Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire) (11 page)

BOOK: Bloodstorm (Heart of a Vampire)
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The woman was too stubborn for her own good. Even if she didn’t get killed by Thomas, the Council would call on him to do it. And she didn’t care.

He didn’t know why it mattered so damn much, but the very thought of her death sent pain ripping through his chest.

At the sheriff’s office, he headed inside. Becky nodded from the reception desk as he pushed through the gate and into the bullpen. Campton’s desk was empty.

Where’s Chase?”

Becky nodded toward the door. “Ran out for coffee. The machine’s on the fritz again.”

Tell him to see me when he gets back.” Shane walked into his office and closed the door, slow and soft, since he wanted to slam it a few times.

He went to the window, staring out over the town. Things were wrong beneath the surface. Shifters were dead. At least two by vampires. Werewolves had attacked Niki--not caring who she was, only what.

He picked up the phone and called his father. “It’s beginning,” he said when his dad picked up.

Gerald sighed. “I was afraid of that. Do you want me to come into town?”

No. I’ll handle it.” And he would, he thought as he hung up. It was his job now.

When Chase came into Shane’s office, he held two cups of coffee. Chase passed one over.

Shane sipped it. “Ready to talk to MacDougal and Beider.”

Chase’s eyes widened. “Hopefully not at the same time.”

Not yet.” Shane agreed with his deputy. The vampire Master and the pack Alpha together didn’t make for happy company.

Shane stopped by Becky’s desk and let her know where they were going, then headed for his truck. Chase took the passenger seat, fingertips rapping on his knee.

Nervous?” Shane asked.

Of what might be coming.”

Good. His deputy might be prepared. He drove to the west end of town, passing the lake before turning onto the long narrow drive leading up to MacDougal’s castle.

The door opened before they could knock.

One of the twin guards stood there. “He’s expecting you. Come along.”

Shane and Chase followed the towering Viking down the long hall and into a receiving room. Red silk and black velvet draped the walls and furniture. It was seductive, a picture right out of history. MacDougal sat near a roaring fireplace. He looked up when Shane entered and waved them to chairs opposite his. The guard took up position in front of the door.

So. You’re back,” MacDougal stated.

I’ve had a busy night.”

Rumors say.”

A group of shifters attacked some vampires last night.”

MacDougal’s brow rose and his eyes flashed steel. “Not mine. They would have come to me.” He rubbed his hands together. “Must’ve been the little rogue you found.”

Shane stared at the man. “She found a kid last night. The boy claims his Master is here, keeping a group of young vampires locked up, and he’s the one responsible for the deaths.”

MacDougal sat straighter. “Does this vampire have a name?”

More than one. He’s currently going by Jeremy Oakdale, but Niki knew him a few hundred years ago as Thomas Montgomery.”

Interesting.” MacDougal stared into the fire. “A few hundred years ago, aye? That would make this vampire her sire?”

Shane didn’t answer.

And yet, she plans to kill him.” MacDougal nodded to his guard, who strode over. “I’ll ask around, see if I can find anything.”

I appreciate it. What about the two you took from me? They working with this guy?”

Jordan shook his head. “Their answers revealed them to be nothing more than drifters out to make a buck... or get drunk on someone.”

You’re sure?”

MacDougal glared.

Just checking.”

Besides, they’ve already been dealt with.”

Which meant Shane needn’t ask to requestion them. They were already dead.

I assume,” MacDougal added in a chilly, hard voice, “you will be speaking with the shifters. Let them know I will take personal offense if they attack another vampire--mine or not.”

Shane shook his head. “You know I’m not going to take a command like that to the pack.”

Put it as delicately as you wish. It is still fact.”

Sighing, Shane said, “You really willing to start a war?”

Start the war?” MacDougal grinned, fangs flashing as his eyes reddened. “No. Finish it on the other hand...” He rose and strode out, leaving a young guard to escort them back outside.

Once more in the truck, Chase shook his head. “I don’t envy your position, Sheriff. How’re you gonna keep the peace?”

Any way I can.” He took one last look at the castle before heading back to town for his talk with the alpha.




The boy screaming next door jerked Niki awake. Something thudded loudly against the wall. Glass shattered with a crash.

She grabbed her short sword, slammed outside, and burst through broken pieces of door into the boy’s room.

Two stout men held Robby against the wall. Their unwashed stench proclaimed them vampires. A third man stood in front of the boy, his broad back almost blocking the kid from view, but the hands wrapped around Robby’s throat stood out below his harshly purple face.

Niki cried out, racing forward.

The man choking Robby spun, just in time to meet the edge of her blade as she sliced it across his arm. He stumbled back, growling, eyes blazing light blue.

The scent of his blood told her the same thing as those glowing husky eyes.



And working with vampires? How? Why?

The two vampires dropped the kid and advanced on her, along with the wolf. Behind them, Robby slid to the floor, gasping and coughing as he rubbed his reddened throat.

Now, boys,” Niki drawled. “This here’s my runt. Why do you want to go beating him up?”

Three predatory gazes watched her cautiously.

Kill her,” the wolf growled.

She braced herself. Her attackers jumped forward. She spun, sword flashing in the thin sunlight leaking in through the doorway.

Steel met flesh.

Wishing she had her daggers, she ducked beneath the shifter’s ham-sized fist. One of the vampires caught her hair and yanked her upright. Tears sprung to her eyes from the sharp pain in her scalp, but she bit her lip and held in the cry. With her free hand, she raked her nails down his arm.

