Blossoms of Love (6 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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While he was gone Natalie said, “Oh Dave, he’s more handsome than he ever was. When he smiles at me, honest, I just about melt. My heart tries to run away.” David looked at his sister, “Honey don’t you go falling in love with him. He’s the best friend I ever had but Monty can hurt you because he’s not ready to be serious and won’t be for a long time.” Natalie looked at her brother, “I already have Dave. I’ve fallen so hard no one else interests me in the least bit.” David gave a long sigh, “I’m sorry for you honey. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be real happy if the two of you could hit it off, but Monty isn’t interested in one person. He’s playing the field. Monty loves ‘em and leaves ‘em.” Natalie knew her brother was telling the truth. She said, “Well, I’ll just have to wait and see. I have no choice Dave. I love him and I can’t help it.”

Lamont came back with the presents. There was a black lace head scarf from Spain and a Japanese music box. She smiled, “Oh Monty, I love both of them. Thank you so much for thinking of me.” Then she put her arms around his neck and kissed him.” Lamont teased, “That’s quiet a thank you.” Her eyes met his and she said, “You have made me very happy.” David asked Lamont, “Want a drink? It’s nearly two hours before dinner.” Lamont answered, “Yes, I’ll take a gin.” As David mixed the drinks Lamont said, “At home the evening meal is called supper. I can’t get use to you saying dinner.” Natalie asked, “What is dinner to you?” Lamont explained, “Dinner is what you call lunch.” Natalie said, “Your country is so different from ours.” David said, “It sure is. Montana is a very beautiful state.” They sipped on their drinks and listened to Lamont talk about the ranch and his family. They finished their drinks and Lamont said, “I think I’ll go take a shower before dinner.” David said, “I’ll go up with you. I want to change clothes. You know Mother. She’d have a fit if I came to the table with jeans and a tee-shirt.” Natalie said, “You two go get pretty. I’ll see you later.”

As the two men went upstairs, David said, “Nat sure has changed hasn’t she?” Lamont agreed, “Yea, it’s hard to believe anyone could change so much in such a short time.” When they got upstairs David said, “Monty, Nat is really in love with you.” Lamont sighed, “She can’t be. I’ve never even had a date with her. Anyway that was last year.” David disagreed, “Not it’s now. I’m telling you this so you won’t let her get hurt too much.” Lamont said, “Look Dave, I’ve done nothing to make her think I care for her more than a friend. I don’t know what else to do except ignore her and I don’t want to treat her that way.” While Lamont showered, he decided to have a talk with Natalie. Somehow he had to make her believe she was just a friend and nothing more.

After dinner he asked her to take a walk with him. She was more than glad to. They walked along the circled driveway. Lamont began, “I asked you to take this walk with me to explain about you and me. You’ve got to realize that I don’t love you Nat. I don’t want to hurt you but you’ve just got to realize there can’t be anything between us.” Natalie said, “There could be if you would let it happen. I know you like me and I believe you could fall in love with me if you’d let yourself.” Lamont gave a sigh of defeat, “I’m sorry I can’t make you see that there can never be anything serious between us.” Natalie asked, “Can we always be good friends?” He answered, “Of course we will be good friends. I want you to think about our talk.”

When they got back to the house, Natalie went to her room. She wanted to cry. She fell across the bed and thought about everything Lamont had said. She knew he was being honest with her and she was hurt. But he does like her. Maybe if she will just give him time he’ll fall in love with her. She had to hang onto that thread of hope.

The rest of the time they were there Lamont was very careful not to be alone with her. Lamont was glad when she had to go back to college.

The eight months passed slowly for David. When the time came, Lamont re-enlisted. He and David had a night out on the town and said goodbye. David took over his father’s job. Mr. Agar was very happy. Natalie started her second year in school. Once in a while, David would get a postcard from Lamont.

After spending a few months in London, Lamont was promoted to a higher rank. Two years later, he got another promotion. In November, David got another card from Lamont. The first one in eight months. He told Natalie and his parents, “I got a card from Monty today.” Natalie asked, “How is he and where is he?” David answered, “The card was mailed from the canal zone. He’s a big officer now. I’d sure like to see him. You know it’s been nearly three years.” Mr. Agar asked, “Has it been that long?” Natalie said, “Yes, it seems longer to me.”

In June, the Agar family went to the state college to see Natalie graduate. They had been gone about thirty minutes when a tall, blond Navy officer knocked on the door. When Porter opened the door, he surprisingly said, “Monty, how nice. Come on in son.” When Lamont stepped inside Porter yelled, “Della, Della come here. Monty has come to see us.”

