Blood, Body and Mind (20 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blood, Body and Mind
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She felt a stab of pain to her heart. “So you’re leaving?”

While he had been telling her of his plans for her, yet again, she reflected about the man before her. She realized in the moment that she loved him. It had been coming on so slowly that she had not even realized it until he told her she would be free of him.

Yes, I’ll be honest with you, if I stay, I won’t be able to stay away from you. It’s better this way, for both of us.”

I see. Better for both of us, or just for you?” Her temper snapped. “You know you’re a pigheaded, arrogant, stubborn ass-wipe! You bring me all the way out here to give me this, what is it, ah yes, the big ‘I’m leaving for you’ speech? Well, no, and hell no, you are not getting off that easy.”

Every light and candle in the room suddenly became ablaze with light. The entire room lit up instantly, not a corner was safe. Nor was the chair Aaron was sitting in.

Aaron suddenly leapt from the chair and was moving toward the door to the sub levels. Oh no he isn’t, she thought, and moved to stop him. She pushed him hard against the wall near the cold fireplace. He fought her, trying to pull away.

Oh no you don’t, big boy, look at me. I can feel your pain, your hunger. Look at me, I said.” Sara cupped his face in her hands and turned him toward her. In his weakened condition, he was no match for her. She gentled her hands when she looked into his eyes. He had lost weight too, she noticed. His skin was cold and brittle. His eyes, normally so blue, were nearly devoid of color. His mouth, his lush lips, were drawn and dry.

Don’t,” He begged her as he tried once again to turn away from her. She cupped his cheeks again.

Aaron. Please, don’t push me away. I’m so sorry. I...I need you.” She sobbed and laid her head against his chest. She could hear his heart beating, so slow under her ear. She was afraid he would push her away from him, so when his arms tightened around her, she nearly wept with happiness.

I’ve missed you so much, Sara. I just wanted to see you. I...I’m so sorry, love. So sorry for everything.”

Aaron, I missed you too. Kiss me, please?”

When he leaned toward her slowly, she moaned deeply. Just the thought of his mouth on hers was sending waves of heat throughout her body. When his lips brushed against her soft ones, he moaned as well. Sara flicked her tongue out and tasted him, then pulled his lip into her mouth, nibbling on it, suckling it gently.

Aaron, please, I need you. I want you. Please?” She pressed her body hard against his.

Sara, I’ve not…I mean, I can’t, we can’t. I’ve not fed for weeks. I can’t make love to you. You are, were my mate, I’m not able to feed from any other source but you, not now. I’m starving, too hungry for you to be safe around me.” He pushed her away from him as he pleaded with her. “So please, baby, please leave now. You’ll be safer this way.”

She pulled back from his arms and looked at him. “You were going to die, weren’t you?” Her laugh was harsh even to her. “We’re quite a pair, you and I.” She was crying now. “Am I too late, Aaron? Have you not want me anymore?”

When he didn’t answer, she jerked away from him. She was nearly out the front of the house when he caught her to him. Shoving her against the door this time, he jammed his body up to hers, and while he could not get an erection, she could still tell that he wanted her, needed her.

Aaron licked his tongue down the column of her neck, nipping the tender flesh as he went. He was barely holding on to his sanity, and he did not want to hurt her. He needed to drink from her, wanted to draw her into himself and never let her go.

Sara? Sara, baby, please?”

She didn’t pull away from him, but tilted her neck, giving it to him, offering all that she was to him. He licked the pulse once more, and then bit down hard, tearing her skin, bruising her neck.



Mine, his mind roared. Mine.

He had bitten her deeper this time, drawing blood from her jugular rather than from the smaller veins in her neck He felt her blood fill him, his cells, his lungs and his cock. He pressed against her. Letting her feel what she was doing to him, and feel his erection getting harder by the second, he ached to be inside of her. He was not going to last much longer if they stood where they were, and he knew it.

Sara, I want you.” He cupped her breast and felt the nipple pebble hard into his hand.

