Blood Is Dirt (2 page)

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Authors: Robert Wilson

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Blood Is Dirt
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Napier Briggs bent over and gripped his forehead. The pain and suffering of money loss getting the better of him for a moment. A man bereaved. You'd have seen more control at an English graveside.

‘Take your time, Mr Briggs. Ours has been passing slowly enough without you,' said Bagado. ‘Begin at the beginning; now that we know the end we just need to fill in the middle. Colouring by numbers. It couldn't be easier. What do you do for a living? That's a start.'

He took a card from his wallet and flipped it across the desk at us.

‘Napier Briggs Associates Ltd. Shipbrokers,' read Bagado. ‘How many associates?'


‘Who's that?'

‘A sleeping one. Nonexecutive. Nothing to do with the business. Just an arrangement.'

‘So a one-man band,' I said, ‘with nearly two million dollars in liftable cash.'

‘A specialist in chemical, and clean and dirty fuel transportation,' read Bagado. ‘You didn't get muddled up in a Bonny Light Crude scam, did you, Mr Briggs?'

‘What's a Bonny Light Crude scam?'

‘It's not as cheerful as it sounds.'

‘Businessmen come here,' I said, ‘they get introduced to people who are close personal friends of the president of the Nigerian National Oil Corporation. They visit offices with an NNOC brass plate on the wall. They part with money to register their company as a buyer of unbelievably cheap Nigerian crude oil. They part with money for advance expenses and ship's bunkers. They part with money for a bill of lading for a few hundred thousand barrels of Nigerian crude that doesn't exist. That's a Bonny Light Crude scam.'

‘I take it you haven't done business in West Africa before, Mr Briggs?' asked Bagado. Napier looked up, confused, too many things bowling around in his head. ‘You specialize in dirty fuel transportation but you don't know what a Bonny Light Crude scam is.'

‘No. Yes. I see what you're getting at.'

‘The truth, Mr Briggs, that's what we “
to get at. That way we can help you. Many of these scams sound incredible in the telling and absurd on paper, but if you're involved in them they become a part of your life, a part of your business hopes and aspirations. You've no need to be coy about...'

‘ greed?' asked Napier, his head tilted to one side like an intelligent dog.

‘Be brutal with yourself, by all means,' said Bagado. ‘But tell us what happened too.'

‘I received a letter from a man who described himself as a senior accountant at the Ministry of Finance of the Benin Republic living and working in Porto Novo.'

‘Do you have this letter?'

‘The letter,' said Napier, surfing over Bagado's question, ‘offered me a percentage of something over thirty million dollars. The money came from overinvoicing on a contract awarded to a foreign company.'

‘All you had to do,' Bagado cut in, ‘was supply them with signed letterheads, signed invoices and the name of your bank along with the account number and telephone/fax number.'

Napier Briggs sat rigid, Bagado's words as good as a glance across a crowded room of Gorgons.

‘Hundreds of these letters are coming out of Nigeria every week. What's happened to you Mr Briggs is that you've been four-one-nined.'


‘Obtaining Goods by False Pretences, section four-one-nine of the Nigerian Criminal Code. You really haven't done much business in West Africa, Mr Briggs.'

‘I've done some deals,' said Napier, finding a carat of professional pride from somewhere, and then giving himself away by scratching the crown of his head and picking at imaginary specks on his face.

‘The senior accountant at the Ministry of Finance in Benin, did he come to you via one of your successful deals... as a reward for something, perhaps?'

If we'd been impressed by the range of Napier's nervous tics before, now we were spellbound by the sheer speed with which his hands shifted over his face and head. He tugged his ears, scratched his head, picked at the side of his nose, smoothed his eyebrows, pulled at the point of his chin, pinched his eyelids, the cigarette changing hands all the time, not having enough to do, he could have used six or seven smokes to keep himself occupied.

‘Why don't you just show us the letter, Mr Briggs?' I asked.

‘Napier. For Christ's sake, it's Napier.'


