Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire) (12 page)

BOOK: Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire)
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His fangs flashed behind his scowl. “Yet, you ask for my help.”

Let’s not talk in circles. I can’t keep an eye on the kid. Hell, he can’t even protect himself. He knows nothing about us or our power--he was afraid he’d burn in the sun until I showed him otherwise.”

Jordan glanced at the boy.

Robby was sitting a little straighter. “You’re sending me with him?”

A sharp pang pierced her chest, but this was for the best. “He can keep you hidden. Do you want to be safe?”

I don’t want to leave you.”

I get that. But I need to find Thomas. I can’t do that if you’re with me.”

The boy slumped in the seat again, biting his lower lip and blinking furiously.

She turned back to Jordan. “If you take him, I have conditions.”

The King raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Ah, demands go along with your request.”

You can keep him safe. Isn’t that your duty?”

He’s not my clan.”

He doesn’t have one.”

Go on. What are your demands, woman?”

She hesitated at the barely controlled anger in his voice, but forged ahead. She was already sinking, might as well go all the way.

First, you’ll have someone start teaching him about us, and his powers.”


She took a deep breath. “I want your word you won’t force him to join your clan until he has enough knowledge about vampire politics to make his own decision.”

MacDougal’s eyes blazed with fury. “Just what kind of bastard do you think I am?”

Stunned at the ferocity of his reaction, she sat back. “Well, you’re a Master vampire, and a King to boot. You’re probably one hell of a bastard.”

He stared at her for a moment before laughing sharply. “You’ve got balls, lass.”

Either that or she was the biggest idiot around. But, he hadn’t killed her yet.

I’ll take the lad. And you have my word, there will be no forcing him to join up with my horrible corrupt self.”

Robby’s face was so distraught, she couldn’t stop herself. “When I’m done, he will have the choice of leaving with me.”

They both knew the odds of her surviving Thomas were slim, and if she killed him, she had no future.

MacDougal stood and winked at Niki. “I’ll take my leave before you add any further demands.”

She shrugged. The boy inched out of the booth and stood next to MacDougal.

Niki watched them go. Just before they reached the door, the kid turned and raced back. He grabbed Niki, hugging her tight.

Promise you’ll come for me?”

Her heart thumped and emotion lodged in her throat at this kid’s blind belief in her. “If I can,” she finally managed to say.

Robby let go and she met MacDougal’s amused gaze.

After they left, she continued to sit in the booth, wondering how she’d gotten into this mess in the first place. This town was dangerous, full of people who could make her feel. How did it happen? When she couldn’t come up with any answers, she left the diner and headed back to the Inn, making sure no one was watching for her. Everything was quiet. Silent and deserted.

In her room, she strapped on her weapons, skipping the steel and going with silver in case she ran into more shifters. Out in the parking lot once more, she picked up the blood trail of those she’d fought. It was time to find the men who’d tried taking Robby, and the one behind it all.







Chapter Nine



isgruntled when the Alpha was nowhere to be found, Shane headed back to the station. The sun was setting, and he wanted to get to the Inn before Niki considered going off without him.

He dropped Chase off, but before he could pull out, Becky’s voice came over the radio.



There’s been a disturbance at the Inn.”

His heart thumped heavily. “What kind of disturbance?”

A room was broken into and trashed, the lady renting it nowhere to be found.”

His mouth dried. “Room number?”


He cursed. “I’m on my way.”

Shane sped down the road, worry pushing him to break all safety limits. When he pulled to a dusty stop at the Inn, Molly hovered near the room’s broken door. She tried to smile when she saw him.

Sheriff. How are you?”

What happened?”

Her smile turned to a scowl at his brusqueness, but he didn’t particularly care at the moment.

I just got here to open for the night and found this mess.”

Shane headed to the next room, banging on the door.

She’s not there. I checked.”

Did anyone see her or the kid leave?”

Molly shook her head. “Jimmy’s out with the flu, so no one was in the lobby today.”

Lock the doors. Call Deputy Campton out to search the room and document the damage.”

Molly pouted. “Where are you going?”

Shane bent down in front of the broken door and laid his hands in the gravel. He unfocused his eyes until the auras appeared.

Almost faded, he caught thin strands heading from the destroyed room. Three were tinged pink with gray flecks, which would have been the maroon of vampires if they’d been fresher. Another dark gray could have been the kid. The last was a silvery-blue.

Shifter? What had one of the pack been doing here?

He followed the aura threads to the trees surrounding the Inn. Taking Niki’s dagger from his pocket, he watched the flickering glow. It was still tied to the stubborn woman who hadn’t waited for him. He’d have to track her again, and she was going to get an earful.




Niki emerged from the forest on the edge of a small farm. The house looked old, deserted. Dingy gray paint had nearly peeled away, though every window was freshly blackened. Tall weeds wrapped around the porch. The steps were cracked, one missing, two others broken.

She jumped up to the porch, landing lightly without a sound.

Inside the house, Robby screamed. It couldn’t be him. She’d made sure he was safe. Hadn’t she? Niki rushed the door, barreling into the dark interior.

More screams echoed below the floorboards.

