Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (110 page)

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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She moans loudly, and it echoes around the large room. I hum against her, vibrating my tongue just as it lands right on her clit, my fingers driving harder and faster inside of her until she clenches around my hand. I look up in time to see her fall headfirst into a screaming orgasm, my cock pulsing as I struggle not to come in my pants. Her climax goes on and on, her hand grabbing my hair and pulling tight as her body convulses in pleasure. But I don’t stop. I keep licking and sucking, all the while finger-fucking her until she lets go again.

“Now don't get me wrong, but you've only come twice so far. I think we need a minimum of five orgasms to convince you and your pussy that you'll never need to fake with me.” I purse my lips and blow warm air onto her overly sensitive skin, watching in satisfaction as aftershocks wrack through her body and she shudders against me.

“Mmmmm, I knew you wouldn’t let me down.” She sighs. The lazy smile on her face is full of contentment, and there’s something in her eyes that gets my hopes up that this is definitely more than lust.

Standing up, I hold out my hands and pull her to my side. Disappointingly, her skirt falls down and covers my most favorite view before I grab her hand and near on pull her up the stairs behind me.

“Where are we going?”

“I’ve only had two orgasms from you. I promised you five. The next round is in my bed, on my sheets, with me inside you.
you’ll know for sure that I’m a man of my word.”

“Promises, promises,” she replies cheekily.

I’ll show her!

Chapter 20

“Lie a Little Better”




I scare the ever-living bejesus out of myself when in a pitch-black room, I roll over in the awesome bed I’m sleeping in and collide with a very warm, hard, rigid body lying next to me. Having a somewhat hazy recollection of being drunk but not being fully aware of where I am, I scream blue murder and only stop when the bedside lamp flashes on and I’m face to face with a very worried-looking Noah.

“What’s wrong?” His eyes scan me over before he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. My chest heaves as I try to stave off my confused panic from waking up with Noah without realizing where I was. He must think I’m a freaking loon.

“I’m s . . . so . . . s . . . orry. I woke up confused.” My brows are drawn together tight, and my head is pounding from the resounding scream that is still ringing in my ears. Not to mention my impending hangover, not something I want on the day of my brother’s wedding.

“Hey . . .” he says, pulling me back until I’m lying down next to him, the dim light of the lamp filling the room with a soft, not head-thump inducing glow. Rolling onto his side and looking right at me, I can see he’s still being cautious, not sure what just happened and what caused it. “If there was something wrong you would tell me, right?”

My normally automatic denial stalls in my throat. How is it fair to be in a relationship with Noah and still hide what’s going on from him? From everyone? Truth be told, my first thought when I opened my eyes and realized someone was in bed with me was that Justin had found me. I was so relieved when I realized it was Noah.

This shit has really got to fucking stop.

Not even Mia or Mom know the lengths Justin might go to get my attention, to get a response from me, which is ultimately what he wants. He wants me to be missing him as much as he is apparently missing me. He’s told me that he wants me back, and that he loves me more than anyone else ever could do or will do. Then there are the gifts—daily flower deliveries at work which I brush off as being from Noah—so much for never lying, huh? —and which I give to Greta to take home every night. Letters, notes, texts, and multiple phone calls—missed calls, hang-ups, and attempts to engage me in conversation. I’ve started to look out for him when I’m walking home from the train station. I started changing the time I go home, mixing it up between finishing early and staying later. Then, after he text me to say he was in Chicago and wanted to see me, I started catching taxis from the train station.

Then there are the nightmares. I’ve been writing them off in the hope that if I ignore them, they might go away. No such luck. It’s the main reason I never share a bed with anyone anymore, or sleep anywhere but home.

Tonight, this was different. Not knowing where I was, and then feeling a man’s body beside me, I was taken straight back to the night three months ago when I woke up to find Justin lying in my bed watching me sleep, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to be doing to your ex-girlfriend, the one who made it
clear that the relationship was not going anywhere and that she didn’t want to be with him anymore.