Now, Aaron, please now.” He sealed the small wounds at her neck with a swipe of his tongue and pulled back slightly. Her lips were swollen from his kisses. Her eyes had dilated with need. He thought she had never looked more beautiful.

Come with me, baby.” He needed to get her to a bed, his bed. He was not going to make love to her standing in the main hall where anyone would see them, at least not her first time, and not against a door.

Oh yes, I want to come. You come too, please...”

Aaron could almost laugh if he didn’t hurt so much, ache so desperately.

No, baby. Come with me to my bed, my lair. I need you to come to my bedroom in the sublevels. I promise, and then we’ll come as many times as you want, as many times as we possibly can. This has to be right.”

Aaron picked her up and she wrapped herself around him, her legs at his waist and offering those lush breasts to him. She was in as bad of shape as he was; need was a living, breathing thing. There would not be any interruptions, not tonight. Not for the next several days, years, centuries—whatever it took to make her his.







The trip down the stairs was the longest Aaron had ever taken. Of course if they hadn’t had to stop several times, pressing against the wall for support, kissing and touching, it may have been a little faster, but their need was out of control.

Aaron barely got her into the room, slamming the door shut with his foot before they were kissing and making their way to his bed.

Baby, we need to slow down. We have the rest of our lives for this. I want you to enjoy this.”

Then, Aaron, if you want us to live that long, long enough for us to live together, I suggest you get out of your clothes and take me.”

Aaron reached down and cupped her ass in his hands, marveling at the way she fit against him. He lifted her then, pulling her body up against his, her sex meeting up with his hard length. She moaned, he growled, both needing more than the contact they were getting while fully dressed.

I want you, Sara.” He growled. His voice was hard and heavy with his desire.

Yes. Oh yes, please.” She growled back.

He smiled; she wasn’t in any better shape than he was, apparently. Aaron set her down on her feet, never breaking contact with her mouth. He began to unbutton the buttons down the front of her shirt, finally pulling it apart with a sharp tug, buttons flying every which way. With her torso exposed, he reached down and pulled his own shirt over his head. He could feel Sara’s hot breath on his skin; he wanted to touch her to him, bring her body as close to his as a couple could get. Then he was looking down at the tiny scrap of lace holding her breasts from him. He began to work at the closure on the front with slow progress. He moved his hands against her breasts with the barest of touches, brushing against them. When he finally unhooked it, her breasts spilled out into his hands.


Aaron pulled away from her mouth to look down at the treasure he had just exposed. Reaching out, Aaron gently cupped each plump mound in his hands, lifting them up to feel the weight. Her nipples, a dusty rose color, were long and puckered tight against the creamy flesh of her breasts. He ran his thumb over each nub. He watched as Sara’s head fell back as if to surrender to him. He leaned down and took the first nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue, and then sucking it hard into his mouth. He reached over to her other breast and began to pull, rolling the nipple hard between is thumb and finger, feeling it tighten in his hand. Not to leave the other breast feeling left out, he changed positions and suckled the other deep, rolling it with his talented tongue against the roof of his mouth. He wanted to be gentle, but her moans were making him hurt with need, and all he could think about was being inside of her.

Aaron took her open palm and ran it down his chest, over his own nipples, now as hard as hers. He continued down, guiding her slowly. He watched her face, watched as she discovered him, his furred chest, and muscles of his belly. Down he took her, down to his belt and lower. When he stroked his cock with her hand, she closed her eyes and moaned.

No, Sara, not yet. I want to watch you. I want you to see how you make me feel when you touch me.”

Sara opened her eyes. This time, he moaned. She was magnificent.

I love touching you. Feeling your length in my hand. Aaron, please. Please, I ache so badly.”