Her eyes adjusted almost immediately and Niki glanced around the room. Empty but for a few scraps of wood and cloth. She slipped down a hall, into the kitchen. A doorway led into deeper darkness. The musty, damp scent drifting up from a basement told her where to go.

She headed down rickety stairs in silence.

As far as she could tell, no one was there. Yet the screams...

She stepped from the stairs and onto hard-packed earth. A light flashed on and she blinked at the glare. In the center of the room, on a small wooden table, lay a tape recorder, continuing to play. Robby’s tortured, pain filled whimpers filled the basement.

You shouldn’t steal from other people, m’dear.” Thomas’ voice interrupted the recorded screams, sending shivers down her skin. “The boy belongs to me. Don’t worry, he’ll be properly punished for daring to escape. As for you, we’ll have our showdown soon. I do hope you are as excited as I am.”

The tape clicked off. Niki growled, picking it up and throwing it at the wall. It shattered, bits of metal and plastic and tape scattering on the floor. After a few deep breaths, she studied the basement. Chains were embedded all over the walls.

The stink of vampire was heavy.

But she was too late.

Thomas was long gone. Her fists clenched and she took another deep breath to keep from screaming.

At least her sire no longer had the boy to torture. And Thomas would never get him from the King’s protection. She searched for any clue, no matter how small. But nothing other than the tape recorder and the table had been left.

Thomas was sure to have more hiding places. How was she going to find him?

Steps sounded above, thudding into the living room.

Niki blended into the shadows behind the stairs, waiting for whoever was above to come down. The steps creaked beneath their weight.

A shadow stepped onto the floor and Niki flowed with the shadows, getting close. With a cry, she sprung, grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the floor. Leaping fast, she pinned him down. Her fingers flexed as she struggled to control her anger.

Recognition hit and she blinked. “What are you doing here?”

Shane glared up at her. “Since you didn’t wait for me,” he growled, “I had to track you down. Again.”

She leaned back, still straddling him. “You’ve got to stop doing that.”


Because.” She felt as inane as her answer sounded.

They realized their position at the same time. His body tensed. Slowly, his hands came to her waist.

Her breathing caught, then came faster as he hardened beneath her.

His eyes brightened with that strange golden glow. “Niki,” he whispered. “You want to move before I lose it.”

She scrambled away, trying to resist the urge to let him put his hands back on her. This time, on bare skin.

Shane shook himself as he sat up, fists curling against his thighs. His erection strained at his jeans. Niki flushed, yanking her gaze away.

Business,” he ground out. After a long moment he met her gaze. “Where’s the boy?”

I took him to MacDougal. The King can keep him safe.”

Good.” He glanced around the room. “Did you find anything?”

She jerked her chin toward the broken recorder.

Temper much?”

You didn’t hear it.”

Standing, Shane held out a hand. She stared at him for a long moment before allowing him to help her up. As soon as she was on her feet, she released his burning touch.

Thomas was here, but he’s long gone now,” she said. “I don’t know where to start looking.”

He leaned close, until their breath mingled. “That’s where I can help.”

How?” she whispered, trying to swallow as her throat closed up.

It’s my job to know what’s going on in this town, if you’ve forgotten.”

No.” How could she forget who, what, he was.

I know this place.”

So where is Thomas?”

First, we head to the bar.”

I’m not up for a drink and dancing.”

Shane headed up the stairs. When she didn’t move, he turned around. “Coming?” His gaze was hard, daring her to say no.

Considering she didn’t really have a choice, she followed.

At the top of the stairs, Shane added, “Ever heard the saying ‘use all your resources’?”

Is that what you are? A resource?”

He stopped and faced her. “I don’t know what I am to you.”

She fidgeted under the intensity of his stare.

No smartass comment to that?”

No.” What could she say? She was confused and uncertain. Niki didn’t even want to admit such a thing to herself.

He sighed and shook his head. “Let’s go.”

She stepped out onto the porch, Shane behind her. The sun had set while they were in the farmhouse and now only the last hints of day lit the sky.

Around them, the forest was unnaturally quiet.

Niki sniffed the air and caught the distinct scent of one of the vampires from the motel.

Shots rang out.




A boom startled Shane. He shoved Niki behind him. Fiery pain slammed into his shoulder, flinging him against the wall.

Niki dragged him to the wooden floor and crouched by his side, searching the shadows of the forest. Her eyes blazed pure red.

She sniffed the air. “Two vampires.”

Who?” The pain in his shoulder cooled into a freezing ache.

Her gaze turned to him and he had to brace himself against the power in her eyes. “The guys from the Inn today.”

Another shot rang out and splinters rained down from the wall. Blood welled on Niki’s cheek, but she didn’t flinch.

Anger filled him, rage pounding his temples at the thought of her being hurt. He surged to his feet and grabbed her hand, racing down the stairs.

A voice rang with laughter. “You won’t get away so easily.”

Shots came, one after another. Niki pushed forward, covering his back as they ran, so fast he nearly couldn’t keep up. He tried to pull her forward, to shield her instead, but she hissed.

I’ll live through it. You won’t.”

It pissed him off further to have her acting as a shield. More shots thundered in the night. Then came the twang of a bow string let loose. Behind him, Niki cried out.

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