Blaze (The High-Born Epic) (65 page)

BOOK: Blaze (The High-Born Epic)
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“He and the other military scientists spent years working on it, but he had the answer,” Lieutenant McDaniel said.  “He also helped develop the LAMPP as well.”

“His work earned him his call sign,” Major Young said.  “Everyone said that he was a miracle worker.”

“Ahhh,” Colonel Stevens gestured.  “You give me too much credit.”

“And humble too,” Lieutenant McDaniel said and smiled.  “That’s why he’s so popular with the ladies.”

Colonel Stevens smiled and shook his head, “The White Eagle design can also remote link with missiles fired from what is called Air Artillery.  This allows us to stay in-theater nearly indefinitely since the Eagles are nuclear powered.  Air Artillery, and transport jets, and a few other support aircraft, are housed on the level below us.”

“How many levels are there?” Gabby asked.

“Two,” Colonel Stevens replied.  “ATLAS units deploy from both levels for aerial missions and through tubes for naval missions.  The fighters deploy from the top level and the support aircraft deploy from the second level.  Both ends of the Washington have a main door so that we can deploy twice as fast.”

“And withdraw on the double, if necessary,” Major Young added.

Harold nodded and looked around the vast area.  He had not noticed at first, but there were also many CASE units walking around the hangar.  They were carrying missiles, rail spikes and other things.  Others were walking around the White Eagles holding up some kind of small machine that was apparently giving them information about the jets.  Something hanging on the far wall caught Harold’s attention.

“What is that?” he pointed to an emblem hanging on the far wall.

Colonel looked at where he was pointing, “The Navy Emblem?”

“Yes,” Harold said as he stepped closer.  “I’ve seen it before.”

“Really,” Lieutenant McDaniel asked.  “Where?”

“Well,” Harold answered.  “Not the entire piece.  But I’ve seen the hook and spear before.”

The others regarded him silently as tears welled in Harold’s eyes.

“I’ve seen it in the picture of my parents,” he answered as the others looked at him in astonishment.

































Chapter 55

“Nothing?” Colonel Stevens asked.

“No, sir,” the intelligence agent sitting at the table said.  “No one by the name Harold Knight is listed in the archives.”

“How can that be?” Harold asked.

“Let me have that data pane,” Colonel Stevens said to the agent.

“Yes, sir,” he replied, and handed it to him.

Colonel Stevens began swiping his hand across the pane, “This is how to look at the pictures, Harold.”

The others sitting around the table watched as Harold took it from him and quickly looked at the first few pictures.  Then he called up more, but to no avail.  He looked through everyone named Knight, and the names above and below it, but none of them looked familiar.

“Is this everyone?” Harold asked.

“Normally, there may have been protected files, but I gave my authorization,” Colonel Stevens said.  “It’s possible that it was an alias.”

“But Aunt Nean said that he was her brother?” Harold questioned.  “How could he have made a picture with that emblem in it?”

“Do you have the picture?” the agent asked.  “It wouldn’t take long to cross-reference it.”

“No,” Harold answered.  “It’s still in Foxx Hole.”

“Perhaps your aunt can answer that question,” Colonel Stevens said.

“The lab rats took her,” Harold answered.

Colonel Stevens just nodded.

“I have to know,” Harold said.

“That’s understandable,” Colonel Stevens answered.  “We will figure something out, but now, there is something all of you need to see.”

Harold nodded and Colonel Stevens nodded to the agent who input a few symbols into his data pane and a screen flickered to life on the wall.

The High-Born Dragon walked across the stage.  He paced back and forth several times before his glossy visor looked across the formation of soldiers.  He stopped and placed his hands on his hips.

“A time of great strife is upon us, my brothers and sisters!”

He paused and his helmet swept one side of the crowd to the other, “But we are the High-Born, and we were born to overcome!”

The crowd shouted in return.

“In days past, we have faced many things... Some of which proved to be most challenging.”

He looked down at the stage as if in thought, “And yet... in spite of those challenges... we have overcome... we
found a way, and here we stand!” he raised his shaking fists. “As the rightful masters of our world!”

“For we are the High-Born, and we were born to overcome!” the soldiers shouted.

“Some of our most fearsome enemies have returned... They have hidden like the roaches they are for all of these many years... But they are mistaken if they think that we have grown soft... True... it has been many years since we have been at war, and we were caught off-guard because we grew lax… but no longer!”

“For we are the High-Born, and we were born to overcome!”

He swept his hand across the crowd, “All of the old programs shall be re-opened.”

