Blind Acceptance (28 page)

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Authors: Missy Martine

BOOK: Blind Acceptance
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“You taste so good, mate. Just like ambrosia.” David pushed on the inside of her thighs to spread her legs even farther apart and licked her from top to bottom. He reached for her clit and circled it, pinching the small piece of flesh between his thumb and fingers, and then stroking it with his thumb while his fingers worked their way inside her heat.

Laynee moaned and thrust her hips toward his fingers. David suckled her clit, biting it gently, her nails biting into his scalp.

“Come, mate,” David ordered. “Let yourself go.” He sucked her clit between his lips and stretched his finger inside her channel, reaching to caress across her sweet spot.

“David,” she screamed, bucking her hips, her fingers stretching out and in, like a cat flexing his claws.

Before her tremors stopped, David moved up her body and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He growled softly when she fisted his erection in her hand. “Not too much of that, love. I have to be inside your tight pussy when I come this time.”

Eric growled. “Let’s get started before my wolf takes matters into his own paws. He’s ready now.”

David chuckled and rolled over onto his back. “Laynee, love, you’re gonna ride me so Eric can get at your beautiful ass.”

Laynee struggled to catch her breath.

“Okay, you just tell me what I have to do.”

Eric took her arm. “Come on, mate.

I’ll help you get in position.” He held her steady as she threw one leg over David’s hips. “It’ll be easier if you can guide him inside you.”

She balanced her hand on Eric’s arm and straddled David, reaching down to spread herself open with her hand.

David put his hands on her waist and lifted her onto his erect cock. Pushing down slowly, he impaled her. The feel of her warm wetness closing around his shaft made his bear want to growl.

Laynee sat up and gingerly started to ride him. David groaned when her muscles tightened around his cock. With a growl, he began to move with her.

Slowly at first, but gradually quicker as desire and need overtook them. He plunged in and out of her sheath.

“What about Eric?” she gasped.

“Don’t worry, love. I’ll be inside you soon. We want you to come again before I take your ass. The more relaxed you are, the easier everything will be. You just concentrate on what David’s making you feel.”

David angled his strokes higher up on her body so his shaft rubbed her clit. He continued thrusting into her, pushing deeply and grinding his hips against her groin, then retreating.

“David,” she groaned. He felt her muscles contract around his cock as she climaxed.

Eric straddled David’s calves and put his hands on Laynee’s shoulders. “Easy, love, take a breath. We don’t wanna push David too far.” Nipping her shoulders, he laved the small bites. He stroked his hand down her back to her bottom. “I want your ass, this perfect, round ass.” He kissed her neck. “Will you let me take you here?”

“Yes, please, make me your mate. I want this.”

Eric dragged the flat of his tongue up the curve of her spine, and ran his finger down the cleft of her buttocks. “You will be our mate, Laynee, now and forever.”

His hands roved over her buttocks, separating them just enough to slide his shaft between her cheeks. Cupping the globes, he pulled them apart, making room for his pinkies to explore the rim of her anus. “Remember, you have to relax for this to be good for you. I’m not doing anything different than the last time. Just take a deep breath and relax.”

She nodded. “I’m ready. I want you, both of you.”

Leaning forward, he slid his tongue around the puckered skin hidden between her butt cheeks. A few swirls around the rim, and then he thrust his tongue inside with a quick, stabbing stroke.”

“Eric,” she gasped, squeezing her butt muscles tight. “What are you doing?”

“Just tasting you, love. Relax.” He reached for the tube on the table and popped open the lube cap, spreading the slick cream liberally across his fingers.

Laynee wriggled, her ass pushing toward his hand, as he worked two fingers through the tight muscles of her ass.

Scissoring them back and forth, he bit lightly at her shoulder. “This is gonna be so good, love. We’re gonna make you fly higher than you’ve ever been.”

“Get on with it,” David growled. “I’m holding on by a thread here, bro.”

Eric chuckled and added a third finger to stretch her tight opening. He shivered when her ass muscles tightened around his fingers. “I think we’re ready.”

Moving closer, he positioned the tip of his cock at the entrance to her body and pushed, breaking through the outer ring of muscle. “You all right, mate?”

Laynee nodded, letting her head hang down, resting her forehead on David’s chest. “I’m good. Don’t stop.”

Eric flexed his hips to sink his cock a little deeper inside her.

“Oh, wow, I feel so full.”

“Do I need to stop?”

“No, don’t stop. It burns, but it doesn’t really hurt.”

Eric’s buttocks flexed as he ground in a bit before withdrawing, her muscles clamped tight against his erection. He began to move a little faster, working his thrusts against David’s movements. He drove into her from behind until his balls slapped her clit. They set up a rhythm penetrating and withdrawing, sliding in and out, her inner walls clamped around his shaft as he pounded away.

“Not gonna last long,” David cried.

Eric reached around Laynee’s hips and flicked her clit. She screamed, her hips jerking as she found her release.

“Now, David,” Eric yelled. He pumped in and out of her ass two more times, and then his hips jerked and he growled as he erupted, depositing spurt after spurt of semen into the body of his mate. When he felt his canines drop, he leaned forward, glanced over at his brother on her other side, and bit into the soft skin between her neck and shoulder, her sweet blood pooling in his mouth.

His wolf threw back his head and howled. Their mate was finally theirs.

Laynee felt a warm gush as both men ejaculated inside her body. Their breath was hot against her neck as they leaned in close. Then, suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on each side as they bit into her soft flesh. The pain was almost immediately followed by an avalanche of pleasure.

