Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters (18 page)

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I couldn’t help the blank expression on my face as I tried to understand his words. “English,” I finally responded.

Nikko only shook his head and got up from the table angrily. “You see this, she doesn’t know anything.”

I watched his back as he stormed off, leaving me to wonder exactly what it was that I was missing.

“I’m sorry I don’t understand, but how can I when I have no one to teach me? Exactly how hereditary are these things and what can I do about them?” I responded softly as tears filled my eyes.

“It is alright, you still have time to learn,” Centure comforted, rubbing my hand with her soft fingers. “For now, eat your food and be happy. There will come a time when all this things will be made known to you.”

“Why can’t that time be now?” Ash wondered aloud while stealing a fry from my plate.

“Too soon,” she answered confidently.

Nikko was making his way back to the table now, a small white napkin in his hand. “Here,” he said, handing it out to me.

I turned my head, not accepting his token. My body wanted to get up and leave as I sat there quietly for the next few minutes. I kept my thoughts to myself though I felt Ash continuously try to probe me.

“Excuse me, I have to visit the bathroom.” Centure got up from the table and disappeared around a corner.

The lights were dim all the way around and the walls were painted black and silver graffiti covered most of it. I looked around Nikko as someone else walked into the building, I couldn’t see the person clearly at first but as she walked closer I realized that I knew the person.

What was Corey doing here?




Chapter Sixteen


Friday September 3, 2010



The sun beamed directly into my eyes as I lay on the bed facing the window. I tossed and turned for a moment before giving up the hope of ever returning to sleep. Lee snored loudly at the end of the bed near my feet; I seriously wanted to throw a pillow at him. Too many things happened last night that I didn’t understand. I hardly slept at all in the end; one thing was for sure, Corey had a lot of explaining to do.

I looked over at May as she lay next to me; last night had happened before, well except finding out she was pregnant. But me storming out during crisis was normal and we never held any hard feelings in the morning. I heard the door slam downstairs; it was no telling who it was that was just getting home.

Ash poked his head through the door, “I have doughnuts,” he smiled.

“Doughnuts? Who has doughnuts?” May replied, raising her head up from the pillow and wiping the slob from the corners of her mouth.

I got up from the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen; Ash and May talked softly about stuff I didn’t care to be nosy about as they walked behind me. The doughnuts were arranged nicely on a plate sitting atop the island counter; I picked up one with pink frosting and sank my teeth into it. “This was nice of you.” My voice was groggy from the lack of sleep last night.

“I figured we both needed them, I know I did at least.”
Especially since I feel we’ve been thrown into a strange yet dangerous new world
. He finished in thought.

I finished the last of my doughnut then reached for another one. “I do believe you are right.” I replied in a horrible Centure accent.

“So what happened last night? You were home early.” May said with a mouthful of doughnut.

“Not much really. Played pooled, ate and made a new friend.”

“That sounds fun,” she responded sarcastically.

I pushed my chair away from the island before I ate another doughnut, “You need to start getting away from the party-hard mindset right about now anyways. Hey is either mom or dad here?” It was a far-fetched question since I knew today was golf and spa day. I jumped down from the chair and walked into my parent’s room; no one was there and it was honestly no telling when they’d be back. “I almost feel like I need to make an appointment to see them.” I whispered as I shut the light off and headed out of the room. I passed the kitchen and went up the stairs; I’d go to them today.

When I pushed the door open to my room Lee was up and going through things on my desk. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.” I said, walking further into the room.

He turned around and smiled then picked up some of the things that had fallen to the floor.

“Explain yourself.” I continued suspiciously.

“I never explain myself, time for doughnuts,” he responded, brushing past me and out of the door. I quickly grabbed my phone from the charger then jogged down to the kitchen.

“I’m serious, what were you looking for?” I didn’t give him time to lie to me; I looked into his eyes and began sorting his thoughts until I found what I wanted. A flash similar to the one I’d seen in Centure’s eyes appeared and faded, leaving me with everything that he knew. Without a moment’s notice, I hurled myself across the table and tackled the traitor to the floor.

I mounted Lee then ignited the fire on one hand only. “You piece of shit!” I yelled while holding the fire closer to his face, “I’ll burn you alive.”

“What in the hell are you doing Alizarin! Aren’t you going to do something?” May cried out in shock.

“No. We don’t have room for traitors.” Ash responded coldly. He’d saw what I’d processed and I was glad that I didn’t have any explaining to do. Right now I wanted Lee to suffer.

Lee’s face beneath me was swallowed in fear; he was working against me, trying to find whatever it was that was this mysterious lady wanted. He had never seen the woman before so I had no positive identification for her.

“Hey what’s going on down here?” Corey spoke softly as she entered the kitchen. “Whoa! Alizarin get off of him!” she yelled after sight of me about to burn this bastard.

“What do you have to say for yourself traitor?” I said through clenched teeth.

“I’m sorry Alizarin, she offered me a lot more than our friendship is actually worth.” He was shaking now and even through my anger his words stung. It was the same as him telling me our friendship meant absolutely nothing in his eyes.

“Was it worth dying over? You’re about to have a little preview of what hell will feel like.” I grabbed his arm with my enflamed hand and smiled as he screamed in pain. Before I could harm him further, I was in the air, held by foggy creatures. “Let me down Corey, I want to kill him!” I yelled.

A humbling gust of wind blew through the kitchen and Centure appeared in the mist of us. “Killing him will do you no service, Skylark let the girl down. You boy, get up from the ground.” The tone of her voice demanded respect and no one questioned her.

