Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (99 page)

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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“Zo, I’m your brother. I’m the only guy left in a family of four women. If you think for even a minute that I’m not going to look out for you, you obviously don’t know me. And I know you do—probably better than most people. Let me be the big brother and try and protect you this time.” And then it hits me like a giant lead balloon. He feels guilty because he couldn’t help me with Justin, so he’s trying to make up for it by being slightly overprotective—even if it is totally unnecessary, but completely awesome in its own way.

“Okay, Zan. I’ll let you off this time.” I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight, showing my appreciation in the best way possible.

“If he so much as looks at you in that dress, he’s going down,” he growls in my ear, and I drop my head forward onto his shoulder and burst out laughing.

“You do that, I’ll kick your ass.”

“I’d like to see you try, little sister.”

“I’d give it a whack.”

He pulls back and shakes his head, his smile beaming down at me.

“Right ladies, let’s get this party started. It’s my last night of freedom . . .”

“And you chose to spend it with your fiancée and her friends, awww,” I add sarcastically.

“Only way to keep an eye on Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.” He tilts his head to Kate who has her arm wrapped around his waist.

“I’m totally Tweedle Dee. Mac can be Tweedle Dum. She’ll hate you now,” Kate says with a giggle.

He chuckles, sounding determined. “Even better.”

Zander has one arm linked with mine and the other linked with Kate’s as we walk into Sean’s club, Throb. A loud cheer erupts from their group of friends, who have claimed a whole corner of the VIP area on the first floor. I step back and let the soon-to-be-wed couple take center stage as they walk up the stairs and toward the private bar. I stay on the ground level and make a beeline for the bar to order a much needed drink.

Sean told Zander there was going to be no limit on the tab for the night, and with nothing but sleep planned for Sunday, I’ve already decided that I’m going to enjoy myself tonight if for nothing else but to celebrate both my brother’s pending marriage and my new apartment to celebrate.

As well as going shopping today, I took Kate to do the final viewing of my new one-bedroom apartment. Neither her nor Zander want me to move out, and definitely haven’t asked me to, but they’re getting married and starting the next chapter of their lives and it is the right time. I’m ready to try out the whole ‘I’m a grown up, when the fuck did that happen?’ thing and live on my own, pay my own bills, and pretend that even for a little while, I am all of those things I ranted to Zander about.

“Do you come here often?”

Douche Canoe Number One for the night sidles up beside me, pressing his body a little too close to mine for my liking. I lean away from the over-confident loser and turn my head, recognizing the telltale look of a trashed guy looking to get laid a mile away.

“No. I like to walk into bars and try out their water for shits and giggles,” I say deadpan, earning nothing but a frown from the Casanova wannabe.

“Can I buy you a drink then?” he slurs, stepping sideways toward me so his body is leaning against mine.

“Water’s free and so is fresh air. I think you might need some.”

“And she’s with me,” a deep voice announces from behind me as I feel hands frame my hips.

If ever there was a great time to touch me and stake a claim, Noah just picked it.

The twat waffle puffs his chest out and tries to stand tall, but he’s no threat compared to the man still holding on to me, something he thankfully realizes straight away once he sizes up my knight is shining armor.

“Frigid bitch isn’t worth this shit anyway,” he mutters as he downs his drink and slinks away.

I try to turn around to thank Noah but he flexes his fingers against my skirt as he brings his head down so his mouth is by my ear. “If you turn around I won’t be responsible for my actions. So stay here, order your drink and I’ll go back upstairs to your brother and tell him how I just stepped in and saved you. He’ll forgive me, I’ll feel absolved, and then I can enjoy this party without worrying that he’s planning my demise.”

I nod and start giggling as his hands disengage and his body heat disappears from my back, a loss I feel immediately. That’s not to say I can’t feel ten red-hot fingerprints branded all over my skin where his fingers were.

“What’ll it be, hon?” A bubbly blond woman with dark lashes and even darker eyeliner taps on the bar in front of me as she waits for my order.

“A Quick Fuck and a Whiskey Sour please. I’m on Zander’s tab.”

“Sure thing. Two shakes.”

