Blind Acceptance (19 page)

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Authors: Missy Martine

BOOK: Blind Acceptance
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Chapter 8

Remus slid his arms around Maddie and nuzzled her neck. “Whatcha doin’?”

Maddie snorted. “What does it look like?”

He gazed over her shoulder and grimaced. She never indulged in sweets unless something was bothering her. A three-decker ice-cream sundae meant she was pissed about something. Slowly, he covered her hand with his and took the large spoon away, dropping it into the sink. “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

“What makes you think something’s wrong?”

He barked out a laugh, ran his finger through the fudge sauce, and held it to her lips. He felt his cock twitch when her tongue shot out and licked his finger clean.

Sighing, she turned in his arms and laid her head on his chest. “I’m just tired of our lives having so much turmoil.”

He pressed a kiss against her head.

“It’s not that bad. We have everything pretty much under control.”

“You can’t be that delusional, Remus.

Victor is making noise about never taking a mate since they’re so much trouble. Eloise is hankering after that fellow from the National Council.”

Remus stiffened. “What?”

Maddie looked up and frowned.

“Don’t interrupt.”

He winced. “Sorry, please go on.”

“Elyne’s not happy with her job, and Kanor’s making himself sick worrying about when he’s gonna find his mate.”

She sniffed and looked up. “And if that isn’t bad enough, our newest pack member’s father is trying to kill her, and someone is kidnapping weres across the country, again.” She pushed away and leaned against the counter. “When’s it gonna end, Remus? When can we just relax and enjoy our family?”

Remus moved closer and put one arm behind her back and another behind her knees. He swept her off her feet, walked over, and sat down at the kitchen table, cuddling her on his lap. “Honey, we can’t control our kid’s lives, no matter how much you might want to. You can’t worry about Victor. I promise you, when he meets his mate, all his ideas of remaining a bachelor will fly right out the window.”

“How’s he gonna find her? He refuses to meet anyone new.”

“Ahhh, now I understand. You tried to fix him up on a blind date, didn’t you?”

Maddie played with the button on Remus’s shirt and wouldn’t raise her eyes. “Mrs. Elby’s granddaughter was visiting from Oklahoma, and I just wanted him to show her around.”

Remus sighed. “We’ve talked about this, mate, and you promised not to do it again.”

She growled. “I know. But she was such a nice girl.”

“Enough! Do not try to introduce him to anyone else. And that goes for Kanor as well. He’ll find his mate when the time is right, and nothing can change that.” He raised her chin so he could look into her eyes. “Promise me, Maddie.”

“Oh, all right. I promise. What do I care if he’s single all his life and never gives us any grandchildren?”

Remus chuckled. “If Elyne’s unhappy with her job, then she should leave it and come home. We can always use her in the family business.”

Maddie nodded. “I’m gonna talk to her this weekend. I’ll let her know that you’ve got a job for her, if she wants to come home.”

“I never thought she’d like living in Casper. It’s more people than she’s used to.”

“What about Eloise?”

Remus frowned. “Is she really interested in Zander?”

Maddie nodded. “She wouldn’t admit it, but she followed him all around the party, and once, when he stopped to talk to one of the young women, I heard her growl.”

Remus snarled and rubbed his chin across Maddie’s soft hair. “She’s met her match in that one.”

“He’s a bear, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, a Kodiak, or better known to you, a grizzly.”

Maddie snickered. “Considering she inherited my special gift, I’d love to be a fly on the wall for their first date. She’s not got much of a sense of humor, and she’s quick to blow when she’s angry.”

“Do you think we should warn Zander?”

“No, it should come from her.”

Remus threw back his head and laughed. “I hope you mean the information should come from her, and not the gift itself. I can’t imagine how angry a grizzly could get if she uses her telekinesis on him.” He leaned down and licked the side of Maddie’s neck. “What do you say we leave our family’s problems behind tonight and spend a little time enjoying each other?”

Maddie grinned and started unbuttoning his shirt. Her warm, soft hand slipped beneath the cotton, her fingers threading through his chest hair.

Remus reached for the zipper on her caftan and slowly pulled it down, letting the silky material slide down her shoulders until it caught on her hardened nipples. Leaning close, he nosed the material until it fell to her lap, and then suckled the tip of her breast.

“Oh, Remus, that feels so—” She screeched and moved her hands to cover her breasts when the back door flew open.

Latan walked in, a big grin on his face.

“Are you two at it in the kitchen again?

Don’t you ever have sex in your bedroom?”

Remus groaned and moved his hands as Maddie surged to her feet. The rasp of her zipper was loud as she straightened her clothes.

She glared at Latan. “Aren’t you ever gonna learn to knock on a door before you just open it and walk in?”

He laughed and leaned against the counter. “What fun would that be? I’d never learn anything if I started warning people I was coming in.”

She frowned. “There might be consequences you won’t like if you keep walking in my door without knocking.”

“What brings you here this time of day, brother?”

“I got a call from Macon. He said that David and Eric may be walking into some kind of trap.”

Remus frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense. The boys told me no one knew they were coming, and I didn’t call until their plane had landed. Nobody would have time to set up a trap with that time frame.”

“Macon’s been keeping close tabs on her father through the secretaries at the investment firm, and he’s had someone tailing that Jeremy guy that helped him dump Laynee in the woods. He said that Jeremy has packed up his place and given his neighbors the idea he’s about to come into an inheritance and expects to take an extended world trip within the next couple of weeks.”

“Damn! That sounds like whatever is gonna happen is gonna be pretty quick.”

Latan nodded. “That’s the impression I got.”

“What would you like me to do?”

Latan ran his hands through his hair.

