Blonde Fury (13 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury
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“Look, Sophie,” Martha had whispered, her lips almost touching Sophie’
“it’s all yours if you’d like it.”

Sophie hadn’t been able to answer and had just kissed her instead. An
d that
first kiss, so gentle and soft, so unlike a man’s! It had blown her mind and when at last they had broken apart for a breath, she had ducked her head and kissed th
e top of one of Martha’s breasts
– so soft, so fragrant.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” Martha had breathed and they had tumbled into bed. All the deliriously wonderful groping and fumbling had climaxed with Mar
tha finding her way down Sophie
’s body until her lips had touched Sophie’s clitoris and her world had exploded.

Now they lay face to face with the heat in Sophie’s belly growing once again.
There was really only one thing to do, so Sophie did it. She ducked under the duvet and into the fragrant darkness. Immediately, her face encountered the softness of breasts and she spent a happy few minutes experiencing the joy of nibbling at
and kissing
, large, erect nipples and making their owner cry out in pleasure. But what really intrigued and fa
scinated Sophie lay farther below
and after a while she slid her way down Martha’s stomach, knowing that each inch was taking
nearer and nearer the seat of another woman’s femininity, the prospect at once exciting her and daunting her. But as she neared her goal the
scent o
Martha’s excitement spurred her on and by the time she was nuzzling the soft pubic fuzz, she was eager to explore another woman’s vagina. The clitoris was standing amazingly proud of its hood and Sophie was certain it was much bigger than hers, but she engulfed it gently with her lips and Martha’s body jerked under her in a surge of delight. Sophie let her tongue circle and lick at the nubbin and listened for the groans of pleasure from above
. Then she used her hands to push Martha’s legs wider apart
and went for
main prize, the vaginal entrance itself. Sophie herself
usually took most of her pleasure in sex from penetration but was aware that a lot of girls didn’t, but she knew that she just had to experience the feeling of her tongue probing deep into the soft sheath of the vagina as it exuded its juices. And Martha’s cunt certainly repaid her explorations, bathing her mouth in pungent, exciting, tangy juice while Martha herself squirmed and moaned and gripped her hands in Sophie’s hair. Then Sophie returned her attentions to the sizeable clitoris and Martha’s body locked tight and then jerked again and again as Sophie sucked, licked and rasped at it.


The next morning they went shopping and kitted Sophie out to look like an expensive escort girl. After the breaking of so many taboos the night before, stockings, glitzy dresses and high-heeled shoes were easily coped with and Sophie found for the first time that she really did like the feel of them. And the disappointed look on Martha’s face when she came out of
fitting room
with her jeans back on, made it even more worthwhile.

By mid afternoon they were back in Martha’s room and making the bed springs work. Sex for Sophie, up until then
had been very much a missionary position thing with the lights turned out. But sex with Martha was such a whole body
and mind
experience that it blew her inhibitions to smithereens. Joyfully she threw herself into it with never a thought about her parents
and her previous hang ups
. And it was made all the better by the fact that Martha herself had only had a very fleeting lesbian fling in her youth, so for both of them it was a learning curve and neither of them fully understood how the attraction had come about. But they were ecstatic that it had.

By the end of that week, they had located an agency, checked it out, met the owner, who was a brisk and business-like lady in her fifties and by the weekend had their first bookings.

For Sophie it was a nerve jangling affair to begin with.
She had always known in a casual sort of way that she was good looking, she had turned down modelling to study for her degree, but she had never
set out to try and look sexy - e
ven with boyfriends, let alone a complete stranger. But her first client was an elderly man who was obviously extremely wealthy, c
harming and urbane and they
had a highly enjoyable meal together and that was that. Sophie was back at the newly rented flat several hours before Martha showed up, having had a rather more pushy client who
she had eventually charged a smal
l fortune for getting
into her knickers.

“If he wants it again
,” she said, “he’s got my number. “

And that first night set the pattern. Sophie only gradually relaxed with her own attractiveness and it was several weeks before she allowed a very
handsome property developer
to take her back to his hotel room. She named what she thought was an exorbitant fee but he never batted an eyelid and she took a strange satisfaction from opening her legs for him in bed, knowing that his fingers were exploring what had cost him
so much. And she was surprised by how good the sex was. She had been afraid that her passion for Martha would have taken the edge o
f sex with men but it was so different that
it re-ignited her desire for males

Martha was far more at ease with sex in all its manifestations and frequently slipped into bed in the early hours, smelling of men. Sophie didn’t mind, after all they showered together most mornings and had sex before they sallied forth for breakfast. In fact their lust for each other
invaded pretty well their entire existence when they weren’t out earning.
For the first time for Sophie, sex became a game, played in broad daylight, and not just in the bedroom either.

Martha brought home some toys one after
noon and insisted they were put to use straight away. They both stripped off in the lounge and
, sprawled on the sofa
was sent soaring to the stars and back propelled by a variety of vibrators and dildos, and ultimately by Martha herself with a strap-on.

But best of all was the remote controlled bullet. Martha persuaded Sophie not to dress once they’d finished experimenting with the rest of the toys, but to just put on knickers and insert the bullet.
was so intoxicated by the blatant
lust in Martha’s eyes that she happily stood spread legged and naked and fumbled the little thing up into her own cunt then put on the knickers and went about the flat for the rest of the afternoon being hit by unpredictable bursts of inner stimulation for unpredictable lengths of time. At one point she climaxed noisily
having slid down to sit on the kitchen floor with her back to the units while Martha
stood over her and
kept her finger on the ‘On’ button. Through the haze of orgasms that hit her like waves crashing onto a beach, Sophie vaguely saw her lover’s face with a hard, intent smile on it as she made her climax helplessly time and again.

