Read Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld) Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #Moon series, #werewolf, #Lisa Kessler, #Otherworld, #motorcycle, #Moonlight, #Select, #paranormal romance, #Blood Moon, #lone wolf, #Entangled, #PNR, #paranormal

Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld) (17 page)

BOOK: Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld)
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He looked up at me. “Do you need help with Nadya?”

“No.” I shook my head.

“Set the alarm when you leave.”

Everyone in our Pack had the code to Jason’s office in case we ever needed medical attention after hours. “Got it.”

He drove away and I jogged back up to Nadya. Reality sinking in more and more with each step I climbed.

There wasn’t going to be a cure. And I had no idea how I’d survive without her.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I woke up in Gareth’s bed. He slept beside me, his arm around my middle. I smiled, drinking in the feel of his muscular body molded against my back. This was how I wanted to wake up every day. Or as many as I had left. I took his hand, careful of the scratches. His skin was nearly healed. Tracing the veins on the front of his wrist and up his forearm, I admired the miracle of my mate.

The unexpected shift in Jason’s office drained me, and reminded me my time was limited. I wanted to spend all of it memorizing every part of Gareth, learning every memory.

Although we’d had a bumpy start, Gareth had kept his word. As my body continued to morph and change, he’d been at my side each step of the way, fully aware the outcome wouldn’t be in our favor. Love only took you so far, but his was braided with loyalty, honor, passion, and duty. Together they made a rope that had pulled me back from the edge of oblivion.

Few people had that kind of fortitude.

I tried to remember what happened. I’d started feeling sick on the elevator ride up to Jason’s floor of the medical building. We’d been in the exam room when the wolf came forward, instinctive and aggressive. She sensed my weakened state. The moment Jason brought over the blood pressure cuff, I realized my wolf was present. Fully. If he had touched me, I couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t have attacked him.

A little jolt of fear shot through me.

Dr. Granger had come in and argued with Gareth. Blood. I had smelled blood. My memory ended there. My wolf took over, clawing her way forward without the moon’s help. Protecting her mate.

Gareth’s lips caressed the tender skin below my ear. “Good morning.”

I reached back to run my fingers through his hair, grounding myself in the present. “I’ll move in with you.”

“Works for me.” He chuckled, his chest vibrating against my back. I turned over to face him and he ran his thumb along my jawline. “What brought this on?”

“Simple answer?” I nuzzled into the gentle touch of his rough fingertips. “I don’t want to waste any time away from you.”

He smiled and tipped his head up to kiss my forehead. Underneath his chin were four angry red scratches. “Did I do that?”

He froze and reached up to inspect his chin with his fingers. “It didn’t hurt. I didn’t even realize it left a mark.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “I’m turning into a monster. Just like Fonthill. I was so angry at Jason for trying to touch me, I worried I’d attack him if he tried.” A hot tear rolled down my cheek. “I can’t trust myself anymore.”

He shook his head. “You’re no more a monster than any of us in the Pack. You weren’t feeling well, it makes sense your wolf would step up to protect you. If I’d been thinking straight, I never would’ve punched Dr. Granger while he was in the room with you. As soon as I smelled his blood I knew I fucked up. That’s when you started shifting.”

“I can’t remember. She took over.”

He nodded and kissed the tear stain on my cheek. “I called you back. That’s all that matters.”

“How long until that doesn’t work anymore?”

“Come on…” Gareth sighed, meeting my eyes. “If you lose hope, we’ll be lost. You’re our sunshine and rainbows. Don’t count on me for that.”

“I don’t want sunshine and rainbows. I need reality.”

He broke down the dam on his emotions, leaving me to tread through the churning anger, fear, and rage. “Granger is gone. I tried to track his scent, but there’s nothing. It’s like he was never in Reno. We’re not going to get a cure. The bastard shot up Jason’s dad with enough potassium chloride to stop his heart. Now Wyatt’s in a coma, and Adam is pissed to high heaven at all of us for bringing Nero in without telling him. To top off that shit heap, your nose was bleeding and I’m fucking petrified that the next time you shift, I might lose you for good.”

