Blossoms of Love (4 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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When Natalie got up from her chair, a young man she knew put his arm around her and tried to kiss her. David noticed Natalie trying to pull away. With one blow David knocked the young man to the floor. Natalie knew Lamont wasn’t drunk. She begged, “Help me get Dave out of here.” Lamont got David around the shoulders, “Come on Bud, let’s get out of here.” David mumbled, “No mans’ gonna paw on my sister. She’s a good person.” Lamont agreed, “She sure is. Now come one, let’s go.” Dave asked, “Where is Nat?” “Right behind us.” Lamont replied.

He had a hard time getting him in the car. When they were all in the car Natalie asked, “You want me to drive?” Lamont answered, “Yea, I don’t have Alabama drivers’ licenses. I’m a bit tipsy too.”

Natalie started the car. As they pulled out onto the highway, Natalie said, “Dave did a stupid thing tonight. Now I won’t be able to go there until I’m twenty-one.” Lamont looked over at her, “Are you made?” Natalie answered, “No but . . .” She looked at Lamont, “I guess I’m really proud he’s my brother. He wants to protect me.” She began laughing, “He sure did clobber him, didn’t he?” Lamont said, “If he hadn’t, I would have.”

There were lights on in the house as they drove up the driveway. As they got David in the house, they saw that almost everyone was either asleep or passed out on the floor, chairs, couch, and even on the stairs. “They stepped over the people and got David upstairs in his room. Natalie said, “Thanks for helping me.” Lamont said, “Go on to bed. I’ll get Dave undressed.” She raised her up on her toes and kissed Lamont on the cheek. He watched her leave the room. David was out cold. Lamont got him undressed and in bed. He went to his room, took a cold shower, and got into bed.

It was almost noon when Lamont woke. He put on a pair of navy jeans. He got a clean white tee-shirt and put it on. Natalie tapped on his door, “Della has breakfast ready for us.” He went downstairs with Natalie. David was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his hand. Della said as she put the food on the table, “You young people never eat regular meals, go to bed too late. I just don’t see how you stay healthy.” Dave said, “Don’t talk so loud Della. You know you love us.” Della smiled, “Yes, I do love all of you.” She looked at David, “I do with you wouldn’t drink so much.” Dave said, “One of these days I’ll quit.” Della put her arm around his shoulder, “I hope that will be soon.”

All day long Lamont worked on David’s motorcycle. David was a good mechanic but he couldn’t find the trouble. Lamont finally found it. They repaired the motorcycle, took showers, dressed in their Navy uniforms, and went to town. After a few drinks, they found themselves in motel rooms with two girls David knew before he went into service. It was the next evening before they got home. Mr. and Mrs. Agar had gone to a party. Natalie was out on a date. After eating David asked, “What do we do now?” Lamont suggested, “Okay, why don’t we have a few games?” David said, “Good idea.”

Porter set the card table by the chairs. Della popped corn and they settled down to a few games of cards. They were still playing in the dent when Natalie came home. She was very surprised. She could never remember Porter and Della playing cards. David asked, “Want to joint us?” Natalie said, “No, I’m too tired. Good night everyone.” She went upstairs.

The next day everyone was busy getting ready for the Christmas Eve party. Late that afternoon Natalie asked David and Lamont if they would go shopping with her to get some last minute items. David said, “Now that sounds like great fun.” Natalie begged, “Ah come on, you don't have anything else to do.” Lamont grinned, “Come on Dave.” David sighed, “All right, I guess I better buy a few presents.”

Lamont said as they were riding to town, “I still can’t get over this weather. It must be at least sixty five degrees. I bet it’s about ten above zero at home.” Natalie said, “I’ve always wanted to live where there is snow on Christmas.” Lamont suggested, “Maybe you and Dave can go home with me next year.” Natalie said, “That is a date.” David said, “You’d like it there, Nat. The jagged mountains are beautiful. Monty’s family is wonderful.” Natalie asked, “Monty are you from a large family?” Lamont answered, “I have five brothers.” Natalie was surprised, “Five brothers! I sure feel sorry for your mother, taking care of six boys and a husband.” Lamont said, “Mom loves it. She lives for her family. Nothing makes her happier than to cook a big meal and see her family enjoy it.” Natalie looked at Lamont, “Someday I’d like to meet your family. To me it sounds like a storybook family.” David said, “They are real alright. I met every one of them. They are all good, hardworking, loving people. Nat, they don’t have much money but they are richer than we will ever be.”