My phone vibrates in my skirt pocket, pulling it out while I wait for my drinks. I almost decide to ignore it but curiosity wins out, especially since Mia has asked for a play-by-play retelling of the night’s happenings.

Half expecting a text from Noah, I’m disappointed when it’s Zander telling me to get my ass upstairs.
Looks like Noah gave Dad his report

I down my shot as soon as it hits the deck in front of me, shaking my head as the alcohol hits me like a shock to the system.
. Grabbing my whiskey, I make my way up the stairs and veer to the left like I was told to do, coming upon a shitload of people filling up the entire VIP area.

“Zo! Over here!” Mac calls out as she pushes her way through the crowd to make a path for me. “Outta the way, sister of the groom and my new drinking buddy coming through!”

I look at her and laugh, raising my eyebrow at her. “New drinking buddy?”

“Well Kate will soon be married and knocked up. It always happens to the dreamy ones. You know, the girls who want the fairy tale. They let their grooms get laid always and often, and then they end up pregnant. Whereas me, I hook up with a superhero and it’s a done deal.”

“Didn’t you get pregnant and
get married?” I ask with a smirk as we arrive at a large black leather booth taking up the entire side of the room.

She takes a seat next to Kate, her gay and funny-as-all-hell workmate Nate, their friend Sophie, Kate’s sister-in-law Felicity, Sam—Sean’s wife, her friend Helen, and a few other women I haven’t met before.

“Did you not see
my husband is? He has super powers that extend to his super penis. That thing can get through birth control in a single bound, don’t you know?” She waggles her eyebrows at me and the whole table starts laughing.

“It’s true. I’ve seen them in action. It was not pretty and I haven’t looked at my coffee table the same way since,” Kate adds.

“Oh my god! I’ve touched that thing.” My face is one of total mock mortification. I really don’t give a shit if someone boinked on the coffee table—unless it was Kate and Zander and then it’s just

“Jesus, girl. Sit down and stop blocking the talent,” Nate says right before grabbing my arm and jerking me toward the spare seat beside him. Mac gestures to her mouth, looking at my half-filled glass and silently asking if I need another drink, of which I answer with a resounding nod just as my ass hits leather.

“Talent?” I ask as he points straight ahead of us toward the sleek black lacquered bar which right now features a
line-up if ever there was one—well except for my brother, but even I can still admit that for a dude, he’s hot.

But that’s not who has my attention. Of course not. My eyes hone straight in on the ass of the friendly neighborhood doctor who is leaning over the bar and giving me an unhindered view of what his mama gave him.
If only he’d turn around and give me a show of what his father gave him too

“Nice ass on that one, right Zoe?” I turn and look at Nate, who’s giving me the biggest, most shit-eating grin I’ve ever seen. “Don’t get me wrong, precious, but if he was batting for my team or even shown a smidge of interest for taking a walk on the wild side, I’d be pushing you out of the way for that man.”

“He’s straight, Nate,” Kate mock whispers before dissolving into a fit of giggles. “And besides, I think he has eyes for my future sister-in-law.”

“Kate,” I warn, narrowing my eyes at her, which just starts her giggling even more.

“Oh no, no, no. You cannot hold out on Nate. Nate needs to know all the things about the dishy doc and the sister of your mister. Because if you were anything like me, you’d be driving that man’s stick and riding it all the way home. Then taking it out for another spin just for fun.” I snort at Nate referring to himself in the third person.

Mac walks back to the table in front of us with Zander in tow, the two of them dropping a set of shots and a round of drinks for all of us ladies—and Nate—sitting around the table.

“What are you guys laughing at?” Zander asks with a huge dopey-ass grin as he leans down and kisses Kate’s neck, earning a few swoony sounds from the gallery beside us and a “get a room” from me.
What can I say? I’m not drunken enough not to care and it’s still my brother

enough said really.

“Nothing. Nate’s admiring the hot-man show you guys are putting on. I’ll warn you now, he might ask you for a lap dance by the end of the night if you’re lucky.”

“Not gonna happen, babe. If anyone’s getting a lap dance it’ll be you and it’ll be me giving it to you.”

“Promises, promises,” she murmurs, wrapping her hands around his jaw before kissing him long and hard.