He ground his teeth together, boxing his emotions up again, but his eyes shone with tears he’d never let fall. “But you’re here. You’re with me. And I’m with you. I’m doing the best I can to appreciate every second of time we have. So this fear and anger can fuck off. All I’m going to concentrate on is loving you, sweetheart. You’re all that matters to me.”

I clung to him, kissing him with all the passion and love in my heart. I didn’t want to think about Wyatt in a coma, or Adam being upset with us, or even that my next shift might be my last. Gareth was the only thing that mattered to me. I was alive and I was in love. Some people who lived twice as long as me would never experience this. A gift.

He rolled over me, my nails sliding down his back as he entered me slowly. I moaned into the kiss. Yeah, I definitely wanted to wake up like this every day.

I held Madeleine on the mare’s back and Lana had Malcolm right behind her. Bubbles stood, patiently waiting for Luke’s signal to move. The Morgan mare was the most docile and sweet in Adam’s barn, and the little ones loved riding her bareback.

“Ready?” Luke held the lead rope, looking up at the kids.

Madeleine squealed, “Ready!”

Malcolm was more reserved than his sister, his pudgy hands grabbing her shoulders to keep him steady.

Luke eased Bubbles forward. The mare walked very slowly, sensing her precious cargo. We stayed beside her, each of us steadying the little ones at the waist, ready to pull them off and into our arms if Bubbles spooked at anything. The kids giggled in delight, and I glanced up at the house. Gareth was up there facing the music with Adam. I tried to stay with him, but both Gareth and Lana plotted to have me help with the twins.

They knew I couldn’t turn down the little guys. Would they even remember me when I was gone? I struggled to reel in the emotions and stay focused on today, right now. On Gareth, accepting the wrath in my place.

“It’ll be okay,” Lana murmured behind me. “Adam’s just worried about everyone. He’s gotta blow off some steam, and Gareth is the only one close by.”

“Am I that obvious?”

She smiled. Lana had grown up in foster care, dreaming of a family, and now that she had a big werewolf Pack, she’d blossomed into a strong, beautiful matriarch, grounding the hotheaded wolves around her.

“You keep watching the house, like Adam might throw him out any minute.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “I just feel bad that Gareth’s taking the heat when I was the one pushing everyone to help me fight this bite.”

Luke turned around to walk the kids back down the barn aisle. “Adam’s no angel, either.” We both glanced his way and he shrugged. “Adam dated a jaguar that Nero was hunting, and he kept it a secret from the Pack.”

I glanced at Lana. “You?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “Adam was convinced they’d kill me first and ask questions later, so we tried to get rid of Nero on our own. I’ll remind him of that if he doesn’t let this go soon.”

Tonight was the new moon. My sister and Lana would both shift into jaguars. The Pack used to kill jaguar shifters who trespassed on their territory on sight, but things were different now. Adam and Aren would be out watching over their jaguar mates to be sure they didn’t cross paths with humans, protecting them instead of hunting them.

“I’m really sorry I got everyone involved in this mess. When I realized Gareth was my mate, I wanted to live for him. He’s lost too many people already. I didn’t want to be one more. I pushed way too hard and it ended up putting everyone in jeopardy.”

“Luke, stop for a second.”

He pulled on Bubbles’s halter. “Whoa, girl.”

Lana placed a hand on my shoulder. “The whole Pack feels responsible for you being bitten in the first place. We all want to make this right. None of this is your fault.”

I reached up with my free hand to cover hers. “Thank you.”

“Move, horsey!” Madeleine wriggled, trying to make the clicking noises her dad made when he was out training the horses.

We laughed and I tried not to focus on the milestones I would miss in their young lives.

Yeah, it was getting tougher not to be bitter.

From the Journal of Dr. M. Granger – Journal Entry 537

I am back on Nero property with my experiment results. I regret that the Pack discovered my intentions. The subject was on the verge of achieving a full body shift. My employer is dispatching another team to Reno to attempt to procure Ms. Dalca for further study and testing.

