Bloody Heretic (8 page)

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Authors: Emily Barker

BOOK: Bloody Heretic
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m sure she knows what she

s doing,”
Adam said. Dom continued to watch the girls.

Have you noticed that the ones in the cages are a little more out of it than the ones on the floor?”
He ask
ed without looking down. The two men looked up as well.

Yeah. They are. Why, do you think it

s significant?”
Adam asked.


m not sure yet. But if I noticed within an hour of being here what you hadn

t in two days than you were right to send me a
nd Jeanne in,”
he told them. Ethan had the decency to look ashamed. Adam shrugged.


m sure I would have noticed it eventually,”
he said as he casually sipped his drink.

Right. Noticed Vic

s ass is more like it,”
Dom guessed as he watched Adam wa
tching his woman. The girls
had worked their way closer to
them. Adam sent him a scathing look but they both knew it was true.
They sat in silence for awhile, watching the crowd, or at least Dom was. Ethan and Adam were watching the girls dance. When Alex
held out a hand to Ethan he didn

t hesitate to get up and join her on the dance floor. Adam was right behind him, snatching Vic around her waist and swinging her around. She laughed and clasped on tight to his neck. Dom kept the depth of his jealousy hidd
n down as always. His curiosity got the better of him eventually and he got up to look around the huge building. The largest room holding the dance floor and bar was only one part of the converted warehouse. The western half held the private rooms, where
lients got lap dances or took part in more nefarious activities. He walked casually around, memorizing the layout and taking note of the guard posted throughout the different areas. The main room had a
upper balcony area that held another bar and housed t
he office area to the back. It would be one hell of an operation to get the girls out unnoticed. There would be a fight. He was certain. Boris wasn

t running a half assed business
here that
was for sure.
The lights and music dimmed suddenly as he was makin
g his way back toward the table and he looked right to see a spotlight shine down to the stage. The crowd cheered as they made the
ir way forward. He rushed past
them before he was swept up in into the maelstrom that was Ivana

fan base. He made it back to the table to see everyone except Jeanne seated already.


s Jeanne?”
He asked. Alex pointed to the stage. He turned to see and sure enough there she was, standing front row, looking as eager as anyone else to see Ivan
a take the stage. He cracked a laugh
unable to do otherwise
look on her face. It wasn

t long before Whitesnake

s “
Here I go Again”
came on. The crowd went crazy.
He sat back fully against the leather seat, determined to have a good time despit
e how unsure he was of how the rest of the night would go. When the curtain parted he sat forward in his seat. He looked over to Adam, who looked back at him over Vic

s head.


his look said. Ivana was hot. All long legs and long auburn hair. Whites
nake was a perfect fit. As she worked her way around the stage, dipping and twirling around in her white dress, every eye in the room was on her. It became quickly apparent why everyone loved her. Hell, if he wasn

t used to curbing his nature he might be
p front with Jeanne, clapping and bouncing as she was. His eyes lingered on Jeanne for a moment, transfixed by her glee. You

d think she were a groupie. The memory of her ownership of the #1 lesbian club in New Orleans flitted through his mind. As he watc
ed her his conviction of her sexuality waned. She watched as raptly as any male in the room. Disappointment filled him, though it was stupid to think her being gay was the thing keeping them apart. It wouldn

t have mattered either way.
Perhaps it would be
best if she were. Knowing without a doubt that she wouldn

t ever touch him would cool his heels, he was sure. He made a mental note to find out the truth as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
looked away from her and continued to watch Ivana spin
around the hood of the Jaguar.
All told, the performance was certainly entertaining, Valentin hadn

t been wrong about that. Ivana

s talent for
dancing was only eclipsed by her ability to make Whitesnake worth listening to. As she slid to the floor of the
stage, finishing her act, Jeanne leaned forward pass everyone else around her to slip Ivana a twenty dollar bill and what looked like her business card. Dom had to give it to her, if he owned a club he

d want Ivana dancing in it too. She took the money an
the card and slipped them into her elastic top, nodding to Jeanne in thanks, and then she bowed to the crowd and took her leave behind the sliding curtain.
Jeanne bounded over as the pulsing techno music came back on and the crown disbursed back to the da
nce floor.


s better live than on YouTube! Did you see her?”
Jeanne asked ecstatically, sliding in next to Dom. He slid away as her hip slammed into his, reacting as if he were burned.

