Blooms of Consequence (Dusk Gate Chronicles Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Blooms of Consequence (Dusk Gate Chronicles Book 4)
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“She’s always had dreams that wake her up. Even when she was tiny.”

“I know. That’s why I didn’t want her to have to do all that work and wait half an hour for a cup of tea.”

Megan smiled. There was a soft look in her eyes now. “You really love her, don’t you?”

“I do.” Something about this conversation was causing a thick feeling in the back of his throat. He busied himself getting out two mugs and a container of tea.

“You know, last time I was here – the only other time I was here – there wasn’t any electricity.”

“That was a project that took my father and Nathaniel a number of cycles. We didn’t have it here at the castle until I was about ten. It’s still not even close to what you’re used to in your world. But most of the homes in the capital city at least have lighting now, and it’s slowly spreading to more outlying villages. It will take a long time for us to reach the point of appliances much beyond that, besides the few Nathaniel or I have brought across, anyway. Our light bulbs are made by hand.” He chuckled.

“Most of our world doesn’t have even what we have here. Once we’re at the castle in Philotheum, I suppose I’ll have to get up in the middle of the night and build fires for Quinn’s tea.”

“You do realize that she would probably be offended if she heard you implying that she’s not perfectly capable of building a fire herself.”

He smiled. So Megan
know her daughter. “Good point. I may just have to keep her company while she works.”

“Maybe she won’t have the dreams anymore.”

He sighed, looking into her eyes as he slid a steaming mug across the counter to her. “Maybe. I’m sure she’d appreciate it if she didn’t. But my father and my oldest brother both have them, too. I think it may just be a firstborn thing. Did Samuel have them as well?”

“Yes.” Megan was quiet for a moment, stirring her tea. “So is all of this really true – Samuel was supposed to be the king, and now that leaves Quinn to be the queen?”

“Yes, that’s all true.”

“Does that mean you’ll be the king?”

“It does.”

“Would you be offended if I said I didn’t think you were the type?”

He laughed. “No. I think I’d have to say that’s awfully accurate for someone who’s known me for as short a time as you have.”

“I gave you a really terrible first impression of myself, didn’t I?”

“Well, to be fair, my
impression of you was as just one of the teachers at the school. I thought you seemed nice enough.”

“And, knowing what you know now, do you really think I didn’t notice you then? That I haven’t always? I knew who you were, William. And I had
idea why Charlotte and Stephen would be sending you to live in Bristlecone with Nathaniel. Really, I could only think of one reason they’d do something like that.”

“You thought they wanted your daughter.”

“Was I wrong?”

“They never told me anything about it. I never knew anything about her – other than what I saw at school.”

“I know. I know all of it. And I’m trying, for her sake, to understand it. I am sorry for how you saw me behave. I know it wasn’t rational; I know I could have handled it better. And I know it’s going to take time for you to trust me – the fact that you don’t yet, well, in a strange way it actually makes this more bearable. I know I’m leaving her with someone who loves her as much as I do.”

“I promise I’ll take care of her always.”

“Thank you.”

“I meant it when I said you can come and visit as often as you want, and for as long as you want.”

“Provided there’s not still a war going on and I’m not risking being captured... I still don’t know what I’m going to tell everyone about where Quinn has gone.”

He nodded; this was going to be a complicated topic, especially as neither William nor Nathaniel would be returning either. Nathaniel had decided it was time for him to return permanently to Philotheum as well.

“As close to the truth as you can manage is usually best,” he said. “Tell everyone that Nathaniel is actually Quinn’s uncle, and she had an opportunity to travel with him.”

Megan nodded. “Something like that, I suppose.” She stared down at her hands, which were wrapped around her mug, and she sighed. “My husband, Jeff, has been wanting us to be able to move for a long time. He’s coming back from Afghanistan soon. He’s been offered another contract in Atlanta. It would start almost immediately if he took it, but it would be for three years. We’ve been arguing over it, really. He wants to take it, and for us to go down there with him. Whatever you think of me keeping Quinn from Nathaniel and your family – I kept my promise. I never tried to take her out of Bristlecone.”

William swallowed hard. “It would be unfair of us to ask you to stay close to the gate so we could visit easily.”

“Are you going to be close enough to the gate on this side for that to happen, anyway?”

“No. The castle in Philotheum is nearly five days’ travel from here.”

Megan nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

“Have you told Quinn about any of this?”

“Not yet. The plan was to try to enjoy as much of the time we have as possible, remember?”

