Blossoms of Love (18 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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Lamont picked Natalie up in his arms and carried her up the one flight of steps to their room. When they were in the room and the door shut, before he put her down he kissed her tenderly, “Hello Mrs. Ellman.” She said, “Monty I wanted tonight to be the most beautiful night of our life.” He asked, “You don’t think it will be?” Tears came to her eyes, “How can it be? I have to stay in bed. I can’t do anything.” “Except love me” he replied, “What does it matter about walking? I don’t think I could make love to you very well walking.” Natalie giggled, “You idiot. Be serious.” He continued to tease, “Of course now, if you know something I don’t—about this making love—I’m willing to try.” Natalie laughed, “Okay you’ve made your point. That’s quite enough.” She sighed, “Just put me down on the bed.” He admitted, “You are getting heavy.” She said, “If you’ll open my small bag and get the yellow lace gown, I’ll get comfortable.” As he opened the bag she asked, “Monty, how am I going to take a bath?” He laughed, “Well let’s see, I could turn you upside down and hold you until you get your front washed. Then . . “ She interrupted, “Just forget it, I’ll think of something.” Lamont looked at her as he handed her the gown then he snapped his finger, “I’ve got it. Take a whores bath.” Natalie asked, “A what!” He grinned, “A whores bath. Get a pan of water, wash down to possible, wash up to possible, and I’ll wash possible.” Natalie burst out laughing, “Monty you’re crazy. Get me the pan of water and I’ll was all of me. I can do that.” Lamont said, “Well okay. I was just trying to be helpful.”

She had just finished her bath and had her gown on when there was a knock on the door. Natalie covered up. Lamont said, “That must be our steaks.” The bellboy rolled a small, round table into the room. He put a tablecloth on it and the dishes and silverware. Then another bellboy brought the food they had ordered and a cake they hadn’t ordered. The first bellboy said, “The cake is from Mr. Fry.” Lamont gave both a sizable tip for which they both thanked him several times. They ate their steaks and sipped on the wine. Then he looked at his bride, “I think I’ll get shaved and take a shower.” He took his shirt off and went to the bathroom. She could see him shaving from her bed. She called to him, “Monty I love you.” He looked at her and winked.

Soon he crawled in the bed beside her. Even though the lights were out and it was dark, she knew he was naked. Gently he pulled her into his arms. He nibbled on her ear and whispered, “Do you think you could give your old man a wee bit of lovin?” She clung to him, “Yes darling.” His hands went up and down her bare back then to her breasts. She quivered with excitement. His touches got more possessive and she moaned with the greatest outburst of passion she’d ever known. Lamont knew she had reached the height of her desire. In seconds they reached a sweet and beautiful climax. As she lay in his arms, both feeling content and satisfied, Natalie said, “Darling, tonight is the first time I have ever enjoyed sex. Those other times with you wasn’t like this. I feel so loved, so happy.” Lamont yawned, “I know.” Natalie asked, “You know what?” He said, “Those other times, I knew you weren’t responding like I knew you could.” He squeezed her to him, “Tonight baby, you were all mine.”

The next morning Lamont woke early. It was snowing. He put on his pants and thought he’d go get some coffee. He looked at his lovely wife. She was sleeping so peacefully. He then decided he would just call and have their breakfast brought up. She woke up as he was ordering their breakfast. She stretched and yawned, “What time is it?” He answered, “Eight o’clock.” She asked, “In the morning?” He laughed, “Yes my pet. In the morning.” She yawned again, “Monty it’s too early.” He said, “Go back to sleep.” She sat up in bed, “No, I’ve fouled up this honeymoon enough. I’m not going to let you sit and watch me sleep.”

Their breakfast came and they ate. Lamont looked at his wife, “You know honey, you’re not so bad looking early in the morning.” She looked up at him, “Gee thanks.” Lamont was being funny again this morning, Well, the way I see it you and I seem to go together. You’ve got a lovely face and I’ve got a gorgeous body. I think I can always satisfy you. What else is there?” Natalie drank some of her coffee, “Be serious for a few minutes.” He took a bite of bacon, “Okay, I’m serious.” She began, “Monty I don’t want to wait two or three years before we have a baby.” Lamont looked surprised, “Honey we haven’t been married twenty-four hours and you start talking about babies.” Natalie said, “Oh I don’t mean this soon. You do want children don’t you? He answered, “Damn right I do. I want a lot of them.” He took her hand, “Right now I just want you to think of me, because all I think of is you.” She smiled, “I promise all I’ll think of while we’re here will be you.” He carried her back to the bed. She gave a long sigh, “I feel so—so helpless.” Lamont kissed her as he carried her, “Will you shut up?” He untied her negligee, “I’m the one who is helpless, I can’t get enough of you.” As he began kissing her, she pulled him down beside her. She whispered, “I don’t ever want you to get enough of me.” Their lovemaking was wilder, and if possible, sweeter.

