Blood of the Gods (The Vampire from Hell Part 5)

BOOK: Blood of the Gods (The Vampire from Hell Part 5)
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(The Vampire from Hell: Part 5)


By Ally Thomas



Copyright 2013-2014 Ally Thomas

All Rights Reserved

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Cora Graphics




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Books by Ally Thomas

The Vampire from Hell (The Beginning: Part 1)

A Vampire among Angels (The Vampire from Hell: Part 2)

A Vampire on Vacation (The Vampire from Hell: Part 3)

The Vampire from Hell Returns (The Vampire from Hell: Part 4)

Blood of the Gods (The Vampire from Hell: Part 5)

Fanged Love: The Prequel

Love Begins in Hell (The Moon Journals: Part 1)

Vampire Tears (A Collection of Poetry)


Also Available by Ally Thomas

The Vampire from Hell (Parts 1-3): The Volume Series

The Vampire from Hell (Parts 1-4): The Volume Series

The Vampire from Hell (Parts 1-5): The Volume Series



Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Fanged Love:

Character List

About the Author

Books by Ally Thomas



To my sister who has the patience of a saint to put up with me

To my friend Kellie who is just an email away

To my readers who are forever ready to read my next story



I’d like to thank all my new readers on Wattpad.  Getting Parts 1-3 of my series featured on Wattpad last summer was a wonderful experience for me.  And to my beta readers, Yvonne, Jan, Agnese, Cheryl, Karianne, Danielle, Nikki, Stephanie, thank you for all your suggestions, edits, and comments.





(The Vampire from Hell: Part 5)


By Ally Thomas

Copyright 2013-2014 Ally Thomas


Author’s Note:
  Rayea, the Vampire from Hell is missing and presumed dead.  It’s been a year since any of her friends have heard from her. In this installment, I explored adding new voices from characters in the series so you can just jump right in and learn about Rayea, the Vampire from Hell from her friends’ points of view.  Don’t be surprised if you hear from Rayea too.


If you are new to the series, be sure to read the
Character List
(at the end of the book) for a brief synopsis of several main characters.
While it is
helpful, it is not essential that you have read the previous installments before reading this one.  To learn more, go to


About Blood of the Gods (The Vampire from Hell Part 5)

Rayea, the Vampire from Hell, has been missing a year and presumed dead. In the fifth installment of the Vampire from Hell series, it’s open season on the Ancient Council. Angels and gods alike are being systematically wiped out. Only one person can save them, the Vampire from Hell, but how can Rayea do that when she doesn't recall who she is and none of her friends can find her?


Chapter 1

Grace’s Diary



The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.
” ~ Meister Eckhart



September 2

Early Morning.

As I poured myself a second cup of coffee and jotted down a few notes in my diary, I tried not to notice that
was staring at the calendar.  Since
disappearance, he had been staying with us,
and me.  Being a wolf god with the werewolf curse in his blood, Blick had an anger management problem and had a tendency to break stuff first and apologize later.  When he was angry, he seemed to be taller than his stature of seven feet.  Blick was an attractive man with a muscular body, amazing gold eyes, and a strong, confident air about him.

His fits of rage were commonplace now.  Some days, my vampire sense helped me read him.  On days like this when he was in a dark and brooding mood, it did not matter that I knew what he was about to do before he did it.

“You know what day it is?” he asked.  He ripped the calendar off the wall and shredded it into a million pieces.  “I’m not sure how much longer I can do this.”

I scribbled down a note to get a new calendar in my diary, ripped the page out, and stuffed it into my jeans pocket.  Had Blick not said it aloud, maybe I would not have thought about it.  I had been up since about 3 am after returning from hunting.

Silently in my head, I agreed with Blick.  Forgetting what had happened today (a year ago) wasn’t a possibility, for me, for any of us.  I said the lie to my fragmented brain anyways.  My heart was bleeding.  So was Blick’s.  Rayea had been missing one year to the day, to this date on the calendar and we had not stopped looking for her.  None of us had.  Blick. 
.  Demetri.  We all wanted her back, at any cost.  We all believed she was not dead.  We all believed a Vampire from Hell could not die, could not truly die, not this vampire anyways.  I was holding out for the notion that I would get to see my maker again.  I desperately wanted to confess my sins to another vampire who would understand.  Rayea had committed her list of sins so she would have advice for me, something a maker could comfort her fledgling with.  I wanted a conversation like that with her, just once.

As Blick deposited the torn calendar into the recycle bin, I asked him, “Would she give up on you if you were presumed dead, Blick?  Would she?”  Having recently re-read her journal entries again, I wanted to tell Blick what I had read.  Instead, I hesitated.  I recalled the time Rayea (pronounced “RAY – ahh”) had talked about Blick almost going dark, almost being sucked into the world of evil by her father,
.  He tempted all mortals and immortals with the darkness, and she had saved Blick from it.  She had pulled him back from the edge.  Okay along with the help of a blood god, but still.  I knew how much Blick loved her.  It was written on his face, every anniversary of every month on this day we had all faced it together, every second of every day when the second of the month rolled around.

