Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (101 page)

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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She pulls out her house keys and unlocks the front door but then she just stands there, not turning the handle and stepping inside.

“Zo, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t decide what to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I want to invite you inside for a night cap but we both know it wouldn’t be for a drink, it would be for sex. And I think I want that but then . . .”

I put my hand on her shoulder and pull her around so that she’s facing me. Stepping forward, I push her against the wooden front door and press my body hard against hers while dragging my hand up her neck and tangling her gorgeous hair between my fingers. My cock throbs at the mere contact with her, the promise of what lies beneath that torturous dress of hers taunting it.

“I’m not going to come in with you . . .”

Her face falls.

“We’ve both been drinking, and there is not a shit show in hell that I’m going to take the chance that I will forget another moment with you like this.” I lean forward and nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck, dragging my lips gently up her satin soft skin and sucking her ear lobe between my lips. The first taste of her has my head—both of them—aching for more.

Her arms latch on to my waist, fingers gripping through my shirt, but I have to push it out of my brain because otherwise I’ll lose my determination to show her that this means more to me.

“I want to savor the moment when I get you in bed. I want to take my time with you. I want to make it count.” I run my tongue along her jaw to the corner of her parted lips, her breath coming in short pants now as her hands glide around and up my back. “So although I’m going to get back in that cab and go home to an empty house and an empty bed when I want more than anything to have you in there with me, I’m definitely going home.” My lips are barely touching hers now, and my body is pulsing with the need to take and take from her, but not before I give her everything she’s ever imagined and more when the time is right. But now, it’s about more than satisfying our needs. It’s about showing her that she means something to me. That this thing building between us means more.

“You don't want to forget this time?” she asks, her eyes locked on mine, the heat of our mingled breath warming my lips.

“You described how our first kiss was to me, and if it's even half as good as what you said, I'm not gonna give myself the chance to forget a moment like that with you again.” Her entire body trembles against mine and it’s then that I lose the last semblance of control I was holding on to so tightly.

“But until the time is right . . .” I run my tongue along the seam of her lips with the intention of giving myself a quick taste. That plan goes out the window when she opens up and my tongue dips inside her mouth, circling in reckless abandon. My fingers tighten against her head just as hers bite into my shoulders and then it’s on like Donkey Kong. She gives as good as she gets—there is no overpowering one or the other, it’s like a well-practiced dance and I realize in my lust-filled haze that her description of our kiss was not even in the same ballpark as this kiss. She made me want to kiss her again but this kiss, right now, has shifted everything I’ve ever believed in.

This kiss makes me want to hold on tight and never let her go.

I shift my thigh until it is pressing between her legs while I continue to plunder her mouth and she meets me grind for grind.

Then a loud honk from the idling cab waiting for me breaks through and I ease my lips back from hers, placing one last soft closed-mouthed kiss on her swollen lips before releasing my hold and slowly stepping back. Holding on to her bare shoulders, I rub my hands down her arms and back again, never once breaking eye contact with her.

“Go inside, sweetheart,” I tell her in a hoarse voice, not hiding the fact that this is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do in a long time. My self-control is waning and the best thing to do is leave while I still can.

She nods, bringing the fingers of one hand to her mouth but failing to hide the small smile that’s plastered all over it.

“I’ll see you Monday,” I add before reaching around her and opening the door, waiting until she’s safely behind it before closing it again.

Resting my forehead against the cool wooden surface, I take a few more deep, calming breaths before turning around and forcing myself to get back into the cab.

And the award for the most stupid, the most controlled, and worst of all, the horniest, most pent-up man in all of Chicago goes to . . .

Chapter 13

“Ass Like That”




“This habit of yours needs to stop.”

“What habit?” He quirks a brow and leans his shoulder against the doorframe.

“You’re always hunting me down at work.”

He shrugs nonchalantly as if he’s not fussed.