She could hear a scream, only vaguely aware that it came from her. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever until finally, the tremors began to fade. Gradually, her breath returned and her heart rate slowed.

“You’re ours now, mate.” Eric licked across the sting in her shoulder. “We’ll never be separated again.”

David licked the other side of her neck, the feel of his rough tongue sending shivers over her body. “Mate, you’re ours,” he whispered.

Eric pulled from her body and lifted her up and laid her on the bed next to David. He curled up beside her, his arm resting across her waist. “Are you okay, mate?”

She stretched, arching her back, feeling every little twinge in her body. “I think I’m perfect.”

David leaned over and kissed her breast. “Yes, you are.” He reached down and pulled the sheet up.

“Tomorrow, we’ll put our plans for the future in motion.”

Laynee nodded. “Tomorrow,” she whispered, letting sleep pull her under.

Laynee snuggled between her mates, feeling warm and safe for the first time in her life. She felt like she really belonged to someone that truly loved and cared about her.

David leaned close, his breath warm on her cheek. “Stay here, love, and stay warm. I’m going downstairs and make some coffee. This is gonna be a big day, what with making plans for moving and setting up a new business. I’m gonna need some caffeine after you kept me up all night.”

Laynee giggled and swatted his arm. “I think you got that backward, lover. The two of you kept me up all night.”

He cupped her cheek and placed a kiss on her shoulder. “I’ll be back soon.”

Eric yawned, stretching out his arms.

“I’m gonna jump in the shower. You wanna come scrub my back, Laynee?”

She sighed. “I’d love to, but we both know it would lead to other things, and honestly…” She hesitated.

Eric ran his fingers down her arm.

“You’re feeling a little sore this morning, aren’t you?”

Laynee bit her lip and nodded. “Just a little. I’m sure it’ll all go away after a good soak in a warm tub.”

He kissed her head. “That’s fine, love.

Let me get a shower, and after David brings breakfast, I’ll run you a bath and you can soak as long as you want.”

She groaned. “Sounds great.” Eric leaned over and covered her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue inside as if to stake his ownership. Before she was ready, he ended the kiss and climbed from the bed. A moment later she heard the door to the bathroom close. The water had just been turned on when her cell phone rang. She groped on the bedside table until she found the small device. Pushing the raised button at the bottom, she pressed it to her ear.


“Laynee, it’s your father. Please don’t hang up.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to call a truce. You’ve obviously decided to move on without me, so let’s just call an end to our hostility and move forward.”

She snorted. “Fine, have a nice life.”

“Wait, don’t hang up. I have something for you.”

“What could you possibly have that I would want?”

“Tapes from your mother.”

Laynee froze, her fingers tightening on the phone. “What are you talking about?

My mother is dead.”

“She knew she was dying the whole last year she was alive. She made dozens of recordings for you so you could play them at various times during your life.”

“And you kept them from me. Why?”

“I don’t really know. I was jealous of how close you were to her, and I guess I thought if you didn’t have contact with her anymore, you’d turn to me.”

“That’s ridiculous. If that were true, you’d never have sent me away to a boarding school and then left me there.

In sixteen years you visited me a total of five times. What kind of love is that?”

“Do you want the tapes, or do I just throw them out?”

She took a deep breath to calm down.

“I want them.”

“Then come outside. I’m parked on the left side of the house, and I have them with me.”

“I’ll send David out.”

“Forget it. They’ve been rude and threatening, and I don’t want to be around them. I’m just outside, Laynee.

They can be just inside, and they’d hear you if anything went wrong. You can come and take them yourself, you’re so independent now.”

“I’m not going to see you alone, Father.”

“Fine, then I’ll get rid of them and be on my way.”

“Wait! Don’t go.”

“Then get your ass out here and take the damn things. But I’m warning you, Laynee. If one of them even comes out on the porch, I’ll take off and you’ll never see the tapes again.”

Laynee thought for a moment.
If I
scream, David would hear me from the
kitchen. They said their hearing is
better than humans.
She took a deep breath. “I’ll be right down.” She pressed the button to disconnect the call and jumped from the bed. Moving swiftly, she pulled on her jeans from the night before and grabbed a pullover shirt from the dresser. Since she was only going to the driveway, she didn’t bother looking for her shoes. She briefly thought about telling the guys where she was going, but knew they’d never let her go alone.

Grabbing her cane, she sneaked down the back stairs, eased open the door, and walked outside.

She moved quickly down the path, letting her cane lead the way. The air was cooler this early in the morning. The birds that always greeted the morning sun were strangely quiet. She wrapped her arms around her middle as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. A feeling of being watched washed over her, but she couldn’t figure out why.

There was no sound at all, but maybe that was a telling sign. She could call for David, but when it turned out to be nothing, they’d think she was some kind of silly female that needed coddling.
there’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m
gonna get my tapes and get back to
snuggling with my mates and have
breakfast in bed.

She’d only taken one step when a large hand closed over her mouth. When she tried to pull away, an arm closed around her waist, lifting her off her feet.

She struggled, losing the grip on her cane, as the person began walking away from the house. In the struggle, she became confused and couldn’t tell what direction he was taking her. Then her heart froze when she heard a male voice.

“You’d better get a move on. It won’t take them long to figure out she’s gone.”

“No worries. We’ll be long gone before they even miss her.”

“Tell that to Davie. He’s rotting in a cell now because of one of her boyfriends. The way they fight, those guys ain’t human.”

Laynee groaned when the man holding her stopped moving.

“Get me something to keep her quiet so I can stash her.”

She heard a car door open and increased her struggles. The hand tightened around her mouth painfully.

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