Blood Ties (35 page)

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Authors: Lori G. Armstrong

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #Murder Victims' Families, #Women Sleuths, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Crimes against, #Women private investigators, #Indians of North America, #South Dakota

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“Now?” He clasped both my hands in his and pulled me close for a hug to seal the deal.


“On one condition.”



“I get that new buff alo skin chair in my offi ce. Oh,” I

added as an afterthought, “And a gun. A really big gun.”

“Deal,” he said, resting his chin atop my head. “But I have a condition too.”


“No sex in that chair. It’s a real bitch to remove body fl uids from leather.”

I eased back and asked, “How do you know that,

His wicked, bad boy grin spoke volumes.

My doubts fl ed, at least temporarily. My ties with Kevin weren’t forged in blood, but were stronger because we’d chosen to root them in friendship. No matter what the future held for us, I had a feeling we were in for a helluva wild ride.





Someone is breeding superhumans . . .

. . . beings who possess extreme psychic abilities. Now they have implanted the ultimate seed in the perfect womb. They are a heartbeat away from successfully breeding a species of meta-humans, who will be raised in laboratories and conditioned to obey the orders of their owners, governments and large multi-national corporations.

Then Shelby Parker, a former black ops agent for the government, is asked to locate a missing woman. Her quest takes her to The Center for Bio-Psychological Research. Masquerading as a computer programmer, she gets inside the Center’s inner workings. What she discovers is almost too horrible to comprehend.

Dr. Mac McRae, working for The Center, administers a lie-detector test to the perspective employee for his very cautious employers. Although she passes, the handsome Australian suspects Shelby is not what she appears. But then, neither is he.

Caught up in a nightmare of unspeakable malevolence, the unlikely duo is forced to team up to save a young woman and her very special child. And destroy a program that could change the face of nations.

But fi rst they must unmask the mole that has infi ltrated Shelby’s agency and stalks their every move. They must stay alive and keep one step ahead of the pernicious forces who are intent on . . .


ISBN #1932815058

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It is 1988, and Yellowstone Park is on fi re.

Among the thousands of summer warriors battling to save America’s crown jewel, is single mother Clare Chance.

Having just watched her best friend, a fellow Texas fi refi ghter, die in a roof collapse, she has fl ed to Montana to try and put the memory behind her. She’s not the only one fi ghting personal demons as well as the fi ery dragon threatening to consume the park.


ere’s Chris Deering, a Vietnam veteran helicopter pilot, seeking his next adrenaline high and a good time that doesn’t include his wife, and Ranger Steve Haywood, a man scarred by the loss of his wife and baby in a plane crash.


ey rally ‘round Clare when tragedy strikes yet again, and she loses a young soldier to a fi restorm.


ree fl awed, wounded people; one horrifi c blaze. Its tentacles are encircling the park, coming ever closer, threatening to cut them off . Th

e landmark Old Faithful Inn

and Park Headquarters at Mammoth are under siege, and now there’s a helicopter down, missing, somewhere in the path of the confl agration. And Clare’s daughter is on it . . .

Gold Imprint

June 2005




Sirena is a beautiful young woman. By night she strips at Silky Femmes, enticing large tips from conventioneers and salesmen passing through the small Florida city where she lives.

Sirena is also a loyal and compassionate friend to the deni-zens of Silky Femmes. Th

ere’s Chrissie, who is a fellow dancer

as well as the boss’s abused and beleaguered girlfriend. And Ross, the bartender, who spends a lot of time worrying about the petite, delicate, and lovely Sirena. Maybe too much time.


ere’s also Detective Williams. He’s looking for a missing man and his investigation takes him to Silky’s. Like so many others, he fi nds Sirena irresistible. But again, like so many others, he’s underestimated Sirena.

Because Sirena has a hobby. Not just any hobby. From the stage she searches out men with the solid bone structure she requires. Th

e ones she picks get to go home with her where she will perform one last private strip for them. Th ey can’t believe

their luck. Th

ey simply don’t realize it’s just run out.

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There are men who take women’s lives. There are men who kill their souls. . . .

Celeste Brookstone has the perfect life. On the surface when her daughter takes a job with the Michi-gan Prison System, she fears for Pilar’s safety.

But she’s glad she’s away from the hell on earth Marcus Brookstone has created within his own home.

Pilar Brookstone is an idealist. She thinks she can change things, Make inmates’ lives a little better. And never, ever make the mistake her mother made. Chad Wilbanks is a serial killer. He is serving life. Eight young women were his victims.

Is he about to take his ninth?

Men who kill.

The women who love them.


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Document Outline
  • Table of Contents
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 10
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14
  • Chapter 15
  • Chapter 16
  • Chapter 17
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19
  • Chapter 20
  • Chapter 21
  • Chapter 22
  • Chapter 23
  • Chapter 24
  • Chapter 25
  • Chapter 26
  • Chapter 27

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