He smiled at me with a bit of kindness in his tawny gold eyes and shook his head.  His dark bangs fell in his eyes.  He brushed them away and turned around quickly.  I saw the tears surface in his eyes before he stomped out of the room.  A loud crash made me jerk a bit.  I wasn’t sure if it was fear of rooming with a wolf god or too much caffeine.  I opted it was the second reason and wondered what new item I would have to order online now.  I’d find out later.

Actually, I understand Blick’s rage.  The longer we waited and hoped for Rayea’s return, the angrier he became.  I felt every bit of it as well.  However, I did not show it.  Rayea was important to me too.  I had no idea I would lose my maker so soon and I was determined beyond any force in the universe against me to find her and bring her back.  I may be her first fledgling vampire she created and that may mean that I was obsessed with finding her.  I wasn’t the only one.  I kept that glow of hope burning in my heart for her.  When she had turned me, I had not wanted to live.  I had stabbed myself many times in an effort to end my life.  I could not go on with the abuse my ex-boyfriend,
lavished upon me.  I had given up.  I had decided to end it all.  Then Demetri had walked into my life.

Now, because of Demetri, an Angel of Death who refused to take me over and because of Rayea, the vampire who turned me, I loved life.  I really did!  I enjoyed every day of my second chance.  I enjoyed being with a man who loved me.  And I wanted to be the vampire she would want me to be, a vampire who did the right thing, who saved the innocent from the evil out there, and who stood up for those who could not stand up for themselves.  Okay, maybe I stumbled now and then, but everything I had done in the past months had all been for Rayea.  Correction, over the past twelve months.  The date hit me square in the chest.  Had it really been a year since she had disappeared?  I wanted to jump on my bike and go speeding off into the night.  I could not believe it.  Had it truly been that long?  I wanted her back.  As the days had turned into months, I refused to believe she was certainly dead.  Even though we had not heard anything, I refused to admit it to anyone that our hope was fading.  I refused to give up on getting her back.  Lynn, Rayea’s best friend, and I constantly thought of plans to find her.  In the beginning, we would present them to the guys.  Later on, when Blick disagreed with every idea as he usually did and Demetri sided with him, we did not bring the subject up anymore.  Lynn searched the internet for any sign of chatter about ‘the Vampire from Hell’ and I went out each night and searched the streets.

Demetri, my boyfriend of eighteen months, had been Rayea’s boyfriend.  He was her ex now, but they had remained the best of friends after they broke up, a fact I did not approve of when Demetri and I first started dating, and I had been turned.  For a few months, I was mad with hunger, anger, excitement, delight, and fury.  Many of my emotions escalated to the highest intensity levels you can imagine.  I fought hard to control my thirst, and had it not been for Demetri, I probably would not have made it.

Once I realized Blick was Rayea’s ultimate love, her soul mate, even though she could not admit it, I let the jealously go.  It did not matter that neither of them had declared their love to one another yet.  I believed it and so did Demetri.  We both wanted Blick and Rayea to be happy together.  I think that realization in the end is what made me understand what I must do.  Demetri had told me once that he guessed Rayea needed Blick like he needed me.

Knowing that the guys wouldn’t approve of the idea, Lynn and I had gathered up Rayea’s blog entries and had published her online journal at
as a book.  We did this four months after she vanished.  Eight months later, a book called
The Vampire from Hell
was now a bestseller.  It was taking on a life of its own.  It did not matter that the author was missing, presumed dead.  That only added to the mystery.  An author who thought she was a vampire turned by her father, Satan.  The people ate it up.  And too, they finally learned that vampires do exist.  At least, the people who read the book know this fact.  The others.  Well, they can learn that on their own.

Some vampires, like what Rayea is and what I am, are day walkers.  We can walk among humans undetected.  We also can shoot flames from our hands.  We are flame-throwing vampires.  It sounds comical really, but it’s a nice skill to have when shit goes down in an alley, as Rayea would say, and you're standing face to face with some demon from Hell or a creature who has snakes streaming out of their head.

The snake for hair person?  That would be Rayea’s sister,
, who also calls herself the New Medusa.  She died in the fight she had with Rayea that night at
’s bar.  We hope that to be true.  No one has heard from her either.  I did not share with Demetri that I did want to meet Rayea’s sister, Stephanie again.  I had my own reasons, but I kept that to myself.  I had not told him everything.  However, I had told Rayea.  She wrote about it in her journal.  I suppose being the first person she made into a vampire would warrant a whole chapter to be written about him or her.  At the same time, Demetri will be angry with me when he reads it.  As time marches on, I did not realize how much I have appreciated her words.  That’s probably why I re-read her writings over and over.  They are a comfort to me when other things fall short. I will flip to that passage she wrote about me and add it here now.


Author’s Note:
  To meet Grace when she decided to leave Nathan, you can read
Fanged Love: The Prequel
which is included in this book.



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