Afterwards he pulled the sheet over them and cradled her in his arms, “I love you.” She said, “Oh Monty, you said you loved me without me asking you to.” He held her close, “Don’t ever doubt me. I would never have married you if I hadn’t loved you.”

Later in the day they dressed and went to watch the people ice skate. There was music playing and it was still snowing. Natalie said, “When I get this darn cast off I want us to come back here. I want you to teach me to skate and ski.” Lamont promised her that they would.

That night they didn’t make love. Natalie fell asleep in his arms. Natalie woke early. Her ankle was hurting. She reached for the pain pills and knocked them off the night stand. She didn’t want Lamont to know she was in pain because he had rented a pair of horses and a sleigh so they could go riding this afternoon. She woke Lamont when she was stretching to pick up the pills. He yawned, “You awake already?” He looked around and saw she was leaning over the bed, “What in the hell are you doing?” “I dropped my pills,” She replied. He pulled her up, “I’ll get them for you.” He got out of bed. As he walked around on her side, she admired his body. Muscular shoulders and legs, he was equipped very well as far as being a man was concerned. He got the pills and a glass of water. She took two and leaned back on the pillow trying hard not to show she was in a lot of paint. He was very concerned, “Having much pain?” She shook her head. He pulled the sheet down, “Let’s look at that ankle.” It was swelled a little. Natalie burst out crying, “This is a hell of a way to spend a honeymoon. You have to carry me everywhere we go. You like to ice skate, you like to ski but all you get to do is sit here and wait on me.” Lamont got angry, “I want you to shut up about that. It was something that couldn’t be helped. Have you heard me complain?” She sniffed, “No, you wouldn’t.” Lamont said, “I’m really gonna get mad if you keep talking this way.” He lifted her face so he could kiss her. Lamont smiled, “Now I would complain if I couldn’t make love to you.” The pills helped Natalie.

That afternoon they went sleigh riding. They both got a big kick out of it. That night as Lamont was taking his shoes off he said laughingly, “I’ll never forget the look on that boy and girls faces when we went by and saw them in that old cabin naked. They didn’t know if they should run or hide.” Natalie said, “I think it embarrassed me as much as it did them.” Lamont laughed bigger, “That guy sure was getting his pants on. His butt shined like a silver dollar in the moonlight.” Natalie said, “I bet they were cold.” Lamont laughed more, “They were hot. The guy was going at it pretty good. They weren’t thinking of the weather.” Natalie was undressed now. Lamont got his other shoe off. He looked over at his bride, “You know something baby, that girl sure didn’t have the boobs you do.” Natalie said, “I’ll tell you a secret Monty, I’ve always wished my breasts were smaller. It’s hard to find clothes with a thirty-eight bust, twenty-three waist, and thirty-six hips.” Lamont said, “I’ll tell you a secret, you’ve got the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen.” He laid down on the bed and pulled her down by him, “You’ve got a lovely body and you’re all mine.” He took her hand, kissed it, and suggested, “Let’s make love.”

Late that night, Natalie was awakened by terrible pain. She called Lamont, “Monty.” He turned facing her. She called him again, “I need the pills real bad.” He went to the bathroom and got her some water. He then noticed she was in a lot of pain. He turned the cover back and looked at her ankle. It was swollen a lot. Lamont said, “Honey, I think we better go back home.” She said, “But Monty, we’re suppose to stay three more days.” He said, “We can always come back. You just lie back and let the pills take effect. I’ll get things packed. She cried as she watched him put the things in the bags. When he was done and he set the bags by the door he asked, “Feeling better?” She answered, “Yes, a lot better. Monty do you know it’s only one-thirty in the morning?” “Yes baby I know,” he said.

He helped her get dressed. He picked up the phone and told Ben why they had to leave. The bellboys were there in seconds. When they were down in the lobby Natalie said, “Monty I hate to leave here. We’ve found a paradise, a heaven on earth here.” Lamont said, “It isn’t the place sweetheart, it’s us. No matter where we’re at, it will be our private paradise. You’re my paradise.” Ben went out with them to the car. Ben said, “When you two come back, you’ll have free room for three days. Monty wouldn’t take a refund, hell I might even let you have a weeks’ free lodging.”

