Blonde Fury (15 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury
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Once she was seated, the sheriff hovered close behind her but Floyd relaxed behind the desk.

“Welcome to the Pretty Pony, Miss Stafford, or whatever your real name is,
either way
I don’t care. Let me come straight to the point; are you acquainted with Pony Racing like they do it in the arenas?”

“I’ve seen it,” Sophie said carefully. “And I think it’s vile and degrading.”

Floyd chuckled softly. “I dare say you do. But consider your position and hear my deal. I pay Henry there and his men good money to keep an eye out for young ladies coming into the country with something to hide, and you’d be amazed how many of you there are!
Sometimes they’re smuggling, sometimes they’re on the run from someone or something.
Now, at the Pretty Pony I race
and run
ponygirls, just like the arenas do and I have a lot of paying customers, believe me.”

“Oh I can imagine!” Sophie put in suddenly having an inkling of w
here this was going

“When Henry and his men
find someone like you
, they bring them here to me and I offer them a two year deal,” Floyd went on unperturbed. “For two years they serve me as ponies and accept my discipline and serve my customers. At the end of that time they can go free if they want. The record will show they entered the country with no problem
and they will have a share of the money they earn. I save the state the expense of locking them up, my customers are happy and everyone wins!”

“The girls?”

“Yep, them too. After two years folk
have stopped looking for them, if they want to be set free that is. Quite a few don’t.”

Sophie gaped at him. The answer to her sarcastic question had changed everything. Two years
complete anonymity could be a godsend, maybe everyone would give up and go away, then she could emerge from this weird place – if he could be trusted – and resume a real life. Maybe she could find Martha and explain
and they could pick up where they left off
. Of course the idea of bein
g harnessed and treated as
a beast of burden was hateful and wicked. But maybe just now, beggars couldn’t be choosers – and they had her bang to rights about the passport…

As if seeing her attitude change, Floyd broke in, “There is one thing you need to be aware of before you sign my contract though.”

“And that is?” she asked.

“You know the arenas use these chips to keep the girls happy and obedient?”

Sophie did and it
always seemed
to her
the worst thing that the arenas did.

“Well I don’t have no truck with that. My ponies obey me because they know the rules and they find out the hard way
what happens
if they break them. Same as any animal does. I train my ponies real good. And I don’
t need
no gizmo to make them docile.”

Sophie realised that she was being told that she would be beaten if she didn’t obey this madman’s rules
. But at least she wouldn’t be in prison. And it was only for two years. Then the hunt for Sophie Suarez would have died down – and he didn’t seem to care who she really was…

“I’ll sign,” she said simply.

Floyd rang a bell and several men entered as the sheriff unfastened her wrists. They were all big men and they all smiled at her in open anticipation. It looked as though there was a lot of sex on the menu and it was just as well Martha had given her a healthy appetite for it.

Floyd passed across a simple document that summarised all he had said and confirmed that in two years she could go free if she chose. She signed it and returned it then looked around at the men, all of whom were sporting interesting bulges in their trousers.

“Well,” she said, standing up and becoming aware of her clipped English vowels falling into the silence in the office. “I hope you gentlemen have got long
, hot…
spurs. This pony needs to be ridden!”

The feeling of not being Sophie Suarez, of not being anyone at all for the next two years was intoxicating and Sophie
was beginning to think
she might enjoy it.

Floyd smiled. “That’s a pretty speech, but it’ll be the last you make for a long time. Take her away and get her started, boys.”

Getting her started turned out to consist of fucking her until her brain rattled. She had never experienced anything like it. They took her downstairs to a small cell with white painted walls and a bed and not much more. She was told to strip and when she did, so did the men who crowded into the small room. She backed up until the backs of her legs connected with the frame of the small bed and she had no choice but to
stop and
examine the crowd who wanted her. They were a well-muscled and well hung group, she had to admit and the cocks were visibly beginning to throb towards erection. It was a sight that Sophie had never imagined seeing – let alone knowing that every single one of them was heading her way. But she stood up squarely, parted her legs and put her hands on her hips.

“Now she’s gonna get some good American cock up her hoity toity little English pussy,” one of the men said.

“I heard they like it up their asses
in England,” another said.

“Doesn’t matter a damn where she likes it. She’s gonna get it everywhere a girl can take it,” the man at the front of the group said, advancing on her. Sophie let her eyes meet his and she thought of Martha; ‘we’ll fuck anything human!’ and she laughed as she reached out and drew him to her.

What really hurt was her arse. It had never been used before except by Martha’s finger on occasions, but the men at the ranch used it time and again. They used plenty of lube but the next day it stung so much she could hardly walk, but fortunately she didn’t need to. They gave her two days to recover and she needed every minute of them. She doubted she could have taken it if it hadn’t been for the weeks with Martha breaking down her inhibitions. She had only ever sucked Tom’s cock but in that epic gangbang that signified her arr
ival at the Pretty Pony, she
lost count of the times she had swallowed a man’s sperm. To be ordered to her knees for fellation had eventually come as a blessed relief from the endless stream of men who had wanted to bugger her and slap her bottom as they did so; hard.
There had been a period when it had been pleasurable, she thought it was about half way through, when her rectum had loosened up but before it had got sore. The man who had taken her first of all had seemed to
be in charge and it had been he
who had occasionally examined her in between bouts of buggery and decided she could take more.
Every now and then there would be a
pause and she would feel his hard hands ease her buttocks apart as he peered at her most private place. Then sentence would be pronounced
and she would have to feel
her delicate tissues being prised apart all over again.
But she would be ever grateful to him for being the one who had
at last
decreed that there would be
no more buggery
mouth and vagina only
from then on
. Tears of gratitude had trickled down her cheeks, running around the crusted sperm, as she had sucked long and hard at cock after cock while others entered her cunt from behind.