David parked the car. Natalie finished her shopping in just a few minutes. She bought Lamont a beautiful, expensive watch. She helped David buy his presents. Lamont didn’t have much money after sending part of his check home. Natalie helped him with her suggestions of some inexpensive presents. While they were shopping, David went to Jake’s Bar. Natalie said, “Don’t you dare get drunk before tonight’s’ party David Agar.” David answered, “I’m not. I’ll just drink a beer or two.”

It took them another hour to finish the shopping. Lamont unloaded the packages in the trunk of the car. As he let the trunk down, they saw David coming towards them. To their surprise, he wasn’t drunk. Natalie said, “Monty, I’m glad you came home with Dave. You’re good for him.” Lamont said, “Dave is a lonely person Nat. He’s also a great guy.” Natalie laughed, “Dave lonely? You’re kidding.” Lamont’s face was very serious, “No I’m not kidding. He puts on a big front but he is very lonely, just like you.” Natalie quickly looked at him, “Me? Now I know you’re kidding. How could I be lonely? There’s always a house full of people” “You know what I mean. A person can be in a room full of people and still be very lonely.” Suddenly Natalie surprised Lamont when she leaned over and kissed him. Their eyes met as he asked, “What’s that for?” She smiled, “To thank you for the perfume and because I like you.” David opened the car door, “Are we ready to go?” Natalie answered, “Yes, let’s go home.”

Porter was decorating the house for the party. Della was in the kitchen preparing the food. Lamont thought it was odd to have a party on Christmas Eve. At home, Christmas Eve was always a family night. He knew tonight his family would gather and trim the tree then eat some of the goodies his mother had made and sing Christmas carols. The Agars’ didn’t even trim their tree. Porter and Della did. Lamont knew this party tonight was going to be a very elaborate affair. He and David were ready before anyone else was. The small orchestra arrived. David showed them where they would play.

As the people arrived, Lamont noticed the expensive gowns the ladies were wearing. When he saw Natalie come down the stairs, he was even more surprised. She was very beautiful wearing her hair high on her head and her dress was a baby blue velvet with tiny seeds of pearls sewn in a flower design all over the dress. It fit her small body perfectly. She smiled at Lamont standing at the bottom of the stairway. She knew by the look in his eyes that he looked the way she looked. When she reached the bottom step, he took her hand. He smiled, “My Miss Agar, you are very beautiful tonight.” Her eyes met his, “You are very handsome tonight yourself Mr. Ellman.” She looked around and saw her father pouring a drink from the bar. “Poor Dad, he is already tipsy.” Lamont said, “This is some party.” Natalie giggled, “Oh it hasn’t started yet. Most of the guests won’t arrive until around nine. We have three big parties like this a year. Always on Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, and on Mom’s birthday which is the Fourth of July.”

As the hours passed almost everyone was drunk. Lamont found himself a corner and just watched. He decided that he wouldn’t get drunk. He was having too much fun watching how rich people get their kicks. Mr. Agar passed out early. By eleven o’clock David was out. Natalie came over to him, “Aren’t you enjoying yourself?” Lamont answered, “Oh hell yes.” “Be a pal and go get us another drink” she said. She got a little off balanced and would have fallen if Lamont hadn’t caught her. He led her to a chair and helped her sit down. Lamont asked, “Don’t you think you’ve had enough for a while?” She looked up at him, “Come on, get me a drink. Don’t act like a big brother. I like you Monty but not as a big brother.” She took his hand, “Let’s dance.”

As they danced, Natalie pressed her body close to his. He could feel the hardness of her breasts against him. He knew if she wasn’t his best friends' sister he would go to bed with her. Natalie looked up at him, “Stay with me the rest of the night.” He smiled down at her, “I plan to honey.” He knew in her condition, and the condition of all the rest of the family, she would get in bed with someone. David took the druggist’s’ daughter to his room and, of course, to bed. Ralph was caught with a banker’s wife and Dora tried to claw her eyes out.

By early morning, everyone was gone. Natalie had passed out on the couch in the den beside Lamont. Della and Porter came into the kitchen. Della began cooking breakfast. Porter said to Lamont, “I think we are the only sober ones left.” Lamont grinned, “Yea, I guess we are.” He looked over at Natalie, “I better carry her upstairs.” Della said, “Come back down, I’ll fix enough breakfast for you. The others won’t be up until this afternoon.” Lamont said, “Thanks, but I think I’ll get a little sleep too.”

He picked Natalie up in his arms and carried her up the steps to her room. He laid her on the bed and covered her. Looking down at her he said, “You silly kid.” He quietly closed her door behind him and walked across the hall to his room. He undressed and crawled into bed. He looked out the window, it was getting light. The big house was very quiet.

