Blackmailed For Vengeance (13 page)

Read Blackmailed For Vengeance Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #adult, #sex, #love story, #revenge, #vengeance, #sexual, #greek, #lovers, #blackmail, #romance and love, #greece, #adult romance erotica love story

BOOK: Blackmailed For Vengeance
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“Please go away..i’m not
interested” she had said

Her head had quickly snapped
up, however, as Yanis’s voice had answered

“What does that mean” he asked
with a frown

Lee had looked around her,
relieved to see him

“Sorry, I thought you were
somebody else” she began before she had stopped in mid

“What do you want” she snapped
remembering his last comment. With a sigh he had hunched down so
that he was level with her, his hands on her knees

“I’m sorry” he said “It was a
cheap shot, I wanted to hurt you and you didn’t deserve it”

Lee had looked at him in
surprise, more at the fact that he had even cared about her

“Forgiven?” he asked as she
slowly smiled at him

“Forgiven” she finally said as
he leaned forward to gently kiss her before rising

“Are you not staying here” he
asked in surprise as she had stood with him. But Lee had shaken her

“No, I think I’ll wait in our
room”. Seeing the look of surprise on his face she had added

“Look around you Yanis, this is
just a giant pick-up joint. has anybody else brought their real
partners or are you the only one to be missing out on all the fun”
she asked as for the first time he had looked around seeing how the
young lovely woman scantily dressed had fawned on the many older
men who were enjoying the many pleasures laid on by Pierre and
Leon. Suddenly her previous comment had made sense and he was even
angrier at himself for putting her in that position. Angry also at
agreeing to attend the week-end, only doing so because it seemed
like a way of spending more time with Lee he had suddenly realised.
He had heard rumours of Pierre and should have listened more
carefully, suddenly seeing exactly what kind of week-end this was
meant to be for the many rich business men, most of whom were not
with their wives.

“I’ll walk with you to the
chateau” he said softly placing a protective arm around her
shoulder as she had moved hers around his waist.

Inside the chateau she had
kissed him goodbye as he moved off to the meeting telling her that
he hoped to be finished in about four hours. As Lee had turned to
make her way up to their room she had spotted an older woman
sitting alone in the bar. The woman had looked bored and Lee had
stopped heading towards the bar, where she had ordered a coffee,
turning to ask the other woman now watching her with wary eyes if
she would like one also. She had nodded in surprise smiling and
beckoning for Lee to join her

“Can I assume that you are not
one of the harem girls that come with the rooms around here” the
woman had asked Lee with a smile on her face. Lee had laughed

“No, I am most definitely not”
she responded as the woman had pushed out her hand

“Hi, I’m Janice D’Arcy, I’m
here with my husband, Bill D’Arcy”

Lee had shaken the hand

“Lee Andrews, here with my
fiancée Yanis Damitris” she smiled back

“Wow, now there is a man I
would watch around all these gold digging blood suckers” she had
said, before looking softly at Lee

“Although, from what I read you
two seem pretty happy – the golden couple”

Lee had smiled back, holding
back the truth from the woman.

For the next few hours the two
had chatted about family and other subjects, before Janice looking
at the time had stood up

“I’d best go Lee, they always
tell you these things are just casual and when you turn up with
your casual outfit the local girls are all wearing drop dead
gorgeous cocktail outfits, so I’d best go and start to get ready…at
my age it takes a little longer to compete” she said

Lee had looked at her with eyes

“Really, because I had just
planned on wearing a top and skirt” she said frowning. Janice had
patted her shoulder

“All the wives and girlfriends
do” she said

“But you’ve met Leon, haven’t
you” she said with a knowing smile as Lee had nodded

“Well that’s the one who sends
out the invites and she can really pull off a wide-eyed innocent
‘sorry for the misunderstanding’ – believe me it happened to me
last time”