“I recall something like that.”

 She rolled her eyes, reminding him instantly of Quinn. “I was planning on speaking to her tomorrow, if I can ever find some time alone with her.”

“What are you going to tell your husband?”

“The truth. He’s my husband. I’ve never lied to him about who Quinn’s father was, or any of this. Not that I’m sure he
all of it, but I did tell him.”

William blinked. “You told him? Just like that?”

“Yes. Back when we were first dating, even. He’s an engineer, you know. Kind of a geeky guy – he’s always read a lot. He might have been more impressed with my story if it had involved dragons, but he still proposed after I’d told him. I wouldn’t have married someone I had to keep a secret from.”

“You kept it from your daughter.”

“Jeff was never completely supportive of that. But she was a child. It was my job to protect her. That’s a huge burden, you know, keeping that kind of secret from most people. I’m mad at myself now for dragging Annie and Owen into it. What happens when they go to school after this and tell their friends what they did during their break?”

“I don’t think Owen
tell anyone. And Annie is still so little that everyone will think she’s just telling stories.”

“And I’m supposed to support
? Let my four year old think that people don’t believe her when she tells the truth? That, right there, is the weight I never wanted to put on Quinn’s shoulders when she was a little girl. Her life would never have been normal. And that would have been my fault.”

“It wouldn’t have been all your fault, Mom.” William and Megan both looked up in surprise to see Quinn standing in the doorway, wrapped in her long robe, her thick auburn hair falling everywhere. William reached into the cabinet below him for another mug as she came to the counter. “Some of it might have been your fault, in a way, but doesn’t there come a point where it’s just the truth? Where we both have to accept that my life was never going to be normal?”

Megan brushed some of Quinn’s hair back from her face. “How about we just both accept that I messed up big time, and I’m sorry? That I’m not perfect, but I love you more than my own life, and all I really ever wanted was for you to be happy and loved.”



~ 16 ~
A Celebration


“ARE YOU NERVOUS?” Linnea asked.

“About getting married? Would you think I was crazy if I told you I’m not?”

“No. I would just take it as one more sign that you’re doing the right thing.”

“You know, Nay, I really think I am.”

“I think you are, too. And for the record – William’s not nervous about it either. I already asked.”

“Of course you did.”

“Well, I should clarify; he’s not nervous about the wedding.”

“Just about living with me for the rest of his life?”

Linnea snorted, pausing in her copious application of blush to Quinn’s cheeks. “Hardly. It’s not like he could find anyone else who’d put up with him.”

Quinn aimed a half-hearted swipe at her friend, which Linnea easily ducked. “He’s a good guy. You’d think you’d be more loyal to your brother.”

“I’ve got lots of brothers. William’s not the one I’d marry even if he wasn’t my brother. He’s too moody. I’m happy he found you, though,” she added quickly, seeing Quinn’s glare. “He’s been less moody with you around, anyway. You’re good for him.”

“I think he’s good for me, too.”

“Yeah, you two are made for each other and all of that mushy stuff.”

Quinn reached for Linnea’s hand. “You’re going to find yours, too, Nay.”

“I know, I know. Not like you’re any help. You could have at least given me enough notice to find a date for your wedding.”

“It’s a small ceremony and a lunch in the dining room. It’s not exactly a date-worthy occasion.”

“Well, then I’m going to start hunting now for someone to take to your coronation.”

“Let’s take it one step at a time.”

Linnea sighed. “Close your eyes so I can do your eye shadow. I’m going to miss having William bring me back this kind.”

“I’m sure we can figure something out … so, what
William nervous about?”

Linnea gave her a meaningful look. Quinn frowned, but then blushed as she understood. “He did
tell you he’s nervous about that.”

“He didn’t have to.”

This time Quinn’s swipe wasn’t half-hearted.

“What? You can’t tell me you’re not nervous, too.”

“That is none of your business, Nay.”

“Oh, come on. You’re my sister now. And this quite definitely falls into sister territory.”

“Speaking of sisters, when is Rebecca bringing my mom in here?”

“And she almost sinks the diversion into the ten-point goal, but the goalkeeper manages to bump it back with just the tips of her fingers.”

“Seriously, Linnea.”

“All right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t joke. I mostly just wanted to make sure you’re okay, and that you know you can always talk to me. I’ll be a nervous wreck the morning of my wedding, I think.”

