lifted one eyebrow

“Where would the fun be in
that” he mocked her, smiling as she had tightened her jaw her whole
body rigid with indignation

“I would have thought that at
the very least Yanis Demitri, you could pretend to behave like a
gentleman” she said her tone school marmish

Moving forward he had chuckled

“Since when did you see me as a
gentleman Lee” he asked, his closeness to her now causing her to
flush slightly as she could feel every pulse in her body jumping.
Looking around for somewhere to escape she had found herself
trapped against her bed

“What do you want” she bit out
between clenched teeth

“I just came to find out if
there is anything I should know about your brother – don’t want to
look like I never take an interest in my future family” he said

“The only thing you need to
know about my brother” she retorted “is that he doesn’t steal or
behave in a dishonest way” before adding “unlike his employer”

Far from the anger her comment
was meant to invoke within him, he had laughed gently at her

“Always so prickly Lee…and yet
you look so lovely in that top” he said admiring the silky gypsy
style top which clung to her figure

“But I think you will find that
the straps are meant to sit on the arm showing the shoulder” he
said moving his hand to pull down the strap to demonstrate. As his
fingers had touched her bare skin a small shudder had passed
through her, as his eyes had caught hers allowing her to see the
smouldering look deep within his. Frozen in expectation and holding
her breath, Lee had stood still unable to stop him as he bent his
head to kiss the naked flesh on her shoulder.

As a small whisper of a sigh
had escaped her soft lips, his fingers had pushed her hair away
from her neck, before his hands had moved to hold her upper arms,
pulling her closer to him as he slowly continued kissing along her
shoulder. Lee had felt her eyes fluttering closed as her whole body
had exploded under the small feather like kisses, feeling her
breasts tighten with the desire he was filling her with.

“Please stop” she begged, her
voice barely audible

But he had ignored her as he
had continued kissing along the length of her graceful neckline,
his tongue following the curve of her jaw until his mouth was
against her mouth. By now Lee was lost in a need for him which was
shocking to her, and with a small tortured groan she had kissed him
back, her tongue flicking with his as they had played within the
others mouth so tantalizingly.

As she had slid her arms around
his waist, feeling the curve in his back jump as her fingers had
brushed against him gently, she had leant in closer to him,
enabling her to feel the hardness of his arousal against her. He
had lifted his head to look down into her desire filled eyes, his
just as black and needy at that moment, before he had pulled the
elastic of the top over her breast exposing one perfect pert naked
nipple to invite his mouth. With a deeply masculine groan his head
had lowered, his tongue finding and teasing the small pink peak.
Lee had shuddered violently against him, as he had taken it further
into his mouth sucking on it as his teeth had gently nibbled on

She had never before felt such
sensations and could feel herself sinking under the need to have
him make love to her allowing his hands to slowly lift her skirt so
that they could expertly move up her legs to cup her small
buttocks. As his finger had began to gently explore between her
legs she had gasped before the sound of the door bell ringing had
pulled her back to reality.

Yanis had moaned gently looking
down on her “Saved by the bell” he whispered softly

Pushing him away from her, Lee
had fled to the other side of the room, pulling her top back into
position before stopping to look wildly at him her chest rising

“ d.dare you” she

Yanis had quickly recovered and
looked at her the desire in his eyes now replaced with a mocking

“Please, Lee, you were hardly
fighting me off” he said “In fact if that door bell hadn’t rang
then I imagine right now we would both be lying on that bed”

She had just stared wide eyed
at him not able to speak, as with a small shrug he had moved over
to her door

“Still perhaps later” he said
softly, his eyes moving over her body with a knowing look

As he left Lee had taken
several seconds to pull herself together. She couldn’t believe that
she had not fought him, had welcomed his kisses, and with a
miserable moan she had closed her eyes in self disgust before
fixing her hair and reapplying her lip gloss, her shaky hand
touching her lips where his had been only seconds before, the
memory so unsettling to her.

As she left the room and moved
down the stairs she saw Yanis already talking to her brother. With
a small cry of happiness she had run down the last few steps to
have him sweep her into his arms in a wonderful bear hug.

“Hey sis” he said laughing

“I’m so happy for you – you
look wonderful” he said putting her back down on her feet, seeing
the way her eyes glowed. Looking shyly at Yanis, he had smiled
before turning back to her

“I guess love suits you”

Yanis had watched the two,
seeing the obvious affection between them. The genuine actions of
the siblings making him feel uneasy at the way he had used Peter,
but with a determination he had told himself, that the end
justified the means, and Lee Andrews had to be taught a lesson.

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