Lee had smiled warmly at
Janice, glad that she had taken the time to come in. For some
reason she felt that Leon Fabrice would like nothing more than to
make Lee look foolish

“Thanks’ Janice I think I’ll
join you” she said with determination

In their room, Lee had selected
a simple black cocktail dress with understated diamante details on
the halter neck which clung to her body with a slit up one side
just below her hip which showed off her wonderful legs. She had
decided to leave her hair to fall around her body knowing how much
Yanis enjoyed it that way. She had then lain down with the
intention of reading her book before, with a small yawn she had
fallen into a deep sleep, waking several hours later. Looking at
the time Lee had cursed softly before jumping into the shower

As Yanis entered the room, he
felt tired. The meeting had run over by nearly 30 minutes and he
had found himself thinking about Lee. In his mind he could picture
her lying on the large four-poster bed, and he had found himself
fantasising about her. As he had moved quietly in, he had been
disappointed that she was not there, his spirits lifting on hearing
her soft voice singing in the shower.

Stripping before moving into
the bathroom he had surprised her as he moved into the large shower
with her, making her squeal as he had pulled her in hard against

“ I understand why a
shower wakes you up” he smiled as the hardness of him had dug into
her soft belly. Kissing her deeply he had pushed her gently against
the wall, his lips moving to suck on one pouting peak which caused
her to moan softly with the sudden need which coursed through her
entire body

“I have been thinking of you
like this all afternoon” he muttered seductively against her

“Lee had chuckled softly

“That bad a meeting” she
whispered back as in a mischievous tone he had added

“You have no idea” as she
playfully smacked him, her hand moving up his spine to softly
tickle him as the other gently stroked the length of him as the
water coursed over the two of them. Her actions were driving him
wild as with a final throaty moan he had grabbed her hips pulling
her up so that her legs wrapped around him, as in one strong sure
movement he thrust into her. Lee had cried out with delight at his
sudden penetration, her head thrown back against the tiled wall
gasping as he thrust up so deeply into her time and time again
until she could feel his muscles hunching as with a final thrust he
had cried out unable to hold back the orgasm which overtook him
just as she too had felt the waves building until they had swamped
over her in wave after wave of pleasure.

The two had clung to each
other, their mouths seeking each other out as they kissed
passionately, feeling the sensations dying down and their breathing
slowly returning to normal, until she had slid back down him to the
ground his mouth kissing hers so tenderly.

“God you are so bad for me Lee
Andrews” he whispered gently in her ear as his hands had continued
to stroke her supple body.

Lee laughed softly before
darting quickly out of his arms and out of the shower

“Well in that case maybe I
should leave” she grinned grabbing a towel.

“Dinners in 30 minutes she said
shutting the door behind her as he had called her a witch with a
large smile on his handsome face.


When he had emerged ten minutes
later with a towel around his waist, his hair still glistening with
droplets of water Lee had admired his long lean toned back which
tapered to his slim waist. As he had moved over to the wardrobe his
broad shoulders and well toned arms selecting what to wear, he had
pulled out a shirt, tie and black trousers, as she had once again
thought that he was the most perfect man she had ever seen, her
eyes admiring him.

Having finished her hair,
pulling part of it away from her face with a beautiful diamond pin,
she had taken time to apply her make-up as Yanis had talked to her
about the meeting while dressing. She had laughed with him as she
had quipped about the whole venue, particularly about the harem of
beautiful play mates which seemed to cover the island

“I thought you didn’t do
jealousy” he had grinned flashing her a boyish smile. Lee had
smiled back

“I don’t” she replied “I see
this more as entrapment”

He had enjoyed this time with
her. She not only excited him in bed, but he found their time spent
together talking just as enjoyable with her quick one liner’s which
had him laughing. Finally ready he had turned just in time to see
her finish putting on her dress. He had whistled softly

“Wow, OK you win” he said
seeing just how sexy she looked, his body stirring once more at the
sight of her

“Did I miss something, because
I thought it was casual” he said as she smiled shyly at him.

