Bloody Heretic (10 page)

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Authors: Emily Barker

BOOK: Bloody Heretic
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The boss wants to see you,”
he said addressing Jeanne.

It can wait,”
she growled back.

He turned on his heel and left her to stare after him. The sensual fog was clearing from her brain and she realized that this was she had
been waiting for. Her chance to get inside the office without suspicion.
Damn it!
She shoved the girl away from her and stomped off without a backwards glance at Dominic. She knew if she looked at him as he ravaged that girl, she wouldn

t leave the room. T
he door slammed behind her as she took off towards the second story. Best to get this over with so she could get back to where she really wanted to be.
Two Vamps guarded the door to the office, neither was the bastard that had interrupted her. She swore th
at if things went south and she ended up having to raze this place that he would be the first to go. One of the two placed a hand to his ear. He opened the door for her and nodded to her to go inside. She sneered at him as she brushed past. The hallway wa
dark but with her perfect vision she could see that there were three doors to her left and two to her right.

This way, Ms. Darke,”
a voice called out to her from the room closest on the right. When she entered the Vamp behind the massive desk rose t
o hold out his hand to her.

Valentin Tarasov,”
he introduced himself.
She stared at his hand but didn

t respond, still pissed at the interruption
he had caused
He dropped the hand and motioned for her to sit.


ll stand, thank you,”
she told h
im, feeling petty but not enough to curb her mouth.

Whatever you prefer,”
he answered, smoothing his suit jacket as he sat. “
Now, I understand you showed some interest in our Ivana. She won

t shut up about her offer to dance in America, in fact. I

sure you understand that it was wrong to get her hopes up about something so impossible.”
He smiled at her but it looked to her like he might be having a stroke.

I don

t see why it should be impossible. It would be a sound investment for the both of o
ur businesses. I

m sure you would want a percentage of her cut. I pay all my girls handsomely.”
He seemed to think on her offer but she knew this rat didn

t really control Ivana

s fate. He was a pawn. Boris Aleksandrov was the man they were after.


m sure you do. The real problem is that I can

t let her go. She belongs to Boris and he will never let her go, not without something substantial in return. And I don

t mean money.”
He opened his pudgy hands to show that it was beyond his control. She took
a deep breath, growing tired of his game.
A quick thought sent out to the guards
outside the main door and they were
under her control. They were effectively blacked out but still appearing to be conscious to anyone who bothered to look.
She didn

t hear any electronics running inside the room.

Where is Boris?”
She watched with satisfaction as the stupid grin he had been giving her fell, his mental walls falling as quickly. Nobody kept Jeanne out if she wanted in.


s out on business. H
e didn

t say where,”
he answered robotically.

When will he be back?”

Tomorrow night. He said tomorrow night.”
Sweat was dripping from his temples as he fought her, ratting out his boss was against his nature. She let him think he had a snowballs
chance in hell, just for the fun of it.

Tell me,”
she said as she decided to finally sit, “
did Boris promise to help Dante of Orleans with his ridiculous plans of world domination or did he just receive the goods for staying out of the way?”

I d

t know. He doesn

t talk to me about things like that. I just run the club for him.”
He was telling the truth.
She drummed her fingers on the desk.

Alright, how about this? Where do the girls stay when they

re not working?”

The compound.”
tic. She glared at him and he flinched. “
There are four stories of underground tunnels below us. The girls and most of the guard stay below.”

Excellent. Where do you stay?”
She asked out of curiosity.

I have a house in the country. I only come in on the days Boris tells me to.”
His skin was soaked as he tried his hardest to keep from answering her.

How nice for you. How do you gain access to the compound?”

There are two ways in. One is throug
h the girl

s dressing room. The other is used as an emergency e
xit. It leads out to the river. The security
teams are
the only ones with access beside Boris and myself.”

Very good, Val. We

re almost done. Tell me how many Werewolves do you have employ
ed here.”

Sixteen of the thirty girls are Weres. Only ten to fifteen of the bunch work a night. We switch them out in shifts so none of them are bled out.”


s considerate,”
she said and he nodded as if he really thought it was. “
Why keep them

Keeps them docile.”
She couldn

t stand to be in the room with him any longer. His stench was the least of the reasons why.

Go to sleep, Val,”
e ordered. His eyes rolled
back as his head hit the desk with a thunk.
She leaned in to w
hisper in his ear. “

ll wake up as soon as I leave the room. All you will remember is my offer of $60,000 for Ivana, which you generously decided to consider. You will tell Boris of the offer and convince him to see me at his convenience tomorrow night.
I will be back to receive an answer then.”
She sent the memory out to the guards as well, knowing that they would have been trained to listen in. A quick look around the room for any useful evidence, of which there was none, and she walked away. Val lift
d his head as she rounded the corner.

