Blood Games (6 page)

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Authors: Richard Laymon

BOOK: Blood Games
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    ‘I wonder where the hot springs are,’ Helen said.
    ‘I’m sure that’s just a regular pool,’ Abilene said.
    Lowering her camera, Finley started down the stairs. Abilene went with her and heard the others following.
    Underneath the porch, she found another pool.
    ‘Oh, wow,’ Finley said.
    ‘Yeah.’ She walked toward it.
    The pool, nestled close to the rear of the lodge and entirely sheltered by the porch, was only about six feet wide - seven or eight feet long. Its granite walls were filled to the brim with gently moving water - water that entered from an archway in the wall of the lodge and flowed slowly away down a shallow stone channel at the north side of the pool.
    The water looked remarkably clean. Abilene supposed that its constant motion must sweep away leaves and such, and wash them down the channel.
    ‘Fantastic!’ Helen blurted when she saw the pool. ‘This must be it, huh?’ Rushing past Abilene, she knelt at the edge and dipped a hand into the water. ‘It’s hot!’
    ‘It comes from the lodge?’ Cora asked, sounding astonished.
    She and Abilene both squatted down and peered through the archway. The opening was the width of a doorway. Above the waterline, it was less than a yard high. In the shadowed gloom beyond it, Abilene could see nothing except a softly undulating surface of water. ‘Looks like another pool in there,’ she said. ‘And a big one.’
    ‘They must’ve built the lodge right on top of the spring,’ Helen said.
    ‘Didn’t your guidebook tell you that?’ Vivian asked.
    ‘It wasn’t a guidebook. It was something called,
The Omnibus of Great Unsolved Murders of the Twentieth Century
    ‘Should’ve known someone was murdered here,’ Vivian muttered.
    ‘That’s what makes it interesting.’
    ‘So what is a hot spring, anyway?’ Finley asked.
    With a shrug, Helen said, ‘Water that’s hot and comes up out of the ground.’
    Abilene laughed. ‘You’re a walking encyclopedia.’
    ‘I don’t know. I’m not a geologist.’
    ‘Are they something like those geysers at Yellowstone?’ Finley asked.
    ‘I don’t suppose they shoot up,’ Helen said. ‘Nobody’d build a lodge on top, if they did.’
    ‘Why don’t we go in through here?’ Cora suggested, scooting away from the edge of the pool and starting to pull off a shoe.
    ‘We’d get wet, that’s why not,’ Vivian said.
    ‘It’ll give you a chance to wash your hand,’ Abilene pointed out.
    ‘How do we know the water’s clean?’
    ‘It’s natural spring water,’ Helen said.
    ‘From deep in the bosom of Mother Earth,’ Abilene added. ‘How can it not be clean?’
    Vivian tilted her head sideways as if thinking about it. Then she said, ‘Shouldn’t we explore the rest of the lodge first?’
    ‘I want to start by going right through there,’ Cora said, and pointed at the archway. Barefoot, she stood up and pulled off her T-shirt. Then she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra.
    ‘I think she’s serious,’ Abilene said, and began taking off her own shoes and socks.
    Helen looked around. As if satisfied that no strangers were lurking about, watching, she started to strip.
    ‘Hey, Fin,’ Vivian said, ‘why don’t you and I go around to the front? We can meet them on the other side.’
    ‘I don’t think we should split up,’ Abilene said.
    ‘I don’t think we should go wading into this place butt naked,’ Vivian said. ‘Somebody might be here.’
    ‘Then keep your clothes on,’ Cora said, stepping out of her shorts and panties.
    ‘We haven’t even got towels. Fin and I could go on to the car and pick up towels for everyone and…’ She gave up on that suggestion when she glanced at Finley and saw the safari shirt come off.
    ‘Just stay with us,’ Cora said. ‘What’s the fun without a little risk?’
    Following Cora’s example, Abilene rolled up her shoes and socks inside her clothing. Helen did the same, but she left her bra and panties on. Finley, as usual wearing no bra or panties in the first place, made a bundle of her outfit. She tied it tight with her pink knee socks. ‘Can somebody take this for me?’ she asked. ‘I’ve got my camera to contend with.’
    Abilene held out her arms, and Finley tossed the bundle to her.
    Cora, sitting on the edge of the pool, lowered her legs into the water. She looked up at Finley. ‘Make sure you keep that thing off,’ she said.
