Blue (21 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“Prom is here!” Justin shouted once Meganlynn had gotten up.

“And your point is?”

“Get into your dress, we’re going to get ready for the prom.”

“Oh! So exciting!” she yelled sarcastically. She got up and got the long, blue dress on. Her dress was floor length. The top fit perfectly to her form with fake diamonds and pearls around the top and then glistening back down once again. Then, the skirt flailed out giving the perfect image of a total princess. It curved around her on the floor just as a wedding dress would. The top of the dress was covered in sparkles that glistened in the light. Then the top was also lined with glistening fake diamonds and pearls at the top. The skirt was also covered in sparkles, and the bottom was also lined with fake diamonds and pearls.

“Were you being nominated for prom queen, Meganlynn?” Blue asked her as they were walking out the door of the hotel room with the packages of things.

“Actually, yes, I was going to be prom queen.”

“Good for you, I guess, but you are not going to be prom queen with those ugly looks.”

“Maybe looks don’t matter to them, and they will just choose the nicest person that they know, which is still me.”

“Still, they won’t be able to stand to look at you, let alone vote for you for prom queen.”

“I don’t care anymore; I just want to see Johnny and the rest of my friends one last time so I can say good-bye to them.”

“Your friends, you may say good-be to, but not Johnny. He is way too dangerous.”

“For you he is, but for me, he is my knight in shining armor.”

“Yeah? Well hopefully you won’t be able to see him ever again.”

“What if I do?”

“Dark room, no one will be around to hear you scream nor will they be able to rescue you.”

“Fine, have it your own way.”

“I will. You’re such a dumb blonde.”

“I’ll miss you so much once you’re in Hell.”

“I hope you do because you are turning your back on the best thing that will ever happen to you.”

“Either way, I don’t care. There is no—”

“Oh just shut up. I really don’t care what in the world that you believe in as a matter of fact.”

“Fine,” they were in the car and into the salon.
e, don’t believe; se
e where it gets you.

Her hair was finally done, and it was time for them to start heading for the prom. Thankfully, Meganlynn knew where the prom was being held, or they never would have gotten there. It took them at least three hours before they actually got there. Meganlynn was very excited once they were there. Blue and Justin helped her out of the car.

“Thank you,” she said as she grabbed her handbag out of the back seat.

“You’re welcome,” Blue answered back, holding out his arm for her to hold onto. Meganlynn did not even notice what he was doing, she just walked away so she could get into the prom sooner. She walked up to the entrance and walked in. Blue and Justin followed somewhat closely behind her.

As soon as Meganlynn stepped through the door into the prom, she walked as far away from the door and into the lights that she possibly could. She was hoping that if she could stay in the lights, then maybe she would be able to lose Justin and Blue quicker.

She looked around frantically, she had no idea where she was or where she was going to end up. The girls were all in ball gowns, and the guys were all tuxes that matched their date’s dresses. Girls and guys were holding each other close on the dance floor while some guys were there, standing around like wallflowers. Meganlynn looked toward the entrance from the dance floor and saw Blue and Justin just coming in. She needed to find Johnny more than ever now, she really did not have a choice. She looked through the crowd to see if she could at least see Johnny.

Will he even notice me now since I’m
so ugly? Wonder whe
re the bathroom is?
Well, if worse comes
to worst I can alwa
ys wait until one of
my friends comes in
here and tell them
to get Johnny to com
e in here. I wonder
if that will work?
she thought as she walked around the room. Meganlynn went throughout the room again trying to find Johnny.

Johnny finally got to the prom in just enough time to see Meganlynn going from the car into the prom itself. He followed her in. As she walked around the floor, he followed her trying to get her farther and farther away from the people. Finally, she went into the girls’ bathroom. Must be she was trying to fix her makeup, or she was trying to get away from Justin and Blue. His hunch was on the second reason. He followed her in. He knew that he was not allowed in the girls’ bathroom, but he really did not have another way to get her out of the bathroom.

He walked in, and he looked for her. She finally caught his eye when he saw her waiting for the bathroom to empty. He saw that she was even more beautiful than he could remember. It seemed as though she glowed with beauty.

“Meganlynn?” he asked walking up behind her.

“Yes?” she asked. He could tell from her voice alone that she was crying.

“Do you even know who I am?”

“Not just by your voice.” There was a silence that no one was there to break for Meganlynn and Johnny. “If you’re Justin or Blue, I have another hour and a half before I even have to think about the two of you so just go away.”

“I would hope that I am not anything like Justin or Blue. I would hope that I traveled a long way for a good reason.”

“Where did you come from, because if you see me then you will realize that your long trip to see me was never even worth the time of day.”

