Blood, Body and Mind (11 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blood, Body and Mind
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Sara put everything away and sat down to focus. She had to be careful when contacting her friend Mel by telepathic means. Mel was an extremely important part of the magic Sara and everyone else used in the world. Mel was magic; actually, her full title was Queen, Mistress of Light, Keeper of All Magic. She was responsible for all the good and bad magic in the world. Her goal was keeping the world safe from ones who would abuse the power and thus destroy the earth as humans knew it.

Sara had met Melody about fifteen years before. The queen had been looking for guards to beef up her security, as she was to take a mate soon. Marcus, her personal guard, had suggested she come to a training facility to watch the young girl fight.

The training facility had been the Molavonta Kingdom guard’s idea. They had suggested that Mel look into the human sphere and see if there were any there who could be trained. The facility had been charged with a magical beacon to attract those humans who may have special abilities that went beyond sword and gun play. There was a watcher, or guard at each place to keep track of all who entered.

Sara had been young, very young by any standards, but she fought like the warrior that Aaron continued to call her. Her magic was strong, even untouched and without much training. She bested man after man with the strength and style that was unique to her. Her ability to memorize each stance, each move immediately gave her a step up in the learning curve, and made her stand out as someone to be reckoned with.

The swords used to train with were much too heavy for her at eleven years old, being too long and cumbersome. Mel had some blades, the ones Sara still used today, fashioned for her by her own blacksmith. The steel was stronger than anything made in this world, and had anyone taken a closer look, they would have seen the markings, charms for safety and wellbeing crafted right into the silver. Those alone made the weapons stand out from anything human made. Several weeks after their first meeting, at the age of twelve, Sara Temple became the youngest guard of the queen ever taken into service

Hello, Little Warrior, how goes it? It has been awhile,” Mel said as soon as the pathway was open.

Yes, I have been detained. And I’d appreciate it if you’d stay out of my memories.” The pathway between the two women had always been strong. Sara had never tried to block Mel from her mind, but some things, like her memories, were off limits.

Yes, so I’ve seen. How is your vamp, love? Is he getting you all hot and bothered still?”

Stop that. He’s not my anything. You are well, my queen?” She was not going to think about the fact that he had almost kissed her.

He still searches for me, Sara. And it is only a matter of time before I must face him again.” Sara knew she was right.

Sherman, Mel’s mate, had found Sara recently and had nearly killed her, demanding information about where she had taken Mel. She could not fight him back, nor could she defend herself with him. It was a part of his magic as an immortal and Mel’s mate.

Yes, he does, but he won’t find you. I promise you this. You are hidden away from everyone, especially him.” That was the one thing she had done right, not letting anyone know where she had taken Mel.

I wish to see you. Come to me soon. I miss you very much. And, Sara, it has come time for us to talk. We have a great deal to talk about.”

Sara could probably simply fly out in one of the little Cessnas, but she would have to file a flight plan and that would leave a paper trail that neither she nor Mel could afford. And why all of the sudden did everyone seemed to want to talk? She liked things the way they were before, when she would go days on end without having to have a conversation with anyone with the exception of the controller on the ground.

I need some money first. I’ve had to spend nearly all I have in order to pay the monthly accommodation costs where you are. I will need at least a month to recoup my funds. Can you wait that long?”

I wish you would go to the repository and get what you need. There is plenty there for you to use as you see fit— jewels, cash, and gold. You should be getting paid for what you are doing for me, what you are doing for all mankind. Soon, Sara, all will be well and I will remember all that you have done for me.” Sara could feel herself blush at her praise. They were not even in the same state and she could embarrass her.

You know that I can’t do that,” Sara told her. “How would I explain the need for funding to keep the queen hidden and not have several hundred of your subjects hounding me for details on where you were, why you were there, and why weren’t you home with them? Besides, you know as well as I do there’s still a warrant out for my immediate death. Even if I could get the funding, dear Shermie would use that as a means to find me, then, through me, you.”

You’re right, damn it.”


Sara had never let Mel know what extent she had gone to keep her safe. But Mel knew, like she knew everything that Sara had gone through.

Sara had been on patrol when Melody had been injured four years ago during the blast that rocked the castle in the kingdom of Molavonta. Sherman had somehow gotten Mel to go to the lower levels where he had drugged her. He had then put her into cell that had been warded and charmed with black magic. In her weakened state, she could not fight against him and his magic. The explosion was set to go off in the early hours of the evening when everyone was having dinner in the main hall. Mel had reached telepathically for anyone to help her. Luckily, Sara had been the one to hear her. Ten minutes before the bomb went off, Sara reached the cell and began to remove the wards to get her out. The bomb went off, killing six guards and twenty members of the royal staff. Sara had just managed to drag Mel out of the building and into an open field where she delivered Mel’s stillborn child. Moving Mel through a maze of ports into the human world, she settled her in Reno. By then, Mel was so weak and close to the fade of her life that Sara put her into a comalike state until she could recuperate. Royalty, like Melody, were true immortals, never dying. When they tired of life or needed an extended rest, they changed themselves into something magical. Mel’s mother, Savannah, was a fairy ring somewhere in a little town outside of Dunbar, Ireland.

A warrant was issued for Sara’s immediate death, as well as a separate warrant against the six guards that had died in the explosion. The council had thought the six men, though dead, had been helping Sara remove the queen from the castle, and a slight miscalculation in timing had caught them unawares. The warrant, when served against Sara, would then be issued to the guards’ families and they would be held accountable in lieu of men’s lives. Until Mel, her mother, or grandmother could be found, Sherman was running Molavonta. He could not control the magic, but the castle had become his playground.