    Finley grinned. ‘Hey, how am I supposed to keep a video history of our adventures if I leave my camera off?’
    ‘You wanta die?’
    ‘Not particularly.’
    ‘Let’s have her tape us,’ Abilene said. ‘She can mail it to the Sigs.’
    They all laughed at that. Even Vivian.
    ‘Those poor sons of bitches,’ Cora said, scooting forward and standing. The water came halfway up her thighs. ‘They never knew what hit ’em.’ She stepped forward and gasped as she dropped. When her feet met the bottom, the undersides of her breasts were touching the surface. ‘I guess there’s a ledge.’ She shook her head and grinned while the others laughed.
    ‘Should’ve gotten that on tape,’ Finley said.
    Leaning forward, Cora reached out and grabbed her bundle of clothes. Abilene stepped down onto the ledge and hopped off it. The water felt like a hot bath. Too hot for a day like this. While she picked up the bundles, Helen and Finley climbed in.
    Vivian, still laughing, unbuttoned the front of her sundress, pulled it down and stepped out of it, being careful not to let it touch the granite under her feet.
    ‘You’re coming in after all?’ Cora asked.
    ‘No risk, no fun.’
    ‘Atta girl.’
    She clamped the dress against her side to keep it from falling, and had a tricky time removing her bra. Would’ve been a lot trickier, Abilene thought, except the flimsy red garment opened in front.
    Grinning, they all watched the spectacle of Vivian hopping and teetering as she struggled to take off her shoes, socks and panties with one hand. Done, she allowed the shoes and socks to rest on the granite while she made a roll of her dress and underwear.
    She entered the pool, then picked up the sock-stuffed shoes with her free hand. She held the shoes and bundled dress overhead.
    ‘Now don’t you dare let them touch,’ Abilene warned.
    ‘Yeah,’ Finley said. ‘Those shoes’ll make mincemeat of your dress.’
    Cora looked around as if to make sure nothing had been left behind. Then she turned toward the archway. ‘Want to go first?’ she asked Helen.
    ‘Oh, that’s okay.’
    Cora started forward, Vivian close behind her. Helen went after Vivian. Abilene, following her, glanced back. The camera rested on Finley’s shoulder. Its tiny red light was off, so she wasn’t taping.
    ‘Move it along, Hickok,’ she said with a grin.
    Abilene turned away.
    Cora, the small bundle of clothes perched atop her head and held steady with one hand, waded into the darkness of the lodge.
    ‘Native bearers,’ Finley said, ‘following the Great White Hunter through unmapped regions of darkest Vermont.’
    ‘Oomgowah,’ Abilene said.
    ‘Watch out for water snakes and crocodiles, ladies.’
    ‘Very funny,’ Helen said.
    ‘There might be snakes,’ Abilene said.
    ‘And piranha,’ Finley added. ‘I think I feel a nibble now.’
    The talk, though all in good fun, made Abilene uncomfortably aware of being naked in strange waters. With both hands busy holding the bundles overhead, she felt totally vulnerable. She half expected something squirmy to slide against her. As she followed Helen under the archway, she pressed her thighs together and clenched her buttocks and walked with short steps as if her knees were bound together.
Nobody’s yelling
, she told herself.
Everything’s probably fine
    But they aren’t talking, either, she realized. All she could hear from inside the lodge was the soft sloshing of water.
    Then she was through the archway.
    Cora, Vivian and Helen had spread out. They were wandering about in chest-high water, turning slowly, their heads swiveling and lifting. They looked like a trio of bizarre tourists gaping at a wonder.
    Abilene waded forward. She heard Finley moving behind her. Then came the quiet hum of the camera. It sounded very loud in the stillness. But nobody looked around. Nobody objected.
    Abilene began wandering about, moving generally toward the pool’s far side as she turned and surveyed the place.
    It reminded her strongly of indoor swimming pools she’d known in Illinois - at the Y, at the high school - before moving to California after her sophomore year. It had the same dank air, the same acoustics that intensified every sound so that even the soft lapping of the water seemed to echo.
    But the pools she’d known had been twice the size of this one. They had never been hot. And they hadn’t smelled like this. Instead of a chlorine odor, the air here smelled heavy with sulfur.
