Blood Entangled (12 page)

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Authors: Amber Belldene

BOOK: Blood Entangled
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A warning whispered in his mind: It would be that much harder to send her away.

He silenced the thought, already itching to get inside her, his tongue, or his fingers, or his cock. After all these years of wanting, he would gladly accept whatever access to her body she gave him. He just wanted

Kos backed her against the wall and lifted her up, cradling her ass in his hands. Her skirt bunched around her waist as he pressed between her thighs. Her heat seeped through his pants where he pushed his erection into her, and she rocked her hips in response.

He nuzzled her neck. “Aren’t you impatient?”

“I’m afraid you’re going to change your mind.”

. Look what they’d done to her. “Lena, the truth is I’ve wanted you since the moment you walked in my father’s door. But you wanted Andre, so I left you alone.”

“Kos, don’t tease me.”

He pinned her with his gaze. “I swear it. For years.”

Tears spilled out of her eyes. “God, I was so stupid. Ever since you saved me, I realized I’ve been blind. Why did I ever want him when you were here all along?”

“He is kind of a jerk.”

She laughed.

“Let me show you how much I’ve wanted you.”

Her eyes went wide then heavy lidded in a matter of seconds. “Promise?”

“Cross my heart.”

“Because apparently all I really need is a good fuck.”

If only that were true. Still, he smiled because she meant for him to. There were countless things she needed that he couldn’t give her, but all thought of them vanished when she took hold of him through his pants.

“I want this inside me five minutes ago.”

Possibly the hottest thing she could have said. He thrust into her hand and rested his forehead against the smooth wall next to her head. “Me too, sweetheart, but let’s make this last a little longer.”

She didn’t respond.

He pulled back to look at her. “Okay?”

She exhaled, her lips forming a little pout. Cute. Hot.

“I want you thoroughly loved, completely satisfied. No room to doubt my feelings.”

Her pulse sped up, letting him know she found him persuasive. He bit her jutting lower lip gently. “Okay?”

She nodded.

He lowered her feet to the ground and dropped down in front of her. His fingers grazed her supple legs as he slipped her panties down to her ankles. Taking a moment to get himself under control, he folded them and set them next to her feet.

She gripped her skirt in both her fists so that she was almost entirely bared to him below her waist, but her legs were only slightly parted—like she wasn’t expecting his mouth on her.

Under a tiny triangle of golden curls, her silky skin was lovely. But he wanted to see more, wanted to see her folds, wanted to see right inside her. He could have gazed all day, as if he’d never seen a woman’s sex before. Her skin was softer, her scent sweeter, everything about her was different from other women.

She wriggled under his gaze, and he looked up at her. Her brow crinkled with worry. It was so cute.

“Kos, what are you doing?”

She had to know he was going to taste her. It had been ages since he was with a woman who feigned innocence. The nineteen seventies seemed to put an end to that nonsense. He didn’t want an inexperienced woman. It was a huge burden—one wanted to make things special for them. Too much work.

Lena obviously wasn’t an innocent, but she also wasn’t pretending. Maybe years of unmet needs and shame had made her forget this pleasure. He would remind her, lavish her with attention, make her scream and beg.

When he ran his tongue along her seam, she gasped. “Oh my God.”

Her knees bent and he placed her thigh over his shoulder. Finally, she was open to him. He was too close for a proper view, but still he noticed the rosiness, the slickness of her most private skin. Then he licked her everywhere, inside and out. He wished his tongue were longer so he could lick her womb. Yes, that’s where he wanted to be—all the way inside her. He needed more. He began to tease her open with his fingers.

“No!” Her pulse was too fast, her fists clenched.

“What’s the matter?”

“Not yet. Don’t put your fingers—”

“Sweetheart, I just want to make sure you’re ready.”

“Kos, I want all of you. Don’t get me ready.”

Okay. So, she liked it hard and fast. Not what he would have chosen for her first time in years, but she should have what she wanted.

More pleasure would help. He already knew where she liked his tongue—he delivered long, slow strokes and then fast, short ones. Her mewls, her breath, the blood pounding in her veins—everything told him how much pressure she liked. Her thighs tensed on either side of his head; she was getting close. He sucked her into his mouth, and just like that, she was coming on his tongue. He held her as her trembles slowly subsided.

“Wow.” Her voice was husky.

With a wriggle, she pulled away. He held her hips, lapping at her. “You taste just like honey.”

All flushed and disheveled, she was gorgeous. And she was still skeptical, like she thought he was sweet-talking her. He stood up to kiss her, knowing she would taste her salt on his lips, but probably not the honey that was already tempting him back between her legs.

“I am going to carry you upstairs and make love to you.”

She wrung her hands, looking down at the floor. What could be wrong now?

“Kos. I really want that. But not yet.” She reached for his erection and met his eye. “I want to see you. I want to know what you taste like, too.”

Well okay. Upstairs could wait.

She let go of him, untucked his shirt, and began to unfasten it. With every button, she delivered a chaste kiss to his newly bared chest. Each peck sent a shock down his spine. When she reached his abdomen, she knelt down and tongued his skin, making it burn. She sat back on her heels and unzipped his pants, taking his cock out carefully.

