Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She gave him a wide grin, thankfully realizing his intention of getting Logan to rest as well. “Yes, Sir.” She lifted up and pressed a kiss to his ear and whispered, “Thank you.”

He kissed her then, pouring all of his hope for the future into one passionate kiss.

He hoped she’d meant what she said about being able to fall in love with him, because somehow he was already there. He loved her with everything in him. In less than forty-eight hours Emma—and even Logan—had become very important to him, and he truly hoped the three of them could build a future together.

* * * *

Logan knew exactly what Jace was doing, and even though his instinct was to deny his need for sleep and push through the tiredness, he was also grateful that the man cared enough to include Logan in his concerns.

It was obvious that Jace had fallen for their beautiful sub, but rather than push Logan away, Jace was pulling him closer, making certain he felt welcome and included. Logan had never expected to find in the outside world the type of teamwork and camaraderie he’d enjoyed as a SEAL. In combat, you had to trust your squadmates to do their job to the best of their ability, and life and death situations had a way of heightening that necessity.

But here, with Emma and Jace, Logan found the same type of friendship and trust. It was an unexpected gift, and he silently prayed he would not to waste it. Even if he did go back to the SEAL teams, it would be nice to know that both Jace and Emma would welcome him home with open arms every time.

“Come on, little sub,” he said as Jace finished drying her off. “Let’s get some rest.”

He held out a hand for her to take. She pressed a quick kiss to Jace’s lips and then placed her soft hand inside Logan’s and let him lead her to bed. He settled behind her and scooped her into the cradle of his body. She snuggled into him as Jace came around to the other side of the bed. He smiled at Logan, pressed a kiss to their sub’s lips, and quietly left the room.

Logan didn’t register going to sleep until he woke hours later with Emma still sleeping peacefully in his arms. He stroked a hand down her shoulder as he realized this sweet woman was the reason he’d been able to sleep well. He pressed a kiss to her temple before he noticed the folded note on the pillow beside her.

Curious, he reached for it.

* * * *

Jace found his concentration wandering and berated himself again. The position of Dungeon Monitor was an important one in the world of BDSM. He needed to stay focused so that the people in his care were safe.

He usually only took one shift a week these days. His engineering career was quite demanding, but he still found great satisfaction in assisting like-minded people play out their fantasies and kinks. General society could be very cruel to those who were seen as different, so in some ways, he saw the members of Viper’s Dungeon as extended family. But of course, this week had to be the week he’d agreed to cover for Adam. If he’d known he would meet Emma before then, he would’ve given Adam a big, fat no.

He glanced at the entrance again. Surely Logan would’ve read the note he’d left them by now and knew Jace was expecting Logan and Emma to meet him here.

Jace forced his attention back to the scene being played out in front of him. The sub strapped to the spanking bench let out a loud wail as her Dom smacked her soundly with a wooden paddle. Jace squinted to see her hands in the dim light. She was wearing nail polish on her fingernails, so it was hard to tell if the circulation in her arms was being compromised. The Dom, who was fairly new to the club, was concentrating so hard on landing the paddle correctly that he hadn’t checked her bonds since he’d strapped his sub down. The way the woman pulled against them probably wasn’t helping the situation either.

Jace pulled his flashlight from his belt and waved the beam of light on the floor where he would catch the man’s attention. The Dom immediately stopped what he was doing and glanced over to Jace. He moved the flashlight beam onto the woman’s hands, and the Dom nodded his thanks and moved to check that her bindings weren’t too tight. As he touched her fingers, he immediately undid the wrist cuff and hurriedly moved to undo the other. Jace stepped closer, ready to give assistance if the Dom required.

The woman blinked myopically as her Dom lifted her away from the bench and into his arms. She’d obviously been deep into the scene and probably hadn’t noticed the poor circulation, but a moment later, her agonized cry suggested that the blood had returned rapidly and painfully. Jace handed her Dom a soft blanket and helped him wrap it around the woman as she burrowed into the man’s embrace.

“I’m sorry, baby,” the man said as he comforted his submissive. Her face was streaked in tears, but she didn’t seem overly distressed, so Jace turned his attention to the couple in the next scene area and unobtrusively checked that everything seemed in control. Once he was satisfied, he stood back, ready to assist once more.

Of course, the lull in action gave him a moment to glance at the doorway, again hoping to see Logan and Emma. He ground his teeth together and forced himself to concentrate.

* * * *

Emma was surprised how well the pale pink bustier suited her skin coloring. She grabbed the emergency makeup that she usually carried in her handbag and headed back to the mirror. Logan tracked her movements from his position on the bed, seeming quite content just to watch her preparations for their night out.

But when she found her lipstick that had somehow escaped into the lining of her makeup bag, he leaned over and took it away from her.

“What?” she asked, suddenly more irritated than the situation warranted. She was about to parade around a crowded club partially dressed and probably embarrassingly turned on. She needed all the confidence boost she could get. The color of the bustier might suit her, but she could still see the big butt and fat thighs.

“No lipstick,” he said very seriously. She dropped a hand to her hip and gave him a look that probably earned her a spanking. He frowned but slid the tube into his pocket. “No lipstick.”

A little bit taken aback by his attitude and nervous enough to turn it into an argument, she stood hands on hips and demanded that he hand her lipstick over.

“Are you using your safe word, Emma?” he asked in a voice deep enough to send arousal skittering up her spine. What the hell?

“No, I just want my lipstick back.”