That was the worst thing he’d ever done—it went from harmless to potentially harmful in the space of months. From unhappy dumpee to borderline delusional when he broke into my family home while we were out at work and school, hid in my closet for what could have been up to eight hours, and then lay down next to me once I went to sleep that night.

A week ago, after an awesome first week at my new apartment and my life going so well since I moved to Chicago, I was on a huge high. Then I swore I saw Justin in a café just a few blocks from my complex yesterday. The guy turned around and I almost cried when I saw it wasn’t him.

Although, it freaked me out enough to walk straight to the precinct where Zander and Sam are based and talk to a detective called Jeremy Chalmers. He advised me that until I had evidence that Justin was in Illinois and physical evidence of his harassment, there wasn’t much they could do. It was his word against mine, and when the detective made some unofficial enquiries on my behalf—because I’m Zander’s sister—Justin was by all accounts still in Indiana and hadn’t been anywhere near Chicago in a long time. I begged Jeremy to keep it all quiet from Zander. The last thing my brother needed before his wedding and honeymoon was to worry about his sister’s ex. I made that decision when he said Kate had freaked out over the flowers and note. No one should be scared in their own home because of me.

Thankfully, Jeremy relented and agreed to not tell either Zander or Sam. He promised to look into things on the down-low but warned that if things escalated in any way, all bets were off and he’d be telling my brother everything.

“Zo, do you not feel safe with me?” Noah asks, his voice full of concern.

My eyes go wide, and I quickly seek to get that idea right out of his head. “Of course I do. I feel the safest I have in a long time when I’m with you.”

He frowns, lifting his hand to my face and running the back of his fingers across my chin as I try to cuddle my body deeper into his. What surprises me is that he cuddles me back.

I never expected him to be a cuddler. And not just the obligatory snuggling after sex while relishing in the post-orgasmic glow—no, I'm talking about being plastered together skin to skin, tangled limbs, our bodies as close as humanly possible. I love it.

But it's totally my thing and it's impossibly better when it's with Noah. Knowing it's his thing too just endears him more to me. And Lord knows I don’t need any help in that department.

“Tell me what scared you, sweetheart? I should’ve taken you home. I’m sorry.”

“No, I didn’t expect to stay the night, but I don’t want you to think it’s your fault.” Feeling horrible about what I’m about to do, I tighten my arm around his shoulders and move my lips forward to meet his. “I woke up and didn’t know where I was, that’s all. I’m happy I’m here.”

“Does this mean there are going to be more sleepovers in our future now?” he asks, his voice light and full of hope.

“Do sleepovers mean that I can do this?” I place an open-mouthed kiss on his tight lips and wait patiently for them to relax underneath mine. When the tip of my tongue touches it, he opens his mouth and kisses me deep, rolling me over onto my back and putting half of his weight onto mine, pressing me deep into his cloud-like mattress.

He lifts his head and watches my eyes slowly drift open to meet his. “You’re not hiding anything from me? I want us to always be open and honest with each other. If something is bothering you or you don’t want to do something, you need to be able to tell me, and vice versa.” His gorgeous eyes are full of sincerity. I want to kick my own ass for hiding stuff from him. “Please promise me you won’t lie to me or hold back from me? I want everything from you; I want to give you all of me knowing I’m getting all of you. I need that from the woman I’m with because I’m not fucking around anymore. I need you to get that.”

My throat constricts at the same time my heart does. What can I say to that? He’s basically saying that he’s going to give me all of him and that he wants all of me in return. Is that not what every woman wants to hear from the man she’s falling for?

Unable to talk, I simply nod, opening my mouth to his when he kisses me again. This time it’s deeper, longer, and full of unspoken words. Our eyes stay open, watching with every stroke of our tongues against the other, every quirk of our lips and sweep of our hands as they explore each other’s body.

Then he shifts over and lowers his body onto mine, my legs widening slightly to allow him room to fit between them, his knees hitting the mattress and sliding wide to spread my legs apart. Bracing his elbows on either side of my head, he lowers his forehead to rest on mine and strokes his hard cock along the seam of my sex, slowly, purposefully, his forehead bunched with concentration.

“God, I want you,” he rasps as his nose slides alongside mine before our lips touch.

