Read Blessing the Hands that Feed Us Online
Authors: Vicki Robin
kale, 115â16
Kale Chips, recipe, 145
Katz, Rebecca,
One Bite at a Time,
Kerr, Graham, 119â20
Kickstarter, 251, 315
King, F. H., 176
Klinenberg, Eric,
Going Solo,
Kohlmeier, Martin, 117
Korrow, Chris, 248, 264, 316
Krapfel, Paul,
lamb, recipe, 109â10
Langley, Washington, 93
Langley Middle School garden, 229
Lao-Tzu, 36
Lappé, Frances Moore and Anna, ix-xii, 168
Lazarus, Karen, 277, 278
LeBaron, Duke and Kate, 233â34
lemons and limes, 74
letting go, 39â40
liberating limits, 198â201
Lobell, Robbie, 315
expanding to everyone, 268, 270
and horizontal distribution, 269â71
relationships in, 153â55
shopping criteria, 257â58
USDA definition of, 102, 270
vs. big food producers,
industrial food system
wherever you are, 153â55, 239â40
your version of, 307â8
local eating:
effects of, 6â10
and farmland preservation, 247â48, 268â69
and fertility, 244â45
and freshness, 241
and frugality, 243
and the future, 250â53
hyperlocal (10 miles), 47
is it for you?, 5â6
and local prosperity, 246
rare practice of, 163â67
reasons to do it, 6, 240â53, 254â55
rebellion, 243, 244
relational, 153, 240â53
and relocalization, 9â10
in restaurants, 212
and ripeness, 241
and security, 245â46
and subsidiarity, 191â92
and taste, 242
where to begin, 256â57
and wholesomeness, 242â43
Local Investing Opportunity Network (LION), 251, 314
location, 106â7
Long, Joe, 67
Long, Nancy, 67
Long Family Farm, 66â67, 69, 223, 224
and biodynamic farming, 244
cooking with, 142, 206, 308
food is love, 142, 202, 230â31, 232â33
and local food, 8, 89, 101, 122, 223, 232â33, 240, 253
need for, 231
pride vs., 153
and 10-mile diet, 15, 16, 105, 142, 191, 199, 202
and vulnerability, 127
and web of life, 226
Lower Skagit First Nations people, 11
Mackies (settlers), 12
Marin Agricultural Land Trust, California, 247
Marshall Plan, 299
Marty and Beulah, 30â31
Meadows, Donella, 58
Bittman's views on, 158â61
at custom-cut slaughterhouses, 297
living with less, 291â92
from Long Family Farm, 66â67, 69, 223, 224
meatloaf recipe, 51
no-meat mantra, 182
raising your own, 291â92
scale-appropriate regulations for, 297â98, 317
and 10 percent rule, 181
as treat, 180â81
trends away from, 180â82
meatless Mondays, 181
Menominee Indians, 31
menu, seasonal, 308â10
migrant farmworkers, 163
author's quest for, 69â71, 89, 90â91, 94, 97, 223
goat, 69â71, 97
pasteurized, 70
raw, 70, 130â33, 203, 297
regulation of, 70, 131â32, 203, 316â17
Miller, Rhea, 284â85
Mitchell, Pam, 198
and farmers' markets, 101â4
food calculation by, 43, 45, 172
as market gardener, 103â4, 216, 314
and SPIN-Gardening, 43â45
Mobley, Neal, 101
moderation, 153
Molly's Season Extender CSA, 72
monocropping, 190, 242
Monroe, Marilyn, 16
moral issues, 171
Morrill, Lisa, 50â52
Morris, Kimmer, 249
multistakeholder dialogue, 276
Muzzall, Ron and Shelly, 212
Nattress, Vincent, 50, 52
natural food, 105â6, 122â24
natural world, 90, 125, 167, 306â7, 317
Nelson, Gaylord, 32
Nelson, Willie, 197
Nestle, Marian, 249
New Road Map Foundation, 59
Nichols, Mike (food delivery), 207â8, 270
Niemuller, Martin, 307
night soil, 176
Nina (cheese lady), 97, 141, 198, 211
Now It's Your Turn:
conscious eating, 178â82
cooking, 142â43
dining together, 218
establish your home base, 78
food ethic, 81â83
food journal, 180
food messages, 25
graces, 218â20
grow your own, 79â80
host a Potluck with a Purpose, 83â85