He let go. “Bitch!”

She slashed her sword at the nearest man, received a satisfying scream. The scent of his blood spilled into the air.

Robby stumbled to his feet behind the men. She jerked her chin, motioning him to run. Instead, the stupid boy raced at the wolf’s back, jumping on him and yanking at the shifter’s blond locks.

A brick-like hand struck her across the cheek and she flew onto the bed.

The wolf growled, ripping Robby from his back and tossing him aside. Then he advanced on Niki.

She stared at the three men, anger rushing through her along with a throbbing pain from her cheek. She embraced her power. Her fangs extended and she hissed.

The two younger--and much weaker--vampires sensed her magic. They jumped back, glancing from each other to the wolf.

I said kill her.” The wolf reached to grab her, but she jerked her sword up and impaled his shoulder.

He cried out, stumbling back. Yanking her sword from his body, she surged to her feet, facing the vampires.

You gonna to try to kill me or not?”

The guy on the left had a bit more courage than his buddy. He raced around the bed. Niki met him with a kick to the groin.

As he dropped to his knees, she moved behind him, grabbing a handful of hair. Tipping his head back, she held her sword to his throat.

Staring at the other two, Niki grinned. “Do either of you value your buddy’s life?”

They didn’t rush her, which meant they must.

What do you want?” The wolf’s voice was partially garbled. He was ready to shift.

That would be bad. Vampires didn’t have an easy time negotiating with shifters in their animal form. It was more a ‘fight to the death’ mentality.

I’m taking the boy and we’re leaving. Try to stop me.”

His eyes flared at the challenge. Well, she’d never claimed to be a good negotiator.

The other vampire pushed the wolf back and waved to the door.

Go outside,” she told Robby.

The kid looked dazed, but this time, he did as she commanded.

We’ll find you. Kill you,” the wolf said, his voice sounding a touch more human. She hoped.

Oh, good.” Niki kicked the vampire she held at the other two, raced outside, grabbed Robby’s hand, and they fled the motel.

Niki led the kid down alleys and back streets, making their way into town. When she was certain they weren’t being followed, she headed for the diner.
Robby’s face was flushed, eyes tempered red. He needed to eat before he lost control.

She ordered two thick steaks with eggs, fries and a large cup of coffee for herself. Then she sat, wondering what to do.

He’s coming after me,” the kid said tonelessly.


If he finds me--”

I won’t let that happen.”

How? They found me at the motel.”

Which left only one place he’d be safe. She didn’t want to deal with the King again, but no other choice presented itself. She couldn’t take Robby back to the Inn. And even if she found somewhere to stash him, she’d be gone most the time looking for Thomas.

Their breakfast came, but she didn’t have much of an appetite. The boy stared at the food, hunger growing on his face.

Eat already.”

As if he’d been waiting for explicit permission, he dug in.

Niki leaned back, staring at the lazy ceiling fan turning in slow circles. Could she contact the King? He wasn’t her sire, and she wasn’t his clan, so he probably wouldn’t hear her. She had to try.

In her mind, she pictured the brawny Scot.
Jordan MacDougal. Someone needs your help. He’s just a kid. Will you come?

She pushed an image of Robby to the forefront of her message. Then sat back and waited, wondering if the King heard her summons, and would even bother to listen.

The boy finished devouring the food on his plate. Niki pushed her barely touched meal in front of him. He glanced up, shocked. She smiled and he continued eating with the gusto of a staving pup unsure when he’d see his next meal.

The door opened and power blazed through the diner. Robby cringed back into his seat, fork clattering to his plate.

Jordan strode down the aisle, stopping at their booth and staring down at the boy. “This him?”

Yes,” she replied.

Scoot over.”

The kid looked at Niki, eyes wide. She nodded. “Go ahead.”

Slowly, he moved to the wall, curling himself into the smallest shape he could. Jordan sat beside him, and turned his blazing gaze to Niki.

You dare ask me for help?”

Not for myself,” she retorted.

It doesn’t matter. You have no right, you’re not clan.”

She smacked her hands on the table. “Look, I can try to protect him, but this is the second time we’ve been attacked by a shifter. This morning, I woke up to two vampires working with a wolf to kidnap this kid.”

Jordan leaned back, face flushing with anger. “A wolf?”

Working with vampires.”

He leaned closer, holding out a hand. “May I?”

She wanted to refuse. But she glanced at the boy, sighed, and gave in. MacDougal sniffed her hand, leaning over the table to move up her arm. He nuzzled her collarbone lightly.

She barely resisted slapping him. Instead, she settled for pulling away with a glare.

Sorry. I couldn’t resist.” His dark eyes were amused.

Do it again, I’ll damage your pretty nose.”

He grinned. “So, you think my nose is pretty.”

She blinked. “They your clan?”

No. I don’t recognize the scents of the vampires or the wolf. Which is certainly strange.” He glanced at the boy. “What’s your name, lad?”

After a reassuring nod from Niki, he answered, “Robby.”

And your story?”

He escaped from the man I’m searching for. Seems like Thomas is keeping young vampires prisoner, though who knows why.”

I heard.” Jordan’s eyes blazed, red flooding the blue. “How many?”

A few.”

And you didn’t tell me?”

She snorted. “As you said, I’m not your clan.”

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