Blood Mates (2 page)

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Authors: K. Grey

BOOK: Blood Mates
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Her blood ran cold and she froze when she heard a familiar hiss and growl… it didn’t take her, but a second to kick herself back into gear. She tried to pull the rest of her body through, but failed. She felt the hand close around her ankle. She didn’t stop the scream as she was jerked back inside.  Her shoulders and head knocked into the metal doors making her scream in pain even louder. She tried to grab the doors or even the chain for leverage, but it was useless he had jerked her back inside. She slid across the floor on her back as he held onto her ankle.

“Where do you think you are going you stupid bitch?” he hissed. “Did you really think you would get away from me?” he stood in the shadows safe from the sun’s burning rays. Above in the windows she could see the sun was even with the trees now. She had failed! Well dammit! She wasn’t going down without a fight! Fuck this bastard!

“Fuck you, you stupid cock sucker!” with her right foot she kicked out nailing him square in the gonads as hard as she could. He roared doubling over. She jerked her ankle free and jumped up. She turned to run--- hell she didn’t know where and didn’t care. She didn’t get, but just a few steps when his hand tangled in her hair. She flew through the air crashing into a wall. She bounced on the floor when she fell. She didn’t lay there. She couldn’t. If the bastard was going to drag her back downstairs she was going to make him so mad he lost control and killed her. If she was going to be some kind of blood bank for some unknown vampire sire--- well she was going to fuck up those plans. She pushed herself up on her hands and glared at him.

“That the best you got? You hit like a fucking girl! Come on you dumb fucker… I can take whatever you got….” She knew that wasn’t much more. Every inch of her body was screaming in agony and she knew she would be down and out very very soon. She didn’t have much left. Her ribs were broken. She could feel it. Her head was pounding on one side like a jack hammer.

She pushed herself to her feet watching him. He was furious. So furious she could actually see him shaking. His eyes were blood red and spit dripped off his fangs. He was going to rush her. She could tell. They were so fast a human eye couldn’t detect them. She had seen them do it and she knew she had only one shot. When he tensed up to flash toward her she grabbed the fire extinguisher that was barely hanging on the wall and swung it. The impact made her scream because she tried to hold onto it and her arms felt as if they were being jerked from their sockets as it vibrated in her hands. It felt like she had hit a brick wall with it. She stumbled back against the wall to keep her balance which wasn’t easy.


Her  legs weren’t going to hold her up any longer. They began to buckle, but she didn’t hit the floor like she expected. A hand encircled her throat lifting her off her feet. Her toes weren’t even grazing the floor. She didn’t even have the strength to claw at the hand that was squeezing the air from her lungs. She could still breathe, but not much. Her lungs were already burning from the broken ribs and now it was even more agony with less air. She just met his gaze. She didn’t look away from his completely blood red eyes. He was beyond furious and she knew it. He hissed at her.

“Go ahead, cock sucker….” She managed to hiss back despite his hold on her airway. “You know you want to. Bite me, bitch!”

Before he could do anything the chained double doors flew open and she heard a couple of dings then a sudden bright flash blinded her for a few seconds and jock boy roared as if he were on fire. He dropped her and turned to face the intruders. Ava fell to the floor and it took all she had to lift her head to see several men dressed in all black leather rushing in. Ava also heard running footsteps from below before several blurs went by her. Then the fighting began.

She couldn’t believe it when one of the biker looking dudes began firing a gun. A couple of them did and bullets began to ricochet off the walls. Were they stupid? Bullets couldn’t kill vampires. She turned her head, but didn’t lift it off the floor to watch jock boy rush toward a tall bald biker looking guy. Jock boy hissed and roared as he ran forward. Bald biker guy grabbed him and tossed him into a wall like he weighed nothing.

She sucked in a gasp when baldy roared back flashing his own set fangs. Ava quickly rolled and scurried back toward a corner holding her ribs which protested with her sudden movements.

“Just great… more cock sucking vampires… like I didn’t have enough of them to begin with!” she muttered. Baldy heard her and turned to look at her as if she were the crazy one. Jock boy took advantage of his distraction and tackled baldy’s mid-section slamming him into the wall which made part of the ceiling come down. The gun in baldy’s hand slid across the floor toward her. She quickly grabbed it as one of the vampires from the basement decided to help jock boy. Ava heard the fighting going on in the rooms around her. She didn’t care if they all killed each other. The only thing she wanted was out. And the doors were now open thanks to baldy and his guys so all she had to do was get through these three cock sucking bastards… and she was one way or another.