how to start a Transition Town group, 49â50
location, 106â7
motivation, 78â79, 254â55
shopping criteria, 257â58
tasks, 308
tell your food stories, 23â25
treasure hunt, 83
where to begin, 256â57
your food future, 47â49
your life as an eater, 22â23
your version of “local,” 307â8
your “where”, 79
nuts, 89â90
obesity, 232
oil (cooking), 74
oil (petroleum):
and industrial food system, 40, 52, 245
peak, 40â41, 52, 68, 93, 153, 255
price of, 280
omega-3 oils, 74
organic food, 167, 280
laws governing, 211
scaling up, 268
Organic Valley Dairy Cooperative, 16
overeating, 19
overshoot and collapse, 35â36, 40
Pachamama Awakening the Dreamer Symposium, 38
Peak Oil, 40â41, 52, 68, 93, 153, 255
Penguin Companion to Food,
124, 125
permaculture, 94â95, 280
Peterson, Cary, 229, 243, 316
Peterson, Molly and John, 72, 198, 217, 224, 261, 313, 316
pickles, recipes, 27
pink slime, 250
plate size, 178â79
potatoes, 116
potlatch, 98â99
Potlucks with a Purpose, 65â66, 77, 83â85
preference, 58
pressure cooker, 120, 143
Putnam, Robert,
Bowling Alone,
(longing for home), 187
Quinn, Daniel, 99
Ranker, Kevin, 316
Ratekin, Kent, 44, 89, 105, 194â95, 213, 313
rebellion, 243, 244
Basic Vegetable Stock, 107â9
Bread and Butter Pickles, 27
Chanterelle and Cauliflower MushroomâStuffed Roasted Chicken Breast, 184â86
Chef Sibrand Jurriaans Brussels Sprouts, 259
Georgie's Grandma Smith's Rockwell Baked Beans, 221
Grass-Fed Bone Marrow Broth, 146â47
Jess Dowdell's Nettle Soup, 85â86
Jess's Coffee and Red WineâInfused Lamb, 109â10
Jess's Parsnip and Aged Sheep Cheese Gratin, 221â22
Kale Chips, 145
Local Bean Hummus, 26
Ma's Meatloaf, 51
Nutty Renee's Red Kuri Soup, 183â84
Root Chips, 145
Salad of Fall Greens, Poached Hen's Egg, Walnut Vinaigrette, 53â55
Squash Bisque by Jess Dowdell, 260
Sweet Pickle Relish, 27
Vicky Brown's Dessert Cheese, 86â87
your signature soup, 143â44
relational eating, 124â30, 223â40
author's movement into, 26, 89, 192, 201, 223, 224â25, 250, 261
and belonging, 226â27, 230
and children, 249â50
and community, 79, 227, 228â31, 240, 246, 270, 298
and cooking, 124, 142, 225, 308
definitions of, 4, 9, 192, 226, 253, 271
eating together, 234â36
and exotics, 239â40
and farmers' markets, 236â37, 240, 252, 256
and farming, 236â39, 245, 248, 250, 301
food and love, 230â31, 232â33
and food value chain, 294
and the future, 250â53, 267â69
and global food sources, 239â40
and gratitude, 232, 234â36
and hope, 269, 270, 276, 277
and horizontal distribution, 269â71
and integrity, 232
and local eating,
local eating
and sprouting, 79â80
vs. industrial food system, 224, 230, 232, 237, 240
web of eating, 127, 225â26
web of life, 226, 232, 234, 239â40, 253, 307
author's commitment to, 46, 226, 264
and local finance, 314
movement, 5, 9â10, 40â41, 50, 85
and Transition Town, 42â43, 154â55, 303
resilience, 9, 154, 289, 290, 293
resourcefulness, 140, 154
Rhinelander commune, 28â32, 206
Ridenour, Laura, 317
ripeness, 241
Robbins, John,
Diet for a New America,
58, 159, 168
Root Chips recipe, 145
Roth, Geneen, 230â31
Women Food and God,
salad recipe, 53â55
Salish people, 11
salt, 74
Sandra, 198
goat leg from, 141â42, 223
Satir, Virginia, 123
sauerkraut, 134
scalability, 176â77
scale-appropriate regulations, 297â98, 317
scaling up, 268â69
school lunches, 249â50
Schuman, Michael, 303
seasonal harvests, 165
Farm Bill principles, 287â88
food evolution in, 286â90
security, 245â46