As the weeks went past in a haze of good living and good sex, Sophie gradually adjusted to her bi-sexuality. Although, as Martha said one morning after Sophie had knelt in front of her and licked her to orgasm in the shower, they were omni-sexual.

l fuck anything human!
Now put the bullet up your bottom,
I’m going to the boulangerie on the corner and want you creaming your knickers for me when I come back.” The range of the fiendish little thing was just enough for Martha to make Sophie’s rectum tingle and her inner septum shimmer even as she was buying a baguette for breakfast. Sophie was becoming so relaxed that she
had no inhibitions about bending over and inserting the device herself before her lover’s lust-filled gaze.

But there was one inhibition she couldn’t overcome. She couldn’t bring herself to use the strap-on to fuck Martha with. It just didn’t seem right, and it was something she couldn’t explain to Martha. However, Martha didn’t seem bothered as there
so many
ways Sophie could pleasure her and in any case she could have a man whenever she needed one.

So with more disposable income than she had ever enjoyed before and with a sensual life beyond her wildest imaginings, Sophie gradually forgo
t about how she had come to be i
n Paris and the pursuit that had driven her there.

Then a client took her to
La Cage d’O

He was a tall and distinguished looking man with steel grey hair and dark eyes who was something in Pharmaceuticals. Dinner was pleasant and the man good company. Sophie was pretty certain that he would want her to go somewhere with him for the night and wasn’t finding the prospect displeasing when he suggested they adjourn to a club he knew for a few drinks before discussing further arrangements. Sophie was quite happy with that and felt the money she had spent on the
halter neck
dress she was wearing
which really did little to cover her breasts was going to turn out to be a good investment.

The taxi dropped them outside a perfectly normal looking hotel and she followed him down some stairs that led off the main lobby to a small hallway blocked by a door at its far end. The man winked at her and knocked. It was opened by a large man in evening dress who checked some kind of card Sophie’s client was carrying and stood back. Courteously the man gestured Sophie through f
irst and she entered another hall, decorated entirely in deep red
with a golden cage for a cloakroom check-in. Inside it was a blonde girl wearing only a gold thong and gold tassels on her nipples.

Sophie’s client helped her out of her coat and gave it to the girl.

“It’s a club that is open to members only, Sophie. And the members have rather particular tastes. Don’t be alarmed by anything you see, everything is entirely consensual and need not involve you at all. I myself will be happy to have a couple of drinks and then we can adjourn,” he told her and guided her forward with a hand on her bottom.
Sophie felt like a passenger on an aircraft who had just been told there was no cause for alarm, but it would be too embarrassing to make a scene, so with some reluctance she
pushed through some heavy curtains and entered the main club room.

It was large and lit by lights placed along the walls
to provide adequate, but not overly bright light. However, Sophie could see that it was populated by exquisitely dressed men and women and by some men and women who were hardly dressed at all. There were waiters who wore only the scantiest of pouches and waitresses dressed like the cloakroom attendant. But as her eyes became fully accustomed to the scene, Sophie also
that quite a lot of the naked flesh on display belonged to people who were sitting at the tables. No, she corrected herself as she looked around, they weren’t sitting
the tables, there were plenty of men and women kneeling
people who were sitting at the tables. And as her client took her arm and led her to a table, she began to take in the edges of the room. There were lots of strange frames and benches with seriously well-muscled men beside them, naked to the waist and with tight leggings on that only served to accentuate the bulge of their sexes. Dazedly she ordered a soft drink from the waitress who came up to the table, her large breasts shivering and rippling as she walked.

“Quite soon there will be some action…ah! There we go! The first of the evening!”
her client told her.

There were some cheers as a
girl in a very low backed dress was led towards one of the frames by the man she had been sitting with. When they reached the frame she reached behind her and unzipped the dress and stepped out of it. Her voluptu
ous buttocks were covered only
by lacy knickers which she shed with complete ease and then she held up her hands to allow her companion to buckle red leather cuffs onto her wrists.

Sophie had seen enough on the net, in the aftermath of her parents’ disclosures
and in researching the depravities
of the arenas, to know that she was in an SM club. Even as she watched, the girl was restrained in the frame and her companion had chosen a flogger and to her horror he began to wield it across her naked back. As if it was some sort of signal, there was movement from all over the room. As the first of the smack
sounds drifted across the room, a woman from almost beside them clicked her fingers and got up to walk towards a leather topped bench. Behind her on all fours came a man wearing a collar and lead and not much else.

Her companion must have seen her look of horror because he leaned across and told her s
citously that if she wanted they would just have this drink and then go. Sophie was about to nod gratefully when her eye was caught by a man sitting at a table just along from the curtained entrance they had come in by. Her heart leaped and thudded in terror as she registered that she knew him and then, as she watched him lean forward to talk to the girl he was sitting with, she placed him to that night in London when her cover had been blown and the police had searched her house. It was the same man
who had accosted her and called her by her birth name
. Tall and broad shouldered h
e was smiling and applauding as another man at his table guided a girl to her feet and led her to one of the frames.

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