Bloods Gem (39 page)

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Authors: Gloria Conway

Tags: #vampires, #love, #drama, #fantasy, #young adult, #shape shifter, #lust, #vampires bloodlust thriller paranormal romance, #vampires and shapechangers

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Sis, don’t worry about me. I'm not
worth the energy. Just set your mind to something more useful, like
hunting this bastard down!” I yelled, reading her

Okay, sorry, geez!” She shouted

Well, the elder said he’s a great
deceiver and he may alter his scent and location if he desires. So,
I mean, were up against a ghost basically,” Howell

Well then we will have to be ghost
too. We can start training in the field behind the house, when
everyone gets here.”

They agreed. I walked into the kitchen to
grab A glass of blood when my phone buzzed. I picked it up. Faith
was texted me.

Daniel, where are you? What happened?

I called instead, I needed to hear her voice
to calm me down.

Daniel,” she answered.

Love… you're awake. Can I come get
you?” I asked.

Are you here in Siloam?”

Yes Love, I'm at our house. You want
to come home now?”

Yes please. Oh and thanks for putting
my contacts in for me.”

No problem. I'll be right

I tossed the phone down on the sofa and
picked up my car keys.

Be back!” I yelled out. I hopped in
the truck and took off. I arrived in less then five minutes.
Walking up to the door, I knocked. Faith opened it. I pulled her
into me, holding her to my chest.

I love you Faith.”

I love you too,” she said.

I walked inside, Darla sat on the couch.
“Take care of my daughter Daniel. I'll be visiting tomorrow
morning,” she said, shooting me a glare.

Yes mam,” I replied.

Thanks mom. I love you.”

I love you too honey, call me later,

I will.”

We got inside the truck. “I know you miss
your Mom Love. You wont have to be away from her, I promise,” I
said, trying to reassure her.

Good, because I really don’t want to
go anywhere for awhile,” she said, sadly.

I massaged the back of her neck with my free

So, what happened? Did you guys find
him? And why are we back here anyways did I pass out for a few days
or something?”

Well, I was gone for only a few hours
and I felt bad for leaving you. The crew heard my thoughts and told
me to go back. When I got back, you were passed out. I followed you
into your dreams and seen how much you wanted to go home. I didn’t
wake you, I just brought you back.”


Sorry about this but. the crew is
coming back. Just for security measures.”

What about Chris?” She

Why is she be asking about him…?

I mean, is he okay? Did anyone ever
find him?”

Oh. Yeah, he’s fine. Come to find
out, he just needed time alone. He’s back at his house

Okay. Good. I'm glad hes okay,” she

Love when we get home just relax.
I'll put you to bed,” I said, glancing over at her. “Okay but, as
long as your next to me. that’s all I want,” she said, looking into
my eyes. “Anything you want my Love,” I said, smiling.

I was glad the erase went through. She no
longer had to suffer. But, physically and mentally she was
exhausted and I wanted to help ease that discomfort. I placed my
hand on the back of her neck and rubbed it again, being sneaky and
using my ability, I relaxed her mind and her eyes began to close.
She fell into a deep sleep.

I knew she would be out for a few hours. I
would be able to get some training in while she slept.

Back at the house, I cradled her into my
arms and took her upstairs. I kissed her forehead and told her I
loved her.

The crew arrived and we grouped up behind
the house. I started everything off. “Thank you again for coming.
We all know this is going to be difficult to find Adrian. As
Celeste updated you all on what were up against, even though he is
only one man, he has the power to trick us all. Mentally he's
capable of just about anything. The only way to get to him, is to
use our minds as one. We must learn to combine our powers and try
to locate his human form, even if he’s dropped, there is a way to
do this.

We must first get one volunteer to be
the bait. And perhaps, two or three at a time shielding the bait's
scent and location. The ones shielding the bait, must also block
the rest of us from your mind.”

Howell?” I asked if he would be the
bait. He nodded.

Alright, Howell, Kevin, and Jaha,
could you set off? Not too far, but far enough. You must start
blocking immediately. So we can't follow your scent or hear your
thoughts. Go now!”

They ran. The rest of us sat down and
started meditating. Focusing our minds, we quickly dropped.

Alright, Celeste, you take north.
Youey, you come with me. The rest of you please scatter, listen to
your inner spirit and rely on your instincts. We began running. I
placed myself in meditation mode as I ran. Usually when Ill-suens
do this, you hear and see more. The ability to catch someone, who's
blocking you out is greater if sustaining this mode. However, to do
this for longer then thirty seconds, is nearly impossible. The mind
is still active and the ability to concentrate on one subject is

I paused, extending my arm out for Youey to
stop. My eyes closed, I heard a sound coming behind us. I darted in
the direction, Youey followed. Approaching the target we noticed it
was just a deer. “Fuck!” I shouted. I shook my head and tried
meditating again. I let my instincts do the work this time, letting
them take over. My body jolted in a completely different direction,
my legs running as fast they could. I wasn’t in control at this
point, my instincts were. It seemed as if only seconds went by and
before I knew it. “Let him go Daniel! Snap out of it!” I heard,
Celeste yelling.

Opening my eyes, my mind snapped back to
reality. I had a hold of Howell, my hands around his neck, his feet
dangling. I quickly dropped him. “Shit, sorry man!” I smiled.

It’s not funny dude! You almost
killed me!” He was pissed.

You would come back anyway, no big
deal right?” I smirked.

He flashed his teeth.

Dude, calm down. Sorry.” I said,
hitting him in his shoulder.