“I need shots if those two are gonna keep that shit up.”

“Did I hear you ask for shots, my drinking-buddy-in-training?” Mac asks with a smile. “Ask and you shall receive.” She hands out shots to the table before holding hers up in the air, waiting for the rest of us to follow her and for the guys to join us from the bar. I watch as Noah approaches the group, watching me discreetly before his eyes slide sideways toward Zander and he quickly turns his attention to Mac, shot glass in hand.

I try not to stare at him, try not to rake my eyes down his body from his broad shoulders, over his charcoal gray button-down and black pants, even down to his shiny black dress shoes. Mac clears her throat and all eyes go to her.

“Now, Kate gave me some sappy speech at my bachelorette party but I’m not going to stand here and go on and on about how I’m so happy my bestest friend in the whole wide world is getting married to her own prince charming after years and years and
of frogs.”

“Hey! That’s not nice!” Kate moans.

“Doesn’t mean it’s not true,” Mac throws back, smirking. “Anyway, to Zander and Kate, may you have lots of sex, lots of babies, and lots of years together to make each other crazier than you already are now. To Kate and Zander.”

“Kate and Zander,” we all repeat, and with that, I join all of Kate and Zander’s friends in downing our shots of . . . ‘oh my god, the burn’ tequila before dropping my glass back to the table, grabbing another one and repeating the gesture, just for good measure.

“Whoa there lady, you trying to get drunk?” Nate asks.

“Worked out well for me at the last wedding event,” I say, laughing, earning a glare from my brother, which just makes Nate and I snigger.

Zander goes back to the bar with Mac, and the rest of the guys follow. He stands next to Noah and turns toward him, leaning over to say something in his ear. Whatever my brother said, Noah shakes his head at it and looks at him, saying something back that’s unfortunately too quick for me to lip-read. It must’ve been something Zander liked though because he’s then whacking the object of my desire on the back and ordering another drink.

With Zander’s back to him, Noah spins around and leans back, his eyes pinned to mine. They drop to the floor, moving up my legs starting at my heels. I don’t miss his eyes widening when they reach my miniskirt, which has unintentionally hiked up my leg, giving hints of the promised land if it wasn’t for my legs being crossed. He glances sideways at Zander to check he’s still in the clear before returning to his examination and finishing at my eyes, the heat undeniable even from half a room away. Sam, Sean’s wife, taps my arm and draws my attention away from Noah. Thankfully it couldn’t have happened at a better time, because I see Zander walk back toward us along with Daniel, leaving Sean and Noah behind.

“So how’s the new job?” she asks.

“Oh, it’s good. I’m learning a lot, which is great, but I’m definitely a lot busier than I was at my last job.”

“And Kate was telling me you’re getting your own place soon?”

“Yeah, I’m so excited. I’ve pretty much lived at home for my whole life, so getting the chance to live in my own place is kind of scary but it’s definitely time to try standing on my own two feet.”

“It’s a good area. Low crime. Gated complex. Pin code entry. You’ll be secure there.”

“You’re as bad as my brother. Once a cop, always a cop, huh?”

“Guilty as charged.”

“See? Always on the job.”

“Well, not tonight,” she replies. “I may not be drinking, but that doesn’t mean I’m not relaxing.” Zander—well trained by me over the years—hands me another drink from the bar before bending down and kissing the top of my head lovingly. Stepping away, he walks around to cuddle up to Kate again.

“You need to relax. You won’t get much time to, soon enough,” Zan tells her.

That makes Sam laugh which has Sean looking over, his eyes going soft as he looks at his wife.

Kate and Mac have told me that Sam has relaxed a lot since she’s been back with Sean. They got married in a whirlwind ceremony a little more than a year ago and since then, even Zander said the ‘ice queen’ has thawed. They still work as partners, but I can tell Zander isn’t looking forward to when Sam gets replaced.

My phone vibrates in the hidden pocket in my skirt, taking my attention away from Sam.

“Sorry, I just need to check this.”

“No worries,” she replies.

I pull it out and swipe the screen, almost choking on my drink when I see Noah’s name staring back at me. My head snaps up from the phone and I see him nodding toward my phone, urging me to read his message.

Having fun?

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