Blood Song (15 page)

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Authors: Lynda Hilburn

Tags: #vampire romance, #Contemporary Romance, #music, #vampire, #paranormal romance, #urban fantasy, #sound healer, #metaphysics, #contemporary fantasy, #Love Story

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Midnight was right: his eyes were extraordinary. They were indeed aqua and beautifully shaped with long, dark eyelashes. I was surprised that his eyebrows and eyelashes were dark because his hair was so light, but the combination was very appealing.

His thick, lovely hair flowed down over his shoulders to mid-chest. It looked soft and silky and very touchable. And his mouth... Studying his soft, full, generous lips caused a visceral reaction in me. I imagined the feel of them against mine.

What the hell? Take a breath, Kismet. You’re in your office. This is a professional situation. Have you lost your mind? What you’re imagining is beyond inappropriate. Stop daydreaming about what you want to do to those lips and pay attention.

As I raised my gaze from his mouth to his eyes, I found him watching me with an amused expression, apparently finished with the paperwork. Embarrassment warmed my face as I reached for the clipboard. For some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off him long enough to even glance at the forms he’d filled out.

Why am I acting so weird?

I took a slow breath and struggled to regain control of myself. “What concerns you about Midnight?”

“Before we speak of that, would you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Well, you can ask. I can’t promise I’ll answer.”

“Do you believe in vampires?”

“What?” Surprise radiated up my spine and I stiffened in my chair. The buzzing in my ears got louder and I was suddenly very thirsty.

He toyed with a beautiful antique medallion on a chain around his neck. “Do you believe what Midnight has been telling you?”

Okay. Maybe he has a suggestion about how to help Midnight move beyond her vampire fantasy. He might be crazy, but maybe he can help.

To steady myself, I stood and walked over to the small refrigerator in the corner of the room and selected two bottles of water. I set one of them in front of Devereux, opened the other for myself, took my seat, and drank deeply.

Breathe. Just breathe. This can’t be hot flashes. I’m too young.

“I can’t discuss anything that Midnight may or may not have talked to me about – it’s all confidential. But generally speaking, I can tell you that I’ve never seen any evidence to support the existence of vampires or any other supernatural beings.”

“Ah.” The corners of his lips quirked up. “You are a scientist. Do you wish to see evidence?”

I was getting that claustrophobic feeling again. Maybe this handsome man really was a nutcase and I’d allowed myself to be distracted by his obvious assets instead of following my professional instincts. I switched into the noticeably calm voice I used to soothe disturbed clients. “Is it important to you that I believe in vampires?”

He threw back his head and laughed with pure delight. “I have never been called insane in such a lovely way ever before. I can assure you that it is of no importance whatsoever to me if you believe in vampires or not, but I think the information could prove useful to you. What if I told you that everything Midnight has shared with you is absolutely true?”

Oh, geez. He’s a loon.

“Since we can’t talk about anything Midnight might have said, I can only suggest that you tell me directly what you want me to know.”

“I am a vampire.”

Lynda Hilburn


Lynda Hilburn writes paranormal fiction. More specifically, she writes books about vampires, ghosts, psychics, wizards and witches. After a childhood filled with invisible friends, sightings of dead relatives and a fascination with the occult, turning to the paranormal was a no-brainer. In her other reality, she makes her living as a licensed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, professional psychic/tarot reader, university instructor and workshop presenter. Her first novel, “The Vampire Shrink” – which introduced us to Denver Psychologist Kismet Knight and a hidden vampire underworld – was released by Quercus/Jo Fletcher Books UK and Sterling Publishing, 2011. The second book in the series, “Blood Therapy,” released September, 2012 in the UK and February, 2013 in the USA. The third book, “Crimson Psyche,” will be published in 2014. Several more books are planned. Her short story, “Blood Song,” is part of the “Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance” anthology, April, 2009. For more information, visit Lynda’s website:



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