“Maybe not, but I still traveled all the way from Arizona to see you.”

“Still.” She stepped out from behind the wall. Johnny’s jaw dropped from his mouth enough that she could see. “I must look hideous to you; I wish that I didn’t.” Her voice was cold and lonely.

“You don’t, why do you keep on thinking that you do?”

“Because they had that warlock cast a spell on me.”

“Okay, do I have to smack the Christian back into you?”

“No. I don’t know what’s come over me, Johnny, I just believe it, I guess.”

“Stop, or else, I will smack the Christian back into you.”

“Yeah, I guess you would.”

“It’s good to see you again.”

“You too. Just wish I was prettier than this.”

“Then let the Lord have you see what I see.” They walked over to the mirror and stood in front of it.

“What am I looking at?”

“What do you see?”

“I see a beautiful girl in the mirror.”

“That’s what I see.”


“Really. Now let’s get you over somewhere besides here. You deserve to be somewhere other than the bathroom on the night that you’re about to be named prom queen.”

“Fine, let’s go back out there, but you can’t leave my side. You have to protect me. You have to stand by me, or else, Blue and Justin will take me.”

“Yes. Now let’s go out there.”

“Okay.” They went back to the party. Once they got back to the party, they were getting ready to announce the prom queen and prom king.

“And the prom queen is,” the announcer said as she stood in front of the microphone. “Is, Meganlynn VanDeritie!” The whole room clapped for her as Johnny walked her up to the stage. He could not let her out of his sight. “The prom king is…Justin Morgan!” They placed the crowns on top of Justin’s and Meganlynn’s heads. The prom king and queen were not expected to dance with one another, but they were expected to like each other in at least a friendly way. Meganlynn ran down to Johnny, and then, they left.

Blue and Justin were right behind them, trying everything in order to catch them. The only person that they really wanted was Meganlynn. They could not care less about Johnny. For all they knew, that was the person that they were supposed to kill. The pieces were all falling into place. Johnny and Meganlynn both knew that they needed the police station and that was all. After they found that, then Meganlynn would be safe and nothing else would be needed. The police would provide protection and Johnny could be with her no matter what.

“Where’s the police station?” Meganlynn breathed as they ran from the prom sight.

“Just down the road from here,” Johnny answered, keeping an eye out for Justin and Blue. He knew that they were following. He heard their car engine coming up from behind them. “Over there, in those bushes! Hurry!” Meganlynn dove into the bush, and Johnny dove in right on top of her.

“What happened?” Meganlynn asked, taking her shoes off. There was not any reason for her to make more noise than she should, and her feet were hurting her from all of the running that she had just done.

“Blue and Justin are right behind us, shh.” Meganlynn and Johnny were then in complete silence. Meganlynn was panicking from being in the bushes, just praying that Blue would not find her and take her again.

Slowly, but carefully, Justin and Blue walked past them. They kept very quiet and Johnny picked up one of the high heeled shoes that Meganlynn had just taken off. They walked past the two of them not even thinking about where they were going.

Meganlynn and Johnny started back down the street for the police station. They turned the block and Meganlynn was grabbed and pulled almost out of sight.

“Ah!” she screamed as Justin and Blue pulled her waist further and further toward them.

“No!” Johnny yelled back, looking to see that Blue and Justin had taken her back the same way that they had just come from. Meganlynn finally broke free from their grasps.

“Johnny, run!” she screamed as she was running back toward the way that the police station was.

“Megan!” he yelled, grabbing her hand and running back the other way as did Meganlynn.

Finally, the police station was in sight. Meganlynn and Johnny were about to walk up to the stairs when Blue and Justin stepped out in front of them.

He grabbed the high heeled shoe from his pocket that he had been carrying from the bushes and held it in his hands.

“What in the world can you possibly do with a high heeled shoe?” Blue laughed.

“A lot more than you ever will.” Meganlynn was behind Johnny’s back in order to keep her from danger.

Meganlynn and Justin slipped past them and ran for the front desk.

“Yes?” she asked as she saw that Meganlynn and Justin were in a huge hurry.

“I have found a missing person and there is a terrible threat placed on her life.”

“That may be, but still you’re still going to have to see the sergeant about a matter this important. Now, you can see Officer Whimby later. Um…does eight-thirty sound okay for you?”

“No, right now sounds okay for us. She’s in the missing persons reporting office. Her parents need to be notified that she has been found.”

“Oh, well then why did you say that this was an important matter?”

“Because it is.” Meganlynn then turned around to see Blue and Justin walking through the double doors that the police station had.

“Um, Johnny,” she said quietly.

“What?” he asked her, looking down at her.

“Look.” She pointed at Justin and Blue who were now at least fifty feet away from her by now.

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