Fucking Noah. His name shouldn't be Walking Dildo, it should be Twat Tease. That big, sexy, infuriating man has my vagina doing somersaults whenever he’s near me. When he touches me, my bones melt and I turn into a wanton hussy who wants to rub herself all over him like a desperate dog in heat.

“Why do you think that is?” he muses.

“Because your ego needs reassurance now and then?” I smile back at him sweetly, putting my hands on my hips and squaring my shoulders, preparing myself for his next onslaught. My recent experience with this man both in consult rooms and on my doorstep on Saturday night has my blood thrumming.

The corner of his mouth curls up into a wry smile. “Why do you want me to stop?”

God he looks sexy standing there, trying to be the bad boy doctor he likes to think he is. He’s a combination of McSteamy and McDreamy from
Grey’s Anatomy
, except hotter, dirtier, and far sexier—if that is at all possible. And wearing those blue scrubs which are tight around his arms? Then there’s his jawline, the likes of which I wish I could just stare at all day and run my hands up and down, relishing in the sprinkling of stubble that he lets grow just enough to . . .

He chuckles and I shake my head to clear the Taylor fog—as I’ve now christened it—that I was lost in, remembering that I haven’t answered him.

“Because it’s unprofessional.”

“I’d love to get unprofessional with you, sweetheart. In fact, name the time and place and I’ll make sure I come ready.”

“That’s not what you said Saturday night.”

“What I said Saturday night was that I want to take my time with you.”

Images flash in my mind. Noah bending me over the bed. Noah spreading me wide in the chair. Spinning me around into reverse cowgirl . . .

“You okay there, Zo? You seem a bit . . . flustered.” That fucking smirk comes out to play, and suddenly all I want to do is slap it right off that beautiful face.

My cheeks burn red and I narrow my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm my thoughts and my hormones, before walking toward him. I stop by his side as he straightens to let me pass.

“Am I wearing you down yet, Zo?” he asks in a low, downright seductive voice—the kind every hot-blooded woman would want murmuring in her ear in the throes of wild monkey sex.

“You’re winding me up, and not in a good way, Dr. Taylor. Just lay off a bit while we’re at the hospital, okay?” I look up at him, sounding sincere but kinda hoping he never stops doing it.

“Sure thing, sweetheart. But I did actually come in here for a reason.”


“I’m having a get together at my house this Saturday. Nothing big. Mac and Daniel will be there, along with the rest of the crowd.”

“Including my brother?”

He pauses and frowns slightly. “Yeah. But that was an interesting conversation, I’ll tell ya that. Especially since he found out I took you home.“

“I bet,” I add on a laugh. “He grilled me on Sunday too.”

His expression turns serious, his eyes soft as they watch me for a reaction. “It would be great if you could make it though. You’ll know pretty much everybody. ”

Women often psychoanalyze everything a man says, especially if they’re attracted to said man, and trying to resist the temptation and charms of said man. Even if every part of their body wants to just give in and make it easy for him—or be easy for him, same diff.

“I’d love to.” I hesitate before saying the next cringe-worthy request. “We need to watch ourselves around Zander though.”

His lips twitch but he nods. “Yeah, Zo. Until he leaves on his honeymoon, at least.” His hand grazes my hip and that damn Taylor fog has made my body hyper aware to everything the man does.

Then he’s gone.

A wave of tingles fans out from where he’s touched me, as if he has magic hands that leave a permanent imprint. I can feel where he’s been and imagine where I want him to go.

He stops at the door and turns his head, the cocky grin on his face telling me he knows exactly where my mind has gone and that is to my doorstep Saturday night, when he bested every notion I had of our first kiss being the best kiss of my life.

"Oh and Zoe?"

"Yeah?" My voice is hoarse and shaky, and a slow smirk replaces the grin.

“Bring a swimsuit and an overnight bag. You're going to need it."



I’m an ass man.

I’ve never hidden that fact either. And the fact that I’m staring at the most beautiful ass I’ve ever had the pleasure to admire before has me equally turned on and frustrated as hell.

The problem is the person who the ass belongs to.

