Blood Warrior (31 page)

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Authors: H. D. Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Mixed characters, #Young Adult, #Vampires, #Fantasy, #next

BOOK: Blood Warrior
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They were a safe spot for my eyes. In my head swam one thought:
God, please let Mark win,
and if not…surrender.
Following that, one question:

When the announcer called the name of his opponent, my heart hit the stone floor beneath my feet. I shut my eyes for the tiniest portion of a second, then I looked up.

Chapter 59

Kayden emerged from the opposite end of the arena, sword gleaming in his right hand. The crowd’s response was deafening. From somewhere near my lungs, an anvil came smashing down and landed in my stomach. Next to me, Nelly’s hand found mine. She gave one tight squeeze. My hand remained unmoved.

So did my eyes. Kayden. Why did it have to be
? I couldn’t pull my eyes from him. I kept searching for some indication that it wasn’t really him standing down there. I couldn’t find any. And who was I kidding? There was no mistaking that man. Not for me.

He looked every inch a Greek god. Tan skin smoothed over stone-carved muscles.

He was shirtless, his hair pulled back into a tiny, sandy blond ponytail. There was nothing about him that didn’t seem dangerous and deadly. Staring down at the two men that night, I felt much younger than my seventeen years.

Just before the announcer gave the word, Kayden’s eyes drifted up and met mine. I squeezed Nelly’s hand then, but remained otherwise still. It says something for her that she didn’t even flinch. Especially since I’m sure I had come close to crushing bones.

The world showed no yield to my peculiar manner, however. Seconds later, the announcer’s voice echoed in my ears:

The two started forward. I released Nelly’s hand for fear that she may need a cast later if I didn’t. I clutched my thighs instead, damp palms ironing the denim beneath them.

Below me, Kayden’s sword sang its first note of a blocked strike. I squeezed my eyes shut, opened them.

The rest of the fight I can only recall in bits and pieces. Perhaps that’s all my mind could facilitate. I remember the clangs of metal on metal, and the crowds reciprocated shouts following nanoseconds after. I can still see Kayden’s blade gliding through the air, with such grace it seemed divine. I remember thinking absently of Gavin, and feeling like an asshole for the cruel nickname I’d given him. I couldn’t help but think of myself, as well, of how one day my own body would be riddled with such scars. Mostly, though, I remember the blood.

It flew in scarlet ribbons and sprays, painting everything within its reach. The shiny blades the men held were now dripping and streaming rivers of it. I noticed with equal parts relief and despair that Kayden’s sword was redder than Mark’s. If I’d been able to move, I would have been peering through my fingers as my hands shielded my face. I wanted this to be over. At the same time, no outcome appeared pleasing.

My wish was granted. Kayden delivered one final blow that sent Mark crashing to the ground like the Twin Towers. Kayden’s blade rose high, high over Mark’s neck. It came halfway down with the speed and threat of an oncoming train. Then it stopped. I sat confused for just a moment before I realized that he was waiting for Mark to surrender. The way his chest heaved told me this was more than a struggle. He was fighting for his own self-control. I could
sympathize from my helpless position.

The tiny moment lasted for an eternity. Kayden’s sword rose once more. The crowd boomed in response. My gut clenched. I pressed my eyelids together. I could no longer watch.

The crowd’s cheers and screams switched to boos and disapproving shouts. My eyes flew open just in time for me to see Mark’s pointer and middle finger raised in surrender.

Kayden’s blade fell soundlessly to the dirt. It took a moment, but I could breathe again.

The crowd’s disappointment rang through the Arena. Anger stewed wet and hot in my stomach. What was wrong with these people? How could they think that something so brutal was entertainment? How could they yell out in disapproval when a good man was down there lying bloodied and broken on the ground? If these vampires and wolves thought themselves better than the humans, then they had another thing coming. They were just as bad, maybe even worse.

When two men went to carry Mark out of the Arena, alarm filled me. My anger flooded away and was replaced with a big dose of fear. Mark hadn’t gotten back up. He might never get back up again.