The Lycan Project subjects could not tolerate the higher levels of adrenaline in their bodies, but Ms. Dalca has had twice the amount of treatments in half the time, and no sign of the brain hemorrhaging yet.

Due to the research collected during the past two weeks, we are very close to a new treatment plan utilizing subjects who exhibit psychic abilities. One question remains unanswered; is the success due to Ms. Dalca being bitten?

Once we have collected her, we will have her bite one of our subjects and chart the progress of the serum in a bitten and unbitten subject. Mr. Severino assures me I will have the answers I seek. Until then, I await Ms. Dalca’s arrival.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I sat still and shut the hell up for the better part of the last hour, allowing my Alpha to blow his stack even though we both knew I wasn’t a primary target. Jason and Nadya had brought Dr. Granger to Reno.

But when I found out, I kept it secret. Since Jason was busy with Wyatt, and there was no way I’d let Adam rage at my mate, that left me. I could take it. Besides, we deserved it. Inviting Nero to Reno was stupid, but we were out of options and Nadya was running out of time.

Adam stopped pacing the room and finally took a seat across the table from me. “Tell me again what Sebastian said when he left?”

“He told us when he didn’t complete the mission to bring Nadya back, his father would send more men.”

Adam growled, raking his fingers through his hair. “Shit.”

“I have a plan if you care to hear it.”

“Does it involve getting in bed with Nero?”

I clenched my fists under the table. “Screw you, Adam.”

He shook his head. “What’s your plan?”

“It’s a new moon tonight. Perfect night for Nero to send in a couple of jaguars to keep us on our toes, and while we’re busy fighting them, their human mercenaries can make the grab for Nadya.”

Adam crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

“You and Aren will be out tonight watching over Lana and Sasha, Jason and Jared are with Wyatt, and that leaves me and Nadya to watch the kids. We can take them up to the Sloan cabin at the lake. Nero won’t know to look for us there.”

Adam dropped all four legs of his chair to the floor and shook his head. “Your hand, arm, and chin have wolf scratches on them. I’m assuming that’s from Nadya. Malcolm and Madeleine wouldn’t stand a chance if she went after them.”

“You think I’d let anything happen to them?” I got up, gripping the chair back. Hard. “Nadya isn’t a monster and she’s not dangerous. I got cut because I tried to restrain her wolf. I had it coming. You have my word if she starts shifting I’ll have the little ones locked in a bedroom before they see anything.”

“Sorry, Gareth. I can’t take the risk.”

“The risk?” I shook my head, pushing off of the chair. “What are you going to do with your kids tonight, Adam? I don’t see you have many options. You and Aren will be out protecting your mates, watching for Nero’s jaguars. Jason and Jared are helping Sarah with Wyatt, Logan has a rock concert tonight, and Luke has told anyone who will listen that he doesn’t enjoy babies.”

I watched his eyes, daring him to look away. “So your move. You’ve got a safer place for those kids than with me? They love Nadya and she loves them. She’d never hurt them.”

“Nadya loves you, too, and you’ve got wounds anyway. How can you expect me to agree to this? I love Nadya. We all do, but this wolf that emerges without the full moon—that’s not Nadya, it’s a Nero synthetic creation.”

“Nadya is
a monster.” It took all the strength I possessed to keep from attacking him. My voice lowered to a gravelly growl. “And if you make her feel like one, I will kick your ass, Alpha or not.”

The door opened. We both turned and in came Lana with Malcolm on her hip. Nadya followed behind with a giggling Madeleine as they rubbed noses. She looked so beautiful, beaming with the little girl in her arms. My gut twisted. Never in my life had I considered a family, but seeing her with the afternoon sun in her hair and Madeleine in her arms, I suddenly ached to see her holding our children.

“Are you through lashing into Gareth?” Lana perched on Adam’s leg while Malcolm leaned in to give his dad a wet kiss.

Adam rolled his eyes. “Tough to take me seriously when I’ve got a big wet one on my cheek.”

Lana smiled at me. “It’s been a rough couple of weeks. How’re you holding up?”