How did you do that?” Celeste asked

I let my instincts take over, which
you all should do. I made sure to meditate while my instincts were
ripe. Not letting my mind confuse my spirit in any way,” I said,
making sure everyone knew what I was talking about.

That takes some serious concentration
man,” Kevin said.

I nodded. “Well, if you learn how to
meditate in spirit form and keep that energy alive, it will be
easy. But, you must learn now! We don’t have much time. We need to
catch him soon,” I said.

They agreed and we went back behind the

I tugged on Celeste’s arm. “Hey sis, can you
teach them a few tricks? I want to go check on Faith?”

Yeah. What do you need me to show

Well, they need to stay in spirit
form. You guys can concentrate on reading each other in groups but
make sure at least three are trying to block the rest. We need to
work in groups in order for this to work.”

Okay Dan. We will.”

Thanks sis,” I kissed her cheek and
ran into the house.


Faith was sound asleep. I dropped in spirit
form, so I could check her dream. I blocked my presence and
thoughts. I heard Faith humming as I entered. She was laying in the
middle of a green field in Ireland, hills surrounding her. I
smiled, and drew near. I sat down and watched. Soon, she spoke to
someone in Latin. Then I heard Adrians voice but he was no where
around. He asking her to show him something.

Shes not here!” She

You must dig deep Faith. Release
her!” He shouted.

There's no point. It’s not the same.
She doesn’t want this!”

I love you. Please, try to do this
one thing for me and I'll leave you alone forever.”

I tried to locate his voice but he was
blocking me. He tried altering his voice but I knew it was him.

Meet me somewhere then. I can help
you get her out and it wouldn’t be a burden anymore.”

I immediately stepped in, no more blocking
my mind and presence.

Adrian. You need to stop this! I
don’t know what your trying to accomplish by making her life hell
but if you don’t stop, I will have to kill you!”

Brother. Glad you could join

No. Don’t call me that. You're not a
brother to me anymore. No one does this to family. But you, an
empty monster, don’t have the same feelings as the rest of us. You
could care less if she was to live or die!”

You're wrong there. I do care if she
lives or dies.”

Why not face me like a man instead of
hiding all the damn time?” I asked.

If I do that. I might not be able to
stop myself from killing you and I don’t want her harmed in the
process. I need her you see.”

No, you don’t. You need to leave us
alone. She doesn’t love you. She’s in love with me. You can see
that and feel that can’t you?”

Deep down she does love me. You're
too stupid to feel or even see it. You probably never will because
your too emotional. You allow your emotions to control your mind
and that’s why you can’t master what I have.”

You will no longer be able to enter
her dreams. Trust me, I'm a lot stronger mentally then what you
think. I'll show you when I find you first hand.”

Adrian laughed. “Alright how about a deal.
If you do manage to pull this off and find me. You can kill me or
you can let me live and I'll promise to never try to communicate or
go near you or Faith again.”

I don’t make deals with demons but I
will tell you this.when I do find you, I wont let you live and you
can go on with your meaningless existence in the afterlife but it
won't be pretty. Where I'm sending you, you’ll need a lot more then
stupid mind tricks to save you.”

Okay, Dan. So it’s a deal then. Hope
to see you soon… or not.” His laugh echoed in the

I approached Faith putting up a barrier
around her. I pressed my hand to her head and chanted a few words
in Latin. No one, except for me would enter her dreams.


I tried spending as much time with Faith as
I could but I also had to train. We spent nine hours a day in the
field and by the time we were done, Faith was either at work, or
sleeping. I knew I needed to come up with a better plan to locate
Adrian. I was the only one holding everything together when it came
to finding him and without me the crew would be lost. But at the
same time, I didn’t want to leave Faith again to go across country
to find him. There was no easy solution.

I did form a idea, to use Faith as bait.
Though it was risky. One mistake would be detrimental. I wanted to
discuss the plan with her later, to see how she felt about it over

We drove to Fayetteville to eat at a
restaurant called Shogun. Faith's favorite place to eat, the change
of scenery was nice too.

I ordered a rare steak and she chomped down
on some fried rice topped with blood from my steak.

You getting used to the idea then?” I
asked, her smiling.

She rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s just… I
guess you were right. I do need it, sometimes.” “It doesn’t really
count when it’s already been dead for weeks and cooked love.”

Do you have any other suggestions
that wont gross me out?”

I can come up with something. Believe
me I can be very--”

She shook her head. “Don’t say it. I know,
my head is about to explode thinking of all the mind tricks you can
do. It’s nauseating.”

So, You don’t like. or?”

Sometimes. But. Sometimes I think no
one should have such, drastic abilities. I mean, if you were evil
and you had those abilities, imagine the harm you could do with
just one touch”

Well, Love. I'm not evil and I only
use these, mind tricks, as you call it, when necessary.”

Yeah but you shouldn’t rely on that
so much. You know, the mind is a powerful thing and you never know,
it can always backfire if your not careful.”

What she was made me uneasy, as if she knew
something, or maybe she does remember everything she’s just hiding
well. The way she put it was as thought she were saying, karma is a
bitch. And I was worried, about the karma part.

So, Faith. I have a proposition.
Well, an idea of how to catch Adrian but it requires your

She shrugged. “Alright. What is it?”

Well we all know he wants you. And
we're not quite sure why but--”

I know.” She cut me off.

I cringed. “You know why he wants you and
you haven’t said anything to me?”

Not exactly. I’ve had the same dream
twice now and it gave me a possible explanation.”

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