Her touch was tentative. “This is big.”

There was no dignified response a man could make to a statement like that. He kept his mouth shut and concentrated on sensation. Fingertips feathered up his length, teasing and sparking his desire to greater heights.

“And hard, but soft, too.”

, her touch felt good. He would play doctor with her anytime.

His cell phone beeped in his pocket with a new message. “Ignore that.”

She frowned, and he took her chin between his fingers.

“I’m all yours.”

“Good.” Her tongue darted out to circle his tip.

Need coursed through him, and he groaned. She kept her eyes locked on his and put the entire head in her mouth, teasing the underside with her tongue. The warmth of her mouth closed in on him, sparking incredible sensations, even though she seemed unpracticed—like she understood the technique, but had never done it before. She couldn’t possibly be as innocent as she acted. But he let himself pretend he was her first. It made him even harder. His breath came faster.

His cell phone rang.

“God damn it!” He threw the phone against the tile floor. “Lena, you’re killing me. Please don’t stop.”

She sucked on him and teased him. The scent of her arousal only intensified, and she moaned around his cock. She wrapped one hand around his base, taking him as far into her throat as she could, not that deep, but good enough.

So good.

She moved her mouth up and down. He flew higher and higher, pleasure and need blurring together with an intensity that made it like his first time. He dug his fingers into his thighs, trying to hold on as long as possible.

“Sweetheart, I’m going to come.” He tried to pull free of her, but she gripped his hips. She wanted to taste him? He didn’t fight her. His balls tightened and he grew even harder in her mouth. “Lena!” He exploded, his body stiffening and his mind blanking.

Palms flat on the wall, he tried to catch his breath. She stood, and he pulled her into a kiss. It was his turn to taste himself in her mouth, and it made him hard all over again. Thank God for vampire erections. He would be ready to go again as soon as he got her upstairs.

“You’re incredible. That was the best.”

She blinked. “Really?”

He stroked her cheek with his thumb, loving her modesty.

“I enjoyed it too, more than I…” She stopped herself.

More than what?

She bent for her panties, but before she could pull them on someone knocked on the door.

“Are you two finished in there yet?”

It was Zoey.


“I heard that,” she said, her scolding tone clearly meant only to mock.

He gave Lena a chance to finish dressing and then opened the door. Zoey peered at them, sniffing. “Clearly you had a very successful meeting. Did you talk about the food at all?”

He ignored her question. “Did you want something?”

“Andre finally got someone on the phone at the bottle wholesaler.”

“Finally? And…?”

“The driver’s been missing all day.”

Kos’s shoulders bunched. “Hunters?”

“Andre thinks so. He tried to call you.” Zoey bit her lip.

“Why didn’t you come get me sooner?”

“I, uh…knew what you were doing.”

Lena’s already sex-flushed face turned pinker. The blush was lovely, and he took her hand.

“And it’s still daylight,” Zoey said. “We sent Vania and Arden out.”

The humans were more than competent. They’d helped Bel rescue Pedro and Lucas from Hunters. Still, something had to be done if a human hostage was in danger.

Lena watched him deliberate, but the look on her face said she already knew he would go. He tucked her angel-soft hair behind her ear. “Can I find you later?”

“Yes. You’d better.”

He bent down and kissed her. It started as a gentle peck, and she leaned in. He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth.

Zoey cleared her throat. “Andre’s in his office with Pedro now.”

It required all of Kos’s will to leave Lena, closing the door behind him. As Kos rushed through the house toward the cellar, he noted the sun setting behind the hills—fifteen minutes or so before they could go out.

Pedro fired words at Kos the moment he walked through the door. “Damn man, do you think it’s macho to walk around smelling like that, ’cause I think you need a shower.”

“Fuck off.”

“I want my hundred bucks back. Now I know the worst thing about being a vampire is smelling Le—”

“Really? Because from here it looks like you’re going to burst the fly on your jeans.”

Pedro reached down and adjusted himself gingerly.

Andre blew out a breath. “Son, you do smell like…Lena.”

“Yeah. And I’d like to get back to her. So let’s save this human, find the bottles, and I can return to business.”

It was his duty to get the wine bottled and on the shelves for the other vampires, and an innocent human who’d been pulled into a war with Hunters needed their help. But it felt far more important to heal some of the hurts Lena had suffered at Kaštel. As soon as he got back, he would lick her wounds, head to toe, as many times as it took until she knew just how lovable she was.

Through the dense branches of the lemon tree outside the kitchen window, Kos kept his eyes trained on the sky. Slowly, dusk turned to dark, and he swung open the back door, springing into the air. With a gentle scuff of earth, Andre ascended a moment later.

Exhilaration swept through Kos, stealing his breath. When he’d flown before, rescuing Lena from the Hunters, he hadn’t had time to think. He’d pushed off the ground with so much force he’d launched himself, and once airborne, it was simply a matter of direction.

In all the years he’d longed to fly, he’d pictured false starts and failed attempts, like a hatchling. Flying would have been worth it, but it was so much better that the skill came naturally. Feeling like a baby bird wouldn’t have been good for his ego, and he couldn’t have tolerated lessons from Andre.

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