She gritted her teeth and pushed herself up using the wall as support. She held the gun in one hand and her left arm was holding her side. She was in so much pain all she wanted to do was curl up and suffer, but she didn’t have time for that right now. She would do it later in an ER far far away from here.

Baldy held jock boy in a choke hold and kicked his leg out to send the other one flying. He glanced at her.

“If you know how to use that do it now…” he grunted. “Aim it for the arteries around the neck if you can’t hit him in the heart… or a head shot.”

“Bullets can’t kill vampires…”

“Silver…. Just shoot!” he snapped as he kicked the other vampire back against the opposite wall again. Ava lifted the gun and focused quickly on keeping her hand from shaking. The vampire turned to her. She realized it was the vampire who loved to taunt and torture Lucy the most. He was probably the one who killed her. He actually smiled at her. “Stupid bitch…” he hissed. “Put the gun down and I won’t kill you…”

“Fuck you… this is for Lucy….” She then squeezed the trigger as he rushed toward her. A bullet hit him right between the eyes sending him flying backwards.  Ava watched as his flesh began to burn away from the wound as if she had poured acid on him. It was gross and, yet she liked it. She had become a sick bitch and she was ok with it right now.

“Good shot…”

Ava whipped the gun toward baldy who was still wrestling with jock boy. Baldy flung jock boy away from him. It looked like baldy wanted to fight with him. Ava just wanted him dead. She didn’t want to play with him.

“Is he the one who hurt you?” baldy asked dodging one of jock boy’s fists and landed a blow to jock boy’s face instead.

“Yeah...” Ava watched as baldy then attacked jock boy harder pounding his fist into his face several times. As jock boy staggered back baldy pulled out a wicked looking knife. It didn’t look like steel… not like normal looking knives, but it had a fine bright shine to it… she wondered if it was silver like the bullets. She thought only werewolves were killed with silver---- wait were there werewolves? Vampires were real… OH! She didn’t want to know! She needed to get the hell out of here!

Baldy handled the knife like a pro. He slashed out weaving it through the air causing jock boy to howl and scream as the knife sliced through his clothes and into his flesh. Baldy also managed to slice across jock boy’s face.

Ava watched as the same thing happened to jock boy’s face. It looked like he was burned with acid. His skin just began burning away. Jock boy howled grabbing his face then baldy took advantage by burying the knife directly into jock boy’s chest. Ava watched as he incinerated into ash right on the spot.


Ava then turned aiming the gun at baldy. Her hand was shaking. She couldn’t help it. Now he was the only one between her and the door. Now that she knew she could kill him with a bullet she had no problem doing it. It wasn’t like she could be convicted of murder. There wouldn’t be a body. No body, no evidence and no murder. Was it even murder if she killed a vampire? They were already dead right? Jock boy was nothing, but ash and the other one---- well his head had already burned away. She wondered if the rest of him would too.

“You can give me the gun now…” baldy grunted sliding his knife back into his shitkicker boots.

“I don’t think so… you are a cock sucking vampire too.” She said leaning back against the wall again for support. She kept the gun pointed at him. She was shaking, but she would manage to hit him if she had to. “I want out of here... and you are in my way.”

“I AM NOT LIKE THEM.” He said each word firmly and slowly.

“You are a vampire.”

“Technically, but I’m different. I’m one of the good guys.” He shrugged. “Now give me the gun and we will get you some help. You need a doctor.”

“The only good vampire is a dead one. I like that kind….” Ava’s hand snapped toward the doorway next to baldy when another black leather dressed vampire appeared.

“That your gun she has, Rhage?”


“You haven’t taken it away from her, yet?”

“Didn’t really want to get shot. I figure she might get one off before I get to her. She shot headless over there straight between the eyes. Her aim is good.” Rhage told him. It impressed him. Humans rarely impressed him. Most of them were selfish greedy wastes of space. He didn’t like being around any of them if he could avoid it, he did.