Della came into the room holding her arms out to Lamont, “Monty, I’m so glad to see you.” He put his arms around her chubby body and squeezed her hard, “Hello Della, the woman of my life.” Porter laughed, “You haven't changed a bit Monty.” Della said, “He’s just as mean as he ever was.” Then she laughed. Porter said, “We were just fixing to eat. Won’t you joint us?” Della replied, “Sure he will. I never saw Monty when he wasn’t hungry.” Lamont asked as he walked to the kitchen with them, “Where’s Dave?” Della answered, “They left just a few minutes ago to see Natalie graduate.” Lamont looked surprised, “You mean she is graduating already?” Della said, “You’ve been gone three years you know.” Lamont ran his fingers through his hair, “Damn, it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. What time is graduation?” Porter looked at his watch, “In about three hours.” Lamont said, “Maybe I better go see Nat graduate. She’d never forgive me if I didn’t go.” Della agreed, “You’re right Monty.”

Porter told Lamont how to get there then he added, “You can take Dave’s car. It’s in the garage. It will take you a little over two hours to make the drive.” Lamont looked at Della, “I’ll have some of that fried chicken when I get back.”

The graduation exercises had just started when Lamont got there. He didn’t try to find the Agars, there were too many people. He found a seat near the rear. The graduating class was very large. He saw Natalie sitting on the front row. The exercises lasted nearly two hours.

Finally, when it was over the families gathered around congratulating the pupils. Lamont made his way through the crowd. Natalie didn’t see him until a voice asked, “Is there room for an old friend?” Natalie threw her arms around him and he held her to him. This time he didn’t kiss her on the cheek, but on the mouth. Even though it wasn’t a long kiss, Natalie was over joyed. She said softly, “Oh Monty, Monty.” David said, “Hello there buddy.” Lamont grinned as he and David embraced, “Hi pal.” Mr. and Mrs. Agar were happy to see Lamont.

As they all talked, Natalie didn’t listen to anyone. All she could think of was how utterly handsome Lamont was and he really did kiss her. Mr. Agar asked Natalie, “We are going now, do you want to go back with us?” Natalie was still day dreaming and didn’t hear her father. Lamont snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, “Hey kitten, come alive.” She laughed, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Mrs. Agar asked, “Are you going back home with us?” Natalie looked at Lamont, “Can I ride back with you?” Lamont answered, “Sure if Dave doesn’t mind. I stole his car.” David teased, “Now that’s a real pal. I’m going back with Mother and Dad. See you two at home.”

As they walked toward the car, Natalie hung onto Lamont’s arm. Twice they were stopped by Natalie’s classmates and she proudly introduced Lamont to them. She could the girls admiring his handsomeness. When they were in the car Natalie said, “Monty you don’t know how happy you’ve made me.” Lamont smiled, “Well now, I couldn’t miss this event could I?’ She scooted closer to him, “Tell me what you’ve been doing and the places you’ve been for the last three years.” Lamont laughed, “Do you really want to hear about my adventures?” Natalie answered, “Of course I do. I’m interested in everything that concerns you.” He began, “Okay, first I’ll tell you about London . . .”

As he talked, she only half listened but she made him think she was very interested. She just wanted to hear him talk, his voice, and his laughter. When he finished she said, “You could have written to me.” Lamont said, “Honey I don’t like to write. It’s all I can do to write to Mom once in a while. When I send money home, I wire it.” Natalie said, “Alright, I forgive you but you did write to Dave.” Lamont laughed, “It was only a postcard.” Natalie turned the radio on and found some soft, romantic music. She laid her head on his shoulder as they rode down the highway. “Monty are you going to stay long?” He answered, “I’m afraid not this time. I’ll just be here three days.” Natalie was so disappointed, “Oh Monty! Three days is such a short time.” Lamont said, “I’ve got to go see my family this time. It will be a long time before I’m back in the states.” She asked, “Where are you going?” He answered with gladness in his voice, “I’ll be stationed in Japan. I’m glad. I like it there.” She laid her head on his shoulder again and they rode several miles saying nothing. Then Lamont surprised Natalie when he asked, “Would you like to go to a nice, quiet restaurant to eat, maybe drink a little and dance? It will be my graduation present to you.” Natalie answered right away, “I’d love to Monty. There’s a real nice place just three miles from our house. I think you’ll like it.” Lamont said, “Okay, that’s where we’ll go. You better call home when we get there and tell them we’ll be late.” She smiled, “Good idea. You know Monty, we’ve known each other for four years and this is the first time you’ve asked me for a date.” He said, “Like I said, this is your graduation gift not a date.” She kissed him on the cheek, “The best present I’ll get.”