self-sufficiency, 46, 192â94
September Eat Local Challenge, 77
serotiny, 292â93
Shaw, George Bernard, 36
shopping, 59â63, 257â58
Shulman, Phyllis, 286, 288â89, 290
Silby, Georgina, 208â9, 216â17, 224, 238, 261
simplicity, 57
Singer, Jean, 277, 278
Sioux grace, 220
slowing down, 179
Smith, Georgie, 198, 314
baked bean recipe, 220â21
heirloom beans from, 72, 224, 238, 261
as market gardener, 207, 208
reasons to farm, 215â16
and Willowwood Farm, 182â83
Snacking in America
(NPD), 100
Snohomish tribe, 68
Snoqualmie tribe, 68
solo lifestyle, 192â94
Basic Vegetable Stock, 107â9
Bone Marrow Broth, 146â47
Nettle Soup, 85â86
Red Kuri Soup, 183â84
Squash Bisque, 260
your signature recipe, 143â44
South Whidbey, 92â93, 98â100
Spangle, Linda, 113
spices and herbs, 74, 75, 117â18
SPIN-Gardening, 43â45
Squash Bisque, recipe, 260
Star Store, Langley, 59â61, 71â72
Steele, Carolyn,
Hungry City,
Steiner, Rudolf, 44, 195
Stoll, Andrew, 74
subsidiarity, 191â92
sustainability, 168, 177, 250
conference (1989) on, 33â34
and exponential growth, 34â35
as extreme sport, 21â22, 95, 155, 223, 243, 291, 312
and farmers, 164â67, 213, 215â16, 287
and Food 2020, 275
and limits to growth, 36â38
and overshoot and collapse, 35â36, 40
and survival, 41â43
sustainable development, 286
Sustainable Seattle, 39
Sustainable Whidbey Coalition, 95
Swanson, Lynn, 237
sweeties, 113
Talbot, Nathaniel, 316
taste buds, 125, 179, 242
Tata corporation, 77
TED talks, 158â60, 191
10-mile diet, 1â2
author's blogs about, 75â76, 92, 106, 128â30, 142, 172, 191â92, 262
author's lifestyle changes in, 190â91
beginning of, 20â21, 28, 56â57
constraints of, 149â50, 198â201
continuing with, 223
D-Day minus 1, 88â89
effects of, 3, 105, 123, 188â91, 199, 224â25, 311â12
end of, 196
expanding the definition of, 155
food miles, 123
food rules derived from, 202â4
mystical experience of, 124â30
practicalities of, 128
solitary eating in, 192â94, 196
and Transition Town gathering, 149â55
Week One: Grounded!, 88â110
Week Two: Getting the Hang of It, 111â47
Week Three: The Week of My Discontent, 148â86
Week Four: Final Week, 187â222
wherever you are, 153â55
Teresa, Mother, grace of, 219
Thistlewaite, Rebecca, “So You Say You Want a Food Revolution,” 163â67, 168
Thoreau, Henry, 32
time, value of, 200â201
time limitations, 137â39, 193
Tobey (chickens), 156â58, 168, 194, 224
togetherness, 140, 218, 234â36
Trader Joe's, 61â62
transformations, 224â25
transformers, 294â96
Transition Colorado, 303
Transition Town:
gathering, 149â55
how to start, 49â50
and relocalization, 42â43, 154â55, 303
Transition Whatcom County, 152
Transition Whidbey, 65â66, 77, 83, 93, 229, 272
Tree Top Bakers, 101
trust, 130, 293
turnips, 75â76
Twain, Mark, 153
Vallat, Gary, 233
Van's Produce, Seattle, 62, 77
victory gardens, 291
volunteerism, 228
Waldorf education, 44
waste, 248â49
Waters, Alice, 212, 249
web of eating, 127, 225â26
web of life:
awareness of, 203
being woven into, 318
and relational eating, 226, 232, 234, 239â40, 253, 307
weight loss, 188
wheat, 161â63
Whidbey Institute, 229
Whidbey Island:
ability to feed itself, 45, 46, 67, 189, 279â80
community of, 45
Food 2020 in, 272â86
map, iv
native tribes of, 68
Whidbey Island Farm Tour menu, 308â10
“Whidbey Island Grown” brand, 239, 276
Whidbey Island Local Compost (WILC), 280, 281
Whidbey Island Local Lending (W.I.L.L.), 251, 282
Whidbey Island Nourishes (W.I.N.), 229â30