I shrugged, staring at Nadya. “We’re okay.” She met my eyes and my pulse thrummed. I shifted in my chair and focused my attention on Lana. “I was telling Adam that Nadya and I could take the kids up to the cabin for the new moon tonight. Keep them out of trouble while you’re on the prowl.”

She grinned at Malcolm. “Want to play with Nadya and Gareth tonight?”

He nodded. “Play Gareff!”

She glanced at Adam and grimaced. “What? Did you have other plans?”

“I’d rather discuss it with you in private.”

My hackles rose, and deep inside my wolf growled. If he said one word that wiped the smile from Nadya’s face, forget kicking his ass, I’d kill him.

Lana’s gaze moved to Nadya, then me, before landing on Adam again. “Are you worried about Nadya’s condition?”

I narrowed my eyes, willing Adam to think hard before he spoke.

Nadya disrupted my death stare by handing me Madeleine. She looked over at Lana. “After yesterday’s episode, Adam’s right to be concerned.”

Lana sighed and met my eyes. “Do you think it’s too dangerous?”

“I never would have offered if I thought I’d be putting the twins in harm’s way.” I took Nadya’s hand, pulling her closer. “I gave Adam my word, if there is any sign of a change coming on, I’ll have the kids in the playpen in the bedroom.”

Nadya squeezed my hand. “I’d die if I ever hurt them.”

“That’s why you’d never hurt them. Your wolf is still part of you. She protects her own.”

Adam let out a frustrated breath and kissed Lana’s cheek. “I defer to you. If you’re comfortable, then I am, too.”

Lana got up and handed Malcolm to his dad. She crossed to Nadya and gave her a tight hug. “Thank you for keeping them safe.”

We left my bike at Adam’s ranch and took Lana’s new sedan up to the cabin. It came with two car seats and a full tank of gas, not too shabby at all. After a stop at the Tahoe market, we had steak for us and a fresh box of dry Cheerios for the twins. Lana packed juice and sandwiches, and I had permission to fill them up with donuts on our way back down in the morning.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen, a twin dragging from each ankle, giggling like little maniacs. “Need any help with dinner?”

Nadya turned and busted up laughing. I smiled. This was exactly what I’d been hoping for. After the mess with Dr. Granger and Wyatt and the scratch on my face, I wanted to give Nadya a night of normal. Or as normal as werewolves could achieve.

“You look like you’ve got your hands full already.”

“I better go find Malcolm and Madeleine.” I walked in a circle around the island in the center of the kitchen. “I wonder where they went.”

The twins laughed themselves silly all over again while their bellies polished the tile floor. I made my way over to Nadya. Standing behind her, I slid my arms around her waist. “Thanks for cooking.”

She covered my hand with hers. “Thanks for the mini getaway. This is nice.”

The twins scrambled to their feet, tugging at my jeans.

“The natives are getting restless.” I bent down and hoisted up the wigglers, one in each arm. “Superman arms, ready?”

Malcolm was just starting to notice superheroes, and Madeleine played along because she was fun that way. We zoomed back into the living room. I landed them on the big sofa and blew raspberries on their bellies until they couldn’t breathe.

By the time Nadya called us for dinner, I wasn’t sure who was more winded—me, or the twins. We made the wise choice to eat in the breakfast nook of the kitchen. The toddlers’ table manners were not yet ready for the light sand-colored wool carpet.

After dinner, Nadya started to clear the plates and I caught her wrist. “You cooked. I’ll clean up.”

She grinned and tipped her head toward our messy-faced dinner guests. “You’re trying to get out of cleaning them up for bed.”

“Just because I work as a grease monkey doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” I winked and grabbed the plates.

“No one would ever accuse you of that.” She kissed my check and wrangled the sticky-handed little ones up to the bathtub.

Outside the kitchen window, the stars sparkled on the surface of Lake Tahoe. Without the moon to dim them, millions of pinpricks of lights twinkled overhead. I cracked the window, still on alert, checking for any scents I didn’t recognize. We didn’t think Nero was aware of the cabin yet, but with my mate and the two little ones nearby, I wasn’t taking any chances. If Nero sent another team that included a shifter like Sebastian, I’d have my hands full.