Lamont got her to the hospital at three thirty. A nurse called her doctor. He was at the hospital by the time Natalie was admitted and in her room. The doctor examined her ankle. In a few minutes he went to the waiting room where Lamont was. Lamont got up from his chair when he saw the doctor come in. The doctor said, “The swelling is caused by an infection. We had to take the cast off. I won’t put another one on until the infection is gone. I want her to stay here until it’s cleared up. I’m glad you brought her this soon. The infection would have gotten bad.” Lamont went in to see Natalie. She was sitting up in bed. She was crying. Lamont kissed her tenderly. He said softly, “Hey, no tears love. Everything’s’ gonna be alright. I’m going home to get a little shut eye. You get some sleep too. I’ll be back after while.” As he started towards the door, she said trying to smile, “I love you.” He winked at her, “You better, cause I love you.”

When he was gone, she laid back on her pillow. She was still having some paint but in just a few minutes she fell asleep. When Lamont drove up to the Ellman house, he noticed the Agars were still here. The car they rented was parked in the driveway. He opened the door and quietly went to the kitchen. Since there was only one bedroom downstairs and it was his mothers, he knew he wouldn’t wake anyone except maybe her. He was wishing she would hear him. He needed her to talk to. He made his coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. He was deep in thought when his mother came in the room. She asked, “What’s wrong Monty?” Lamont said, “I had to bring Natalie to the hospital. Her ankle began to swell. Thank God I did. It’s a bad infection.” Mrs. Ellman sat down at the table across from him, “Is it serious?” Lamont sighed, “The doctor said he didn’t think so that the infection was bad but I got her there in good time.” Mrs. Ellman asked, “In time?” “Yes,” he said, “In a few more hours she could have had blood poisoning. If it had been Mom, she stood a chance of loosing her foot. I’m still worried if this medicine doesn’t control the infection she could still loose her foot.” Mrs. Ellman asked, “Is that what the doctor said?” Lamont answered, “No, he said he thought she’d be alright but he could be keeping something from me.” She’d never seen him so worried. She tried to comfort him, “Her doctor is Dr. Morris. He’s one of the best doctors in this country. Now listen to me Monty. He doesn’t keep things from you. He was your father’s doctor. He told me your father wasn’t going to make it this time. I think you can believe him. Don’t borrow trouble, son. Now why don’t you go upstairs and get some sleep?” Lamont looked at his mother, “Thanks Mom for being here. Call me about noon. I want to go back to the hospital.” She smiled, “I will.”

She was sitting at the table when David came in, “Isn’t that Monty’s car? I heard someone come upstairs and I looked out the window and saw the car. Is anything wrong?” Mrs. Ellman said, “Get you a cup of coffee, I’ll tell you.” David got his coffee and sat down across from her. She said, “Monty had to bring Natalie back to the hospital. Her ankle is swelling and giving her a lot of pain. Dr. Morris said she had an infection. She’s going to be alright. They got to the infection in time.” David said, “That’s a rotten break for Natalie and Monty.” Mrs. Ellman said, “Dr. Morris told Monty if he had been much longer, she would have had blood poisoning and maybe lost a foot.” David said, “That just can’t happen. Natalie couldn’t take that. I know my sister.” Mrs. Ellman patted David on the hand, “Well Dr. Morris says she will be alright, it will just take time. It’s still early. Let’s go back to bed.”

When Natalie’s parents heard about their daughter, Mrs. Agar insisted that Natalie be moved to another hospital and have a specialist take care of her. Lamont said, “Dr. Morris is a bone specialist. I see no reason to change doctors or hospitals. If she wants it, she can have a private nurse.” Mrs. Agar said, “Monty, you’re tampering with our daughter’s life.” Lamont got very angry, “Natalie is my wife. She will have the best. She’s staying where she is.”

That afternoon Mrs. Agar insisted on staying in a hotel so they moved to the only one in town. Mr. Agar said before they left, “I’m sorry she has acted this way. I know Monty will take good care of Natalie.” Mrs. Ellman said, “That’s alright. Your wife is just worried.” David carried their bags to the car, “Mother that was all uncalled for. You know Monty will do all that can be done for Nat.” Mrs. Agar said, “He doesn’t have the money. Look at this place. The house is old and needs painting.” David said, “The house will be painted this spring. Monty and I will do it.” Mrs. Agar shot a look at her son, “You mean you’re not going back with us?” David answered, “No I’m not.” His mother said, “I just don’t understand you. You would rather stay in a place like this to live instead of our fine house?” David explained, “Mother I have real friends here. I like this country. I keep busy doing things I like to do. I really enjoy doing ranch work.” Mr. Agar came out of the house and walked beside his son. Mrs. Agar said, “Do you know Dave is not going back with us?” Mr. Agar said, “He’s a grown man.” David said, “There’s a ranch east of this one that I’ve been thinking about buying. It will be up for sale next week. It joins this ranch.” Mr. Agar said, “You can never go wrong buying land son.” David said, “I’ve learned a good bit about ranching. I’ve got a good teacher. Monty is a real good rancher, he knows it all.” David was happy because his father approved of what he was doing.

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