“Nothing at the moment. I told you I’d keep you in the loop. I’ve got complete confidence in David and Eric. I know they’ll do everything in their power to keep their mate safe, and I can’t see a weasel like her father being able to best them.”

“Weasel,” Maddie said. “That’s a good name for him. I can’t imagine a man capable of doing harm to his own child. Whatever the boys do will be more than deserved.”

“How did Laynee take the news about their animals?” asked Remus.

“They haven’t told her yet.”

“Why the hell not? I told them to do it before they left here.”

“David was afraid to tell her until after they dealt with her father. He said if something happened, and she couldn’t accept them, they couldn’t be around to protect her from that asshole. In this instance, I agreed with them.”

“I guess I can see their point, but understand, the sooner they tell her, the better. It’ll be hard enough for her to accept the fact they’re shifters. They don’t wanna have to defend lying to her as well.”

“Are they gonna bring her back to live with the pack, or taking her to Glacier?”

asked Maddie.

“I think they hope she’ll want to live with them in Glacier, but nothing’s been decided yet.”

Maddie sighed. “That’s a shame. With their business, she’ll be alone a lot of the time, and in a strange place.”

Remus snorted. “That sure won’t be good for their mating. They aren’t gonna want to leave her alone, there in the cabin. With her being blind, any number of things could go wrong.”

“I’ll make sure my boys know you’re okay with bringing her back here.”

Remus growled. “Of course I am.

She’s family now. As for the boys, they’re supposed to check in with me when they arrive at her grandfather’s estate. When they call, I’ll tell them everything Macon learned.”

“Thanks, bro.”

Maddie moved to stand beside Remus’s chair. “And, Latan, one more thing.”

Latan moved from the counter and stood before the door. “What’s that, Maddie?”

She narrowed her eyes and flicked her finger toward the door. Latan jumped when it slammed open, slapping the wall behind him hard enough to leave a mark.

“Don’t keep walking in here without knocking unless it’s an emergency, brother. You never know what might happen.”

Latan laughed. “Now, Maddie, you—”

Maddie flicked her wrist, and Latan was practically thrown out the door, his arms and legs flailing as he landed butt first on the deck. Grinning, she flicked her finger again, and the door closed.

Remus snickered as the loud click of the lock echoed across the room. He pulled her into his lap. “That wasn’t very nice.”

“Please, I’ve done worse to him.

Besides, I’m tired of him catching me partially undressed in my own kitchen. A girl should be allowed to have some secrets.”

Remus stood with her clutched tightly to his chest. He started toward the hall.

“Well, my little Alpha Femm, let’s go somewhere I can undress you and find all your secrets.”

Eric gazed out the window at the stately old maples lining the private drive. Before long, they rounded a corner that brought the house into view.

It was a two-story Spanish villa, with graceful arches and black wrought iron scrollwork on the fences that enclosed it.

“Man, your grandfather knew how to live nice.”

David whistled low. “His place is beautiful.”

Laynee sighed. “He once described it to me in detail. In the back, there’s a cobblestone patio with benches. Last year he put in a large goldfish pond with a waterfall cascading into it. I can’t wait to check it out.”

Eric nodded toward the house. “Looks like they’re expecting us, or at least expecting somebody. The windows of the Weather’s estate are all ablaze.”

David parked near the massive, carved oak entry doors and cut off the engine. He turned to Laynee. “Are you ready, love?”

She took a deep breath and nodded.

“Okay, then. Let’s get this party started.”

“David,” Eric said. “Take a look.”

“What is it?” Laynee asked.

“There’s a silver Corvette parked at the side of the house. Do you know who it belongs to?” asked Eric.

She shook her head. “I can’t imagine.

Maysie and Edward have been with my grandfather for like a gazillion years. I guess it could belong to one of them.”

Eric helped Laynee from the car.

Awfully pricey car for a housekeeper to
be driving.
He watched as David pushed the doorbell and then followed up with a couple of strong raps on the door.

A moment later, it was opened by a man. He was older, thin, and balding, probably in his late fifties, wearing pleated pants and an oversized pullover shirt that hung on his bony frame. His smile took years off his face. “Miss Laynee, it’s so good to see you again.”

Laynee grinned. “Hello, Edward, it’s good to see you again.” She motioned with her left hand. “These are my friends, David and Eric Wind River.”

She reached out and offered her hand to Edward.

He took her hand in his and smiled.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen.

Won’t you please come inside?”

Eric nodded. “Thank you. I’m Eric, and that’s my brother David.”

Edward bowed lightly. “Pleasure, sirs.”

Eric trailed behind as they followed Edward into the house. The entryway had a parquet floor. One side opened into a sprawling formal living room of pale yellows and muted gold, while a stairway climbed dramatically to the second floor.

“Wow,” David said. “This is quite a place.”

Laynee held out her arm. “One of you is gonna have to be my eyes. I have a feeling there are lots of things here that I could break if I’m not careful.”

“Forgive me, Miss Laynee. We only got word about an hour ago that you were coming. I’ll make sure to make it safer to navigate right after dinner.”

“Don’t worry about a thing, Edward.

There’s plenty of time for that.”

“If I may ask, how long do you and your friends plan on staying?”

“Yes, I’d like to know the answer to that myself.”

Laynee stiffened for just a moment and then turned toward the voice. “Hello, Father.”

Robert Conner stood glaring at his daughter wearing a gray European cut suit that made him look like an ad for some high-priced cologne. He spoke from a casual stance against the door, antagonism emanating from him so clearly, Eric could smell it.

“I’d like you to meet my friends, Eric and David Wind River.” She took a deep breath. “Guys, this is my father, Robert Conners.”

David nodded. “Sir.”

Eric nodded and moved closer to Laynee.

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