The staff at the nursing home, Sunny Side Up, had no idea who or what their charge was. Sara had been able to cast her into the shape of a very old man who would require constant care. The staff, with the help of a small mental push from Sara, gave the nice old man the best possible care, above and beyond anyone else that was there. She made sure that all of the other residents at the home received good care as well. That way no one was the wiser about the care being given to one special needs patient.

You will reign again soon, and then things will be better for us all,” Sara vowed.

The old friends talked for a few more minutes and closed the gap. They could not use their magic for long, or it could be traced to its source and destroyed.

Mel lay in her bed thinking about Sara long after she felt the girl fall asleep. Mel had begun working her magic throughout the world in little increments so as not to cause a trail back to the nursing home since she woke two years ago. She was getting so much stronger everyday and would very soon need to face her mate. Sara had given up so much to protect her when everyone else had given up the search for her.

Mel was sending more and more power to the young guard whenever she could manage it, siphoning off some of hers to strengthen up Sara’s power base. This was part of what she needed to talk to Sara about as soon as possible, as she needed to find someone to take her place soon. Sara knew nothing about the added powers, and would be magically stronger than any living human very shortly.

As a now unmated queen, Mel could have no more children. A royal born queen could only conceive once. This was another reason her talk with Sara needed to be soon. Maybe Sara’s vampire would be the one to help them both. Melody, Mistress of Light, Keeper of All Magic, had a lot to do before her friend came to see her.



Carlovetti Airways, how may I help you?” the voice at the other end of his phone asked, and Aaron took a deep breath.

Aaron had been both dreading and looking forward to calling Sara all day. Now that he had her on the phone, his mind completely shut down. He glanced down at the index cards full of notes that April had helped him with yesterday. The first card said, “ask about her health.”

Hello, Sara, how are you feeling this fine evening?” His hearing was excellent, so when she muttered, “Well, hell, fuck a duck and watch it waddle,” he nearly laughed out loud. He was glad her disposition had not changed at least.

Mr. MacManus, the Carlovettis are not here yet. I’ll be sure to tell them you called.” He was sure she was about to hang up when he stopped her.

I called to talk to you, my dear. You didn’t answer my question. How are you feeling? Better, I hope.”

I’m fine, sir.” Her tone was cool, almost distant. But he knew she was far from indifferent to him.

He caught himself wadding up his notes and stopped. As he was smoothing them out, he flipped to number two. Very funny, he thought. “Breathe, and don’t fuck this up,” it said. He would have to tell April how helpful her notes were next time he saw her.

I need for you to do something for me…well, me and the Carlovettis, that is. I need for you to help me out on Friday night.” Sara did not acknowledge Aaron in any way. He knew she was there; he could hear her breathing. “Sara?”

Yes, sir?” He had never known anyone, human or vampire, that could convey so much in two little words; frustration, aggravation, irritation.

Did you hear me?” he asked again. “I need a favor; we need a favor from you.”

I heard you. Believe it or not, I hear perfectly well. I’m really busy here. You’ve stated your business. I need to go.”

He had been anticipating this since Monday, how to ask for her help by writing notes, practicing, but this was going nothing like he planned. Why did she have to be so damned stubborn all the time? April said that Sara wouldn’t say anything unless he asked her a precise, direct question. He would have to resort to his damned notes again.

I was wondering if you’d be my date this Friday night at the Alliance Dinner at six-thirty? It’s here at the mansion.” He wondered if he sounded rushed and didn’t think so.


Nope, not going well at all. She was not supposed to flat out refuse. Notes, he had to keep with his notes. He felt like he was in high school kid on his first date and that he had had his big sister write out what to say.

Let me explain this better for you. The Alliance Dinner is for every vampire in my realm to come here and pledge their fidelity to me. All are required to attend, including the Carlovettis. In addition to them would be the person or people who made the attempt on our lives a few weeks ago. I want you to be there to help keep an eye on everyone dear to us both. So let me ask you again, I was wondering if you’d be my date this Friday night at the Alliance Dinner at six–thirty?”

For a long, tense moment, she did not make a sound. There was such a delay in her response, in fact, that he had thought she had hung up. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

Aaron felt like hell now. She could make him madder than all hell one minute, and then make him feel like the worse kind of heel the next. Damn it, he thought as he stretched out his shoulders.

Yes, you do, Sara. You can say no. You’re actually quite good at it. You certainly say if often enough to me. Anyway, just say no and that will be the end of it. Is that what you want?”

Thank you, Mr. MacManus, but I don’t really. You and I both know that. Is there anything else, sir?”

No, I’ll work out the details on what I need from you, and then I’ll call you sometime in the morning.”

Yes, sir,” she said shortly.

Oh and Sara, it will be important that you call me by my first name if we are going to be seen as a couple. It’s Aaron, not Mr. MacManus.”

Yes, sir.” Her temper was rising. He could tell by the venom she put into her answer now. He grinned. How he hoped she would put as much passion into making love as she did her answers to him.

Long after he hung up, he thought about what he had done to her. He realized he really had made it so that she had no choice in the matter; he knew that when he had worded it the way he had. But damn it, he wanted to see her, needed to see her. If this was what it was like to have a mate, then to hell with it, he thought. It was not worth the damn problems she always seemed to cause. Then he smiled. He was going to get to see her again soon.

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