I shot to my feet, making my companions jump in surprise. I think I heard Nelly call out to me as I pushed past the warrior standing at the door of our room and raced down the steps of the Arena. I couldn’t be sure though, because all I could think about was making sure that Mark was okay.

When I made out of the building, the line of people that had been there before was gone. The two warriors that had greeted me upon entering stood there, and I raced up to them.

“Where are they taking him?” I asked them, between hitching breaths.

The two warriors exchanged glances. “Who?” they asked, almost simultaneously.

I pushed my hair out of my face and released a frustrated breath. “The warrior who just lost in the Arena.”

The two men exchanged another look, and I had to resist the urge to slam them both against the wall and shake the information out of them. After a moment, one of them said,

“Probably the infirmary, if he wasn’t hurt too bad.”

I clenched my fists tight so that I wouldn’t do something stupid. “Where would they take him if he
hurt bad?” I asked, between clenched teeth.

The same warrior answered. “The hospital,” he paused before adding, “If he’s not there, then he didn’t survive.”

I was about to ask where the hospital was when I heard the wail of an ambulance. I sprinted toward the sound just in time to see it turn around a corner. Using every bit of energy and speed I had in me, I barreled after it. I moved faster than I had ever moved before, and used my ears to keep track of the ambulance. After about twenty blocks, I reached the front of what I assumed was the hospital building. Ignoring the fact that I was seriously dizzy after my run, I climbed the steps entered the lobby. I had lost sight of the ambulance after a few blocks and I only hoped that Mark was already here and being cared for.

The nurse at the front desk looked alarmed when I approached her, but she gave me the information I needed. After a few clicks on her computer she confirmed that Mark was here, but that I couldn’t see him just yet because he was in surgery. She asked me to have a seat, and told me she would tell me when I could go in.

I didn’t sit down. I paced back and forth in the lobby for the longest thirty minutes of my life, with spots dancing before my eyes the entire time. Finally, she gave me a room number, and I took off in the direction she pointed.

When I entered Mark’s room, I saw that he was lying on the bed, still unconscious and wrapped in an insane amount of bandages. I approached the bed slowly and felt tears trickle down my face. He looked so horrible, and I couldn’t see how anyone would recover from these injuries.

“Alexa?” said a deep, rich voice behind me.

I jumped and turned to see Kayden standing in the doorway. For the first time since we met, I couldn’t stand the sight of him. All of my earlier thoughts of the conversation we needed to have completely forgotten. Swiping the tears from my face, I went to stand in front of him, ignoring the fluttery feeling in my chest as a result of his proximity.

“What have you done?” I whispered. Then, I pushed past him and left.

When I reached the outside of the building, I sat down on the steps and buried my face in my hands. Tears flowed freely now, and I could barely see straight between them and my dizziness. Some part of me knew I’d been wrong to say that to Kayden; he’d only done what he had to. And really, would I have rather it been him lying on that hospital bed? I had no answer for that; all I knew was that I felt sick over seeing Mark that way. And I was mad at Kayden for having put him there.

When I felt an unmistakable presence behind me, I stood up abruptly, causing me to wobble a little and feel extremely light-headed. “I don’t want to talk to you right now. Leave me alone,” I said, without turning around.

Behind me, I heard Kayden release a heavy breath. “I’ve heard this before,” he said.

“Then start paying attention.”

“How can you, of all people, pass judgment on me?”

At that, I spun around to face him, once again causing spots to dance before my eyes. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Kayden’s dark eyes were filled with frustration, but his face betrayed nothing.

“You know exactly what I mean,” he said. “You know I didn’t want to fight Mark. I had no choice, just like you had no choice with Daniel. But I never blamed you for what you did, because I knew you did what you had to. If you could get over your own emotions for a moment, you would realize that I did the same thing.”

Again, some part of me knew he was right, but I was way too keyed up at the moment to let anything rational through. “I was wrong then!” I shouted. “And you were wrong today. Every single one of us who steps into that Arena is wrong! No one can force us to fight, we make our own choices, and we choose wrong!”