    She supposed the smell might have been unbearable, but fresh air came in along with daylight from broken windows near the ceiling on two sides of the pool. One row of windows, which she’d noticed from outside while standing under the porch, stretched along the back wall. Another several windows crossed the shorter wall at the north end of the room. Those weren’t sheltered by a porch, and narrow strips of sunlight, golden and swirling with dust motes, slanted down from them at sharp angles. The bright strips lighted only one corner of the pool, and the water at that corner glowed like honey.
    ‘Did you get that?’ she asked Finley, pointing.
    ‘Yeah. Incredible.’
    Their voices, though hushed, resounded off the walls and floors and ceiling.
    Helen turned around. She looked very pleased with herself. ‘All this was worth the trip, huh?’
    ‘I sure think so,’ Abilene said. ‘It’s fantastic down here.’
    ‘It’s pretty dam neat,’ Vivian admitted.
    ‘It’ll be great at night,’ Cora said.
    ‘It’ll be dark at night,’ Vivian said, some of her enthusiasm gone. She tipped back her head and scanned the ceiling. ‘If those lights worked…’
    ‘It’ll be better without them, anyway.’
    ‘It’ll be real creepy,’ Helen said.
    While she looked at the lights Vivian had mentioned, Abilene noticed that the ceiling tiles over the pool slanted upward at right angles to a rectangular gap in the center.
    She hoped for a better view of the opening, so she made her way forward. As she neared the middle of the pool, currents began to rub the front of her body. The water’s temperature seemed to rise. Then she stepped on something that wasn’t granite. Iron bars? She lurched back to get away from them, and gazed down through the water.
    Set in the floor of the pool, like a trapdoor, were crosshatched bars a yard long. They covered a square opening. Below them, she saw an orifice surrounded by rough stone. The hole seemed to narrow, farther down. Then darkness obscured its depths.
    She tested the strength of the bars with one foot, found them solid, and stepped onto the middle of them. Hot currents climbed her legs, fluttered against her groin and rump, caressed her belly and sides and back. She crouched enough to let the water massage her breasts.
    A few moments later, she remembered why she’d come here to the middle of the pool. She tipped back her head. She was directly underneath the gap in the ceiling. It looked like a chimney that ran all the way to the roof. Far up there, she saw a gray smudge of daylight.
    ‘What do you suppose that is?’ Finley asked, coming up beside her.
    ‘A vent?’
    ‘Looks like it.’
    ‘I guess you’d need something like that, you build a lodge on top of a hot spring.’
    Finley tilted her camera high. ‘You’d think snow and crap would fall in.’
    ‘I think it’s covered. You can’t see sky, just a little light. The sides are probably open. The spring’s right here, by the way.’
    ‘Yeah?’ Finley looked down.
    ‘Here, stand on it.’ Abilene moved aside.
    Finley stepped onto the bars, and her eyes widened. ‘Hey, now,’ she said, ‘I might just stay right here.’
    ‘I’m getting out before I melt down to nothing.’ Abilene left her there.
    Cora, arriving at the far side, tossed her bundle of clothes to the tile floor. She boosted herself onto the edge, stood up and turned around. Feet apart, hands on hips, her skin shiny and dripping, she waited for the others.
    And saw Finley, still on the grate, taping her.
    ‘Damn it, Fin!’
    ‘Hey, come on, you look great. Just like Tarzan.’
    A corner of her mouth curled up. ‘Like Tarzan?’
    ‘Tarzan with tits,’ Abilene said.
    And Cora began bellowing like the apeman, drumming her chest with both fists, her breasts jumping with each blow, the wild outcry resounding through the room, deafening.
    Abilene, aching to plug her ears, hurled her two bundles of clothes past the edge of the pool. By the time she could poke fingertips into her ears, however, Cora had stopped.
    Vivian, cringing, muttered, ‘Jesus H. Christ.’
    Finley, grinning, gave the side of her camera a fond pat and started forward. ‘This is gonna be great.’
    ‘Nobody better ever see it but us,’ Cora warned.
    ‘Nobody ever sees these tapes but us. You know that.’
    ‘Yeah, but do I believe it?’
    Abilene boosted herself out of the pool. She wondered if Finley was videotaping her. Probably. When she turned around, she saw the camera pointed her way, its red light on. ‘You want me to hold that for you?’ she asked. Crouching, she reached out. Finley waded forward and handed the camera to her.

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