Maybe not so much of a problem, more so a seemingly insurmountable battle that is involved with claiming said body—and therefore, ass.

I know she wants me. She knows I want her. Both of which we fail miserably at hiding whenever we spend time together.

I know all her tells—the slow deep breaths she forces herself to take, the flash in her eyes as she looks at me when I walk up to her, and the adorable way she fusses with her hair, her face, her lips whenever we’re together.

But it’s like there’s this wall around her, and whatever relationship we might be working toward needs to break through that barrier if we are to have any chance. I understand the reasons why it’s there and with that, the multitude of cons stacking up against us.

That ass though, it’s calling to me. It’s begging my hands to slide down over it before cupping underneath its pert cheeks and lifting the owner of said derriere to straddle me where I stand. My cock starts to get hard—and it’s not always easy to hide that shit—so I’m forced to tear my eyes away from the body part of my dreams and will myself to calm the fuck down. I knew this barbecue idea would end up being bad for my health.

“What are you doing?” Daniel’s voice breaks through the haze. I shake my head to rid myself of the X-rated ideas that I have a shit show in hell of acting out until later and turn my attention to the guys I’m sitting with—the other halves of all but one of the women. Obviously the owner of the ass that I could bounce pennies off is unattached. I may be unscrupulous, but even I have rules.

“What are you on about, Winters?”

“I see where you’re looking and I know your game. I’m telling you right now, you’ve got to be careful.”

“Why, pray tell?”

His eyes drift to Zander before returning to mine. His actions say it all.

His brows furrow as he studies me. “Seems something has happened since our last chat . . .” He lifts his bottle of beer to his mouth and smirks around it. “She’s not a candidate for your little black book though, man.”

“I’ve never had a—” He quirks a brow at me and I know I’m fighting a losing battle. “Okay, I don’t have a black book anymore.”

He chuckles as he drops his bottle back onto the table. “There’s the truth. Seriously though, why her?”

“She might not be what I was looking for but maybe she's exactly what I need.”

His eyes widen and slowly a huge shit-eating grin that screams ‘I told you so’ makes its expected appearance. “Now the truth comes out. Can’t say I’m not glad it’s finally happening to you though.”

“Fucking hot ass though,” I groan.

“Who’s got a hot ass?” Zander pipes up as he joins the group. Daniel chokes on his beer and starts spluttering while I grin at Zander and shake my head. “There are a lot of equally attractive asses at this gathering. None of which I’m allowed to ogle.” Or admit to ogling because right now, I like my balls where they are and would enjoy keeping them there.

Two hours later, we’ve all eaten and we’re sitting around near the pool with mild food comas.

I look around the table at my group of friends that you’d never imagine would get together. It’s as if we’ve bonded over something we know not to talk about, and thankfully we’ve long gotten past the awkwardness that everyone had anticipated but never really worried about. It could be because of my long-standing friendship with Dan, or the fact that first and foremost, Mac was a friend to the guys she had slept with. Whatever the reason, now that Daniel and Mac, and Sean and Sam are married, and Kate and Zander due to be married in a few weeks’ time, we’ve naturally gravitated toward each other. The fact that there is a group of eleven people sitting in my backyard, enjoying each other’s company while watching the late summer sunset, speaks volumes. Now we have Zoe, Matt and Sam’s hilarious friends Helen and Rico added to the mix, you could say that there’s never a dull moment.

“Hey bro, when do I inherit the black book?” Trust my brother to halt all conversation with one barely thought about question. I glare at him, shaking my head but failing to stop my wry smile. My idiot brother who has more cock than brains—something he makes glaringly obvious at every opportunity—never shies away from anything, including inappropriate questions at barbecues.

“Dude, I haven’t had a black book in years. But if you need help getting laid, I’m sure us guys can give you a few pointers.” This earns a few laughs around the table.

“Matt, do you really want Noah’s sloppy seconds?” Mac asks ironically.

“More like reassure the single ladies of Chicago that I’m the newer, improved Taylor.”

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