Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (19 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jace leaned against the wall, trying to control his temper and calmly assess the other man that Emma loved. Even though the three of them had only spent one weekend together, it had been obvious to both Emma and Jace that it had been something special. Even after all the pain and anger and confusion that Logan had caused, Jace was willing to give the man a second chance.

That was if he could convince the stubborn asshole to take it.

“You know, for such a brave man, you sure acted like a coward.” That caught his attention. Logan stopped pacing and glared at Jace. “You ran away without letting Emma explain, without giving her a chance. You just assumed you were correct and you left.”

“I was correct,” Logan said in a sad-sounding voice. “She’s far better off with you.”

Jace nodded. “Probably, after all, I’m not the one who threatened to gag her when she showed concern for you. You’d just been shot
protecting her
from a man she’d been dating. She felt responsible for you getting hurt, and that’s why she overreacted to a minor injury. It doesn’t compare to you being injured or killed working as a SEAL.”

Logan seemed to mull the information over for a while, and Jace could practically see the man trying to reason away his hope. “I still can’t ask it of her.”

“Too late,” Jace said forcefully. “She already cares about you. She’ll feel the pain whether you want her to or not.” He waited a heartbeat for that information to sink in before adding, “At least if you have a relationship with her, she’ll know
something goes wrong. Right now, it’s the not knowing that’s causing her anguish.”

“But what about you? Viper told me you’ve taken her as your permanent sub. What happens to your relationship with her if I interfere?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Logan. Emma loves us both, and I’ll be around to take care of her if anything does happen to you.”

The stunned look on Logan’s face was almost enough to make Jace smile.

“She loves me?” Logan asked, sounding completely dumbfounded. “It was only one weekend.”

Jace nodded. “I know, I was there, remember.”

“But people don’t fall in love in one weekend.” Logan’s confusion was so genuine that this time Jace actually did smile.

“Why not? You did.”

Logan sat heavily on the edge of the bed as if this was the first time he’d even considered that Emma might return his feelings.

Jace stepped forward to shake hands. “Welcome home, Logan. Emma’s at her place tonight. Why don’t you drop by for a visit?”

* * * *

Logan smoothed his sweaty hands down his jeans. He didn’t remember ever being this nervous. He’d fucked up so badly he was fairly convinced Emma would never forgive him. But Jace had been so adamant that things would work out, and it had been such an unexpected gift, that Logan would be a fool not to try.

He’d missed her more than he’d ever expected. He’d tried to convince himself that she was just a weekend diversion, a sweet memory, nothing serious, yet he’d never really believed it. But it had taken Jace’s forthright words for him to finally admit that she was someone special—special to him and to Jace—and if he could get her to forgive him, he’d spend the rest of his life making it up to her.

Logan lifted his hand to knock on her door, memories of the damage her ex had done to her home six months ago as fresh in his memory as if it were yesterday. He tried not to knock too hard, but now that he was here, he really wanted to see her. If she kicked him out on his ass, it might go close to killing him, but at least he’d know.

“Who is it?” Her voice floated through the wooden door, and his heart seemed to stumble a beat before he could find his voice to answer.

“It’s Logan.”

She was quiet for a moment, and when he didn’t hear any movement behind the door, he could taste the bitterness of his worst fears realized.

But then he heard the snick of the lock being disengaged, and the door flew inward. She practically launched into his arms, and he crushed her into his embrace. She was shaking from head to toe and kissing his neck, his face, his lips over and over and over.

Hell, what had he ever done to deserve a woman as special as this one?

He carried her into the living room, sat down on the sofa, and cuddled her close. They sat like that for a long while, and Logan was grateful for the chance to get straight in his head everything he needed to say. But he waited too long.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just…I just…I was scared and shaken and…I’ve never had someone take a bullet for me before.”

“No, Emma, I’m the one who’s sorry. I should’ve been more aware of your feelings. I overreacted to your concern and acted like an asshole.”

She laughed quietly, and his heart stilled at the amazing sound. “I seem to remember pointing that out.”