“Emma, when we are dressed like this,” he said in a quiet, serious voice and indicated her lingerie and his leather pants, “I am your Dom and you are mine and Jace’s submissive, and you will follow the rules we set. Is that clear?”

Anger surged through her. “There is a difference between being submissive and being treated like an idiot. I want to know why I can’t wear lipstick.”

“Last warning, little sub.” His voice and manner were quite serious, but he wore an indulgent smile. Emma smiled back. Whatever punishment he was planning suddenly seemed interesting enough for her to want to find out.

She straightened her spine, placed her hands on her hips, and said in a very disrespectful tone, “Or what?”

He moved so quickly she didn’t have time to react. He flipped her over his shoulder, slammed his hand on her butt, and carried her to another room in Jace’s home. The room had looked quite ordinary from the quick glance she’d had yesterday, but she squeaked in surprise when she saw the narrow bench she hadn’t noticed before.

Logan laid her facedown over the bench, her head and shoulders hanging low on one side, her feet dangling off the other. He had her secured in the cuffs quickly and easily, and she breathed harder as both arousal and tension gripped her.

“This is what happens to little subs who sass their Dom.” Logan took a step back, stood where she could see him, and deliberately removed his belt from the loops of his pants. She gasped, her ass muscles clenching as he wrapped the buckle end around his hand a few times, leaving a thick strip of leather available to smack her.

Arousal, fear, adrenaline all combined, and she quivered as he stepped behind her. His warm hand caressed her ass for a moment before he wrenched her thong panties down and left them tangled around the knees.

“I think four stripes will work to remind you who is in charge around here.”

She swallowed, quite difficult to do in her upside-down position, and nodded warily. His hand went back to caressing her ass. “It’s okay to use your safe word, Emma.”

“No, Sir,” she answered breathlessly. Hell, if he didn’t follow through, she might have to kick him. She could feel her arousal dripping down her thighs, and judging by the movement of his hand, Logan had noticed.

“Okay, little sub. Four stripes for being a brat. Count them.”

The loud slap bounced off the room walls and brought tears to her eyes. “One,” she managed to say. The second was a bit higher on her thighs but just as hard, just as painful. The third one landed where her ass cheeks joined the top of her thighs, and she howled at the stinging pain. She squirmed, anticipating the fourth, clenching her buttocks as she waited, and waited and waited.

“Relax, Emma, or this one will really hurt.” He caressed her sore skin, the warm touch against her heated flesh doing funny things to her insides. She felt something hard and slim get pushed into her pussy but it was the vibrations that changed everything. She started rocking, trying to move back against the too-small toy, but her bonds held her fast, and she whimpered with need.

The fourth slap of his belt landed across both cheeks, but this time she barely felt the pain. Only heat. “Please,” she begged, barely registering the word coming out of her mouth over and over.

The vibrator was switched off and removed, and she lay in her bonds, tingling, horny, and so goddamned frustrated that she wanted to scream. “Only good subs get orgasms, little one. Perhaps next time you decide to sass me you’ll remember that.”

He leaned over and undid the cuffs holding her wrists. He helped her to stand and massaged the stiffness from her shoulders. She pressed her aching clit against the bench, rolling slightly in the hope of giving herself just a mini orgasm, something to take the edge off. Logan laughed, opened a drawer in a bureau behind them, grabbed something, and then pressed her facedown over the bench once more. He gripped the back of her neck with his big hand as she felt something covered in cold lube press against her anus. She clenched instinctively, but he kept up a steady pressure until she relaxed the muscles and let him push the plug in. She gasped as she realized this one was bigger, much bigger than the one they’d used earlier.

By the time he pushed the damn thing all the way in she was shaking and sweating and so ready to orgasm she could barely think straight. He grabbed a towel, cleaned away the excess lube, and then pulled her thong panties back into place. Just the gentle pressure from the material against the plug had her squirming again.

Logan undid the bindings on her legs and helped her to stand. Every movement was exquisite torture, and she moved gingerly as the plug settled into place. Logan grabbed a handheld mirror and led her over to the larger mirror on the wall. “Look,” he said as he turned her back to the mirror and held up the smaller one so she could see the reflection of her back.

Four evenly spaced red stripes covered her ass and thighs. Her legs quivered as memories of how they’d come to be on her ass melted through her brain.

“Good girl. That’s the expression I want to see on my sub’s face.”

Horny as hell, gasping for breath, and somehow biting her tongue against her demand to finish what he started, Emma gave him a small smile.

“Just one question, Sir,” she said, the epitome of well-behaved submissive. “Why can’t I wear lipstick?”

* * * *

Jace glanced at his watch, relieved to see that his shift was nearly over. Emma and Logan hadn’t arrived yet, and about a dozen wild scenarios had started to build in his head—everything from a serious car accident to the two of them running off and leaving him behind. The unexpected feeling of vulnerability had him grinding his teeth in frustration.

But when the pair finally entered the room, every thought, except how beautiful his sub looked, flew from his head.

Logan smiled indulgently but encouraged Emma into Jace’s arms. Jace gathered her into his embrace and looked around for his replacement. Malcolm nodded in acknowledgement and quickly took over. It was only a few minutes early, but he owed the guy big-time. He couldn’t wait another moment to play with his sub.

He placed his hands on her ass and pulled her closer to his rapidly inflating cock, but her small hiss of pain caught him by surprise. He glanced sharply at Logan, but the man just smiled and said, “Turn around, little sub.”

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