“Well it’s not just you men who
are out to be trapped” she said cynically, slipping her feet into
her shoes, before she asked innocently

“Would you like me to take it
off” purring softly, as her fingers gently skimmed between her
cleavage, which showed so beautifully in the dress. With a soft
moan Yanis had half closed his eyes before grabbing her hand

“I am going to make you pay for
that later” he muttered as he led her laughing from the room

As they moved downstairs into
the main hall area the wonderful ornate area was already full of
people. Yanis had flashed a surprised look at her seeing most of
the woman wearing cocktails dresses with only a few dressed
casually. Lee leaned in against him

“At least now I can tell who
are the wives and girlfriends” she whispered

“Apparently Leon finds this
game funny”

Yanis looked at her his eyes

“I’ve never really had much
time for women who play games… although don’t all women to some
” he asked gently

“Perhaps” she answered, her
eyes serious, “But not ones that hurt others”

With that she had spotted
Janice, who was smiling at her with a “told you so” look and Lee
had mouthed a “thank-you”, before dragging Yanis over to meet her
and her husband. As they stood talking Leon had sidled up to Yanis
her arm entwining his as she had looked into his eyes, hers full of

“Are you finding everything to
your satisfaction” she had breathed so seductively, her voice like
melting honey, her meaning more than obvious to the whole group.
Her eyes briefly glared at Lee, who had not fallen into her trap,
but who looked stunning, perhaps even more so than she. Yanis had
removed himself from her politely informing her that everything was
fine, before he had had to stifle the laugh which looking at Lee
had risen within him. She was looking at him with eyes which were
full of tears as her hand was placed before her mouth to stop the
giggle which was desperately trying to escape her. As the other
woman had moved off, not pleased with her brush off, Lee had been
unable to hold back the laugh as she had made the others join her
with her comment

“That girl is never going to
pass subtlety 101 with that approach”

Yanis had once more been
surprised by Lee. Normally women where so insecure around him,
becoming moody and sullen at the way other women would openly flirt
with him, but she seemed not to care about the looks and offers
given to him even when she was with him. Once again he found
himself mesmerised by her.

Dinner had turned out to be
more of a buffet affair, which was delicious, as Lee had nibbled on
some of the delicacies on offer. As they had finished he had moved
around the room, introducing her to many of the other guests. She
had noticed that most of the men he seemed most familiar with,
where with women who were dressed casually, a fact that made Lee
love him even more. Wherever they went, there were congratulation
wishes and Lee had allowed herself to be lost in the moment,
pretending that in some other existence he might actually care
enough about her to really want to make her his wife, the truth too
painful for her to dwell on at that moment.

After moving from one group,
Yanis had turned around to meet another colleague of his and she
had then come face to face with the one man in the whole world she
had not expected to see there. Shocked with her eyes wide open in
surprise, she had found herself standing before David Jones who
stood staring back at her, his eyes as shocked as hers.

“Lee I would like you to meet
David..” Yanis stopped talking suddenly aware of the way the two
had looked at each other

“But I think you know each
other already” he said a hard edge to his voice

Lee had been the first to
recover a nervous smile coming to her lips as he had also pulled
himself together

“Yes… I worked on David’s PR
campaign, she said” her voice shaky as she stared at the man who
she knew so well

He had smiled at her with such
surprise and delight at her presence, and Yanis could see the
sudden glow which had filled his eyes, his own narrowing

“The best PR advisor I ever
had” he said with a small grin, his voice husky.

Yanis could see that David was
still looking at her with little attempt to disguise the need in
his face as he had become more serious looking deeply into her eyes
almost unaware of anybody else around them, including him

“You look great Lee” he said
softly taking her hand to kiss it, before noticing the ring on her

David Jones had looked at her
face quickly and then at Yanis, his expression one of shock

“Your engaged” he said in

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