And the film flickered to a black screen.  Then, several seconds of a low growling could be heard, followed by a ferocious roar.  The images of a frightened young man running through the woods could be seen.  He looked behind himself in terror, and then knocked some bushes out of his way, and the young man seemed to run off the side of the screen.  After several seconds, a flash of orange and black streaked across the scenery where he had just been.

The screen went black and terrified screams echoed amidst the horrible roars of some creature.  A rapid series of images of gore and blood came across the screen along with the grisly sounds of something eating.  Several quick images hinted at an orange and black creature standing around a pile of bloody human remains.  And for a split second, it showed the creature from the side.  It was on its all-fours, yet it turned to look at the camera, and as it rose to stand on its hind legs its hands spread out like man’s, but finger-length claws came out of its finger tips.

Its face turned and it looked like a man crossed with a tiger, and a frightening intelligence was in its eyes as its blood-stained maw sneered at the camera.  The screen went black and barks, howls, and other terrible sounds that Harold and the others had never heard before came through the speakers.

The Dragon reappeared on the screen, “Let our enemies know that there shall be recompense for every attack upon us!  Five communities shall suffer the wrath of a variety of hybrid stalkers for each and every attack upon us!”

The film flickered again to show a large piece of equipment that resembled a hover tank, but its metal seemed sleeker.  Its main gun was larger, and there were several smaller guns sticking out from all over it.  It began moving towards the camera and then firing its main cannon along with all of its other guns as well.

The screen changed to show another image, and this time what could only be a new gunship design zoomed from right to left.  It spun around an older hover tank on the ground, rail cannons firing at a rapid rate decimating the target with merciless efficiency.  Then, it disappeared from sight.

And the Dragon reappeared on the screen.

“In addition to these old programs!  We shall reveal all new ones as well!”

The screen changed again, and it showed an image of large, man-shaped robot.  It was dark colored so as to absorb light and was twice as tall as an elite High-Born.  It had two shoulder-mounted weapons of some sort and forearm-mounted rail cannons.  Beneath those cannons two long blades suddenly popped out and retracted back into their housings.  On its hips sat two, full batteries that seemed to house a variety of missiles with mixed capabilities.  All at once, the chest of it opened to reveal a High-Born pilot.

“The Goliath Armor Corps has been unveiled!  It has been a top secret project for many years now, but no more!  With active stealth capabilities, let our enemies tremble before it!”

Suddenly, several things that had to be advanced mechanoids of some sort began marching into the screen around the Goliath Armor.  They were of various designs, but they all bore a striking resemblance to the original mechanoids.  However, they all seemed to be much more advanced and more heavily armed.  Several had a variety of shoulder and forearm-mounted weapons that had to be lasers and rail cannons, and perhaps weapons as yet unknown.

“The Goliath Corps shall be accompanied by individual squads of the most advanced mechanoids ever conceived!  And, make no mistake, they will be the Dragon Corps most powerful harbingers!”

“For we are the High-Born, and we were born to overcome!” the soldiers erupted into a frenzy.

The High-Born pilot walked across the stage and raised his hands, “And the Dragon Corps itself will soon bring into service the most advanced fighters this planet has ever seen!”

The only thing the screen showed was the ignition of twin thrusters, and a barely visible outline of an ill-defined jet from behind.  The screen shifted back to the Dragon who pointed at the camera.

“Let all who see this know that the ire of the greatest military force this world has ever known is coming for you!  We will not be stopped!  And let all Low-Born know that we are their masters!”

“For we are the High-Born, and we were born to overcome!”

“And to Blaze and Aireon,” the Dragon said.  “Enjoy your moment because it shall not last long… without a doubt… your strength is significant… however, the force you encountered in Naxos was older technology outfitted with remote-piloting capabilities.  You destroyed nothing but out-dated toys… so hide along with the rest of the roaches beneath the waves… hide… because that is all that you can do… know that the Dragons have observed you… and we have measured you… and we have studied you… we know your strengths… and your weaknesses… we are coming for you… and when we come, you will fall… and you shall fall soon.”

The Dragon paused and looked directly at the camera.  Just beneath his visor, they caught the hint of whitish-colored eyes.  Then, he clenched his fist in front of himself.

“For we are the High-Born, and we were born to overcome.”

Harold’s and Gabby’s eyes slightly glowed as the Dragon faded from the screen.

Colonel Stevens keyed the remote control and the monitor went blank.

“That’s all that there was,” he said as he looked over Harold and the three other elementals.

“I can’t wait to see the lab rats’ faces when I get my hands on one of those Goliath things,” Ralph said.

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