As they came near the restaurant Natalie said as she pointed to her left, “There it is.” Lamont parked the car in the parking lot belonging to the restaurant. Natalie was right. It was a quiet place and very romantic. They got a table by the huge window. Even though it was dusky dark, the view was beautiful overlooking the ocean. They ordered steak and wine. Lamont remarked, “This is a nice place. I like it because it’s quiet.” Natalie beamed, “Oh Monty I love it here too.” He grinned, “You love everything don’t you?” She looked straight into his eyes, “Correction. I like most everything but I love only you.” He ignored what she said and poured the wine. The steak was very good and so was the wine. They danced until midnight. Lamont stopped drinking wine and started on gin. Natalie noticed he was getting high. She suggested, “It’s getting late, I think we better go.” Lamont agreed, “Sure honey, anytime you want.”

As they walked towards the car Lamont suggested, “Maybe you’d better drive. I’m not exactly sober.” He put his arm around her. As she drove she talked about what a good time they had. When he didn’t say anything she looked over and saw he was asleep. She sighed and said to herself, “Monty Monty. If only there was some way I could make you want me. Love me”

She parked the car under the carport. She shook him, “Monty we’re home.” He sleepily got out of the car. The house was quiet. As he stepped up on the first step, he stumbled and almost fell. Natalie giggled, “Maybe I better help you upstairs.” He gave her a silly grin, put his arm around her, and with a wobble made it to the top. Lamont began to laugh. Natalie asked, “What’s so funny?” Lamont said, “Us. If I’d started to fall do you think you could have stopped me?” She giggled, “No I guess we’d have both gone down.” They stopped in front of her bedroom door. She slowly put her arms around his neck, “I’ve had a marvelous time Monty.” His eyes met hers. He kissed her on the forehead, “You’re great fun kiddo.” He winked at her, turned, and went across the hall to his room. Inside of her bedroom she screamed silently, “I’m not a kid Monty. I’m a woman.”

The next day David, a girl named Sharon whom he was dating regularly, and Lamont and Natalie went swimming. No one was at home so they had the pool to themselves. David and Lamont clowned around all afternoon. David jumped off the highest diving board and held his arms out like he was a bird flying. Sharon was a lot of fun. Natalie liked her very much. She and Natalie laughed at David and Lamont until their jaws hurt. The Lamont went to the kitchen and brought out beer on a tray wearing only his swimming trunks, a scarf around his neck, sun glasses, and a black derby hat that was too small for his head. They all got a big laugh out of seeing him. He grinned, “Beer is served.” Natalie laughed, “Where in the hell did you find that hat?” Lamont answered, “In the hall on the hat rack.” Natalie slipped her arm around his waist, “Darling you look simply gorgeous.” She held the chain that he had around his neck in her hand. The chain had a small coin on it. Natalie asked, “You wear this all the time. What’s it for?” Lamont replied, “My Mom gave it to me when I went into the Navy. She said it is a good luck coin, so I wear it all the time.” He looked over at Sharon who was kissing David over and over. Sharon was cut but nothing compared to Natalie in a bathing suit. Natalie had a perfect figure. Lamont nodded towards them, “Would that be catching by any chance?” Natalie looked back at Lamont, “Yes it is.” Lamont’s arms tightened around her, “Well, make me know it sugar.” Natalie kissed him on the cheek, “How’s that?” Lamont complained, “You can do better than that.” Natalie smiled, “Oh yes I can.” She pulled his head down and put her mouth on his. At first it was just a long, tender kiss, but suddenly it developed into a wild passion that made both their bodies quiver with desire. Lamont let her go. He went over and got a can of beer without saying a word. Natalie followed him. She sat down on one of the beach chairs. Lamont looked down at her, “That was some kiss kitten.” She blushed, “I didn’t mean for it to turn out that way.” David yelled, “Hey you two, where are we going tonight?” Natalie answered, “Let’s go somewhere real classy.” David frowned, “You mean formal?” Sharon said, “Yea let’s do. I’ve got a new formal I’ve just been dying to wear.” Natalie said, “I like Monty in his white Navy uniform.” Lamont complained, “It’s too damn hot to wear dress clothes.” David agreed with Lamont, “He’s right Nat.” Natalie begged, “Oh come on. This is your last night here. You have to leave tomorrow night.” David asked Lamont, “Shall we give in to these two lovely ladies?” Lamont drank the rest of his beer, “Okay.” He looked at Natalie, “If you only knew how I’m sacrificing for you. I hate whites and a tie. They choke the hell out of me.” Natalie said, “But darling, you’re so very beautiful.” He laughed, “Men aren’t beautiful, women are.” Natalie said, “You are.” David laughed, “Come on beautiful, let’s get this place cleaned up so we can get ready for tonight.” Lamont shoved him in the pool.

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