Once the tips of my toes hit the ground I tried to run for Lee once more; before I could get close, a blast of wind knocked me to the floor. My butt crashed against the kitchen tile and a small crack formed at my place of impact; I tried to remain tough but intense pain shot up through my body nearly paralyzing me for a few seconds. “I trust you will remain calm Alizarin. Now I will show you how we handle this.” I stayed on the floor and watched as Centure approached Lee who was holding his arm closely while crying.

“Let me help you.” Centure reached out for his arm and lightly placed her hand on it, quickly healing the burn. I just watched in disappointment, he didn’t deserve that.

“Thank you.” Lee smiled widely.

“No need to thank me. You will not speak a word to anyone will you?”

Lee opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, she had silenced him permanently. I leapt up from the floor and laughed hysterically, “That’s what I’m talking about.” Lee wrapped both hands around his throat, new tears making their way down his cheeks.

“You are lucky that you are the only one of your kind here.” Centure said while turning her back to Lee.

“Corey wasn’t your sister a mind reader?” I looked over at Corey who stood quietly in the corner of the kitchen.

“Maybe that was an exaggeration.” She said softly.

“How big of an exaggeration?” Ash responded quickly, “Lying is never a good look, it’s the quickest way to never be trusted,” he continued.

“I’ve had enough and I want to go home.” May interrupted on the verge of tears, “This stress can’t be good for my baby.” She pulled away from Ash and went over to
Lee, “We’re leaving.” She pulled him to the stairs and I left the kitchen and followed the two.

Way to start the week
, I thought to myself, desperately fighting anger and tears.

Ash followed me as I escorted them to their car and Nikko- who’d appeared from nowhere just as Centure did was busy throwing their things into the trunk.

“Have you learned who you can trust, now?” he mocked insensitively waving them away as they took off down the neighborhood street.

“What are you even doing here? Take a hike,” I answered while walking back into the house and shutting the door in his face.

When I turned around from locking it, Nikko stood in my way. “Think it’s that easy to get rid of me?”

“Seems to be no way of getting rid of any of you.” I pushed him out of the way and stormed into the kitchen where Corey and Centure sat in the island chairs. “Go ahead, start explaining. First the guy from
the bar now my own best friend, tell me what’s going on.”

Corey got up from the chair and threw her arms in the air then disappeared from the kitchen. I heard the door to her room slam upstairs then silence.

“That was weird,” Ash quietly said aloud before running upstairs after Corey.

“Forget her, forget Nikko’s magic appearing tricks and forg
et the whole mess of this thing,” I breathed heavily, holding back the anger that continuously built. “Get the hell out of my house, both of you,” I gritted, suddenly realizing that the intense red-orange vision I’d experienced weeks ago was back.

The two of them disappeared without a word before I sauntered over to the kitchen table and sat down with my head
buried in my arms. Realizing that I’d grabbed the phone instead of my car keys, I straightened myself then got up from the chair and ran upstairs to grab them.

Ash came running through the front door seconds after I’d gotten into my car and started it. “Hey, where are you going?”

Though I didn’t want to, I slid the window down and answered him. “Just out for a drive, why?”

“Do you really think it’s safe for you to be going out on your own?”

I rolled my eyes and him and unlocked the doors for him to get in. “You just want to leave Corey here all alone, again?”

“She wants to be alone,” he replied, getting comfortable in the seats and buckling his seatbelt. “Plus, it doesn’t take a genius to see that you’re upset.”

I put the car in reverse and backed slowly out of the driveway. “Every time I think I’m close to finding answers, something happens to shatter that dream to shits. So now, I officially give up on the whole thing. I don’t want to know anymore.”

“Maybe that’s your problem,” he paused, “You give up too easily.”

“No one asked you,” I sighed, looking straight ahead out of the windshield.


I entered the school from the east entrance, wanting to avoid the lingering crowd in the parking lot. I was taking a risk being here alone, since apparently someone was looking for me. But no told me who or why.

Ash and Corey would be here soon though; in the meantime I walked around looking for Bethany. She wouldn’t be the hardest person to spot in a crowd since she hovered over most of us.

Wade tapped my shoulder from behind and I turned my head slightly to greet him. He walked around and stood in front of me, holding up progress. “Have you ever rode in a hot air balloon?” he asked excitedly.

“I can’t say that I have. Why what’s up?” I stepped around him eager to at least keep walking.

“The balloon show is in town, I thought it’d be something fun for us to do.” He walked awkwardly beside me for a moment, I took a side step away to keep from making contact with his arm; I didn’t want him seeing anything else in my screwed up life.

“Sounds fun, how long is it in town?”

“Because I found out about it so late, today or tomorrow will be our only chance to catch them here.”

“Catch who?”
Nikko inquired as he walked up beside me.

“You really annoy the hell out of me when you do that,” I replied shocked.

“Do what, all-knowing Alizarin?” he mocked.

“Whatever it is you do when you come out of nowhere.”

I walked between the both of them; I mentally compared the two of them. Wade was slightly shorter, thinner and lean while Nikko on the other hand was brawn. Wade had long brown hair and wore glasses and Nikko had low-cut hair. They both stood a few inches over me.

Wade nudged my arm with his covered elbow. “He’s a Centron, means he can teleport through time and space. Don’t be impressed, there are about a hundred other
s just like him.”

“Impressed wasn’t what I was going for,” I countered.

“Don’t be mad because you got the short end of the stick, baby bro.”

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