Once I closed the dishwasher, I heard Nadya call my name. She probably only spoke it. No need to shout when you’ve got werewolf hearing. I jogged up the stairs and I turned the corner to the guest room we’d planned for the kids to sleep in. Nadya sat on the edge of the bed, Malcolm already asleep in her arms.

She smiled up at me and my chest tightened. Damn she was beautiful, and most of the time her beauty had little to do with her perfect lips and green eyes. Or the dimple I’d never get tired of kissing when she laughed.

Madeleine sat on the floor, but as soon as she saw me, she stretched out her arms. “Uncle Gareff… Up.”

I scooped her into my arms, and the little rug rat snuggled in close to my chest. I kissed her damp hair and looked over at Nadya. “Need me to set up the portable cribs?”

“Please.” She nodded. “I would’ve done it, but I didn’t want to wake Malcolm.” She grinned. “You wore these two out.”

“All part of my plan.” I laid Madeleine on the bed beside Nadya and went to work on the cribs. Once we had them up, and the kids sleeping inside, we crept out, leaving the door cracked just in case.

Downstairs, I took Nadya’s hand, our fingers instinctively twining together. “The stars are really bright tonight. Want to pull up a couple chairs and have a drink on the deck?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

The fire pit on the deck sat dormant. It would’ve been romantic to have a fire, but jaguars had amazing night vision. The last thing we needed was to attract one to us. Carrying two chairs, she followed me to the railing and took a seat. I rubbed her shoulders, the sound of her moan warming my blood.

“Thirsty?” I asked.

She dropped her head back, smiling at me. “Sounds great.”

I went back inside and returned with two cold beers. Taking the seat beside her, I handed one bottle to Nadya. “Hope beer is all right. It was the only alcohol I could find in there.”

“It’s fine.” She tipped the neck of the bottle toward me and I clinked mine to hers. “Here’s to a fun, exhausting night of babysitting.”

“Got that right.” I took a swig and glanced her way. “When we were in Virginia City and you started shifting, do you remember me dream walking, or whatever the hell it is I’ve been doing?”

She nodded, sipping the beer. “It’s hazy but I think we danced on this deck.”

“I don’t know how the magic works, but hearing that you saw it, too, makes me feel less insane.”

She rested her head against my shoulder. “Thank you for tonight. This was exactly what I needed.”

I slid my arm around her shoulders and she settled her head against my chest. We watched the stars and finished our beers. Usually, sitting in silence was my thing, but having Nadya with me, and knowing that clock was still ticking, I found myself struggling to keep quiet.

Yeah, the creator had a fucking hilarious sense of humor.

“Remember at the wedding, we stood against this railing and you told me how you didn’t want to waste a minute of the time you had left being sad.” She nodded and I kissed her hair. “I think you should add: no time spent calling yourself a monster. You’re Nadya, my mate, my lover ,and the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. No room in there for monsters.”

She smiled up at me. “I love you.”

I kissed her, tender and slow, drinking her in before resting my forehead against her and whispering, “Come here.”

She got out of her chair and settled in my lap. I buried my fingers in the back of her hair, my tongue parting her lips. She moaned and my pulse pounded below my belt. She made me crazy on so many levels.

I rested my forehead on hers, staring into her eyes. “We should get inside.”

She nodded and started to move, but I stood up, taking her with me as I cradled her in my arms. Nadya laughed, nuzzling into my neck. “I can walk.”

“And I can carry you.”

She teased my earlobe with her teeth. “I should warn you, if you take me upstairs, I’ll probably throw myself at you.”

I laughed. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

“What do you want it to be?” She teased the base of my neck with her warm lips, and the sensual tone of her voice had me rock hard in seconds.

“Definitely a promise.” I opened the French door and carried her inside, closing and locking the door behind us. “And I plan to collect.”

BOOK: Blood Moon (Entangled Select Otherworld)
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