Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Emma moaned even as fear, arousal, and need crowded her brain. She’d never thought about anal play as something she might like to try, but judging by the woman’s enjoyment and her own visceral reaction, maybe it was indeed something she might enjoy. Her breath caught as a thick finger pressed into the crease of her ass and gently touched the pucker of her anus. Emma gasped in surprise at how incredible that soft touch felt.

She tried to focus on the scene in front of her, but Jace had moved his hand to her clit while Logan still pressed against her ass, and her focus had begun to turn inward, concentrating on her own body’s needs once more.

She was gasping for air, barely aware of anyone else in the room when the woman in front of her screeched as orgasm claimed her. Emma watched, fascinated, as the woman’s exposed pussy pulsed cream onto her labia and the toy in her ass throbbed in counterpoint.

Emma felt her knees wobble a moment before Logan pulled her back against his hard body, his solid cock pressed into the crease of her ass. Jace still massaged her clit, and she found herself shaking on the verge of orgasm once more. Heating with embarrassment but unwilling to tell them to stop, Emma screamed as Jace thrust thick fingers into her pussy and demanded that she come.

Her legs gave out. Her ass, her pussy, her breasts on fire as liquid heat melted through her. Over and over waves of ecstasy pulsed back and forth as orgasm claimed her. Panting hard, still quivering with climax, she didn’t protest when Logan swung her up into his arms and walked from the main area. She gasped for air, the riot of sensations bouncing over her once more.

Finally, exhaustion swelled through her veins, and she practically melted into Logan’s embrace. She opened her eyes minutes—hours, days?—later to find herself in the same room they’d occupied before.

Logan lay her down in the middle of the bed, and she opened her arms for the men to join her. She ruthlessly shoved away that little voice that taunted her, calling her a slut, but she didn’t care. She wanted these men, wanted them with a passion that went beyond explanation.

They both joined her on the bed—fully clothed—and settled her between them.

“Sleep now, little sub,” Logan said quietly.


“No buts. Get some rest, darlin’,” Jace ordered.

“But don’t you want me?” she asked, feeling like she was living a strange, out-of-body experience. Was that really her begging strangers to have sex with her?

“You’re not ready, Emma,” Logan said quietly as he encouraged her head onto his shoulder. “We’ll talk more once you’ve had time to process everything that has happened tonight.”

She wanted to argue, but in her heart, she knew the truth of his words. So she closed her eyes and let memories of everything she’d seen and felt in the past few hours wash over her as she drifted into unconsciousness.

* * * *

“I think she’s asleep.”

Logan glanced down at the woman sleeping peacefully in his arms. She felt so perfect lying right there that he’d almost drifted off to sleep himself—despite the raging hard-on pressed painfully against his jeans. Considering how frightened she’d been earlier, he felt ridiculously pleased that she trusted them enough to actually fall asleep.

Which, of course, raised all sorts of issues and worries in his mind.

It was obvious that Emma was a natural submissive when it came to her sexuality. Logan got the impression that she was more than capable of holding her own in the real world, but here, inside the often dangerous world of BDSM, she found that elusive something that had been missing from her life.

It wasn’t an unusual story. Many independent, confident women found submission in the bedroom a healthy and satisfying way to relax. The trouble was that more often than not they found the wrong man to fill that need. Instead of the mutual pleasure a Dom-sub relationship could provide, many women found themselves abused physically or emotionally, sometimes both.

“We need to protect her.” Jace’s quiet words, so similar to Logan’s train of thought, were a little unnerving, but he nodded in agreement and tried to squash the small kernel of panic that rose in his mind. “How long are you on leave?”

“Three weeks,” Logan answered gruffly. If he’d had his way, he wouldn’t be on leave at all, and he wouldn’t have come here tonight, and he wouldn’t have found a vulnerable sub in need of training and protection. Flashes of the memory forced their way to the forefront of his mind, but he shoved them away angrily. He could give her three weeks—just three weeks—and then Jace would either have to take over or she was on her own.

Jace watched him with the unnerving skill of a well-trained Dom, and for a moment, Logan squirmed under the man’s scrutiny. “It’s a long story,” he said tiredly. Thankfully, he wasn’t allowed to reveal details of classified missions, so even if he’d wanted to spill his guts to an old friend, he couldn’t. Jace nodded, probably aware of the military’s need for discretion.

“What about you? Are you willing to take on an untrained sub?”

Jace seemed to consider the question for a long while. He leaned over and brushed Emma’s hair away from her face and watched her for a moment. “I wasn’t,” he said as he continued to gaze at the woman’s face, “but she’s different to most of the subs that frequent this club. There’s a vulnerability about her.”

Logan nodded in agreement, even though he was fairly certain the woman sleeping between them would have their balls on a platter if they suggested she was weak in any way.

* * * *

Emma woke pretty much sleeping on top of a stranger. Okay, he wasn’t exactly a stranger. She knew his name was Logan. She knew he was a Dom. And she knew that he and Jace had coaxed from her two of the most intense orgasms she’d ever experienced. And that was despite the fear she’d felt when she’d been here with Greg.

Greg. Damn the man. He had her purse and her house keys. Even if Logan or Jace did drive her home, she had no way to get in.

“That’s a lot of thinking for so early in the morning, little one.” She startled just a bit at the unexpected voice but lifted her head to look at the man she was using as a pillow.

“Um…good morning?” It wasn’t really supposed to be a question, but that was the way it came out of her mouth. Damn, the man was going to think she was an airhead. Hell, maybe she was. She not only came here with Greg, but she’d stayed the night in bed with two men.