I knew I must sound hysterical, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I was just so very angry, and I needed to let it out somehow. Kayden wasn’t even the one I was mad at, not really, but he just happened to be the lucky one to be around me while I had a mental breakdown. I still was unsure as to whom I was mad at, but I was starting to think it was everyone. I hated these people, all of them, and their stupid, crazy, fucked up ways. But most of all, I think I hated myself, for allowing them to drag me into this loony lifestyle.

The shouting must have taken the last of my energy, though, because I felt my knees buckle beneath me, and I blacked out before I could hear Kayden’s response.

Chapter 60

I felt like I was floating. Like I was floating through the air on a cloud, only the cloud wasn’t fluffy, like you’d expect a cloud to be. No, what I was floating on was smooth and warm, gentle and strong at the same time. In my weak state, it took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t floating at all. I was being carried. And if the tingling in my chest was any indication, I was being carried by Kayden.

I tried to lift my head a few times, but was unable. I wanted to tell him to put me down, that I didn’t need to be carried like an infant, even though I definitely did. But at the same time, I just wanted to stay in his arms like this forever. I wanted to have him hold me, and to lose myself in his touch. I felt elated, even though my muscles wouldn’t respond to any of my commands. With him carrying me so close, holding me tightly to his chest, I felt so wonderful, I wondered if I’d died and gone to heaven.

I think I dipped in and out of consciousness, because I caught glimpses of things as I went wherever Kayden was taking me. I saw flashes of buildings and streetlights, which then changed to trees and bright stars overhead. When the scene changed yet again, and I saw a fireplace and large bookshelf, I knew where I was.

Strangely enough, it felt like coming home, even though it was his home we were in, not mine. When he laid me down gently on the couch, I almost whimpered at the loss of his touch. It was literally like having part of my soul ripped away from me, like losing the grip on a ledge I was holding onto. That was what it was like; falling. Falling back into a fire, whose heat I was so familiar with, after having been in a warm, comfortable place; a place that only Kayden could ever take me.

He returned a moment later, and I felt the couch dip with his weight as he sat down beside me. I managed to crack my eyes open a little more, but the effort was painfully difficult. I just wanted to go to sleep. He leaned over me, and my chest swelled having him so close to me again. When he brushed my hair out of my face, the rough, but gentle tips of his fingers made goose bumps rise on my skin. I closed my eyes again, basking in the feel of his touch. But when I felt something warm and wet touch my lips, my eyes flew open again.

Kayden was pressing his wrist to my mouth, and when I looked up at his face, I saw that his fangs were exposed and they had a little blood at the tips of them. “You have to drink, Alexa,” he said softly.

Even though it was obvious, it took me a second to realize what he meant.

Summoning what little energy I had, I managed to give my head a small shake; even that small movement made the world go black for a second before I could see again.

Kayden’s voice took on a note of urgency. “You have to try,
. Just trust me.” When he pushed his wrist to my mouth again, I had no choice but to taste his blood. The second it hit my tongue, I swallowed involuntarily and felt a small zing of energy, like my heart just picked up in pace. His blood was sweet and warm, and before I knew what I was doing, I latched onto his wrist with my teeth. They sank through his skin way too easily, but I was too enthralled at the moment to really consider it.

The more I drank, the better I felt; and when I say better, I really mean
. I had never really done drugs in my life, but if I had to compare drinking his blood to something, I would call it ecstasy. It made my skin tingle and my mind cleared almost immediately, which eventually gave me a clear enough head to realize what I was doing. But it was such a potent feeling, that I had grabbed his wrist with both hands and taken a long swallow of his sweet blood before I was able to stop myself.

Finally, I was able to push his wrist away, but for a moment, all I could do is stare at the ceiling in pure bliss. After a few seconds, I blinked hard and pulled myself to a sitting position, feeling better than I had felt in days.

I licked the last of his blood from my lips and ran an index finger over my incisors; which were long and sharp. “Oh, lord,” I said, more to myself than to him.

I didn’t want to look up into Kayden’s eyes, especially since I could feel them watching me. But he reached up and lifted my chin, forcing me to look at him. “You’ve never had blood before?” he asked, studying what must have been my high-looking face. I was still very much feeling the effects of his blood.

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