Fairly early on she had ceased to feel human. She had lost her personality as she sank beneath the continued orgasms that overwhelmed her, she became just what they wanted her to be; a body. They had squashed her between them, made her into a living sandwich with one man in her vagina and another in her backside, and the two cocks had fought it out inside her until she felt she was losing her mind. She had knelt astride one cock and taken another in her mouth. And finally they had stopped coming inside her and came all over her
. Cocks would be withdrawn from her mouth just as they spurted and would be wiped over her eyes and in her hair or pointed down at her breasts. Vaguely she was conscious of wiping her hands over her body, smearing herself with their essence, revelling in her debasement
and hungry for the next orgasm.

Eventually she had lain on her front with her head hanging over the end of the bed, flopping down as her backside was hauled up to make her cunt available. She could hardly register any more orgasms and only groaned as she came. Sometimes a hand would grip her sticky, sodden hair and lift her face to cram a cock into it again and she would open her throat as much as she could, so exhausted that without fully realising it she was deep throating them. Her neck muscles would no longer let her control her movements up and down so she relied on the hand in her hair to control the face fucking.

And then
, quite suddenly it seemed,
they were gone. She lay on the narrow bed, the sound of her breathing loud in her ears, too used up to move. But slowly she became aware of someone standing over her.

“Welcome to the Pretty Pony,” the voice of Wilbur Floyd said.

Sophie felt a sudden urge to defy expectations. She knew what she must look like with sperm oozing from between her
wide spread
thighs and from her anus, her bottom smacked red, her hair thick with sperm and her arms flung out loosely to hang over the sides of the bed. She became aware of a thick string of
and saliva
hanging from her lips to the floor. She knew she looked the very image of totally fucked womankind. But she didn’t feel beaten down, she felt pride. She had taken all that they could throw at her and still she could…
she could

She tried moving her arms and was surprised they obeyed her
but managed to get her hands under her and turn over, wiping her mouth as she did so. Her legs were splayed wide apart, one on the bed and one hanging off it. Slowly she swung the one on the bed off it and then pushed herself up to a sitting position. Waiting until her head stopped spinning she began to get to her feet. She took two or three staggering steps until she found her balance but then she could face Floyd. He was watching her carefully.

“You might talk posh but you’re a tough bitch alright, whatever your name is.”

Then he turned and walked out and she smiled after him; they had ridden her but they hadn’t broken her in, not by a long way.

The man who had been the first to take her and who she was to learn was called Ennis, entered as Floyd left.

“You might want a shower, girl,” he said and indicated that she could leave the cell. “Usually we have to carry ‘em out after the welcoming ceremony
. Like the boss said, you’re a tough bitch.”

He walked behind her as she limped along the corridor, steadying herself with one hand against the wall from time to time until they came to a wet room.

He lounged against the door frame as she showered and rinsed herself thoroughly, spreading her legs shamelessly to soap every nook and cranny, but of course what was there to be ashamed about? She had nothing now that every man in the place hadn’t seen, touched, explored and fucked.

“That’s right, get it all good and clean,” Ennis told her.

“Ready for next time?” she asked, tousling her thick hair under the jets to try and clean it.

“No talking. I’ll punish you for that soon as you’re finished here,” he told her quite calmly. Sophie glared at him but subsided, there was no point in provoking him, it was clearly what he wanted and clearly
the Pretty Pony wanted her to learn another lesson.

When she had towelled off, dried her hair and brushed it as best she could with the simple brush provided she felt well enough to walk without limping although her backside still stung and burned ferociously. She followed Ennis further along the corridor until they emerged into daylight.

They were in a courtyard and Sophie found out that she was far from being the only naked girl in those parts. On three sides the yard was surrounded by low buildings that had a stable door every few feet and over the closed lower half of the doors the torso of a naked girl was visible
with, as far as Sophie could tell, her hands clipped together behind her back. And just over to her right there was a girl in full harness tethered to the wall by her reins. Sophie had seen pictures and footage on
the net but the full ‘in your face’
reality of it stopped her in her tracks. The girl’s head was encased in a web of leather straps and she had a bit in her mouth and even blinkers at her cheeks. Her hands were clipped together behind her just above her buttocks which were bisected by a thin leather strap that ran between her legs and joined a narrow belt at her waist. Her feet were encased in boots that had wedge heels and enhanced her height and emphasised the shapeliness of her legs. Her breasts had been left quite naked except for the nipples which were covered by black leather cones that had long leather tassels hanging from them.

Sophie took in all
details only slowly, her brain screaming at her that it was obscene and wicked but
there was a part of her that
thought the girl looked absolutely beautiful

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