He lit another cigarette from the butt, and dragged on the stub, hauling the most acrid smoke deep down into his lungs. Bagado nudged the tin again, wincing at what the X-rays must look like. Napier brutalized the tin with the butt and walked to the window holding his forehead with his free hand as if the nicotine rush might drop him.

‘Mr Briggs,' said Bagado, still not comfortable with Napier, ‘I'm not one for turning down custom. As you can see, we need the money. But, in this case, I think you would be better served, and I will write a letter of introduction, by going back to Nigeria to see a man called Colonel Adjeokuta. He has set up an investigation bureau within the Lagos police force specializing in 419 cases. He knows how these gangs operate, he has case histories, he knows some of the gang members, he has some of them available for comment in the Kirikiri Maximum Security Prison in Lagos, some of them are on death row and are interested...'

‘I want a private investigation,' said Napier Briggs, in a quiet intense voice that seemed to have stopped the traffic for a moment. ‘Anyway, this is a Benin thing.'

‘It's a Lagos gang using a Benin scenario. Porto Novo is on the border. There are many crime links between Benin and Nigeria. Stolen cars, hi-fi, petrol, drugs...'

‘I don't want the Nigerians involved.'

‘I'm half Nigerian myself, Mr Briggs.'

‘Then perhaps you'll know why.'

‘Do you mean the Nigerian

‘No,' he said, his head seeming to operate independently of his neck, the puppeteer getting his fingers crossed. The three of us exchanged code through the volumes of smoke leaking out of Napier.

‘They used the letterheads to clear out your account?' I asked, trying a new line.

‘They said the invoices would show goods and services I'd supplied,' said Napier, ‘the letterheads would be used to give covering information. They'd put the whole lot through the system and effect a transfer. They needed a foreign company account to pull it off.'

‘What were you doing with nearly two million dollars in your account?'

‘They were freight payments from contracts and time charters and I'd had some good months on the spot market. It was all money due to go out to the shipowners in the New Year... apart from my two per cent.'

‘Timely,' I said. ‘All that money being there, Napier?'

‘Not for me. Not for my owners.'

‘Who would have known about that kind of money being in there?'

‘The charterers, the owners, the bank... myself.'

‘You have someone else in your office?'

‘Karen. Out of the question, she's been with me for years.'

‘She'd have known, though?'


‘Your associate?'

‘I told you. Nonexec. Remember?'

‘Do you have a wife, an ex, a girlfriend, a partner in life?'

‘Divorced. Three years ago.'


‘This isn't relevant.'

‘You're not giving us much to go on this end, Napier. I'm just coming at it from a different angle. Did your wife know about your business?'

‘She used to.'

‘You talked about it with her?'

‘She was a broker. She covered the Mediterranean small ships market.'

‘Was there anyone else involved at that time?'

‘Back off,' Napier snarled. ‘This is none of...'

‘It's only a question. Has your company always been called Napier Briggs Associates?'

‘No. It used to be Atkin Briggs Shipbrokers Ltd.'

‘What happened to Atkin?'

‘Blair Atkin.' He said it as if he'd just got a mouthful of coffee grounds.

‘Your wife ran off with Blair?'

Napier had his back to us now, his hands above his head, leaning against the window, two fingers trailing smoke.

‘Yes,' he said, taut as a drum skin.

‘You're sure this isn't relevant?'

‘They split up a year later. I haven't seen or heard from her since. Nor has... anyway, she was a bitch.'

‘Was?' asked Bagado.

‘Still is. I doubt it was the kind of expertise she could drop.'

broke with

broke with
I was very bitter about it. It bust up the marriage, tore the company in half, screwed up lives, all because she couldn't keep her knickers on. Now let's forget my wife, my ex-wife. She's not involved. She's out of the picture.'

‘How do you suggest we get ourselves into the picture, Napier? No letter. No proof. Scant information which we have to wring out of you
you turn down the offer of the Lagos fraud squad. What do you want us to do? Hang around on street corners in downtown Lagos looking at people's back pockets? Time-consuming. Expensive. How much money have you got on you? Maybe not much beyond your own expenses. You're not
us anything, Napier. Chuck us a bone, for God's sake. Spill your guts or bow out. We've got some paperclip chains to make.'