“Good morning, little one,” Logan said as he placed a large hand on her head and gently eased her back down to cuddle against him once more. Emma knew she really shouldn’t do this. She should grab the scattered remains of her dignity, apologize a time or two, and then get the hell out of here. This wasn’t her. She didn’t do casual. Hell, she barely did relationships.

But then Logan’s warm fingers started to massage her skull and every other concern melted away. Maybe she could indulge just this once. She’d always been a good girl. She was twenty-eight already. Wasn’t it time for her to be just a little bit bad?

She startled again when she heard the door open, but Logan held her tighter, pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, and whispered, “It’s only Jace.”

The bed dipped behind her as Jace climbed back onto the mattress and pressed a warm kiss to the back of her neck. “Hello, darlin’. Did you sleep well?”

She was pressed between two muscular, well-honed, gorgeous men, and they wanted her to answer questions? Hell, she wasn’t even sure she knew her own name.

* * * *

Jace watched Emma hesitate, seeming to have no understanding of the words he spoke, but then, as if a light finally switched on, she answered with a small, “Yes.”

He made brief eye contact with Logan but was pretty sure the other man hadn’t slept at all. Whatever had put him on three weeks leave seemed to be something more complex than a simple vacation.

“What time is it?” Logan asked.

“A little past 4:00 a.m. I spoke to Viper and explained the circumstances. He said we could stay here until morning.” He’d also told him not to make a habit of it. The club closed at three, and that meant everybody went home—even employees, ex-employees, and vulnerable, lost, little subs.

But Jace hadn’t missed the concern in Viper’s eyes when he mentioned Logan. Being an ex-Navy SEAL himself, it was possible that Viper would be the one person able to help Logan through whatever he was going through. Somehow the conversation ended with Jace promising to make sure Logan was here tonight—with or without Jace and their sub.

“So, what happens now?” Emma asked. The woman looked adorably mussed—sleepy, rumpled, and very, very beautiful.

“Now, we sleep,” Jace said as he cuddled up behind her. “Later we’ll drive you home.”

“Oh,” she said quietly. He sensed that she wanted to ask more but also noticed the determined clench of her jaw as she held herself in check.

“Would you like to come back to the club tomorrow tonight?” She relaxed in his embrace, and he realized that it was probably the answer to the question she’d wanted to ask.

“I’d like that.”

* * * *

Several hours later, Logan was still staring at the ceiling, but the quiet snick of the door unlocking bought him to full alert. He relaxed a little and almost grinned when he saw his old boss, Viper, but the serious look on the man’s face forestalled any celebration. Logan nodded when Viper tilted his head in a clear indication to follow. Moving carefully, he tried to extricate himself from underneath one very sleepy sub. Emma roused partially, but Jace moved to pull her into his arms, and she settled once more.

He glanced back at the bed for a moment, but couldn’t quite explain the feeling of satisfaction that swept through him at the sight of the two people snuggled together on the mattress. He was still fully dressed, so it took very little time to join Viper in the hallway. Careful to make sure the door was closed properly, thereby soundproofing the room once more, Logan turned to his old mentor and offered his hand to shake.

Viper took his hand, spared a quick grin, but got straight to business.

“We have a problem. Your sub’s ex-boyfriend—Greg Michaels, that’s his real name, not the one he put on the application form—has a history of abusive and stalking-type behavior. And that’s only what Malcolm found on a quick background check. I’m sure that’s not the end of it.” He shook his head and ran a hand down his face. “Does your sub live alone?”

“Her name is Emma.” Logan wasn’t quite sure why he felt the need to correct the man, but calling Emma his sub was just a little too uncomfortable at the moment. Truly, with his head a mess and his career in jeopardy, he wasn’t fit to be anyone’s Dom.

Viper gave him a curious look but said, “Fine. Does Emma live alone?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well do me a favor and find out. The last thing I need is an ex-member creating problems for one of our subs.” Logan wasn’t surprised at Viper’s protective stance over a woman he didn’t even know. Viper’s Dungeon was well known for taking care to make sure that all members of the club understood how to play safely. The Doms at Viper’s Dungeon were well trained and the subs well protected. That’s why Logan had worked here so many years ago. But no matter how careful Viper was when screening new applicants, occasionally the wrong people made it through.

Emma’s ex-boyfriend seemed to be one of them.

“How long are you on leave?” Thrown by the abrupt change of topic but aware of where Viper was going with this, Logan nevertheless answered honestly.

“Three weeks.”

“Great. I’d appreciate your help on this.”

Logan nodded. A lump the size of a fist had lodged just under his rib cage, and even though he knew he couldn’t be Emma’s Dom, he also knew he couldn’t walk away and leave her vulnerable.

Chapter Four

Emma wasn’t sure exactly how it happened, but she managed to sleep several more hours in the arms of her men. Well, they weren’t her men exactly, but it felt kind of nice to think it. Lying here relaxed and warm, she knew her thought processes were skewed, but she was simply too happy to care.

“Good morning, darlin’,” Jace said as she rolled over in his arms.

“Good morning, Jace.” Good grief…was that shy, breathy little voice hers? She cleared her throat, trying to inject more of
into her words. She planned to ask for a lift home, but the question was forgotten when she realized Logan wasn’t in the room. “Where’s Logan?” Great. Not only did she sound shy and unsure, now she sounded needy. Fabulous. Fucking fabulous.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
8.87Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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