Quinn cocked her head to the side, trying to organize her response, though she earned an exasperated sigh from Linnea, who was shading her eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. “I don’t know. It’s not like that, really. I mean, yeah, I’m sort of nervous … and I’m sure it will probably be worse later – if we ever actually
time alone tonight – but… it’s William. Maybe if I was marrying someone I didn’t really know, or I didn’t trust the way I trust him, it would be different. But I’m not. I’m marrying him. It will all work out.”

“All right. Now I’m jealous. Why did you let me bring this up again?”

“Um, because I couldn’t stop you?”

Linnea set the last of the make-up brushes back on the counter just as there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Can we come in?” Rebecca called, though she was already inside.

Quinn stepped out of the bathroom as they entered – Rebecca leading Megan, and both of them followed by Mia, who had a long, white dress folded over her arm.

The dress had been a special project for Charlotte’s personal seamstress and a couple of assistants over the last two days. White wedding dresses weren’t a custom here in Eirentheos. She had tried insisting to Charlotte that it wasn’t necessary – that she would be happy with something simple in the style of this world, but the queen was adamant about making this as special for Quinn as she could in the limited time she had to put it together.

And she had to admit it was a beautiful dress, exactly what she would have wanted, if she’d had any idea what that would be. It was simple, a perfectly fitted short-sleeved bodice with a delicately scooped neckline that skimmed just under her pendant. The back and sleeves were overlaid with lace, in a way that was pretty, but not over the top, and it had a long, flowing skirt that flared out a little, but wasn’t too “poofy”.

When they slipped it over her head, and she saw herself in the mirror, she gasped and shivered – she actually looked like a bride.

Megan was dressed already – Rebecca had been taking care of her all morning. “You look beautiful, Mom.”

“You do, Megan,” Linnea said. “You don’t look nearly old enough to be the mother of the bride.”

Quinn shot her a look – it didn’t seem like a good idea to be bringing up the age thing right now – but Megan, for once, didn’t take issue with it. She just smiled. “Thank you, Linnea. Are you going to change so I can see the Maid of Honor dress?”

“Absolutely. It’s the only time I’m ever going to get to be one. I plan on enjoying it for as long as possible.” Wedding attendants weren’t part of the tradition here either, but Linnea and Thomas had jumped at the chance to participate. Linnea, who didn’t often get emotional about anything, had actually cried when Quinn explained the role to her.

While Rebecca assisted Linnea with getting her dress on, Megan and Mia turned to Quinn. When Mia started fastening the buttons on the back, Quinn felt warmth flow into her cheeks at the memory of the other night.

“Are you getting excited?” Megan asked. “Or nervous?”

“Both. Even though the ceremony isn’t really going to be anything big.”

“It really doesn’t matter if there are five people or five hundred, sweetheart. The ceremony is never the part that’s big.”

“I know.”

“Your father and I had a very small wedding, you know.”

Quinn shook her head. She’d never asked about her parents’ wedding. She’d been at her mother’s second wedding, been the flower girl, actually. While it hadn’t been the kind of huge affair that Simon’s wedding here had been, it had been a big party, with lots of friends, and lots of Jeff’s family.

“It was only your father and I, and Nathaniel and Maggie. We had it outside in a little park. We’d asked a friend of Maggie’s father, who was a pastor, to perform the ceremony. But he never showed up. Instead, this strange old man came – it startled the heck out of Samuel, who seemed to know him. But he was nice.”

“Alvin,” Quinn whispered. She didn’t know whether to be awed or horrified.

“Yes, that was his name. How did you know that?”

“You’ll see him again downstairs. He’s marrying me and William.”

Megan was silent for several seconds, and then she shook her head. “At this point, I almost feel like I should have seen that coming.”


*          *          *

 Quinn was calm right up until she found herself alone with Nathaniel in a little room to the side of the ballroom. Then, her palms turned damp, and she could feel her heartbeat in her throat.

For the last two days, Charlotte, Rebecca, and Linnea had been ceaseless in their questions about wedding traditions in Quinn’s world. Now, it appeared that they’d taken everything Quinn and Megan had told them, and replicated it as best they could in the ballroom. Although the door was closed to keep the scene a surprise for Quinn, when it had swung open for a few seconds to let her mom and Linnea out, she had caught a glimpse of chairs gathered on two sides of a carpeted aisle, leading up to a white, flower-covered arch, and she could hear the soft music coming from a small radio William had once brought back as a present for his brother Daniel.

“They’re an unstoppable force,” Nathaniel said, following her gaze.

“It feels like it’s too much.”

“Which is exactly the opposite of the truth, you know. You’re going to be a queen.”

