Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (108 page)

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My breath hitches, his words heating me up as if I
just had a mind-blowing orgasm. His hand moves over my collarbone and into my hair.
I think he has a thing for my hair.

“I love the way you watch me when you think I’m not looking. When you try to catch my eye by bending over in the corridor and showing off that perfect ass of yours.”

“I was tying my laces!”

“You weren’t wearing sneakers, Zo.”

My cheeks heat up and I try to duck my head, but his hand is right there stopping me.

“I love the way you talk, the way you laugh, the way you make everyone’s day when they see you. I crave to be near you, to touch you. This is not playing, and it’s definitely not casual . . . for me.”

I don’t hesitate answering him, sensing that soft spot of being shown to me. “Me either.”

“And I’m sure as fuck not biding my time with you. Whatever you think this is between us, I promise you it is ten times better for me, because I get to be with

Oh. My. God. I think I just had a mini orgasm caused by the biggest swoon in my life.


“I’m starting to think the best thing I ever did was grab you and kiss you.”

My eyes grow wide, and I can’t control my actions. I jump on top of him and tell him everything I want to say with my mouth, my hands, and my body. Everything I do is screaming at him that I feel the same way. When I stop mauling him, he cups my cheeks and looks up at me with lazy, hooded eyes. “So we’re doing this then?” he asks.

“You and me take on the world?”

A slow smirk grows on his lips. “Something like that. How about we start small though? New apartment, new boyfriend, new job. Your life sounds awesome.”

Ah, yes. Cocky Noah, one of my favorites.

“I’d like that,” I murmur against his lips. Then we’re kissing, a slow and lazy kiss, our tongues languidly rolling over each other. And for what feels like a long time we just lie there. We’re naked and messy but I don’t care. “But first we focus on the christening of the apartment. Everything else can wait.”

“You’re a fucking genius, sweetheart.”

I just enjoy the moment of bliss.

Now all I need is for the texts, calls, and gifts to stop from Justin, and life will be fucking perfect.

Chapter 18

“Marvin Gaye”




By six p.m. Friday, I’m all moved into my new place.

Mia was on our doorstep around eleven a.m. and we went straight over to meet the realtor. After signing the lease and paying my first and last months’ rent, we went straight to the apartment, getting busy by lugging up my boxes from Mia’s car. It took three trips from Zander and Kate’s place and back again, until all of my worldly belongings were in their new abode.

Zander and Kate arrive around three, and the four of us make quick work of unpacking my life and making my small one-bedroom abode my own. Thankfully, Zander even gave me his old bed, couch, and bedroom furniture to bring with me since all of my stuff was still at my mom’s.

Deciding it’s time to order some dinner, I leave Mia, Kate and Zander in the living room and go into the kitchen to grab my phone, finding three missed calls and just as many messages.

I check the missed calls and see one from Mom, and two from unknown numbers—one guess as to who they’re from. Opening my messages I see one from Noah and one from Justin—on top of the multiple texts he’d sent me last night when I got home from the hospital. Basically they ranged from ‘I love you, come back to me’ to ‘Are you fucking someone else?’, steadily getting angrier—and I’ll admit it, scarier—with each new message.

Deciding to ignore him for the moment, especially while Zander is still here and his last reaction still fresh in my mind, I open Noah’s message that he must’ve sent just after lunch. I instantly smile at the photo he’s sent of a bottle of whiskey, a toy hot-rod car, and what looks like a porn DVD along with a note.

I figured we had a lot to celebrate, and you once told me your favorite things. Tonight we’ll try them all.

I quickly type out a response to him, knowing that I’m
to be ordering dinner for everyone.

I’m game for the whiskey, the nakedness and the porn, but not too sure I can fit my ass on the toy car.

Scrolling to his other message, which was sent about ten minutes ago, I sigh disappointedly

Sorry, sweetheart. Got called into a late surgery. I’ll come straight to you when I’m done. Let me know the address and how to get in. Sorry!