Lamont was wakened by a tap on his bedroom door. He looked to see if the sheet had his nude body covered then he called out, “Yea?” The door quietly opened. It was Natalie looking all fresh and pretty. She smiled when she looked at him, “You’re gonna sleep your life away. It’s nearly six. Christmas Day is almost over. We’re waiting for you downstairs to open presents.” Lamont, still sleepy, yawned and said, “Go ahead. I’ll be down later.” Natalie said, “Dave won’t open presents until you join us.” Lamont yawned again, “Okay. I’ll be right down.” She asked, “Promise?” “I promise,” he said.

She made no attempt to leave. “Right now!” Lamont grinned as he said, “Well okay, if you say so but I warn you, I don’t have any clothes on.” She teased, “Lamont Ellman, you sleep in the raw?” He looked at her and asked, “What’s wrong with that?” She answered, “Nothing is wrong with it. I was just surprised that you did. I’ll wait outside in the hall for you.”

She was sitting on the top step smoking a cigarette when he came out of his room. As they walked down the steps together Natalie said, “Della told me you were my guardian angel last night.” At the bottom of the steps, she rose up on her toes and kissed him, “Thanks for taking care of me.”

They all gathered around the tree. They were all sober but their hangovers showed. Dora and Ralph acted as if nothing had happened last night. Lamont was surprised when he opened the package and saw the very expensive watch. He looked at Natalie, she asked, “Do you like it?” He put the watch on his wrist, “Yes, I’ve never owned such an expensive one. You shouldn’t have paid so much.” Their eyes met, she said, “I wanted to get you something real nice.”

Porter and Della gave Lamont a wallet with his name on it. Mr. and Mrs. Agar gave him a one hundred dollar bill. David gave Lamont a gun that he saw and liked once when they were in town. Natalie got many very expensive gifts, but when she opened the small box and saw the tiny necklace shaped like a heart, she got up and went over to Lamont, hugged his neck, and kissed him. She rejoiced, “It’s the most beautiful present I’ve ever had.”

Just as soon as al the presents were opened, David suggested, “Let’s eat.” Dora sighed, “This brother of ours is always hungry.” Mr. Agar asked, “How does the Navy ever get enough for him to eat?” Lamont answered, “I’ll admit it is a problem for them.” Mr. Agar said, “Well, since this is your last dinner here for a while, let’s go enjoy it.”

Everyone started toward the dining room. Natalie grabbed Lamont’s hand and pulled him back, “What did Dad mean, last dinner for a while?” Lamont said, “We have to leave tomorrow.” Natalie looked suddenly sad, “Oh, I didn’t realize it was so soon.”

As they ate, Lamont thanked the family for giving him such a warm welcome and to receive such nice gifts. That night was a quiet evening. The only one since Lamont had been there. Natalie was very, very quiet. She listened to the others talk. She couldn’t keep her eyes off Lamont. Suddenly she knew. She was more than interested in him. He was so different from anyone she knew and he was the most handsome man she had ever known.

Natalie woke early. All she could think of was Lamont. She thought, “Could I be in love with him?” She put her hand to the locket he gave her. Again she thought, he must like me. He didn’t have to give me a locket and he didn’t have to watch over me Christmas Eve like a mother hen. No, he certainly didn’t have to do that. Now he was leaving. Would she ever see him again? Would he ever come back here? She lay back on her bed thinking of how utterly handsome he was. Golden blond hair, sky blue eyes, tall, and nicely built. He was actually beautiful, yet rugged and tough. He really cared about people. What more could a woman want in a man? Tears came to her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She whispered to herself, “Oh God, please let Monty be in love with me. Let me be the girl of his dreams.”

She got off her bed and put on her negligee. She quietly opened her door. There was no sound anywhere in the house. It was still very early and even Della and Porter were still asleep. She looked at the hall clock. It was only four thirty. Lamont and David had to catch the plane at eleven twenty. Mr. Agar insisted that they fly back. That is why they got to stay Christmas day. She knew she had to talk to Lamont. She had to talk to him alone. She had to know how he felt about her. She very quietly opened the door to his bedroom. Then she quietly closed the door behind her. The sheet had only the lower half of his body covered. His broad shoulders and hair chest were visible. She just stood by the door letter her eyes take in this beautiful male. He was like a golden god. She knew she had never wanted a man before, but she wanted him. She wanted him to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her, even make love to her. Lamont must have felt her presence. He opened his eyes. When he saw Natalie he asked, “What in the hell are you doing in here?” She walked over to the bed, “I must talk to you.” He looked at his watch, “At four thirty in the morning?” She felt bad because he seemed angry. She said again, “Please Monty. I must talk to you alone.” He yawned, sat up in bed, and said “Okay, what is so damned important that it can’t wait until later?”

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