Blood and Thunder (67 page)

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Authors: Alexandra J Churchill

BOOK: Blood and Thunder
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Wyrall, Everard,
The West Yorkshire Regiment in the War, 1914-1918
(London: John Lane, 1924)

Notes on Sources

The following constitutes the main sources consulted for each chapter. A comprehensive set of notes is available at

IWM – Imperial War Museum

TNA – The National Archives

RAF – RAF Museum

ETON – Eton College Archives

MAG – Magdalen College, Oxford

HAR – Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts

NAM – National Army Museum


Eton College Registers 1440–1919

Published lists of Etonians who fought in the Boer War, First World War and Second World War

‘The Faces of Souls in Hell’

The papers of 2nd Lt Walter ‘George’ Fletcher

IWM Marden

‘Shrapnel Monday’

Published memoirs of Lady Mary Garstin (later Mary Repington)

IWM Marden

Published memorial volume for Francis and Riversdale Grenfell, John Buchan

TNA War Diaries for 9th Lancers, 18th Hussars

‘Our Little Band of Brothers’

Private papers of 2nd Lt The Hon. John Manners

Mons, Anzac and Kut
– War memoirs of Aubrey Herbert

Fifteen Rounds Per Minute
– Michael Craster

‘God Won’t Let those Devils Win’

Papers of 2nd Lt Walter ‘George’ Fletcher

Papers of 2nd Lt Reginald William Fletcher

Memorial volume for Lord Worsley by his father, the Earl of Yarborough

IWM Woodroffe

IWM Fleming

‘To Die Would Be an Awfully Big Adventure’

J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys
– Andrew Birkin

Papers of 2nd Lt Walter ‘George’ Fletcher

RAF – Henderson

ETON – Haldane

‘The New Argonauts’

Memorial volume to Lt Cmdr Patrick Shaw-Stewart by Ronald Knox

Memorial volume to The Hon. Charles Lister by his father, Lord Ribblesdale

Mons, Anzac and Kut
– Aubrey Herbert

The Man who was Greenmantle
– [––] Fitzherbert

‘I Feel an Outcast to be Alive’

Family memoirs privately published by Lady Desborough

ETON – Durnford

Memorial volume to Captain Edward Kay-Shuttleworth published by his wife

‘Till Berlin’

IWM – Schack-Sommer

Regimental history of the 18th Dragoner Regiment

‘Pitifully Humorous In Its Imbecility’

Family memoirs published by the Countess of Wemyss

Memoirs of C.P. Blacker, edited and published by J. Blacker

‘We Had Not Been Taught To Surrender’

Family memoirs published by the Countess of Wemyss

TNA – War Diaries of the Royal Gloucestershire Yeomanry Hussars

Regimental histories of the Gloucestershire and Worcestershire Hussars

‘To Hugh or Blighty’

MAG – Papers of 2nd Lt Harry Cholmeley

Regimental histories of the Suffolk Regiment, as well as those of the 13th (Kensington) Battalion and the London Rifle Brigade

Peter Hart’s volume on the Battle of the Somme was also invaluable

‘The Metal is Gold and Tried in the Fire’

Private papers and memoir to Lt Marc Noble

Memorial volume to both General W.N. Congreve VC and Major W. La T. Congreve VC

Memorial volume to Captain Alexander D. Young-Herries

‘The Gambler’s Throw’

Private papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

Memoirs of Lord Chandos (Oliver Lyttelton)

Memoirs of C.P. Blacker, edited and published by J. Blacker

‘The Abomination of Desolation’

Memorial volume to 2nd Lt Richard William Byrd Levett

Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas

‘I Long to Fly’

Memorial volume to Captain The Hon. Eric Fox Pitt Lubbock by his mother, Lady Avebury

IWM James

IWM Hughes

HAR Papers of 2nd Lt Henry Richard Deighton Simpson

‘Am I Going to Die?’

Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

NAM – Ponsonby

Papers of 2nd Lt Logie Colin Leggatt

Eton College Chronicle

Memoirs of Lord Chandos

Setting the Tone

Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

Papers of 2nd Lt Logie Colin Leggatt

Reminiscences of a Grenadier
– E. Fryer

Divisional history of the Guards Division


Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

Westminster Gazette
, January 1918

Memorial volume to Lt Cmdr Patrick Shaw-Stewart by Ronald Knox

Divisional history of the 20th (Light) Division

‘Shaking the Faith’

Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

The Fifth Army
General H. Gough

War memoirs of G. Lewis

Peter Hart’s volume on 1918 was immensely valuable in understanding this complicated juncture of the war

Papers of Captain Ian Napier

‘Every Shot is Telling’

Papers of Lt Cmdr G. Drummond

Lusitania – an Epic Tragedy
– Diana Preston

The advice of
expert Eric Sauder was also invaluable

A Girl at Eton
– Elizabeth Heygate

Castles of Steel
– Robert K. Massie

The Naval VCs
– Stephen Snelling

‘The Light That Failed’

Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

Divisional history of the Guards Division

‘Folded in the Dark Cloud of Death’

Papers of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas and memorial volume published by his father

Interviews with the family of Captain Henry Lancaster Nevill Dundas

Memoirs of Lord Chandos

Interviews with the family of 2nd Lt Reginald Mendel

TNA – Service files of 2nd Lt Reginald Mendel

Eton College Chronicle

Memoirs of C.P. Blacker, edited and published by J. Blacker


1. Aubrey Herbert MP. (Author’s collection)

2. George Fletcher (right) with his brother ‘Leslie’,
.1892. (Private collection)

3. A leaving breakfast at Eton in summer 1913. Major John ‘Marcus’ de Paravicini (left) and Ronnie Backus (right) are just to the left of the centre pole, their backs to each other.(Private collection)

4. From left to right: Hugh, Guy and Harry Cholmeley. The strapping on Harry’s jaw hides wounds received at Neuve Chapelle. (Private collection)

5. 2nd Lt Walter ‘George’ Fletcher, 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers. (Author’s collection)

6. Captain Francis Octavius Grenfell VC (left) and his twin Captain Riversdale Nonus Grenfell, 9th Lancers. (Author’s collection)

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