She shook her head. “But I’m not yet. Besides, you don’t know what’s going to happen when I get to Philotheum.”

A dark shadow crossed Nathaniel’s face. This was the part they weren’t talking about – the fact that this could all still go horribly wrong. After everything he’d told them, after they’d based their entire plan on his words, Jonathan had disappeared. Stephen had gone to speak with him the morning after the dinner party, and found his room empty, nothing left behind, as if he’d never been there.

Now, they didn’t know what to believe, or what he would do. After hours of discussions and arguments, though, they’d decided that the course of action should be the same – Quinn must travel to Philotheum. If they waited, the fighting was only going to escalate. Tensions in the castle were high as it was – Linnea had been under constant guard ever since Jonathan had disappeared. Ben shadowed her every step if she was outside of the family’s private quarters.

Even this wedding ceremony was as far under wraps as they could keep it, with only close family invited, and a few trusted servants assisting with the preparations and work. She knew Charlotte was still hoping they’d be able to have a “proper” ceremony sometime later.

“Well, future queen or not, you are my niece, and this is your wedding, and as such, it could never be as much as you deserve.” He blinked hard several times, enough to make her wonder if he was tearing up a little.

“And I know I said this when you asked, Quinn ... but being asked to give you away is the greatest honor I’ve had in my life. This tradition alone is almost enough to make me feel grateful that you grew up in Bristlecone.”

Hot moisture pricked at the corners of her eyes, and she swallowed hard, unable to speak right away.

“Of course, I wish that Samuel were here to do it instead, and I know you’re probably wishing Jeff was here...”

She shook her head, reaching for his hand, trying to keep her voice steady. “I love you, Uncle Nathaniel.”

“I love you too.”

Just as he kissed the top of her head, the music changed.

The rest of the preparations for the ceremony were as traditional and simple as they were beautiful. Nathaniel led Quinn behind the guests and toward the short aisle; the chairs were occupied mostly by William’s family and the very few members of hers. Despite his ongoing uncertainty about her, Charles and his family sat on the “bride’s” side of the aisle, in the row behind Ellen, Henry, Andrew, and Natalie. Quinn could see his daughter, Gianna, the other potential heir, sitting quietly next to her mother, Thea.

She had met the young girl two days ago, and liked her immediately. Gianna had been playing happily with William’s sisters and Annie; unaffected by the serious atmosphere that hung over the adults. Whatever hopes or plans Charles may have pinned on his daughter, he hadn’t burdened the child with them, and realizing that fact had given Quinn more respect for him.

She didn’t have much time to focus on the guests, though. As soon as she reached the entrance of the aisle, she looked up. William was standing beneath the arch wearing a black tuxedo, and the biggest grin she had ever seen. Thomas stood just behind William’s shoulder, in traditional Eirenthean formalwear, and Linnea, looking beautiful in her flowing purple dress, was on the other side, leaving a second space in the middle for when Quinn reached the altar.

Behind the arch was Alvin, dressed in a floor-length white robe, his blue eyes sparkling with his smile.

A row of tiny flower girls knelt on purple rugs on either side of the arch. They’d showered the aisle with so many flowers that Quinn’s dress stirred up a small storm of white and red rose petals as she walked, causing the sweet fragrance to rise up and waft over everything. Charlotte had originally objected to her youngest daughters participating, saying that Annie should have the honor by herself, but it had been Annie who wouldn’t hear of it – she wasn’t going to do anything her new friends couldn’t do, too.

Annie did stand right at the edge of the arch on Quinn’s side, her lacy white dress a perfect contrast to Owen’s black tux next to her. For a fraction of a second, as she saw them standing there, she nearly forgot her promise to herself that she wasn’t going to think about saying good-bye to them. She was only going to cherish the fact of them being here, celebrating this day with her.

As she and Nathaniel reached the end of the aisle, she looked back up at William. There was elation in his eyes, triumph, even, but also something more. A flicker of sadness, of deep understanding, of not only having seen Quinn’s mixed emotions a moment ago, but of being right there with her, his heart right in step with hers. And,
how she loved him right then.

Alvin stepped forward and asked a question of Nathaniel that she didn’t hear. She turned and was kissed by her mother, and then by Nathaniel, and then she turned to face William again.

As soon as William took her hands in his, she
– knew in a deeper way than she’d realized, even when she’d said yes, even as they’d planned this event. It was going to be hard to say good-bye to the family and the world she knew. But this was right. This was her home now. William was her family.

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