Nice talking with you, Ms. Darke,”
he called out.

Same here, Val.”
She nodded to the guards as she glided by. They remained expressionless as always, blissfully unaware of ever being out of commission. The wa
tch on a

wrist as she walked by said it was a quarter till one.
She had been gone for twenty
minutes. She wondered what Dominic had gotten into while she was gone. A smile grew as she headed back to the Velvet Room. It shrank as she neared the door.
It was utterly silent inside. No moans, no cries of ecstasy. She flung the door op
sure that Dom had bailed after she left to deal with Valentin. But the sight greeting her wasn

t an empty room. Blood pooled in her stomach, thick as curdled milk, as she
took in the sight
before her. Somehow in the twenty
minutes that she had been gone Dominic had managed to nearly drain both of the girls in his lap and was working on the third as she watched, stunned into silence. His clothes were gone, scattered amid th
e tipped over furniture. His back heaved as he drank from the girl under him. Her legs had long before fell from around his waist. They lay limp at her side, one draped over the end of the couch. Jeanne snapped out of her stupor when Dom reared back sudde
ly, eyes wild.
His hand came up to rake his bloody chest as his eyes
snapped to hers.
Green Eyed Devil seemed an appropriate nickname now.
She walked further into the room
, to help the girl or
Dom she wasn

t sure but she didn

t get the chance. Before she could react she found herself flat on her back on the floor. Dom had her hands pinned above her as he dropped down to sniff at her neck.

What in the hell...,”
she tried to ask but before another word was uttered D
om struck, biting into her shoulder with lightening quick precision. She had thought that she was a strong woman, capable of anything that she put her mind to. She was wrong. What she should have done was push Dom off of her, help the girls passed out on
he floor, and gotten them out of there before they were caught. What she actually did was writhe like a wanton barmaid under his hard, grinding body as he sucked at her neck. Her legs came up to wrap themselves around his waist, her shoes lay forgotten on
the floor a
she dug at his back with her heels. The fire from his kiss spread through her like the sweetest torture imaginable. He held her wrists in one hand, though she wasn

t sure if he was really restraining her or if she just let him. His other hand
was pulling at the end of her dress, seeking and finding her wet and ready for him. She howled and
twisted in his grasp
as he readied her for what she knew was coming. Lord help her, she let him seat himself fully inside her, laughing manically as he thrus
t again and again. He only stopped drinking from her neck long enough to flip her over and push into her from behind. And again he bit into her, this time under her ear. She wailed like a banshee as he pounded into her over and over. A rumbling growl soun
ed from inside his chest and she knew he was close. Despite being crazed with blood lust he still had the frame of mind to place a hand to her clit, messaging her to the first orgasm a man had given her in four hundred years. She brought the house down wi
h her cries of ecstasy, and he followed right behind her, pulling away from her neck as he shouted to the ceiling. He collapsed on top of her, throwing his dead weight to the side at the last minute. The sprinklers could have turned on in that moment and
he still wouldn

t have moved out from under him.
Whether it was blood loss or complete sexual satisfaction she didn

t know but moving just didn

t seem like a good idea.
She laid in blissful ignorance for some time before reality came crashing down. One of
the girls was moaning, the blonde on the couch, and her shifting around was causing blood to run down the wound in her neck. She lifted up off the floor, shifting Dom

s weight off of her back so she could get to the girl before she bled out. A quick swipe
of her tongue and the twin punctures closed. She listened to the girl

s heartbeat. It was erratic but not deadly so. She sighed in relief when a cursory check of the other two showed the same. As she sat back on her haunches, surveying the room, footsteps
sounded outside the door. She took hold of whoever was outside and turned them around. She didn

t waste any time after that. Getting Dom

s pants back on while he lay passed out was bad enough
but after collecting the rest of his clothes she discovered all
that was left to be salvaged were his shoes.
His shirt was shredded, his tie was nowhere to be found, the zipper on his pants was broke and even his socks were torn.

What did you do? Bite them off?”
She chastised as she pulled his shoes on. “
You owe m
e for this. And I will collect.”
She huffed at his unconscious body. After fixing what she could around the room, righting chairs and the settee,
cleaning the girls and laying them
comfortably as possible, she braced herself to wake Dom up.

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