Then I remember that my new boyfriend is a doctor, so I’m likely to receive many texts like this during our relationship. Might as well get used to it now.

I’ll be naked and waiting for you whenever you get here. P.S. don’t forget the porn ;)

Mia walks into the kitchen and sees me standing there wearing what is probably a dopey grin on my face.

“Are you ordering us dinner or daydreaming about your meat on a stick? ’Cause some of us are hungry, and you do
want to make Zan hangry. He’ll tear this place apart if he doesn’t get food soon.”

“You think we should warn Kate what she’s marrying into?” I ask jokingly.

“Nah, I think she knows it all by now. If not, we’ve got those drinks next week before the wedding. We’ll tell her all the shit we’ve got on him then. Give her a chance to back out.” We start laughing just as Zander walks in.

Wow, this kitchen is small when there are three people standing in it.

“Give who a chance to back out?”

“Kate. We figure she needs to know everything about Zanzan . . .”

“You’re a little shit, Mia. Stop stirring,” he replies, grabbing her around the shoulders and pulling her into his side.

“You love me. Kate must love
if she’s willing to tie herself to your ass.”

“She loves my ass.”

“Too much information,” I mutter.

“What did I just walk into?” Kate asks curiously from the doorway.

“Oh nothing, future sister. Let’s walk and chat, shall we?” Mia ducks out of Zander’s hold and loops her arm with Kate before turning her around and walking down my very small corridor to the living room again.

“You okay?” Zan asks with a deep frown.

“Yeah, of course. Why?”

“Well I heard your phone going off around midnight, and I figured even Taylor wouldn’t be blowing up your phone like that. Didn’t you go see him last night?” He leans his hip against the kitchen counter and stares at me suspiciously.

“It’s nothing, alright?”

“You’d tell me if it
something, right?” He studies my face, using his police training to try and see if I’m lying.
Lying by omission doesn’t count, right?

“Yeah, Zan. I would. Then you and Noah could storm off and save the day. Is that what you’re getting at?”

“I’d do anything for you, Zo. But if it
that shithead Justin, you could tell me. Remember that. Anytime, anything at all, you text or call us. If this place wasn’t gated, I wouldn’t have let you move.”

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his chest. “You’re getting married, Zan. You and Kate need your own space without your sister cramping your style. I love that you still look out for me though.”

“I’ll always look out for you guys. You’re my family—you’re my girls.” His voice is surprisingly hoarse and full of emotion. His arms tighten around mine and I look up at him, placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

“Now let me go. I need to order dinner and Mia told me to tell you not to starve her or it might get ugly.”

“She’s right. So hurry the fuck up.” I poke my tongue out at him, earning me a laugh. Then I pick up my phone and get right onto ordering the food. The tribe has spoken.

“How’s the unpacking going?” Noah asks as he walks into the living area, scanning the floor, which is littered with a few half-opened boxes but mostly flattened empty ones.

“I’m sorry, I thought you just walked into my new apartment without kissing me hello, and forgive me if I’ve wrong, but even though this ‘us’ is new, the
in this ‘us’ really wants a kiss.”

“Is someone feeling neglected?” His eyes drop to my lips.

“Someone really wants a freaking kiss.” I put my hands on my hips for added effect, totally overplaying the issue now because I do
want to kiss the man.

“Ask and you shall receive.”

“Fucking fin—”

He closes the distance between us in record time and slams his mouth into mine. His hands grip around my wrists when I try to wrap them around his neck, instead lifting them up and bracing them against the wall that my back has just reached.

And by
does he kiss me. I’m unable to move, and he takes advantage and pushes his body against mine. Every hard plane and ridge, muscle—both soft and
hard—and limb is plastered to me. I’m like a horny tart who hasn’t been laid in a while, even though I had a freaking orgasm and a half last night that had my downstairs tingling for

He eases his mouth back, finishing with a soft nip on my lip. “Hi,” he whispers as he gives me another close-mouthed kiss.