“Yes,” he said as he smoothed his hand through her hair, “you did, but I was too damn stubborn to realize how right you were.”

“So what’s changed? Why are you here, Logan?”

He pressed her closer to his heart. She might be submissive in bed, but she would never put up with his shit. She deserved nothing less than complete honesty, even if it did make him look like an idiot. Truly, he only had himself to blame for being so stupid.

“I dropped by the Dungeon to try and pry information out of Viper.”

“Viper? Why?” She sounded adorably confused, but she nestled against him as if she’d never been more comfortable.

“For a while, Viper kept me up to date with news of you and Jace, but about four months ago, he refused to tell me anymore. He told me that if I wanted to know how you were, that I’d have to come visit. I went there tonight with the intention of shaking him until he told me the truth.” She laughed softly, and he understood exactly why. Viper may be a retired SEAL, but there was nothing
about him. He was taller, stronger, and as long as his knee wasn’t giving him trouble, probably even still fitter than Logan. There was no guarantee Logan would be the shak
in a confrontation.

“Anyway, when I got there, I saw Jace. I wanted to know if you were okay so badly that I went straight up to him and asked.” He shifted on the sofa, just a little uncomfortable with what he needed to say next. “Jace pointed out a few things I hadn’t considered and then told me to come visit you.”

“What hadn’t you considered?”

“I hadn’t considered that you had a damn good reason for your reaction that night. I left because I didn’t want you to have to go through that again if I got hurt on a mission, but I never thought about how different the two scenarios were.” He loosened his hold on her and helped her sit up so that he could see her face as he confessed the rest. “And I hadn’t considered the possibility that you might love me as much as I love you.”

She smacked him upside the head, but she did it with a smile. “How could you not know?”

He grinned in return. “Stubborn thickheadedness?” he asked with a shrug.

“Well don’t forget again.”

“I never plan to.” He glanced around the room and finally noticed all of the packing boxes. “Are you moving?”

She nodded and placed her head back on his shoulder. “Jace and I decided to move in together.”

“You don’t sound very happy about that,” Logan said, trying to read her reactions without actually being able to see her face.

“I am happy. It’s just I was kind of expecting a marriage proposal, but he seems reluctant to go that extra step.”

“There’s a good reason for that, darlin’.” Emma nearly leapt off Logan’s lap when she heard Jace’s voice, but Logan held her still and glanced over to the man who stood in the doorway with a big smile on his face. “I was waiting for this lug-head to realize where he belonged.”

“So you planned this?” Logan asked.

“I hoped for it,” he said with a smile. “Emma, I think you should marry Logan. That way you’ll be the first notified if there ever is a problem.”

Logan looked like his jaw was going to hit the floor. “Again, don’t flatter yourself, SEAL,” Jace said with a laugh. “I plan to love her every moment of every day. Whether you are here or not.” He moved closer and touched Emma’s face softly. “Do you remember your safe word, darlin’?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said with contented smile.

“I think it’s about time your Doms played with their sub properly.”

She nodded enthusiastically, and they had her naked practically before she could blink. Both men showed her with every touch, every groan, every whispered word how much she was loved.

And it was a very,
long time before she got back to packing.




Abby Blake prefers to read or write romance over just about everything else—except maybe chocolate. Most days she can be found hurrying to do what needs to be done so that she can curl up with her laptop and her latest bunch of heroes.

Also by Abby Blake

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: A Bride for Eight Brothers 1:

Mikayla’s Men

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: A Bride for Eight Brothers 2:

Sweet Captivation

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: A Bride for Eight Brothers 3:

Wild Fascination

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: A Bride for Eight Brothers 4:

Keen Inclination

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: A Bride for Eight Brothers 5:

Hot Inspiration

Siren LoveXtreme Forever: A Bride for Eight Brothers 6:

Mikayla’s Family

Ménage Everlasting:

Ménage Everlasting: Altered Destinies 1:

Ménage Everlasting: Altered Destinies 2:

Ménage Everlasting: Altered Destinies 3:

Ménage Everlasting: Altered Destinies 4:

Ménage Everlasting: Altered Destinies 5:

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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