‘Perhaps Air Briggs is concerned that he's done something illegal,' said Bagado. Napier kicked himself back off the window and turned on him. ‘Transferring funds from overinvoicing on a government contract. Whose money is it?'

‘Ah, yes,' said Napier, backing down, leaning against the window, easing another smoke out, keeping the chain going. ‘Embarrassing.'

‘What percentage did they offer you?'

‘Forty. Thirty-five for...'

‘Who was the other five for?'

‘Someone called Dan Emanalo. He doesn't exist, nor does the company he works for.'

‘Which was?'

‘Chemiclean Limited. I supplied them with chemicals in drums. They had a government contract to supply sewage treatment systems.'

‘But they didn't exist?'


‘But they miraculously paid you for supplying the chemicals?'

Napier Briggs fell silent. He wasn't a topnotch liar. He was pretty good at shutting up or spinning out half truths and he was an outstanding smoker, but lying... he just didn't have it.

‘You're binding up on us again, Napier.'

‘I have to think about this.'

‘Nothing's going out of this room, Napier. Strictly P and C and all that.'

‘Where's that coffee?' he asked.


Napier clasped the back of his neck and tried to squeeze the anguish out.

‘Why can't I think?'

‘Maybe you're scared, Napier?'

‘Did you have particular need of this ten million?' asked Bagado.

‘Ten million?'

‘Thirty-five per cent of thirty million dollars.'

‘Yes. No,' said Napier, and his face crumpled. He was losing it. We sat in the silence left over by the traffic. The coffee and croissants arrived. Two
cafés au lait
for Bagado and I, and a double tarantula juice for Napier. He sipped it, rattling the cup back into the saucer each time. Thinking. Thinking. The brain turning and turning like a hamster's wheel.

‘What did you make supplying the sewage treatment chemicals?'

‘Two per cent of the shipping, about three thousand dollars, but I did the product as well. Took five per cent of that. I don't usually do product.'

‘Who did you get the product off?'

‘Dupont,' he said, too quickly.

‘French Dupont?'

‘Yes, it was,' he said, wanting to fill that out a bit more but having nothing else to say.

‘Sweet deal?'


‘What are we talking about? Two hundred, three hundred grand?'

‘Something like that.'

‘Takes care of your running costs for a bit.'


‘Now, the ten million dollars, that's different. That's retirement money. Don't have to push the pen any more, hump the phone to your ear. It can solve big problems, too, that kind of money.'


‘Debts. Payoffs. Muscle.'

Napier slugged back the last dram of tar and refitted the cup. He lit another cigarette and threw the old butt out on to the balcony. He folded his jacket over his arm and shook his legs in his trousers, which were clinging to those parts where dogs like to stick their noses. He picked up his zip-top briefcase by the ear.

‘It's like going to a shrink, Napier,' I said. ‘You have to relive the trauma to get over the neurosis. Have a think about things. Straighten them out in your head. Come back and talk to us again.'

‘Do you have a home number?'

‘I do, but I don't give it out. This kind of business and a happy home life don't go together. You've got a card, I take it?'

‘Yeah. The guy in the British High Commission gave it to me.'

‘We have an answering machine here. Office hours are eight a.m. to one p.m. and five p.m. to eight p.m. Where are you staying, Napier?'

‘The Hotel du Lac, just across the lagoon there.'

Bagado and I listened to the man who'd nearly been our tenth client scuffing down the untiled concrete stairs.

‘That was close,' said Bagado.

‘We can still nail him.'

‘You better be quick.'

‘With all the competition out there, you mean?'

‘I think he's a dead man, or heading that way.'

‘Really? He just looked a little scared to me.'

‘Victim,' said Bagado, shaking his head.

‘Hotel du Lac,' I said, thinking about that for a moment. ‘That's middling, but they're doing it up. It's still cheapish. He must be a bit short. If he'd been in the Aledjo or the Sheraton, even the Golfe, I'd have felt better about him.'

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