“You have me, Noah.”

“I want to feel you. All of you. Never been skin to skin with a woman. Never wanted to give that trust to anyone until you. Let me inside, sweetheart.”

“Yes,” I pant as the head of his cock grazes my clit.

“You trust me.”

“More than anything. I get the injection—I’m covered. Do it.”

“God, Zo.” He pulls back and lowers his hips to mine then pushes forward. I wrap my legs around his thighs, giving him the access he needs to push his bare cock inside of me.

The feeling is absolutely fucking fantastic. Noah’s cock is amazing on any other given day and I’ve more than enjoyed—read: fucking loved it—every time I’ve had the pleasure of touching, tasting, riding, and taking his cock in whichever position, flavor and form he has chosen to give it to me in. But feeling him skin against skin, watching his face relish every single second of this significant moment between us means everything to me.

I lift my hips to meet his every thrust. One of his hands roams my body, his fingers caressing my face, his palm curving around my breast to lift my nipple to his mouth, then lastly his thumb reaching between our bodies and finding my clit, giving it the perfect amount of pressure to send my already simmering body into overdrive.

Digging my nails into his skin, I arch my back and lock my mouth to his as I scream my way through the most intense orgasm of my life, full of meaning and wonder, and the realization hits me after Noah groans his climax into my neck, his cock pouring into me, that I’m now officially and royally ruined for life.

No other man but Noah will do for me.

No other man will be able to do what he does to me, and be who he is for me.

I’m no longer falling. I’m a head-over-heels done deal.

Chapter 21

“Never Seen Anything ‘Quite Like You’”




“Mom, I’d like you to meet Noah. Noah, this is my mom, Julie.” I’ve been shitting myself ahead of this moment. Knowing that I’d be introducing my slightly older, successful surgeon doctor boyfriend to my mother—the mother who knows me better than anyone and who has met only one other boyfriend—had me biting my pretty manicured nails and fidgeting all morning.

I left Noah’s after a morning shower to rival even the best wake-up calls. He bundled me into a cab and I headed straight for Mac’s house, where all of us girls were getting ready.

Hair, makeup, champagne, tears, laughter, and a lot of story sharing later, Mia and I took a limo to the hotel where the boys were all getting ready, and the wedding ceremony and reception were being held.

Which brings us to now, and my mother meeting Noah.

“Mrs. Roberts, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says as she knocks his outstretched hand out of the way and wraps her arms around him for a hug. My mom is only about five-foot-five, so it was kind of hilarious to see her body wrapped around my man’s six-foot-plus frame.

She shifts back but continues to hold on to his arms, looking him over top to bottom and nodding in approval. “Are you the reason my Zoe has a huge smile on her face? Because my daughter deserves all of that and more.”

His eyes shift to mine over Mom’s shoulder, and the look is one of gratification bordering on pride. If he could thump his chest right now I could almost guarantee he would.

“And after all that trouble with that ex of hers. I’m so glad he’s left her alone now. Moving to Chicago was the best thing she ever did.”

I swallow hard and try to school my features. The guilt of hiding the true extent of the Justin issue is eating away at me, and I’m definitely not looking forward to Noah or Zanders’ reaction if they ever find out what has been going on. Last night’s freakout probably won’t be the last, and since I’m more than likely going to be sleeping over with Noah a
in the future, I need to sort things out once and for all. I’m just hoping Jeremy is able to do something to help.

“He is such an ass-wipe. I don’t even know what you saw in him, Zo. He wasn’t even that good looking, and definitely wasn’t worth going out with,” Mia says as she helps Danika do her hair.

Danika chose not to be in the wedding party because she’s not one to stand up in front of a crowd. She’s a smartass, but she’s also quite private and introverted around people she doesn’t know.

Zander chooses that perfect moment to walk into the suite’s living room along with Daniel and Zach. “Who’s an ass-wipe? Noah?” He shoots Noah a smirk. For someone getting married in a few hours he’s looking rather stress-free. “And Mom, stop fawning over Zo’s new man toy and come fix my tie. I couldn’t get it straight and it needs to be perfect.”

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