Blind Acceptance (31 page)

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Authors: Missy Martine

BOOK: Blind Acceptance
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Remus picked up his cup. “Our daughter, Eloise, teaches the preschool and first grade children here on the mountain. When we announced you were joining the pack, she asked all kinds of questions about you and wanted to know if you’d be interested in working at the school with her. She could use some help with the preschool pups.”

Laynee’s face lit up, and she leaned forward in her chair. “Oh, Remus, I’d love that. I’ve missed working with the children. It would give me great purpose in life to be back teaching.” She lowered her head and then raised it again. “Are you sure she understands that I’m blind and can only teach them so much?”

“She knows you’re blind, and she told me that it would be a wonderful, new perspective to give her young charges considering they, too, are different in this world.”

Remus watched David and Eric to see if they objected to her teaching and was pleased to see total acceptance on their faces. “I’ll let her know that you’ll be with her in the classroom in the fall.”

“It would help greatly if I could visit it several times before then to map out the room in my mind so I can get around easily.”

Maddie nodded. “Not a problem. I’ll take you over there a few times next week while the guys are out buying their building.”

Remus cleared his throat. “Laynee, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

“What is it, Remus?”

“You told me that you could read some people’s auras. Could you not tell that your father and this Jeremy person were up to no good?”

Laynee sighed. “I’ve always got conflicting readings from my father. I always thought it was because there was so much time between his visits. As for Jeremy, I got no readings at all.” She bit her lip. “It’s almost like a person who’s inherently evil, doesn’t register on my radar.”

“I hope that means you can read everyone in our family,” Remus said.

Laynee laughed. “No worries, Alpha.

So far, I can read everyone I’ve met in your family.”

David picked up Laynee’s hand. “See, love. There are places in the world that have blind acceptance.”

Laynee kissed his hand and smiled.

“I’m truly blessed to have found such acceptance from my new family.”

“I hope that includes us, Miss Laynee.”

Laynee stood and held out her arms.

“Maysie, it’s so good to hear your voice.

Is Edward with you?”

“Yes, little Miss, I’m here.” Edward turned to Remus. “Maysie and I very much appreciate your allowing us to remain with Miss Laynee when she sets up house. We’ve thought of her as a kind of pseudo-granddaughter her entire life.”

“Mama thought of you that way as well, Edward.” Laynee rubbed at a tear that slid down her cheek. “I listened to all the tapes she made for me and she talks about the two of you often, and encouraged me to think of you as family.

I can’t tell you what it has meant to me, being able to listen to her thoughts, and her dreams for my future. She wanted us all to be a real family.”

Maddie smiled. “We’re happy to have both of you join our family, Edward.”

Remus watched as Maysie walked over to give Laynee a hug. He snickered silently as he watched Edward studying the boys from the corner of his eye. To say the man had been shocked when he’d seen their animals was an understatement.

He’d given his permission for them to tell the older couple about shifters and give them the option of living here with Laynee.

They’d jumped at the chance, and he was glad to see it made her so happy. There would be trouble eventually, though.

They were staying with him and Maddie until the boys got their home, and already Edward was trying to take over the running of the house. It would be interesting to see who came out on top.

“Dad, I need a favor.”

Remus turned to Victor. “What is it, son? Did you come for one of your mom’s home-cooked meals?”

“Begging your pardon, sir.”

Remus looked up at Edward. “Did you need something, Edward?”

Edward glanced at Maddie and pursed his lips. “Miss Maddie and I came to an agreement, and she’s letting us cook and clean for the duration of our stay.”

Remus cut his gaze to Maddie, stifling his laugh when she rolled her eyes.

“Well, that’ll be fine, Edward. I look forward to sampling Maysie’s cooking.”

He turned back to Victor. “What is it you need, son?”

“I got a call last night from Zander Temple.”

Maddie looked up. “The man from the National Council?”

Victor nodded. “Yes. He’s got a friend in New York that has a daughter that’s having some problems. She was a police officer up there and ended up getting wounded taking down some guys in a drug cartel. During the fight where she was shot, she killed the son of the head honcho. She wasn’t safe, so her father wanted her out of the line of fire. He sent her to his people in Tennessee. She bought herself a little place, but word on the streets is they know where she’s at and they’re planning on making some trouble. He’s got unconfirmed rumors that they’ve got a mole down there just waiting on the perfect opportunity for a little payback.”

“What does he want from you?” asked Remus.

“He asked if I knew anybody that might go down there for a couple of weeks and watch over her. Maybe do some snooping and find out who the mole is. He’d consider it a personal favor. He’s caught up in the missing pups and can’t go himself.”

Remus took a drink of his tea. “I’ll think on it and talk to Koril about who would be the best for the job. Don’t worry, son. I’ll send someone by the first of the week. Get me the details of where and who so I can pass it on.”

Maddie raised her glass. “Let me formally welcome you to the pack, Laynee, and Maysie, and Edward. And boys, welcome home.”

A single tear ran down Laynee’s cheek. “Thank you, Maddie. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here. This is the family I’ve always dreamed of.”

“Speaking of home.” David stood.

“We’ve got to be going.”

Eric smirked. “Yeah, we’ve got things to do tonight.”

Laynee giggled as they jerked her from her chair, kissed Maddie’s cheek, and marched her through the door.

Remus shook his head. “I think it won’t be long before my brothers have their first grandchild.”

Maddie squealed and plopped down onto his lap. “I can’t wait.”








I was born, and raised in the great southern state of Tennessee. In my youth, I studied nursing, and spent several happy years working in the hospitals there until I branched out into medical management in 1980.

In 1998 I was managing a medical supply house in Chattanooga, when I met the love of my life. The only problem facing me then, he lived way out in Oklahoma. You see, we had met in a chat room!

He romanced me daily with love letters, flowers and phone calls. It wasn’t long before I uprooted myself, and moved west to join him. We married in 1999, and then continued our fantasy romance all over the world. Together we have traveled in almost all of the Continental United States, and taken trips to Canada and China.

I retired from working in 2002 and it wasn’t long before my husband was encouraging me to find some kind of outlet to occupy my time, something that was challenging, and rewarding. I was already obsessed with reading about romance, and I began to think I could probably write a good, romantic story.

My husband heartily agreed with me.

With that encouragement, I began writing my first book. I wasn’t really convinced that anyone else would find it interesting, but he pressed me to take a chance and send it in to a publisher. To my surprise, it was accepted, and now I’m able to share it with readers everywhere who like a “happily ever after” story.

Today, I’m living in California with my still romantic husband of twelve years, and our boys. Our boys consist of Beau, Midnight, and Bubba, three male cats that allow us to live with them and serve them at their leisure. I continue to write almost daily, hoping that someone, somewhere will get the same enjoyment from reading my stories that I get from writing them.


For all titles by Missy Martine, please



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Table of Contents
Title Page 7

Copyright Page 13

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

About the Author 668

Document Outline

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