Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2) (22 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

BOOK: Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2)
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“Is anything broken?” Mom asks.

I shake my head.

“Oh, Sofia.” Mom kisses my forehead.

“I need a favor.” I gain my dad’s attention, ignoring my mother.

“Name it, baby girl.”

“Jack told Caroline that he runs Memphis and that he won’t get in trouble. I want to make sure charges are pressed.” I try not to look at Blake and Caroline. All of their secrets will be all over the papers, but there’s no way I’m going to let anything happen to them, and this is the only way that I know will work.

“You don’t have to worry about a single thing, baby girl. I’ve already taken care of it all,” Dad states.

“I want to talk to Blake.” I look over at him. My family and even Caroline kiss and hug me before leaving me alone with him.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He sounds far away from me, even though he’s sitting on the side of the hospital bed.

“I’m more worried about you and your mom. However, I’m not going to let your dad get away with this. I’m not going to apologize for it either.” I take his hand.

“There’s nothing to apologize for, Sofia. We’re fine with it, so don’t worry about it. Mom was hoping for the charges actually.” He kisses the back of my hand.

“You know that this is going to be in the news. I know this isn’t going to go well for Caroline or you, but I love you and I’ll be with you.” I cup his cheek and softly kiss his full lips.

“I’d rather it be in the news than to get another phone call like today. I’m just glad you’re both okay. And I love you, too.”



THE NIGHTMARE OF getting that phone call from Sofia has been replaying in my mind for days. From the call to seeing her sitting on the floor to the ugly bruise that formed on her face, I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. The good news is Sofia told me about how Mom stood up to Jack the best she could. The even better news is that Jack is facing charges for assault on them both. Something tells me Art is going to do his best to pull a few strings and make sure Jack stays in jail as long as possible.

Sofia’s naked body is lying next to me, and I know we need to get up soon. I’ve more or less made her stay here with me since the incident with Jack. I feel like it hasn’t hit her yet and that she’ll break down or something soon. She hasn’t though and maybe she won’t. Lightly, I run my fingers over her cheek and jaw. She doesn’t stir. It still makes me sick to my stomach that she was put into the middle of our mess.

I lean forward and press a soft kiss to her bruise. Her eyes flutter open, her smile lazy this morning.

“Morning,” I grumble.

“Good morning. Is it time to get up yet?”

“We have a little bit.”

Sofia closes her eyes and snuggles closer to me. “Good. I’m worn out and need more sleep.”

My dick twitches against her skin. “Are you sure you’d rather sleep?” I ask, running a hand down her back.

She swats my hand away when I reach her ass. “Sleep, Blakey. I still don’t have a lot of energy.”

“Fine.” I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes for a half hour of more sleep.



I’M STANDING IN the living room, watching the news. Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long, but there on the screen is a mugshot of Jack. The news is having a fit over the fact that the famous Jack Foster apparently beat his wife and hit Art Gardner’s daughter. Plus, they both have restraining orders against him. Mom’s was easy to get once she released her medical records to the court to show an abusive history. Records which are now accessible to the public.

By the looks of it, Jack’s lawyer has released some bullshit statement. There’s still no comments from anyone else, which doesn’t surprise me. Mom wouldn’t say anything, I don’t think, and unless Art releases a statement, I don’t know if Sofia will say something.

The administration with the team is aware of the situation because I let them know. It’s useless to hope that the reporters will leave me alone about it though. This is better than the alternative and that’s what I need to remember.


I turn around at the sound of Sofia’s voice. She looks worried, and I know it’s because my family’s secrets aren’t a secret anymore.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Is your dad going to release a statement?”

She nods. “Later today, I think.”

I face the TV again, now having to listen to the reporter mention some of the worst of my mother’s injuries over the years. Grabbing the remote, I turn it off. “Hector will be happy,” I say, grabbing my phone and keys.

“Why’s that?”

“Grumpy’s back. C’mon, let’s go.”

We drive separately because I plan to see Mom later to check on her. The locker room falls quiet when I walk in. I avoid eye contact and head for my locker.

“Foster, in my office,” Coach says from where he stands by the doors.

I head out and follow him down the hall. Once I sit in the chair across from him, I wait for whatever it is he has to say.

“We’re keeping the reporters away from practices for a few days, but we won’t be able to avoid them with games. I just wanted to let you know that’s the best we can do since I’m not sure where you stand in all this.”

“Thanks. Does the team want a statement from me or anything?”

His lips are in a firm line. “Since it doesn’t involve you directly, the team doesn’t need one. However, if you want to release one through your lawyer, we won’t object.”

Holding back a groan is harder than I thought. Silence isn’t an option then. With a curt nod, I say, “Okay. Is that all?”

He nods and I stand up to get the hell out of there. Hector is in the locker room when I get back and of course, he speaks to me.

“Grumpy! You’re back.” He grins, slapping me on the shoulder once I’m close enough. “Sof still at your house? I’ve been starving and bored lately since you’ve banned me from the house. Does your mom want any company?” He pauses, tilting his head. “How come I haven’t met her anyway?”

“I didn’t know I should be introducing you to my mom.”

“Well, you should. It’ll probably make her feel good to know you have friends.”