Aaron pulled her up high on his body so he could continue his torment on her breasts, walking her backwards toward his bed. When his knees bumped the mattress, he stopped, sliding her down his body, wrapping her around him. He worked the button and zipper open on her pants, and slid his hands behind her and into them. Hot, bared skin filled his hands. With her arms around his neck and her legs locked around him, he laid her onto the bed beneath him, cupping and massaging her ass the whole time. Breaking the kiss, he unhooked her lovely legs from his waist and moved down her body to undress her completely. With her feet hanging off the end of the bed, and him on his knees between them, he pulled her hips up and the jeans and panties came off together. They were tossed to the floor and he looked at the beauty before him.

Sara’s curls between her thighs were wet with need. Aaron ran his hands along her knees and up to her thighs. He looked up at her just as she sat up and leaned up on her elbows.

Sara, love, are you sure?” He’d die if she said no now. He’d stop, but he’d be dead all the same.

Your eyes...they’re red and bright. Is it because of me, because of what we’re doing?”

Yes. My need for you, my hunger to claim you, to be inside you, is bringing out the beast in me.” He started to step back from her, but she stopped him with her feet at his hips. “Are you afraid?”

Long seconds passed before she answered. “No. I’m not afraid of you. I know you won’t hurt me.”

No, I won’t hurt you. I can’t hurt you. You’re my mate, Sara. I’ve searched for you for centuries. I’d nearly given up in finding you.” He touched her now, gently, reverently.

No. I...Aaron, you should know...” She looked away from him, and he stopped touching her, suddenly afraid.

What is it, love?”

I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what to do to please you. I feel...I think you should also know that I love you. I feel as if I’ve waited my whole life for you as well.”

Oh, Sara, I love you so much. You already have pleased me. More than you know. And I have waited for you, Sara, for over a thousand years. I want you, very much. But if you want to stop, we will.”

Again, she stared up at him; he could feel her in his mind, searching for the truth of his words.

You would, wouldn’t you? Stop, I mean?” She asked him, surprise evident in her voice.

Yes. Now I can, but later, I don’t know if I’ll be able to.” He grinned at her. He knew that if she stopped him at any point, he would, just as she knew he would too.

Aaron ran his hand further up her leg, just at the juncture of her thighs. He ran his finger along her nether lips, never taking his eyes from hers. Slowly, he entered her with his finger, and then just as slowly, pulled out again. He did this several times, in and out, in and out. He added another, stretching her body, readying it for his cock. Her hips began to undulate around his finger; she began to move hard against him. Her cream began to soak his fingers then his hand.

I want you, Sara; I want to be doing this with my cock. I want to fuck you. I need to fuck you.” He moved faster, deeper inside of her, her heat, her wetness making it easier and easier for him to slide inside of her.

Yes,” she said with a hiss of need.

Sara’s head was thrown back now, her body moving against his fingers in a seductive imitation of sex. His cock was hurting against his zipper; he needed to relieve the pressure before he hurt himself. As it was now, he was sure he had an imprint of the zipper teeth tattooed on his skin. With his other hand, he rubbed it along his cock. He knew he wouldn’t last long, but he needed her to have as much pleasure as he could give her this first time.

Aaron leaned forward and slid his tongue inside of her, teasing her clit, tasting her cream, the unique taste that was hers and hers alone. Her body stiffened, bowed up off of his bed, and then suddenly, she came apart with a scream. Her climax roared through him, over him. He let her ride him, his tongue lapping up every drop of her climax, her juices flowing from her, soaking his hand, coating his face. When she lay lax beneath his mouth, he pulled his fingers free. He had to fight the urge to continue tasting her, even for the few minutes it would take to reach down and unsnap and pull the zipper tab down. His cock sprang free from its confines. The need to be inside of her overwhelming, he wasn’t sure if he could be gentle any longer. He stood up and quickly undressed himself the rest of the way until he stood before her nude. His cock was hard, harder than it had ever been. She looked up at him and licked her lips. He fisted his cock and stroked it up and down, watching her face, seeing her need was as sharp as his own. He thought to come like this, masturbating while she watched just to take the edge off. He knew she would enjoy it, as she had before. This time, he would be able to come all over her nakedness, over her breasts.

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