Blaze (The High-Born Epic) (67 page)

BOOK: Blaze (The High-Born Epic)
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“I am Typhoon!” his deep and booming voice thundered as he threw back his head in defiance.  “And I am the Divine Wind of my ancestors!”

“And I am Tsunami!” she shouted, sounding like several women speaking in unison.  “And I am the cleansing flood sent by the ancestors!”

“We are guided by the power of our forefathers!” they both said, the sound of them speaking together was incredibly intimidating.  “We have come to bring a storm to this world that will sweep from our path all fools who dare to call themselves High-Born!”

He raised and swung his sword, and the screen turned to static.

“Ready for the good news?” the captain asked with a big smile.

They all nodded.

“Pacific Fleet has already retrieved them,” the captain answered.  “Like most love-struck teenagers, they thought they were invincible and did something stupid.  Not long after this battle was over, they engaged a larger force that nearly killed them.  The Pacific ATLAS Corps managed to extract them.  The ethereal and the hydro-kinetic were injured, but given Gabby’s, Ralph’s, and Michelle’s remarkable recoveries, I suspect that they will be fine.”

The captain picked up a data-pane from the station next to him.  He began sliding and sweeping his hand across it.  On the screen, they could see sheets of crumpled paper with scribbling on them.

“The videos I just showed you were the elemental events we’ve confirmed,” the captain held up the data-pane for all of them to see.  “The copies of the notes here are unconfirmed reports from various spies throughout the world who don’t have the ability to communicate electronically.  For instance, a teenage boy in occupied Britain who can create ice.  A teenage girl with strange skin who can cause tremors from occupied Austrailia.  A teenage boy from occupied India who can manipulate fire, and a teenage girl from occupied Saudi Arabia with telekinetic powers and the ability to make the wind blow.  Given the similarities of these reports, I don’t doubt their authenticity.  What’s even more exciting?  We have reported events on every continent except Antarctica.”

“How many reports are there?” Colonel Stevens asked.

“Fifty-two, so far,” the captain replied.  “We’re coordinating with NATO allies and Pacific Fleet to send investigatory units, and we’re prepping extraction teams.  The USS Benjamin Franklin is rounding the southern tip of Africa as we speak, and is heading for the Arabian Sea.” he looked towards the four Elementals.  “Looks like we may be sending all of you in sooner than we thought.”

The captain hesitated and then said, “Congratulations, to all of you.”

They looked at him quizzically.

“For so long we’ve had no hope.  You four have changed that...  And you were the beginning of whatever this is,” he replied, and looked directly at Harold, “But a special congratulations is due to you, son.”

“What for?” Harold asked.

“Well... Blaze... you obviously weren’t the only one... but you were... the first one.”



End of Book One


















Jason Woodham was born in Montgomery, Alabama, but grew up in the southeastern region of the state.  He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Health Education from Troy University.  With a respect for both academic and athletic excellence, he is a reader, writer, and outdoorsman who enjoys many different sports.

Jason currently resides in southeastern Alabama.  Find out more about him on his websites:


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