I glare at him and his stupid joking. At least someone is talking to me instead of acting as if they can’t speak around me. As long as they don’t talk about what’s been on the news, we’ll be fine.

I make it through practice just fine and stop by Sofia’s office before I leave. She’s jotting something down on some paperwork.

“Hey,” I say, causing her to turn around with a smile. I shut the door behind me and step closer to her.

“Hey. What’s up?” she asks.

“I’m heading to Mom’s. Were you still coming over afterward?”

“Yeah, I’m having dinner with my family and then I’ll come over.”

“Good.” I grab her hips, pulling her against me. Leaning down, I kiss her with a hunger and promise of what’s to come later. “Love you,” I mumble against her lips, which lift into a smile at my words.

“Love you too.”

I step back and with one more kiss, leave her behind. It doesn’t take me long to reach Mom’s house. The blinds are open and soft oldies tunes are playing when I open the door.

“Mom,” I call out.

She rounds the corner with a smile. “Hey, son. How was practice today?”

“Good. How are you? Have you seen the news?”

She nods and I follow her to the kitchen. “Yes. How are you dealing with it?”

“Alright. We’re going to have to release something though.” I frown at the thought as we sit down at the table.

Mom pats my hand. “Sure, there’s a bit of a battle ahead of us and the media to deal with, but we’re free, Blake,” she tells me softly. “I’m free.”

“I know and I’m happy about that. It’s just weird to have it all out in the open and having to deal with it. I promise I’m not complaining.”

“I know you’re not. We have good people around us to help us through it,” she reminds me. That is true. Sofia and her family there, ready to lend a helping hand if needed.

“I’ve been thinking about something,” I say, ready to change the subject. “After the season is over, I think we should finally take a vacation. Sofia can’t believe we haven’t and I think it’s time we do. Or if you and Vivian want to take off during the season on a cruise or something, I’ll pay for y’all to go. I just want you to get away from here and have fun for a change.”

Mom’s eyes light up. “A vacation sounds perfect, Blake. Maybe the Gardners can join us.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I agree. We’re quiet for a moment or two. “Are you happy here, Mom? You don’t want another house or another city or anything?”

“No, Blake, I’m fine. You can stop your worrying now.”

I nod. Mom still seems relaxed and happy as she moves around the kitchen to fix dinner. Maybe she’s right, and it’s time we stop worrying so much. We can finally get started on leaving Jack behind and Mom can move on with her life. Mom refuses to let me help with dinner, so I stand around, feeling useless. She talks a lot about Sofia and her family. It makes me smile that she loves her so much.

By the time I leave, I’m almost surprised that Mom hasn’t mentioned marriage yet. I’m glad she doesn’t though. Sofia and I still have a while to go before we reach that point. When I pull into my driveway, Sofia’s car is already parked there. She gets out of her car as I get out of the truck.

“How long have you been here?” I ask.

“Only about ten minutes.” She shrugs.

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“You were with your mom and I figured it wouldn’t be long anyway.”

I stick my key into the lock and say, “We really need to get you a key.”

“A key? Do you plan on having me over that often with the possibility of you not already being here to lock or unlock the door?”

After I close the door behind her, I face her. She looks a bit amused. “I plan on having you here at least once a week. Is that going to be a problem?”

Sofia smiles. “Not at all.”

“What about more than once a week? Possibly three?”

“Harmony may get lonely after the second time.”


“And that seems to be a lot of sleepovers, don’t you think?”

“No, a lot would be seven days a week,” I inform her.

“Plus, we travel together. I’m sure you’ll be sneaking into my hotel room soon enough, Blakey. Before long, you’ll grow sick and tired of me.”

“I think you have it backward. You’ll get tired of me first.”

“That might be true. But, then again, my other options are Hector and Tanner, so I guess I’ll stick with you.” She giggles at her joke, and it makes me laugh.

“Clearly, I’m the best option. I’ll have you sticking around for a long time, I think.” A long, long time.

“Aw, look at my sweet Blakey. I’m sure I’m not going anywhere either.”

“Come here.” I pull her against me, wrap my arms around her, and kiss her softly. “I love you, Sofia. I’m so grateful to have you.” Finally, my life isn’t all bad with touches of good every blue moon. Sofia is my something good to keep me steady and help me through the storms. I’m happy, grateful, and for the first time, looking forward to whatever lies ahead.

About the Authors



LINDSAY PAIGE is a romance author from North Carolina who has published YA, NA, and Sports romances of her own. She is a huge hockey fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins and loves read. When not writing, Lindsay is focused on completing college.


MARY SMITH was born in Chicago, Illinois, but currently lives in West Virginia. She is an avid reader, co-founder of Book Nerds Across America, and author of NA, Paranormal, Sports, and other romances. She goes nowhere without her cell phone or Kindle. Mary loves anything to do with Chicago Blackhawks, Patrick Sharp, and hockey related!!


DESPITE THEIR LOVE for different teams and players, Lindsay and Mary write sports romances to vicariously live through their characters and their experiences with these hot athletes. Together, they have written The Penalty Kill trilogy, Oh Captain, My Captain series, and The Ninth Inning series.


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