“Hello to
. Can I have my hands back now?” My smile is huge as I look up at him.

His answering smirk, however, sends a promising shudder throughout my already primed body. “I like you like this. Makes me think of all the things I could do to you.”

“I haven’t made my bed yet,” I reply with a pout.

Looking over his shoulder, he looks at my sofa then back at me, letting go of my wrists and quickly putting his hands under my ass and pulling me up, my legs wrapping around him instinctively.

“Any aversion to making out on your couch?”

Like a teenage girl who’s snuck a boy over, I giggle and drop my head into his shoulder to muffle the sound while shaking my head.

“Just make sure you don’t leave a mark. I’d hate my mom to find out,” I warn mockingly as I lift my head to look at him. All that does is earn me a chuckle as he carries me the few feet to my sofa before sitting down, all the while still holding on to me. Now straddling him and with full use of my limbs, I grip his hair and pull tightly at the same time as I attack his mouth again.

“Jesus,” I pant. “You’re hard as a rock. Why do you have to wear clothes?” I whine as he laughs and runs his hands up and down my back and my sides, alternating between gripping my hips and grinding my core against his cock, and cupping my boobs over my T-shirt and tweaking my straining nipples.

“I would love to lose the clothes but that would mean letting go of you, and right now I don’t want to do that.” He runs his lips over my jaw and down my neck, placing open-mouthed kisses all over my skin.

“Let go. We at least need to get semi-naked if we’re going to christen the couch.”

“Really?” he asks with a raised brow, leaning in to whisper in my ear, “I thought we were only going to second base in case your parents came home.”

“Let me take my top off, Taylor, and I’ll let you see my boobs,” I add as incentive.

“Woohoo!” he says in a fake jock voice.

“So immature,” I mutter with a smirk as I cross my arms, lift my tee over my head and throw it over the back of the couch.

“So fucking magnificent.” Noah’s eyes are glued to my red padded bra, which thankfully gives my big breasts that perfect round shape that every woman craves.

“You may now resume your previously interrupted activities.”

“Thank fucking God.” He grips my upper arms and leans my shoulders back, dropping his face into my cleavage and groaning deep within his chest.

“Your hips are driving me insane, sweetheart. I’m about ready to take you on the fucking floor.”

“Okay, hold up.” I gently pull his head from between my boobs and rest my forehead against his. “I think we both need a minute. Surely we can’t be all over each other
the time?”

“Sounds good to me,” he replies not missing a beat.

“How will we get to know each other? Spend time together?”

He snorts. “I know I’m good, but even
need a break to recover some stamina. And besides, I promised you I’d bring a few things to help welcome you to your apartment. What kind of guest would I be if I didn’t deliver on that promise?”

A wave of heat flows through me as I remember exactly what he promised.


“A very nice one, too.”

“Sexy car?”

“Still the toy one. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to pick up a real one on the way over here,” he replies deadpan.


“I like your ass, and something that looks that good is bound to be smart. You let me touch it, so you’re obviously smart.”

“Indeed. Now, the last gift?”

“Now that I didn’t bring, however . . .” All of a sudden he lifts me up and over his legs, dumping me on the couch before standing up.

“Whoa. What was that for?” I ask, watching with amazement as he walks over to an open box and rifling through it. “And what are you looking for?”

“Is this the wrong box?” He turns his head to look at me with an easy grin.

“My toys are in my top drawer, and that was taped shut,” I blurt out, slapping my hand over my mouth in horror when I realize what I’ve done. “Shit!”

He stills, before recovering and standing up straight, stalking over to me and grabbing my hands, pulling me to stand in front of him. I scream as he bends down and lifts me over his shoulder—and I’m not exactly a shorty like Kate either—growling out, “Bedroom?” as he carries me out of the living room and stopping at the intersection between the hallway, my bedroom and the kitchen.

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