I told you
Vic told her.


s Tawny

s long lost Russi
an daughter.”
They laughed with her in agreement. Vic went to reach for Adam

s glass, thinking it was her own and Adam snatched it away from her.

You don

t want that, dear.”
He handed her the glass of wine that was sitting next to it. She gaped wide-e
yed at what she had almost done.

Let her drink it I say. Bet she won

t do it again,”
Jeanne quipped. They looked at her aghast. “
she said. Vic didn

t look so sure. Dom tried not to laugh but he knew his lips were twitching like mad. She elb
owed him in the side and he burst out laughing. He couldn

t help it. Eventually they all started laughing. In that moment he was actually happy. It seemed like the first time in a long time. He looked down at Jeanne when he felt her eyes on him. She smile
back, almost seeming to study him for something. He didn

t know what to say so he looked away.

Well, if you girls are ready, we

ve decided to take off to let Jeanne and Dom to their own devices,”
Adam said.
More like leaving me to my vices,
Dom thou
ght to himself. The panic he had felt since last night hit him full force again.
They were leaving him alone in this place. No, not alone. They were leaving him in the care of the only woman who could simultaneously give him a hard on and terrify him to hi
s bones.


m ready. Can we stop by that pizza joint down the street on the way back? I

m starving,”
Vic stated as she stood up. Adam leaned in and whispered in her ear.
She slapped him but the wicked gleam in her eye said she was in full agreement to his proposal. Alex glanced at Ethan as well, and Dom finally looked away in disgust.

Disgusting, isn

t it?”
Jeanne leaned in to ask him. He chuckled.

My thought exactly. I honestly can

t wait until they tire of each other,”
he answered. Adam stopped and glanced back.

Not going to happen

, he mouthed. He continued his way back to the bar to settle the tab. Alex and Vic glared at him. “
They shook
their heads at him.

Good luck tonight Jeanne. Call us if you get into any unwanted trouble
Alex said to Jeanne.

No such thing,”
she answered. The girls smiled at her statement.

Ont-day orget-fay o-tay o-day at-thay ing-thay e-whay
ay bout-ahay,”
Alex whisp
ered to Jeanne on her way past
. Pig Latin was not his forte but he was pretty sure she was telling Jeanne not to forget to do that
thing they had talked about. Alex
looked up at him, noticing his interest and quickly walked away. N
o one else seemed to know what she was talking about either. Adam met them at the door as they donned their coats. Once they were out the door he was truly alone with her. He tried not to look too obvious about scooting away from her but by the look on he
face he had failed.



Chapter Four



    She watched as Dom casually slid away from her now that there was room to do so.

Cooties aren

t catching, Dominic,”
she told him and had the pleasure of seeing him smile.

What do you know about cooties?

He asked.

Just what I

ve read in Medical Journals
she quipped and was rewarded with another smile. Who knew she had a weakness for Caribbean men with dimples?

So, how is Blanche doing?”
He asked.


s fine for now. I sent her off with
a guard with the strict order of laying her down to rest.”

What makes you think he listened?”

What makes you think he didn

She stared at him. He smiled crookedly, giving it to her that he trusted in her ability.

Would you like a glass?

He asked motioning to the bottle of blood Adam had left behind for them. She shook her head.


m saving my appetite for later. Don

t forget why we

re here,”
she said and watched for his reaction.
He didn

t disappoint. His pupils dilated and he slowl
y sucked in a breath.

I haven

t forgotten,”
he said. “
Do you have anyone in particular picked out?”
She smiled at his forced casual conversation.

I try not to plan ahead for these sorts of things. Best to let them come to you.”


ve done
this before?”
He seemed taken aback.

Of course. Haven

t you?”
She asked. He opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. She couldn

t help but poke fun at him. “
First time, then? It

s alright, I

ll help ease you into it.”


s not my first
he said.


s no need to be embarrassed. I

ll help you out and it

ll be over before you know it.”
She patted his hand and he flinched. “
Now, what

s your type? I

ll help you pick someone out, that way you know it
will be easy to take from th
em and keep it realistic.”
He looked at her like she

d lost her mind.

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