Ava looked between them. “I will shoot you both. I have no problem with it.”

“Shoot him first…” the blonde one nodded toward baldy. “He isn’t my favorite brother….and he snores. I can hear him all the way down the hall.”

Rhage cut his eyes at his friend and blood brother Talon before looking back at the female. “She isn’t going to be standing long enough to shoot anyone. She is barely able to hold the fucking gun up as it is now.”

Ava glared at him hatefully. He might be right, but by god she was going to shoot him first. She didn’t like him. She raised the gun a little higher determined to prove she could do it, but her arm began to drop faster than she could pull it up and she felt her knees sink down.

“Dammit…” she whispered as she felt her body fall forward. She couldn’t fight the oblivion of blackness any more. Talon and Rhage both rushed forward to catch her before she hit the floor.

“Son of a bitch!” Talon swore. “Look at what the bastards did to her…her breathing is shallow. I bet she has several ribs broken.”

“Along with a hell of a lot more….” Rhage carefully reached down to lift one of her feet. They were bloody and looked like hamburger meat. There were impressions of chain links around her ankles. “I killed the bastard too quickly. I should’ve kept him alive.” He growled low and deep. The bastard deserved to die several times for what he did to her.

“FUCK!” Talon snapped.

“What?” Rhage demanded as he lifted his eyes to look at Talon.

“We need to get her to Sloane… now!” Talon turned the female’s head so her neck and ear was exposed. “Look, Rhage... She’s a blood mate.”

Rhage looked down and saw the mark just behind her ear along her hair line. A small crescent moon. It was a birthmark all blood mates carried.

“FUCK!” Rhage roared. He stood up just as Talon did with the female in his arms. Talon turned and yelled for Lucas who came running.

“Lucas, take care of the cleanup. We are taking her back to Sloane.”

“She gonna make it?”

“Let’s hope so… she’s a blood mate.”

“Fuck!” Lucas swore as well. He nodded. “You two take care of her. She is more important. We got this. We will be back at the compound as soon as it’s done.”

Talon nodded and headed out with Rhage right on his heels. When they reached the SUV Talon turned and put her in Rhage’s arms.

“Hold her... I’ll drive.”

“WHAT? I’ll drive...”

“HELL NO! Your driving sucks! I want us to get there in one piece. Get in!” Talon told him when he opened the passenger door for Rhage. Rhage had no choice. He slid in with the female in his arms. She was limp and barely breathing. Her color was pasty. She didn’t look good at all. He held her carefully.

She was a blood mate! Blood mates were rare in his world. He couldn’t believe it.  A blood mate was a rare human female who was immune to vampire’s ‘tricks’.  Vampires could alter or brain wash a human’s memories to ensure they didn’t remember seeing a vampire. They could also control a human’s mind and read their thoughts.  A blood mate was also a human who could be turned without fear of dying. When a human was turned there was a chance they wouldn’t survive or their humanity wouldn’t remain. If they were drained of all their humanity they became half breeds. Half breeds were cold blooded killers like the ones who had held her. They only thought about feeding and killing. Their need for blood was constant. They couldn’t get enough of it and always hungered for it.

That’s why the legion hunted them. Half breeds had to be destroyed because they were void of any humanity and they were a constant threat to the immortals and humans. In their world there were rules and keeping their existence hidden from humans was the most important thing.

Rhage looked down at her and watched her eyes slowly flutter open barely---, but she was looking at him. She had clear blue aqua eyes… he had never seen such a color before. An even mix of blue and green which looked so vibrant surrounded by thick black lashes. They closed again and Rhage heard her heart slow even more and her breathing was so shallow.

“Hurry the fuck up, Talon!” he snapped. “Her heart is slowing down!”

Talon’s head snapped around to look at him. The surprise was obvious on his face. He looked at Rhage then at the female.

“You can hear her heart beating?”

“YEAH! Can’t you?” Talon focused on her again and shook his head. All vampires could hear and detect human’s vitals especially their beating hearts.

“No, man, I can’t hear her heart beating at all. I can hear her breathing, but that’s it. And you know we can’t read a blood mate….”

“Well hurry the fuck up! It ain’t good!” Rhage barked. “She might be dead before we get to the compound!”

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